The Indian World of George Washington

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The Indian World of George Washington Page 87

by Colin G. Calloway

  Anglo-French rivalry and, 65, 72, 144, 152, 161

  Anishinaabeg and, 72

  Beaujeu and, 110

  Braddock and, 108

  British and, 237–38, 405

  Catawbas and, 143

  Cherokees and, 143, 153

  Delawares and, 56, 60–61, 114, 117–18

  Fort Necessity defeat and, 99

  Great Law of Peace of, 399–400

  history of, 30

  Indian land and, 99

  Indian unity and, 318

  W. Johnson and, 100

  Jumonville deserter, 510n29

  land sales by chiefs of, 564n19

  Logstown negotiations and, 56–57

  migrations and mixing of peoples and, 44, 51

  Mississippi Land Company settlements and, 179

  New York and, 301–4, 407

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 416, 440–41

  Ohio Company and, 48

  Ohio country and, 50, 51–53

  Ohio Indians and, 58

  Ohio Valley defense and, 81

  peace versus war and, 300–301

  Pennsylvania and, 52, 440, 504n17

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 1, 398–99, 406, 407–8, 418

  Proctor and, 404

  reservations and, 488

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 246–59

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 negotiations and (1768), 188–89

  Sandusky conference and, 420

  Senecas and, 413

  Shawnees and, 84, 117–18

  southern Indians and, 86

  Tanaghrisson and, 64, 84, 91–92, 97

  Tanaghrisson’s war and, 86, 94

  Teedyuscung and, 144, 156

  “Town Destroyer” and, 69–70, 256–57

  Treaty of Easton (1758) and, 155, 156–57

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 49, 54

  Tuscaroras and, 130

  US Constitution and, 321–22

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 20, 29–31, 33–34

  Virginia war with Shawnees (1774) and, 208

  wampum received by, 131

  Washington and, 98, 196, 238, 244, 398, 489

  Winchester and, 115

  irregular warfare. See Indian ways of fighting

  Irvine, William, 275, 276, 277, 362

  Iskagua. See Bloody Fellow (Cherokee)


  Jackson, Andrew, 329, 475

  Jackson, James, 354, 374

  James River, 22, 25

  Jay Treaty (1794), 444–45

  Jean Baptist. See Ogaghsagighte (Kahnawake Mohawk)

  Jefferson, Peter, 49, 58

  Jefferson, Thomas. See also US Declaration of Independence on American liberty, 288–89

  British and, 566n58

  Cherokees and, 430

  “civilization” and, 485

  corn and, 236

  Creek-Chickasaw relations and, 429

  Dinsmoor and, 467

  DuCoigne and, 414

  on federal authority versus states’, 557n90

  Federal Indian policies and, 323–24, 329–30

  Hamilton and, 3

  Hammond and, 410, 411

  Indian culture and, 9

  Indian land acquisitions and, 184, 191

  Indian policies of, 485

  Jay Treaty and, 445

  Little Turtle and, 461

  murder of Indians reported by, 208

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 386

  Ostenaco and, 128

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 1, 2, 418

  Potomac River and, 298

  Shawnees and, 273

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 392

  on Tennessee River expedition, 246

  Treaty of New York and, 367, 369

  US Army and, 385

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 19

  westward expansion and, 308

  yellow fever and, 2

  Jemison, Mary, 118–19, 256, 456

  Jenkins, William, 67

  Jennings, Francis, 59, 73, 162

  Jerry. See Skowonidous

  Jeskakake (Déjiquéqué) (Cayuga), 72, 73

  Johnny. See Gahickdodon (Seneca)

  Johnson, Guy, 208, 217, 565n36

  Johnson, John, 238–39

  Johnson, Joseph (Mohegan), 175, 242

  Johnson, Mary or Molly (Brant), 408

  Johnson, Susanna, 514n74

  Johnson, William on boundaries, 5

  death of, 208

  on Fort Pitt, 161

  on French and Indians, 107

  Guyasuta and, 207

  Indian ways and, 149

  Iroquois and, 100, 153

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 185

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 negotiations and (1768), 188–89

  settlement restriction and, 180

  “Suffering Traders” and, 194

  as superintendent in North, 136

  Treaty of Easton (1758) and, 155

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768), 189

  on Washington, 95

  Johonerissa. See Tanaghrisson (Seneca)

  Joncaire, Philippe-Thomas Chabert de (French-Seneca), 56–57, 71, 73–74, 75, 78

  Joseph (Moravian), 277

  Judd’s Friend. See Ostenaco (Cherokee)

