
Home > Romance > Baby > Page 15
Baby Page 15

by Sapphire Knight

  Viking continues. “Torch,” he grunts. “That brother’s name tells all. Blaze, well, let’s just say my club has a thing for fire and sharp objects as well as our fists. I’m not getting in your shit, but don’t show up at my club, stirring the pot with the veteran members. Trust me when I say these fuckers are just as crazy as your ass is, or even more so.” he finishes, then tucks Princess under his arm and walks toward the bar, Odin hot on their heels.

  Sinner’s brow rises, waiting for Mercenary to make the next move.

  “Don’t take too long you two,” he mutters. “’Cause she’s just my type.” He flicks one last glance at me from top to bottom and then follows Viking to the bar to get that beer he spoke of.

  Sinner meets Saint’s serious gaze and grumbles under his breath, just loud enough for me to make out his threat. “And you have a fuckin’ death wish if you think I’m going to let you have her.”

  “He’s perfect,” I murmur, garnering Sinner’s attention.

  “You can’t sacrifice a brother, Saint.”

  “The hell I can’t. He fucks up, I’ll bleed him dry.” The words leave me on a deadly promise; Jude’s stunned expression, shaking me from my thoughts. I press another kiss to her forehead, making her blink. “I won’t hurt you, baby girl,” I vow, tugging her to my chest and wrap my arms around her tightly.

  “I know,” she mumbles into my shirt. “But I don’t want you to hurt him either.” With her admission, I thrust her back, so I can take in her face.

  “Why? You want him? Think hard, baby, before you answer; there will be consequences.”

  Sinner huffs my name and a curse. He gets a glare from me and then I’m waiting for her to respond. The last thing I can handle is her wanting someone besides Sinner and me. I’ll share with him, but no one else.

  “No,, of course not!” she stammers. “I said that because I don’t want you hurting anyone.”

  Sinner tucks her into his arms next. “You should tell her about your heritage, Saint.”

  “No.” That’s the worst idea. She’d hate me in a heartbeat, and whatever headway we’ve achieved would be gone immediately.

  “She needs to understand you; it’s the only way.”

  “Not happening.”

  “How do you expect her to appreciate and trust you if you’re not straight with her about why you are the way you are?”

  “I’m not ready to go there, to see her look at me like I’m some kind of freak or monster. Just…no.”

  I already have a bad habit of scaring her; I highly doubt she’d fully understand the meaning behind my family’s traditions.

  “Fine, but you’re going to have to open up at some point.”

  She turns in his arms to face him. “Please stop speaking about me as if I’m not here. And tell me what? I won’t judge anyone.”

  “I know, sweetheart,” he practically purrs and kisses her.

  I don’t know if it’s him agreeing or the fact he has no problem sticking his tongue in her mouth in front of damn near the entire club that irritates me. I wish I could be openly affectionate with him the same way. Instead, I pretty much have to wait until we’re going to fuck to make a move and touch him how I want to.

  “You couldn’t handle it, baby,” I mutter, giving her a dose of truth, even if it does sound a bit rude.

  She wrenches away from him to argue, but I cut her off, taking her mouth with mine. I kiss her roughly, Sinner’s taste on her tongue, spurring me on. Taking it a step further, my hands go under her shirt, one sliding under her ass to lift her on my hips. I kiss her like she’s sin herself, making a statement to the man beside me. I can sample her in front of everyone as well. She belongs to me too.

  “Let’s go to the room, Saint,” he suggests from my left, but I ignore him, kissing her until she’s breathless. “Saint!” he calls, resting his hand on my bicep.

  Jude pants and leans back attempting to catch her breath, her lips puffy and rosy from my scruff, and I finally offer him some attention with a grunt but nothing more.

  “I’m not trying to be a dick, Saint, but everyone’s looking, and I don’t want her uneasy. You saw how she dealt with the attention from Merc just now.”

  “Stop fucking coddling her. She’s not so innocent anymore, brother. We made sure of that.” At that, I carry her over to the bar, laying her on the top.

  “Saint? What are you doing?” She jerks upward to escape, and I lay my hand on her sternum, holding her in place.

