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Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)

Page 7

by Annie Buff

  And that was it. Nico hung up. Vlad was glad to hear he had the forethought to call Zhor. He was just as vicious as Nico. Vlad had only met him once, but it was quite apparent. Zhor commanded respect and he got it, even from Vlad. Now he could rest. He'd put a bed in the hidden passageway so he could sleep and not have his plans interrupted.

  Nico was feeling restless. The sun was starting to set and he was itching to check on his friend. He wasn't sure how she would handle Weres, or any shifters for that matter.

  “Hello Nicodemus, the Princess is fine, we spoke earlier.”

  "I know Zhor. She's just had a lot to handle. The last thing in the world I want to do is put more on her. Did I mention she's pregnant? This has got to be stressing her out."

  "No Nico, you forgot that part. Being with child changes things. I will double my teams. Hybrids are rare and we need all the supernaturals. So when I meet her tonight, I'll bring the pack."

  Nico thanked him and hung up. The sun was almost gone. Time to play. Oh, how Nico loved the chase. He was the king of cat and mouse.

  Lachlan had taken Annalese to Mehmet's garden. She was meeting Zhor, Alpha wolf in Turkey. Lach had never met him, but Nico vouched for his character.

  "Angel are ye sure yer gonna be OK out here by yerself?" He gave her such a sad look, like she didn't need him.

  "Lach, stop with the eyes. You know I need you, but this is your world. You've seen the wolves, I haven't. I need to do this by myself. I need to get tough living in this world; can you understand what I mean?"

  Lachlan gave her a short nod. "Aye Angel, I do. Before I leave ye out here….” his lips crushed against hers, she felt his tongue on her lip; she gladly opened for him. Tongues twirling together. Lach broke the kiss. "Later me angel I have plans for ye!" She smiled at him.

  "OK now shoo! I've got this Lach. Can you trust me on this?"

  He kissed her forehead and left her to sit and wait for Zhor. Annalese loved Mehmet's garden. There were so many plants and night blooming flowers. She was so distracted by all the foliage she didn't hear Zhor.

  "My dear Annalese." The voice flowed like chilled smoke into her ears. She jumped and made a shrieking noise.

  "Oh my, I am sorry." He knelt down on one knee. "I know you do not like it, but you are royalty." He bowed his head. "I am here to keep you safe Princess of Wallachia. I am Zhor, Alpha of Turkey."

  Lese couldn't believe how much he resembled Nico, same eyes, same unruly curls. "It's fine. I need to pay more attention, and for the love of every sacred god, please get up! I swear I'm going to kick ole Dracula right smack in the ass for this Princess crap."

  Zhor gave her the exact same grin as Nico always did. She knew they were related. She could feel it. She held out her hand, but instead of taking it, he embraced her and pecked her cheek, then backed off like he was waiting to be attacked.

  "It's fine. Zhor is an awesome name. So is Nico your brother? I know you're related."

  He gave her a small nod. "Yes we are related but few know. We are cousins. Our mothers were sisters. You are very perceptive."

  "So tell me, is my, uh, security around. I feel so many emotions and I know it's not you. You, I can't read. You're blocking me."

  "Yes they are around, but no fear. They are all here for your protection and that of your baby. Do you know what you are having?" Zhor was grinning just like Nico would. Crazy how she felt Zhor was a kindred spirit.

  "It's a girl. She will be here around Samhain. This is my second, but she's Vlad's first, so he's a mess." Lese kind of giggled.

  "Vlad’s?” Zhor raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you mated to Lachlan?" Zhor was really curious as to how this was possible.

  "Yes but soon I will have a second mate, even though we don't technically need the ceremony. Vlad knows I love him just the same as I do Lachlan. I know it's a bit confusing. Vlad was my dearest friend and somewhere along the way, we fell in love. My mate is amazing and I love him dearly. He's the one, along with Mehmet that discovered the old law allowing me a second mate. I am a very lucky and happy girl."

  "Oh I'm sure you are!" He had such an evil grin going. "Are you ready to see my wolf? I promise I will never harm you and I understand everything you say; however I can't speak to you. Not in words. I will have to strip down. I do like these trousers so I'd like to keep them."

  She said nothing but her eyes held the answer. Zhor shed his clothes, keeping his back to her out of respect. And then that's when it started, the popping of bone shifting under the skin, fur sprouted everywhere and in only a moment, before her eyes stood an enormous black wolf. Only the very tips of his ears had color, a soft grey tone. The blue eyes stayed the same.

  "Zhor!" She was almost breathless. "You are incredible. May I touch you?" He padded over and laid his head in her lap. He fingers found his neck and she dug into the thick fur. He was so soft and so big. She felt so tiny compared. He must weigh 400 pounds she thought.