  Jumonville, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, sieur de, 87, 88, 89–90, 94, 95, 98, 114, 167, 510n29


  Kaghswaghtaniunt. See Belt of Wampum (Seneca)

  Kahnawake, 413, 490–91

  Kahnawakes (Caughnawagas) (Caughnuagas) (Cognaawagas), 215, 222–25, 239, 371, 535n16. See also Vincent, John

  Kanaghorait. See White Mingo (Seneca)

  Kanaghquaesa. See Conoghquieson (Oneida)

  Kanagita. See Little Turkey (Cherokee)

  Kanawha River and valley as boundary, 189, 193, 209

  A. Lewis and, 127, 210

  petroglyphs, 9

  Virginia land grants and, 47

  Virginia war with Shawnees and, 210

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 192, 195, 196–99, 200, 202–3, 205, 449, 450, 478–79, 480

  Kaninguen, Dennis, 510n29

  Kanitta. See Little Turkey (Cherokee)

  Kanonwalohale, 258, 304

  Kanuksusy (Canachquasy) (Cassiowea) (Newcastle) (Fairfax) (Seneca), 7, 79–80, 92, 108, 144, 512n26

  Karontowanen. See Big Tree (Seneca)

  Kaskaskias, 1, 414, 459. See also DuCoigne, Jean Baptiste

  Kayashuta (Kayasota). See Guyasuta (Allegheny Seneca)

  Kayenquarachton (Kayinguaraghtoh). See Sayengeraghta (Seneca)

  Kayenthwahkeh. See Cornplanter (Allegheny Seneca)

  Kaylelamund (John Killbuck) (Gelemend ) (Delaware), 263

  Keehteetah (Keenettehet) (Kenotetah) (Rising Fawn) (Cherokee), 338

  Keekyuscung (Ketiuscund) (Delaware), 153, 173

  Keenaguna (Lying Fawn) (Cherokee), 430

  Keenettehet. See Keehteetah (Cherokee)

  “Keeps Them Awake.” See Red Jacket (Seneca)

  Keetakeuskah. See Kithagusta (Cherokee)

  Kekionga, 380, 382, 384, 386, 439

  Kennedy, Quentin, 165

  Kennedy, Roger, 198

  Kenny, James, 155, 175

  Kenotetah. See Keehteetah (Cherokee)

  Kentucky boundaries and, 193

  Cherokees and, 430

  DuCoigne on, 415

  Indian raids and, 328

  landless settlers and, 297

  map, 39m

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 382, 385, 387, 389, 391

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 246, 278

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 183

  separatism and, 299

  settlers and, 268, 297

  Shawnees and, 265

  Spain and, 434

  Treaty of Greenville and, 447

  Treaty of Hard Labor and, 189

  Treaty of Paris and, 178

  Vandalia and, 194

  Virginia and, 212, 262, 285, 299

ker and, 49

  Washington and, 204

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 449, 480

  Wayne and, 436

  white population of, 194, 262

  Kentucky bluegrass, 11

  Kentucky River, 193

  Keowee, 134, 140. See also Ostenaco (Cherokee); Wawhatchee

  Kerelrec, Louis Billouart, chevalier de, 127

  Ketagusta. See Kithagusta (Cherokee)

  Ketiuscund (Keekyuscung) (Delaware), 153, 173

  Kiandochgowa. See Big Tree (Seneca)

  Kickapoos, 51, 436, 459. See also Northwestern Confederacy war

  Killbuck, John (Gelemend) (Kaylelamund) (Delaware), 263, 267, 268–69, 270, 274, 312

  Killbuck, John, Jr. (Delaware), 269, 342

  Killbuck, Thomas (Delaware), 269, 342

  Kingfisher. See Chutloh (Cherokee)

  King George’s War, 52

  King Hagler. See Hagler (Catawba)

  “kings,” 60

  Ki-on-twog-ky. See Cornplanter (Allegheny Seneca)

  Kirkland, Samuel, 3, 240–41, 242, 248, 258, 303, 343, 401, 406, 407, 408, 409, 414