  I’m making my point right here in front of everyone. She needs to learn to be comfortable messing around anywhere because that’s how we are in this life when it comes to women. “Stop moving, baby girl. I’m gonna order a drink, and I want you right in front of me, so I have something pretty to look at.”

  Her face warms, flushing a delicious shade of rouge. I don’t know if it’s because the bar’s full and I’m making her ass lay on the countertop like it’s a damn cot, or if it’s from my praise. “So stunning babe. Your blush reminds me of a slice of watermelon. Just want to eat you up,” I murmur, flashing a flirty grin.

  With a flick of my hand, I grab my brother’s attention. “Blaze, let me have a crown and coke and a shot of Ice 101 for my baby here.”

  “Sure, brother.” He swiftly returns with our drinks, and I slam nearly all of mine in one hefty gulp. The ride may have been four hours, but it felt longer. Strange since it’s usually the opposite, but I wanted to be here with her today. Instead, I had to go on a ride to pick up a new ungrateful member.

  “Thirsty?” Jude whispers as she peers at me.

  “You have no idea, baby.” With a devious smirk, I pick up her shot. “Let daddy feed you this shot and make my boring day fade away.”

  Her tongue flicks over her lips, and she nods, eagerly watching the shot glass. “Okay."

  “Good girl, now open wide. I wanna see how much of my cock will fit.” I catch her off guard with my remark causing her to hesitate, her eyes flicking to the brothers around us. She has to move past the gut reaction to give a shit about what anyone may hear or think. She’s not here for any of them; she’s here for Sin and me.

  “Now.” At my command, she listens, opening wide. We catch the attention of a few brothers, but they keep their comments to themselves, aware I’ll flip out on anyone that pushes the wrong button.

  With an amused grin, I take the liquor in my mouth first and then lean over, meeting her lips with my own. Carefully, I open, letting the liquid leave my tongue into her mouth. She swallows, and I follow up, licking and sucking her lips where little droplets tried to leak free. “Mmm, babe.”

  “Holy shit!” she gasps.

  Ice 101 does have a tendency to burn sometimes. I wanted to make sure all her senses got a little attention, plus I wanted to taste the liquor from her lips. Everything from her seems a bit sweeter.

  At that, I flick my gaze in Mercenary’s direction. His eyebrow rises, along with his beer. A silent toast saying he sees me. I don’t fuck around. I may not have my patch on her, but he’s lost his fucking mind if he thinks he stands a chance.

  Sinner jerks a stool over next to mine “Blaze, brother, can I get a vodka and orange juice please.”

  “No problem.” Blaze grabs a clean glass, adding ice and mixing the beverage.

  “Having fun, Jude?” Sin asks, looking her over, and she smiles wide.

  “Yes,” she admits and sits up, her legs dangling in the space between us. She’s adorable.

  “Good.” He tugs her in for another kiss. Part of me wonders if this is turning into a competition of sorts. Or if he’s doing this on purpose to annoy me.

  “Another shot, Blaze. This time give me three Patrons with orange slices.” I wasn’t planning on getting fucked up tonight, but maybe I will after all. If the shoe fits may as well wear the fucker. Besides, Jude’s fun when she unwinds; she laughs at everything, and I love it.

  “Bet.” He sets Sinner’s drink down and snat
ches the short bottle of tequila. Moments later, three full shot glasses are placed down on the bar top in front of us.

  “Baby girl,” I call, shaking her, so she breaks free from the lip lock. Her dazed gaze lands on me, and fuck if she doesn’t look sexy as all hell. “Drink, now.” I point in the direction of the liquor.

  She licks her lips again and picks up the clear glass. Her doing so does nothing but entice me in wanting to lick them as well. Fuck! She has my mind all twisted up.

  “What do you say?” Growling, I grab my shot and scoot Sinner’s over in his direction. It’ll fuck him up; he likes the fruity shit, not hard liquor.

  Sinner’s a freak when he’s had just the right amount of alcohol in his system too. That’s how I got him to cut loose enough to admit he wanted me the very first time we were together. Once he let me touch his cock, I knew he was mine.

