Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)

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Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Page 19

by Alexander, Maria K.

She turned when the bedroom door opened a little while later. The towel from his shower hung sexily low over his hips. Her gaze caught his and held as he made his way across the room toward the bed.

  Kneeling on the mattress in front of him, she ran her hands up his chest. She felt him tremble when she ran her fingertips along a nipple, making it peak.

  There were things she wanted to say to him but now wasn’t the time. Not when heated desire filled his eyes, triggering the dampness between her thighs to increase. She couldn’t get enough of him and needed to be burrowed in his warmth and strength.

  Her hands found their way to his towel and pushed it to the ground. Her gaze slid down his body, appreciating every supple line. Fully aroused, he moved closer until the tip of his penis teased the front of her panties.

  “This looks fantastic on you.” He ran his hands along the edge of the nightie. “It’ll look even better on the floor.”

  “Oh no,” she said when he attempted to slide her panties down. “Not yet.”

  He gave her an amused look and she pulled him onto the bed and his back. She straddled him and ran slow, torturous kisses up his torso. Rather than kiss his mouth, she ventured south again, running her lips along his length but never fully taking him in her mouth. She teased and taunted until she felt the tension in him mount. She ran her tongue along the length of him and took him in deep. His body, still warm from the shower, tasted like the clean-scented soap he used.

  He thrust his hips up. “You drive me crazy when you do that,” he said, his voice husky and breathless.

  She pulled away and gazed at him. “I’m glad.” Again, she went down long and deep, smiling when a desperate moan escaped his lips. “Not yet, my sweet.” She swept the scrap of silk over her head.

  The intensity of his blue-gray eyes deepened along with his control, and she found herself flipped onto her back. He crushed her body and mouth to him. Like a man who’d fasted for a month, he feasted on her body. No part went untouched by his mouth or hands.

  She barely had time to recover from the first orgasm before she found herself gasping at the next, this one brought on by his mouth. A wildfire spread through her and she rolled on top of him, equally untamed as he. She eased herself over him until he was buried deep inside her. Their breathing raspy, she rode him hard and when she began to come, he sat up, leaned his forehead against hers, and moaned against her mouth, hurtling over the edge with her.

  Exhausted and sated, she curled into his arms, enjoying the security she felt there. “Thanks for not saying I told you so.”

  “About what?”

  “About being right that it’s not safe for me at my apartment. I guess now I’m forced to stay with you.”

  He cupped her butt and pulled her closer. “Like you wouldn’t be regardless of what happened today?”

  “It’s one thing to be together because it’s what we both want as opposed to being forced out of my own home. It bothers me that he was there, going through my stuff.”

  He stiffened. “It bothers me knowing that as well and that he’s been following you, taking pictures.”

  “When I think of the people he’s seen me with…” She paused, thinking of not only Edward, but of Lucas and her family. She fought back a shudder. “You all could be in danger because of me.”

  He turned so they faced each other. “Because of him, not you.” He traced a hand along her face. “I was terrified when I saw the state of your apartment. I thought he’d gotten to you, hurt you…”

  His eyes slid away, but not before she saw the depth of caring on his face. She could feel him trying to control his emotions. If she didn’t know better, she’d think it was love that she saw in his eyes. The thought warmed yet scared her. She refused to allow her mind to go there now.

  She lifted his face until their eyes met. “He didn’t get to me and I’m fine. He wants to scare me.”

  “This isn’t a game to him. What happens when scaring you isn’t enough? What’s he capable of doing then?”

  Kate didn’t know and wouldn’t have dared voice the thoughts that sprang into her mind. She hoped and prayed Nick and the police would be able to learn something that would put Sal away forever. She would not allow the sick bastard to get to her or her family and would do everything in her power to keep them safe.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kate fastened the ribbon on the final package and sighed. After what seemed like days, she’d finally finished wrapping all the Christmas presents. It took forever given that there were her gifts plus those from Meghan and Charles. Between the break-in at her place and Meghan’s pregnancy scare, she and Edward had temporarily moved into his brother’s house—at least through the holidays. Charles had sophisticated security plus it allowed her to be more of a help to Meghan. Right now, she wouldn’t have to trek all these gifts across town. She would put them under the tree.

  She looked at Lucas’s pile and smiled. Although she gave him some small and practical gifts at the orphanage Christmas party, she’d wanted to get him some things just from her, including a stocking with his name embroidered at the top.

  Earlier that day she’d spoken with Father Dominic regarding the adoption. The papers were filled out, but they decided to wait for the home visit given the recent break-in at her apartment. Hopefully, things would settle down in a few weeks and there wouldn’t be an issue, but Kate didn’t want to take a chance.

  The adoption made her think of Edward and a frown crossed her face. She didn’t know how he would react when learning about the adoption, but she needed to tell him soon—before the few people who knew accidently slipped with the news. There was also the matter of telling her family. She pretty much figured her mother wouldn’t be surprised, and knew she could count on the support from the rest of her family.

