Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)

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Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Page 18

by Alexander, Maria K.

  Edward watched as Charles picked up a half of the bagel and took a small bite. “Are you all right?”

  “I have to be, now don’t I?”

  “Maybe in front of Meghan you do, but it’s just you and me now. You don’t have to be fine.”

  Charles rubbed his face and eyes. “I was terrified. I didn’t know what to think or what to hope for. I want those two baby girls, but not at the expense of my wife. I started thinking what would happen if I had to choose between Meghan and the girls.”

  “You don’t have to,” Edward was quick to add.

  “I know, but at the time my mind was thinking all sorts of crazy scenarios. I almost lost Meghan once and I thought I’d never be happy again. Getting her back and having our children growing inside her has changed my entire outlook. Losing any part of that would be like cutting out a piece of my heart.”

  Edward placed a hand over his brothers. “You have to believe they’ll all be fine.”

  Charles nodded and took another bite of bagel.

  “What can I do? Do you want me to stay here with Meghan so you can go home and get some rest? You look bloody awful.”

  “No, I can’t leave her.”

  “Fine. I’ll bring you a change of clothes,” Edward said, looking at the wrinkled and unevenly buttoned shirt his brother was wearing.

  “You look rather disheveled yourself.” He pointed at Edward’s shirt. “Looks like you’re missing some studs. I suppose that means you and Kate had a fulfilling evening?”


  “I’m glad. Thanks for coming. I’m sorry to pull you away from Kate.”

  “It’s fine. Don’t be worried about leaning on me or asking me for help.”

  “I may take you up on that. I need to discuss this with Meghan, but I may either start working less hours or working a little from the house, that way I can be close to her.”

  “Makes sense. What about travel?”

  “We should look at the schedule over the next few months and see if either you or someone else can cover. I don’t want to thrust all this on you.”

  “It’s no bother. I can help in whatever way you and Meghan think will work best.”

  Charles nodded. “I know I can count on you. I may not have told you, but I’m impressed with everything you’ve done since moving here. We never would have acquired all those clients in the past month if it hadn’t been for you.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  Charles winced. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Edward struggled to find the right words. “I know I haven’t always acted responsibly, lived up to the Weston name and all that.”

  “That’s not true,” Charles interrupted. “You’ve accomplished a lot. Christ, you overcame cancer and are an integral contributor to the success of our business. Not to mention that you successfully ran the entire London office for five years.”

  “True, but there were plenty of times when I wasn’t there for you, when I allowed you to cover my ass. I’m trying to return the favor.”

  “It’s not like there’s a score card.”

  While Charles never complained about being the one to shoulder all the responsibility during their youth, there were many times Edward had seen disappointment in his twin’s eyes. And that bothered him. Unfortunately, it hadn’t bothered him enough to do anything until recently.

  Edward picked at the napkin he held. “Up until now, you’ve mostly supported me. Now it’s my turn to let you focus on your family.”

  “I appreciate that, truly. But I don’t want you to think I hold your past transgressions against you.”

  “Maybe I hold them against myself,” Edward replied.

  “Then you need to let them go, as I have. It’s in the past. Today is all that matters now. Do you think I haven’t noticed how much you’ve changed over the past couple years? Don’t change for me or anyone. You need to be the person you want to be.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  “And does that involve a future with Kate?”

  “If by future you mean tomorrow, then yes. I’m not sure beyond that.”

  With all the women Edward had dated, he couldn’t recall ever having a serious relationship with any of them. He didn’t know how things would evolve with Kate. For now, she seemed just as comfortable keeping things between them casual, and that suited him just fine.


  “So how are you really feeling?” Kate asked, settling onto the edge of Meghan’s bed.

  “I’m doing better. I wouldn’t exaggerate about that. But it was really scary. When I saw blood all I could think about was Karen and her two miscarriages.”

  Kate recalled her own episode of spotting when she had been pregnant with Tony, and how terrified she’d been. And after losing her second child, she could appreciate the panic her friend must have been going through.

  Kate grasped Meghan’s hand. “But you’re five months pregnant, much further along than Karen was when she lost her babies.”

  “I know. I finally started to feel I’d entered a safe zone and even started planning the nursery.”

  “Your doctor will give you any special instructions to follow,” Kyle added. “You need to prepare yourself for him to want you to be on bed rest for a while.”

  Meghan’s eyes widened. “Oh, I hope not. I have too many things to do. Christmas is next week and I haven’t finished shopping.”

  “All of which can get done from your bed using your laptop and something called the Internet,” Kyle said.

  “The office is closed until the beginning of the year, so I can run out and get anything you can’t or don’t want to get online. You need to put your health, and that of the babies, first,” Kate said.

  “And that goes for baking as well. We can do without all the Christmas cookies for one year,” Kyle added.

  Meghan put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, fine. Those are all good ideas, but I want to hear what the doctor says first. Something tells me Charles is going to be hovering over me more than usual, too.”

  “There are worse things in life than having your handsome husband hovering over you,” Kate said.