  Kispoko division of Shawnees, 51, 207

  Kithagusta (Kitegisky) (Ketagusta) (Keetakeuskah) (the Prince) (Cherokee), 423

  Kittanning, 51

  Knight, John, 276, 277

  Knollenberg, Bernhard, 203

  Knox, Henry Brant and, 409, 416

  Cherokees and, 424–25, 429–30

  chiefs and, 427

  “civilization” and, 464

  Cornplanter and, 402–3, 403–4

  Creeks and, 356–57, 363, 376, 429, 432, 557n90

  diplomacy and, 424

  employing Indians against Indians and, 429–30

  Federal Indian policies and, 340

  final report of, 452

  Indian lives and, 9, 452–53, 456, 464

  Indian policies and, 9, 323–24, 328, 329–32, 334, 340, 394

  on Indians, 2

  Indian sovereignty and, 484

  on Kunoskeskie, 423

  law of nations and, 484

  McGillivray and, 348, 356, 366, 373, 375, 436

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 414

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 382, 383, 385–86, 388, 389, 392, 394–95, 412

  on one Nation, 303

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 1, 2, 405, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418

  Pickering and, 408

  Piominko and, 426, 427

  portrait of, pl 7

  Sandusky conference and, 42, 418, 420

  southern Indians and, 356, 358–59, 363, 366, 367, 369, 374–75, 376, 422

  St. Clair and, 383–84, 395

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 394

  teaching agricultural skills and, 404

  treaties and, 338, 358, 359, 368, 369, 371, 372, 373

  treaties versus wars and, 316, 327, 328, 333–34, 378

  Treaty of New York and, 369, 371, 375

  on US armed forces, 335

  US Army and, 335, 394, 433, 553n60

  war versus peace and, 452

  Wayne and, 421, 435, 436, 437, 452

  westward expansion and, 333, 486

  Koonay (Mingo), 208

  Koquethagechton. See White Eyes (Delaware)

  Kunoskeskie. See Watts, John (Chickamauga Cherokee)

  Kuskuski, 51, 132, 154, 160


  Lafayette, marquis de, 243, 246, 304, 311–312, 406. See also Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784)

  La Galissonière, comte de, 49

  Lake Champlain, 102, 139

  Lakotas, 41

  land. See Indian land

  land companies, 191. See also Ohio Company of Virginia and other land companies; speculators

  land grants and land bounties. See also right of preemption; Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) and other treaties boundaries and, 292

  Continental Congress and, 283, 308

  Cornplanter and, 404

  Crawford and, 187

  Croghan and, 58

  federal authority versus states’ and, 365–66, 415

  Indian resistance to, 283

  land rushes and, 283

  Ohio Company of Virginia and, 47–49, 54, 174, 315

  Pennsylvania and, 103, 185, 404

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 181, 191, 206

  surveyors and, 36–37

  veterans and, 83, 181, 192–93, 195, 292, 314, 350

  Virginia and, 20, 26, 31, 34, 212, 307

  Washington and, 292

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 171–72, 174, 179, 184, 185, 191–93, 195, 199–206, 211, 294, 400

  westward expansion and, 99, 181–84, 308

  land patents, 202

  land prices, 184, 315, 433, 446, 447, 449, 478, 580n46

  land rushes, 283, 295, 308

  land warrants, 350

  Langlade, Charles-Michel Mouet de, 61

  La Salle, sieur de, René-Robert Cavelier, 74

  Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 96

  law of nations, 325, 326, 484, 491

  Law of Nations, The (Vattel), 325, 551n16

  League of the Iroquois, The (L. H. Morgan), 489

  Lear, Tobias, 342–43, 370, 392, 393, 567n89

  Lee, Arthur, 184, 191, 293. See also Treaty of Fort McIntosh (1785); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784)

  Lee, Charles, 8, 498n30

  Lee, Richard, 25

  Lee, Thomas, 34, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54

  Lee brothers, 178

  Lee family, 34–35, 47

  Legardeur de Repentigny, Pierre (“Reparti”), 76

  Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, Jacques, 75, 76–77, 80–81

  Lengel, Edward, 87, 166, 217, 480

  Leninger, Barbara, 119

  Leutze, Emanuel, 14

  Lewis, Andrew, 92, 115, 126–27, 134, 156, 162, 174, 176, 189, 193, 210, 261, 267, 268

  Lewis, Thomas, 192, 267, 268, 297

  Lichtenau, 267

  Lignery, François-Marie Le Marchand de, 157, 158

  Lincoln, Benjamin, 360, 362, 418, 420

  Linklater, Andro, 36

  Little Carpenter. See Attakullakulla (Cherokee)

  Little Miami River, 449, 450

  Little Turkey (Kanitta) (Kanagita) (Cherokee), 428, 466. See also Treaty of Tellico (1798)

  Little Turtle (Mishikinaakwa) (Miami), 7, 381, 382f, 383, 391, 437, 443, 459, 460, 461