  Then there was her apartment. She needed to start looking for a larger place to live, a place with two bedrooms. She had a call out to her current landlord to keep her informed of any vacancies, but she really wanted to live in a nicer neighborhood with better schools. That meant higher rent. Even with her decent salary, she’d have to factor in after-school care, doctor’s visits, and all the other responsibilities that came with being a parent.

  She finished storing the wrapping paper and gathered the trash. Maybe she’d ask Meghan if she would help do some web searching with her.

  Kate wandered downstairs and called out for her friend when she heard a noise by the front door, but rather, saw Edward in the foyer, his arms full of packages.

  “If you’re looking for Meghan, Charles just took her out. He said something about a horse and carriage ride in the park and then dinner.”

  “Okay. I’ll catch up with her later.” She glanced down at the store logos on the bags. “Been shopping? Do you have anything in there for me?” she asked with a playful smile.

  He pulled the bags out of her reach. “No peeking. Otherwise you won’t be surprised Christmas morning.”

  “Bah, humbug. Can you at least tell me if it’s in a large or small box?”

  “No, and stay out while I put these away.” He wandered off to the bedroom.

  She watched his sexy form retreat. Maybe now was a good time to broach the subject of Lucas. Who was she kidding? There would never be a good time to have this discussion. She needed to bite the bullet and just tell him—despite how much she kept avoiding the confrontation. She tried to formulate how best to explain it, but for once words failed her. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear Edward return to the room until she felt his hands slide around her waist and his lips on her neck.

  “I have a couple of surprises for you right now,” he said.

  She turned and clasped her arms around his neck, thoughts of admitting her plans to adopt Lucas pushed to the back of her mind. “Is it one of those naked, let’s have sex all evening kind of surprises?”

  He pulled her close and let his lips linger over hers. “We’ll save that for later. This is something else entirely. Are you game?”
  “What is it?”

  “You’ll have to trust me.” His eyes gleamed with the mischievous he was known for. “Come, let’s go.”

  After grabbing their coats, he led her outside and into the parking garage down the street.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, automatically heading toward the passenger side of his car.

  He tugged on her arm and turned her toward the driver’s side. “Wherever you want,” he replied and dropped the keys in her hands.

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “Edward…I can’t. You know this.”

  He clasped his hands over hers. “I know you need to get over this fear and there is only one way that’s going to happen.”

  She shook her head and tried to pull her hands free, to no avail. “I told you. I’ve tried this before with disastrous results. The last thing we need is for me to have a panic attack while driving down Forty-Second Street.”

  He opened the door. “I’ll be here to help you through it. Besides, everyone here drives erratically. You’ll fit right in no matter how you do.”

  “And what makes you think you’ll be any more successful than the others?”

  He cupped a hand under her chin. “Because I can use my mouth and hands to relax you where as the others couldn’t.” After a heart stopping kiss, he gave her a gentle push into the car and shut the door.

  Guess he had a point since he managed to maneuver her into the driver’s seat.

  She sat staring at the keys, lecturing herself on all the reasons why she needed to do this.

  “This is not a good idea,” she said in a quiet voice.

  Edward covered a hand with his and turned her head to face him. “We can neck a little first if it will help relax you.” His voice teased, but his eyes were serious as they bored into hers.

  “Will I be able to convince you that this is a bad idea?”

  He shook his head.

  “You are the most stubborn man.”

  He gave her a cocky smile. “Like you should talk.”

  She hated it when he was right. Her hands shook as she started the engine.

  “You’d better be prepared to buy me a glass of wine when we’re through.” And drive home, she thought.

  She fastened her seatbelt and checked the mirrors three times before she felt brave enough to back out of the parking spot. She hit the gas too hard at first, causing the car to lurch back.

  “Dammit.” She slammed on the brakes. “Sorry.”

  “Easy, luv. You’re fine.” He gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

  She started again and backed out of the spot. It took her a little bit, but she eased the car out of the garage and into the flow of traffic. She drove slower than the norm for city traffic, but she didn’t care.

  After driving a couple blocks without any incident, they approached a red light. Tight fingers gripped the steering wheel as she braked. The light turned green and just as she started to press the accelerator, the car behind her beeped with impatience, causing her to jolt.

  She could hear him crying from the back seat. She glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw her sweet Tony buckled in his car seat, crying for her to stop the car.

  Although as she knew it was only a memory, she saw and heard her son as clearly as though it were happening.

  “Stop car, Mommy,” Tony sobbed.

  She wanted to comfort him, but couldn’t risk pulling over. If she did, Mario would catch up to them, and she was too afraid what he would do if that happened. No, she needed to keep going and try to get to her parents’ house. They would help her.

  “Soon, my baby. Mommy won’t let anything happen to you. Don’t worry, sweetie.”

  Tears filled her eyes but she didn’t swipe at them for fear of letting go of the steering wheel. She pressed the accelerator and the car propelled forward. Her breathing increased and she fought to focus on the road, on getting to safety.

  That conversation had taken place minutes before the crash. All she could think of—even all these years later—is how she didn’t keep her promise to her son. How she couldn’t protect him when he needed her most.

  Suddenly, she became aware of being shaken and a voice telling her to pull over. She snapped out of her daze and realized Edward had spoken.