  “Okay, daddy,” she replies breathily, enjoying the attention from both of us.

  “Goddamn.” My groin tightens in response. “That makes me wanna fuck you so badly. Now, down the hatch.”

  We throw the shots back and follow them by biting into the oranges. The tang hits my tongue mixing with my frustration toward Sinner. Before he has a chance to move or protest, I clutch the front of his shirt, jerking him to me. Then I plant my lips on his.

  I’ve never kissed him in front of our brothers before. Ever. They speculate, but they’ve never actually seen it. When I touch him, there’s always fire, a feeling no one can match. Until Jude.

  With force he wrenches back, blinking, face full of shock. He scans the other bodies at the bar and is met with knowing grins from our brothers. They talk so much shit about us being together behind closed doors, but we haven’t admitted anything out loud prior. I think he’s been too scared...of what, I have no idea.

  “Oh, fuck it,” he groans a beat later and bends toward me again, securing his lips to mine. His hand grasps my jaw with force, his tongue attempting to punish me as well. I don’t mind it one bit; in fact, I fucking bask in it.

  Standing, I seize his throat in my grip, squeezing until he moans and lets me take control of the kiss. My own tongue’s primed and ready to return what it just received; prepared to reprimand him with my own force. My anger fizzles with each twist and caress from him, the dual of sorts finally offering up something I’ve always craved from him.

  When the kiss eventually slows to a few lax strokes, I break free. I’m left further in love with Sin than I’ve been in the past. He finally pushed past the final barrier between us. And it was more than the mating of lips; it was a statement made loud and clear in front of everyone. He’s mine.

  “Another round,” we rasp in unison, winded from releasing a bit of our pent-up frustration.

  Blaze sets them in front of us moments later, no comment on what he just witnessed. He does, however, wear a pleased grin the entire time. I guess we weren’t fooling any of them.

  “I’ll take one too, Blaze.” The gruff request comes from over my shoulder, the sound unfamiliar, not being from one of the usual brothers.

  Whirling around, I come face-to-face with none other than Mercenary. He’s no longer sitting in his place a few seats over, but here, expecting to join us in shots. I’m not sure that’s the best idea though—tequila and Jude and his comments...I may end up punching him.

  “So, it’s like that, huh?” He probes before I have a chance to issue a warning threat. He flicks his gaze between the three of us as Blaze hands over the extra shot.

  “Sure the fuck is,” Sinner retorts before I reply and Mercenary grins for the first time since we’ve come in contact. It’s not fake either; he’s sincere.

  “’Bout time I got to a club that had some fucking balls. I have nothing but respect for the fact you don’t give two fucks what anyone thinks.” He holds the shot up, and we each lift ours in return, saluting, then drinking the harsh liquor down.

  We place them back on the counter, and he holds his fist out for each of us to fist bump him. “I’m out.” He turns and shouts the same at the other brothers as well and then heads to his new room. A few club sluts anxiously follow along in his wake.

  Jude kisses the tip of my nose. “See, grouch, no need to slice and dice.” She giggles, and I can’t help but chuckle. Baby is feeling the liquor, and it’s cute.

  “Did she really just say that?” Sinner questions with his own smirk present.

  “Maybe she’ll fit in better than I thought,” I reason with a shrug, and he nods.

  “Another round?” Jude suggests, clearly enjoying the Patron and we agree.

  This time she orders us shots along with requesting a margarita for herself. We have Princess to thank for that, I’m guessing. Not that I mind. Jude’s too hard on herself for being young. I want her to relax and have some fun.

  “You’re going to need that drink; I’ve got plans.”

  At my promise, she giggles again. “And just what are these plans? Will you both be naked? Will I be spanked when I call you daddy this time around?”

  Odin snorts from beside Sinner, hearing her. He’s been around Viking’s ol’ lady too much.

  Ignoring him, I kiss her forehead and sit back on my stool. Turning to Sin, I ask, “You gonna’ be naked Sinner?”

  He rolls his eyes, not responding to me and throws back the latest shot. He may not be ready to admit that much outright, but he’ll get there. It took nineteen years for that kiss; I’m not afraid to wait a little longer for him to stop holding back on the rest.