  Livingston, John, 304

  Livingston leasing scheme, 402

  Logan, Benjamin, 311

  Logan, James, 29

  Logan, John (Tachnechdorus) (Mingo), 207–8, 209

  Logstown (Ohio country), 53, 54, 55, 56–57, 58–61, 63, 68–70. See also Treaty of Logstown (1752)

  Lomax, Lunford, 58

  Longhouse religion, 489

  long knives, 30

  Loudon, Earl of (John Campbell), 132–33, 139, 140

  Louis (King of France), 91

  Louisiana, 49, 127. See also Hector, Francisco Luis; New Orleans

  Louisiana Territory, 485

  Lower Cherokees, 165, 233

  Lower Creeks, 21m, 346–47, 373, 376, 471–72, 474, 554n1

  Lower Town Cherokees, 134

  Loyal Land Company, 49, 191, 193

  Lydius, Henry, 99

  Lying Fawn. See Keenaguna (Cherokee)

  Lyttelton, William Henry, 129, 165


  Mackay, James, 92, 95

  Maclay, William, 336, 358–59, 359–60, 385

  Maclean, Allan, 281, 408

  MacQuire, John, 67

  Mad Dog. See Efau Hadjo (Creek)

  Madison, James, 257, 298, 302, 303, 322, 324, 336–37, 355, 445, 551n22

  Maghinga Keesoch (Great Moon), 507n14. See also Brodhead, Daniel

  Mahicans, 51, 220, 274, 413, 416. See also Aupaumut, Hendrick

  Malgue, Pierre Paul de la (sieur de Marin), 61, 63, 64, 65, 68–69, 75

  Maliseets, 21m, 228, 231. See also Treaty of Watertown (1776)
r />   Mankiller of Keowee. See Ostenaco (Cherokee)

  Mannahoacs, 19

  Mansfield, Chief Justice Lord, 201

  Marchand, Sehoy (Creek), 347

  Marchand de Lignery, François-Marie Le, 116

  Martin, Alexander, 299

  Martin, Joel, 469

  Martin, Joseph, 337

  Maryland. See also Fort Frederick; Treaty of Lancaster (1744) Braddock and, 108–9

  Fort Duquesne and, 85

  Indian lands and, 194

  Indian raids and, 120

  Indians and, 30, 34, 143, 366

  national debt and, 336

  national unity and, 290, 307–18

  Ohio Company and, 47

  Virginia and, 24, 29

  wampum and, 100

  Mascoutens, 1, 51, 414

  Mason, George, 25, 183, 213

  Massachusetts, 564n19. See also Shirley, William and other Massachusettians Indians and, 227–28, 228–31

  national debt and, 336

  New York and, 301

  Stockbridges’ land and, 221

  Mattaponis, 19, 25

  Matthews, John Joseph, 111

  Maumaltee (Delaware), 176–77

  Maumee River villages, 380, 439. See also Fort Defiance; Fort Miamis

  McCarty, Daniel, 478

  McClure, David, 195, 197

  McCullough, David, 343

  McDonald, John, 425

  McGillivray, Alexander (Creek). See also Rock Landing meeting; Treaty of Galphinton (1785); Treaty of New York (1790) background of, 347–48

  confederacy and, 346–47, 350

  Creek army of, 347

  Creeks and, 353

  death of, 376

  Knox and, 348, 356, 366, 373, 375, 436

  Piominko and, 306

  Spain and, 306, 348–50, 349m, 351–52, 352–53, 354–55, 355–56, 363, 364–65, 374, 375

  speculators and, 364

  Washington and, 7, 355, 363–69, 365–66, 375

  Willett and, 435

  McGillivray, Lachlan, 347

  McGillivray, William (Coahama) (Red Coat) (Chickasaw), 431

  McHenry, James, 244, 460, 466

  McIntosh, Lachlan, 248, 266, 267, 268, 269–70, 271, 353, 434

  McIntosh’s expedition (1778), 268

  McKee, Alexander, 196–99, 208, 390, 418, 420, 439

  McLoughlin, William, 462

  Measuring America (Linklater), 36

  medals, 331–32, 332f, 408, 414, 415, 426, 443–44, 489–90, 569n24

  medicinal plants, indigenous, 499n40

  Meherrins, 130

  Meinig, D. W., 447, 487

  Mekoche division of Shawnees, 51, 310, 459. See also Cornstalk

  Melonthe. See Moluntha (Mekoche Shawnee)

  Memeskia (Old Briton) (Piankashaw), 61, 435

  “Memoranda on Indian Affairs” (Washington), 363


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