  “There’s a spot up ahead. Pull into it,” he said.

  He helped guide the car into the space, which by some miracle she didn’t have to parallel park to get into, and put the car into park.

  Shaky hands still gripped the steering wheel and she fought not to hyperventilate.

  “Talk to me, Kate. Are you all right?” Edward asked.

  She turned and saw his handsome face etched with concern and worry. She wanted to be strong and tell him she was fine but knew it was a lie. Instead she shook her head, fresh tears streaming down her face.

  “You’re safe. I’ve got you,” he said.

  With a quick move, he unbuckled her seatbelt, pulled her to him, and let her sob against his shoulder while he stroked her back. She hated being this vulnerable in front of him. Over the past four years, she’d been successful at ignoring her pain, only giving in to the tears in the privacy of her home. But for some reason, she didn’t feel the need to suppress her grief with Edward. Several minutes passed before she could bring herself to speak.

  “I heard him—Tony. I know it’s not real, but I can see him, hear him cry and call out for me. I feel the same panic I felt that day, the urgency to escape, to get us both to safety.”

  “Was it any less painful than the other times you’ve tried to drive?”

  “Maybe a little. It’s fine at first, just my nerves. But when that car honked, it jolted me back in time and I felt helpless.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You did fantastic. Maybe if we try more frequently, we can chase the ghosts away.”

  They switched places, and Kate rested her eyes as he drove. She hated the struggle to overcome her fear of driving, though it had been easier this time. For the first time in a while, Kate felt the smallest bit of hope she may have a chance at overcoming her demons. And she had Edward to thank for that.


  Kate sat in the front pew of St. Christopher’s, anxiously waiting for Christmas Eve mass to start. She looked at her watch for the fifteenth time that minute, noting it was almost four o’clock and the kids in the children’s choir would start lining in front of the altar any moment now. Lucas would be among those children and she needed to see his face.

  She’d wanted to stop by the orphanage and pick him up, but by the time they loaded up Edward’s car with gifts and maneuvered through the holiday traffic, they just had enough time to change for mass and come directly to church.

  The church decorating committee had outdone itself this year. Red poinsettias framed the altar, while others were scattered around the bases of statues in the old church. The lights had been kept low, and the artificial Christmas trees that stood behind the altar glowed with the sparkle of miniature white lights. Red bows fastened to every other pew added to the festive decorations.

  Beside her, Edward squeezed her tightly clenched hands, sensing her anxiousness. Ever since Sal’s goon broke into her apartment, everywhere she went, she’d looked for signs of Sal or anyone from the DiSilva family. Things had been quiet, almost too quiet. Although she’d explained the situation to Father Dominic and they were keeping a close eye on Lucas at the orphanage, she couldn’t help but worry for the child’s safety.

  Kate straightened in her seat when the children started filing out of the side door and into the church. Since Lucas was one of youngest members of the choir, he stood in the front of the line. The kids wore short white robes with yellow ribbons at the neckline. Lucas searched the crowd until he met her eyes and gave her a nervous smile. She waved and blew him a kiss.

  Mass was beautiful, and Kate felt tears trickle down her face when the children sang. She’d avoided attending this particular mass ever since Tony died, unable to bear
knowing her son would never get to be a part of it. But it wasn’t Tony she thought of tonight as she sat holding Edward’s hand; it was Lucas. She kept her eyes locked on Lucas’s sweet little face and her heart lurched when he gave her a little wave between songs.

  After mass, they returned to the pizzeria for Christmas Eve dinner. Tables had been combined so they all could sit together. They were expecting about fifty people, including Meghan and Charles, plus family of the staff helping out and some extended family of Kate’s.

  It was an Italian tradition in her family to celebrate Christmas Eve dinner with the Feast of the Seven Fishes, also known as Vigilia di Natale, or Vigil of the Nativity. Her mother had practically lived in the kitchen the past few days cooking and preparing for the meal. Vicky had made the bread being passed around and even experimented with some new dessert recipes. Last weekend, her sister forced Kate and Edward to sample her latest creations. And while Kate had been more than happy to be the guinea pig for her sister’s decadent concoctions, it meant she’d had to add another half mile to her regular jogging workout the past week.

  Edward and Kate sat together, along with Meghan and Charles. Lucas sat at the smaller table designated for the younger children of the family. Kate remembered her pleasure when she was old enough and finally allowed to move up to the adult table. Especially since Nick had been promoted up a couple years before and used to tease her for sitting at the “baby table,” as he liked to call it.

  Everyone bowed their heads while her mother led them in a short prayer before the antipasto appetizer was served. Wine flowed in abundance and the conversation level rose while they ate. Kate watched Meghan and Charles, glad to see the tension in their faces from the hospital scare gone.

  Edward’s shoulder bumped hers when he leaned forward to refill their wine glasses. While she watched him pour, it occurred to her that this was the first holiday she’d spent with a significant other since Mario had died. As much as she’d tried to convince herself it didn’t matter whether she was alone the rest of her life, it felt right having Edward next to her.


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