  “Speaking of handsome men, we need to discuss last night,” Meghan said to Kate.

  Kyle rose. “That’s my cue to go get a cup of coffee. Can I get you something, Kate?”

  “Sure, I’ll take a cup. One sugar and two creamers.”

  “What happened at the party last night?” Meghan asked after Kyle left the room. “From what I could see on the other side of the dance floor, it looked like you and Edward were arguing and then you both were gone.”

  “Edward suggested he move in until this business with Sal is resolved and I completely flipped out on him.”

  “That’s actually not such a bad idea.”

  “Great, not you, too?”

  “Well, you have to admit it makes sense. You live across the hall from each other. And now that you’ve slept together, do you really think you’re going to be spending the nights alone?”

  Memories of the last twenty-four hours came back to Kate, and her pulse increased with the thought of making love to Edward on a consistent basis.

  “Probably not, but that’s not the point. I don’t need someone to take care of me.”

  “I’m sure he knows that. But if it makes him feel better, and you get fantastic sex out of it, does it really matter?”

  Kate hated when her friend was logical.

  She pushed her hair out of her face. “No, I guess it doesn’t at this point.”

  “Tell me the rest.”

  “After he dragged me off the dance floor, I apologized for being a bitch and told him that I wanted him. We spent the night in one of the hotel rooms.”

  “How romantic.”

  “It was more hot and sweaty. I swear I don’t think we got more than a few hours of sleep.”

  “So was this just a one-night thing or are you together now?”

  “We didn’t talk about it.
I guess I’ll find out tonight. I don’t get the sense from him that this was a one-night fling.” And if she was honest with herself, she didn’t want it to be, either.

  “Are you okay with that?”

  Kate considered her question. “I can’t pretend I don’t want him, but I’m not ready to define our relationship. I’m perfectly happy taking baby steps.”

  Besides, she now had to consider Lucas. She needed to find a way to tell Edward about the adoption in a way that wouldn’t completely alter his attitude toward her. But until she knew whether or not there would be any issues around adopting as a single parent, she didn’t want to say anything—even to her family. She also wanted to give whatever Edward and she had started some time. Maybe after a few weeks, they’d deplete their passion and be done with each other. Then, it wouldn’t matter if she adopted Lucas. Should their relationship continue to stay hot, she’d have to confide in him. But until then, she planned to keep her plans private and hoped he would understand.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kate’s arms were weighed down by a variety of shopping bags. With only a week before Christmas, she had a lot to accomplish. Meghan was home from the hospital but on bed rest for the next week, so Kate promised to help get her friend organized for the holiday.

  She unlocked the street door and hefted the packages into the entranceway. Where was one of her nosy neighbors when she needed them now? Even Edward hadn’t returned from his own errands, although he’d texted her earlier that he would pick up Chinese food on his way back. Hopefully that would be soon because shopping made her ravenous and lack of food made her grouchy.

  She adjusted the bags in her hands and walked off the elevator toward her apartment. She could barely see over her head and fumbled for the keys that had once again made their way to the bottom of her purse.

  She set the bags on the floor outside her apartment and jumped when her front door creaked open a crack. What the hell? She had just heard from Edward and knew he wouldn’t be back for at least fifteen minutes. A chill of apprehension slivered down her spine. Using the toe of her shoe, she pushed the door fully open. The cushions from her sofa were in disarray as well as most of the furniture. She hesitated for only a moment before reaching into her purse for her pepper spray and cell phone, and slowly making her way into the apartment.

  After first checking behind the door and inside the coat closet, she continued on, noting the contents of her bookcase had been overturned. In the kitchen, plants were smashed and dirt scattered across the counter and floor.

  If the intruder was still present, he or she would most certainly hear the pounding of her heart, she feared, as she approached the bedroom. But she didn’t let that stop her.

  Kate suppressed a gasp as she took in the sight before her. The dresser drawers lie overturned, clothes littering the floor. The word “whore” was spray painted on the wall above the headboard of the bed. Her pillows were ripped apart and the stuffing littered the carpet. Dead roses, thorns and all, were scattered over her comforter, which had been torn with something sharp.

  But the worst part that made her feel sick to her stomach, were the pictures strewn over the bed. Pictures of her getting into a cab, in church, at the cemetery, with Lucas. There were even images of her and Edward walking into the C&E holiday party and a close up of him kissing her on the sidewalk yesterday.

  Kate bit back the panic and moved on to the closet. She wiped a clammy hand on her pants before gripping the pepper spray more tightly. Taking a deep breath, she yanked the closet door open. Empty.

  That only left the bathroom.

  She inched her way across the floor, stepping over the clothes. The bathroom light was on. Cosmetics and bath products were strewn over the room. Goosebumps ran along her arms at the sight of what the sick bastard wrote on the mirror. “You’re mine,” it read, removing any doubt that this was a random break-in.

  Needing to call the police, she reached for her cell phone but found her arms grasped. Her moves were instinctive, and she stepped on her assailant’s foot. With a quick turn, she broke free from his hold and using all her strength, shoved him against the bathroom door.