  “Yep, he’ll be naked and so will you.” I wink, finishing my drink before I cart them off for some playtime.

  There’s a boisterous knock, waking me way too early once again. “Sinner?” An agitated voice calls after me, and I have to untangle my limbs from Jude and Saint. We sleep like a tumbleweed, all intertwined. It’s been just like this over the past week too.

  “Yeah, just a sec,” I holler, my voice laced with fatigue from a night full of crazy sex with Saint and Jude. They never seem to have enough, going until the hours close to dawn.

  Jude stirs. “Everything okay?”

  Placing a peck on her forehead, I mutter against her skin, “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. It’s fine.” I cover her and then swing my legs over the side of the bed to answer the door.


  The Prez grunts in reply, his gaze flicking over my naked body. I hold up a finger and backtrack.

  Yanking on a pair of Saint’s pajama bottoms, I shuffle to the hall and close the door behind me. “Better?”

  “Yep. Saint in there with you?”

  “He’s passed the hell out. What’s up?”

  “Sheriff came a knockin’ at my house this morning.”

  My brows shoot up.

  “Turns out a Lamborghini was stolen, and someone reported a man looking like Saint driving it.”

  “Fuck.” My hand rakes through my short, dark hair. “I don’t know who the fuck would do that. Saint hasn’t left my sight, and we were on the run yesterday so it couldn’t have been him.”

  “Thought so. Just found it kinda ironic since he jacked that car last week, and the police are just now showing up.”

  “Was it local or someone from Jude’s town?”

  “Didn’t say, but it may be time for you to decide what you’re gonna do with your newest play toy.”

  “It’s not like that with her. You know that. I wouldn’t have been riding up to see her whenever I could if it wasn’t more.”

  “Thought so. That’s why you need to have a chat with her and your boy. Find out if the bitch has anyone that’d be looking for her. She got any family?”

  I nearly choked on the question, shaking my head.

  “Oh, right. Good thing the cops weren’t at my door because of that.”

  “No shit,” I agree, and he sighs.

  “You two going to shack up with her permanently or what?”

  Shrugging, I run my hand dow
n my face. It’s too early to think about this shit. I want to.

  “Figure it out; I don’t like the police showing up at my house first thing.”

  “I will, Prez.”

  “And the chick’s mom?”

  “Will never be found,” I promise, and I mean it. Not even by Jude.

  Saint pulls up next to me, killing the engine of his bike. “Where the hell are we?” He squints against the bright sunlight, looking all around, taking in the heavy brush and trees in a random spot along the highway.

  “We’re close to Jude’s trailer.” I’m surprised he didn’t catch on to that already. Although he was in a car last time, so maybe that’s why it looks a bit different.

  “Why are we here?”

  “I need your help with something,” I reply ominously, toeing the kickstand down. I climb from my bike and take off in a quick stride.

  “Jesus man, wait a sec,” he huffs, copying me. We walk for about five minutes as I retrace my steps before he interrupts again. “The fuck, Sin? You want to share with me what’s going on?”

  “You said you didn’t want me to lie to you or omit shit anymore, right?” I stammer, buying myself more time before I have to bite the bullet and have the serious conversation with him. One that I know will most likely piss him off by bringing up a past fight.

  “Shit, what now?” he groans, placing his hands on his hips as ideas already start to run through his mind. I can only imagine what he’s thinking after the recent events.

  I halt at a specific, strange shaped rock, staring down at it and tune him out momentarily.

  “What, brother?” He follows my gaze, seeing nothing but regular scatterings of yellow-green grass, packed dirt, and some random rocks. It’s nothing special to the untrained eye, and that’s one reason why I’m so good at what I do.

  Wiping the sweat from my brow, I mutter, “I need you to do something for me, Saint.”

  “All right, but you have to stop being so evasive about it.”

  Gesturing to the peculiar rock, I kick an X in the dirt with my heavy leather boot. “I have to destroy evidence.” My eyes flick up to meet his confused stare and give him the final bit of information I’d been holding out on. “This is her mom.”


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