  “Kate, it’s me,” Edward said with a strained voice.

  Relief spread throughout her body and she released her grasp.

  “You almost got this in the face,” she said, holding up the pepper spray.

  “What in the bloody hell is going on and why are you in here?” he all but raged, grasping her arms again.

  “I need to call the police,” Kate replied.

  “I’ve taken care of that. Answer my question.”

  Kate could see the fury in his eyes and wondered if it would have been easier to face whoever Sal hired to trash her place than deal with her lover.

  “I came back from shopping and saw my door partially open and the inside wrecked,” Kate explained.

  “So you decided that rather than calling the authorities you’d play investigator?”

  She tried, without success, to shake herself free from his grasp. “Damned straight. I grabbed my pepper spray and came in.”

  “What if someone was still in here? Did you think about that?”

  She had, if only briefly.

  “I’m not helpless, Edward. I can take care of myself.”

  “Really? What if the sick bastard had a gun? Then what, Kate?”

  She started to fire back a retort, but stopped. “Okay, fine. I didn’t think. I shouldn’t have come in. But, Edward, did you see what he did?”

  “Yes, and it makes me sick. You could have been hurt, you stubborn woman.”

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry.”

  She expected him to chastise her more. Instead, she found herself pulled against his chest and didn’t know which, but one or both of them trembled. The realization of what had been done to her home—and possibly could have been done to her—hit her. Tired of being strong, she let out a cry and hugged him fiercely.

  He pulled back and swept the back of his hand along her cheek. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Physically, yes. But you saw my bedroom. I’m mad as hell.”

  “Ms. DiFrancesco,” a voice called from behind them, causing them both to jump.

  Two uniformed officers emerged, guns drawn.

  “We were hoping not to see you so soon,” the older one said.

  “That makes two of us, Officer McCabe,” Kate replied, remembering him from the day she received the dead flowers.

  “The apartment is empty,” McCabe said. “Was anyone here when you entered?”

  “No. And I didn’t touch anything,” Kate replied.

  “My partner, Officer Murphy, is calling a team in. Why don’t you and your boyfriend wait in the hall, miss.”

  Edward put his arm around her shoulder and led her into the bedroom. She paused at the bed, glancing down again at the pictures.

  “He’s been following you, and I take it he’s pretty pissed now that we’re together.” He pointed to the picture of the two of them kissing outside the apartment. An X had been drawn through the picture.

  “I need to call my brother,” Kate said.

  She dialed his number when they reached the hall.

  “Hey, Nick.”

  “Hey yourself, runt. What’s up?” Nick replied.

  She braced herself for her brother’s reaction. “Sal broke in and trashed my apartment.”

  “What! Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. The police are here now.”

  “What the fuck is going on? Did the cops find anything?” Nick said.

  “Not yet. They’re waiting for a team to come out to dust for prints and stuff. My place is a mess. Sal was very pissed.”

  “You don’t know that it was Sal,” Nick said, but Kate could tell by the way he hesitated before answering he didn’t believe that for a minute. She thought back to the dead roses on the bed.

  “There may not be proof but we both know who’s responsible.”

bsp; She heard him sigh and could picture him pacing. Nick thought best while in motion.

  “My shift is almost over. I’m going to touch base with Sal’s parole officer and then I’m going to head out to see you. Is Edward with you?”

  “Yes, he’s here.” She reached out her hand and clasped Edward’s clammy one. “And from the look on his face, you don’t need to worry about me being left alone.”


  The police dusted Kate’s place for prints and took the bedding to search it for fibers, but she didn’t think they would find anything. Sal wasn’t some amateur criminal; he knew how to get away with a crime.

  It was almost midnight before they were settled in Edward’s apartment. Nick did a sweep of Edward’s place before her brother would allow either of them to enter.

  After a long shower, she slipped into a black nightgown she’d bought that day, a good thing considering all her lingerie had been pawed through or ruined. She didn’t think she’d be able to wear any of it again.

  Edward walked into the room as she finished brushing her hair. His eyes swept down her body, clearly appreciative of the way the sheer material hugged her breasts and stopped just south of decent.

  “Are the cops still over with Nick at my place?” she asked.

  “They just left. I offered up my couch for him to sleep tonight, but he insisted on staying at your flat.”

  “So, we’re all alone, then?” She smiled and curled a finger to draw him near.

  “Completely alone.”

  He moved in front of her and ran a lazy hand down her sides, pausing to graze the points of her nipples that protruded under the fabric. He leaned down and brushed a light kiss over her lips, tempting but not yet claiming. The tension of the day faded as she melted into him.

  He pulled away. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Why don’t you warm up the bed?” With a wink and a whisper of a kiss, he went into the bathroom.

  Aroused and now frustrated, she groaned and pulled down the covers to the bed. The style of the room suited him with its dark furniture and tan comforter. There weren’t many photos of people, but there were several pictures of places she assumed he’d visited arranged on the walls.


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