  "And to think they thought I'd be scared. You're magnificent. Can I see the rest of your pack?"

  Zhor made a howling noise and one by one they all showed themselves. Twelve including Zhor, all smaller but not by much. They all bowed to her. A very large grey male with the greenest eyes she'd ever seen lay at her feet. She reached down to rub his head. They were all incredible.

  "Zhor says you can understand me. And I wanted to thank you for this and to tell you all how incredible you all are." Each wolf came up to her, licked her hand and padded off into the woods. The only ones left were Zhor and the big grey at her feet. Zhor stepped away and his transformation back to human form only took seconds. With his back to her again, he dressed.

  "So Annalese, what do you think of your security? Pretty fierce aren't they? The one at your feet is Makhi or Mak. He is yours until no threats to you and yours can be found. That means wherever you do, he goes. Well, aside from your bed chambers."

  She never expected this. "Zhor, thank you but that's so not necessary. With all of you out here, I'm sure I will be fine. I'm guessing Mak has better things to do than keep tabs on me."

  Zhor paced back and forth trying to decide how to answer her. He had made a promise to his cousin. Anyone that knew him knew he never broke a promise. "Do you not want a personal bodyguard Annalese?"

  "Well Zhor, I would like to ask Mak if he wants it. I won't force him to babysit me. Can I please?"

  He gave her the OK to speak directly to Makhi. "OK Mak, it would be much easier if we could really talk. I realize if you shift you'll be bare. It is not an issue." She gave a laugh. "If you have anything I haven't seen before I'll either shoot it or throw money at it!" Lese continued her girlish giggle.

  Mak stood and padded behind her, within a few seconds he was speaking. "It is bad manners and extremely disrespectful to bare myself to one of the Royal Dracul house. So I will stand behind as we speak."

  Oh no Lese thought, no. "Not happening here." She handed him her cloak. "Use this if you need, but absolutely hell no! I am not talking to you any way but face to face!" Zhor and Mak met eyes and Zhor gave him the nod of approval. Mak used her cloak around his waist and knelt on one knee in front of her, eyes on the ground.

  "Oh no." She put her hand under Mak's chin and pulled up as to see his face. He was stunning. High cheekbones, square jaw, perfect nose. "You may treat Vlad this way, but not me. So Mak, tell me, will babysitting me be okay with you?"

  He kept his eyes on her. "Yes, I am honored to be the one chosen. Please do not think I will be bothered by my task. If you like, I have been given permission to return to Romania with you and continue to be your personal bodyguard."

  "Seriously, aren't you the Beta?” Annalese knew some of the pack’s pecking order, but she felt some clarification would help. “What happens to your position in the pack?"

  Mak took her hands. "I will still be Beta, just for Nico. You are my duty now and I have never failed to perform. May I ask a question Princess?"

  She was so over this Princess shit. Vlad was getting his
ass kicked as soon as they returned. "Mak you don't need permission. If you're gonna be here, we need to get to know each other right? So ask anything you want to, and Zhor, that goes for you too."

  "OK I'll try. May I touch her? I can see her moving and our females would bite off my arm if I tried."

  Lese put Mak's hands on her swollen belly. He just grinned from ear to ear. "The creation of life is such an incredible thing. She's very active, is that odd to feel?"

  Shaking her head, she answered, "No, not really. It's her way of communicating I think. She responds different to each touch. Zhor, give me your hand. Let's see if she can tell the difference."

  He let himself touch her middle, still looking around to make sure he wasn't going to be ambushed. "Stop Zhor. Lachlan is not gonna flip out. It's my body. If I say you can touch, trust me."

  He was just in awe of the feeling of the baby moving under his touch. "This is amazing. I too have always wanted to touch. Even as Alpha, I would not dare ask female Weres. They can be a bit testy during pregnancy. Thank you for this."

  He backed away and spoke to Mak. "She is your responsibility. Can you handle this? I need to know. If you have any doubts, tell me now."

  Mak bowed to Zhor. "No Alpha. I want this. As long as the Princess needs or wants me. I will not fail in my duty.” Turning to his new charge, he offered: “Annalese, will you have me? I am the best at what I do. No one will get to you or your family. EVER!"

  Mak hung his head awaiting her answer. She knew what it was and just how to get it across. Annalese approached Mak, his posture never wavering, head still hanging down, so she got in really close and kissed his cheek. "Yes Mak, you may do your duty on one condition, and it’s not negotiable."

  He didn't speak, but at least he made eye contact. Now looking to her anticipating what the one condition could possibly be.

  "Mak, please! For the love of the gods and everything sacred, do not refer to me as Princess anything. Lachlan calls me angel, Vlad, lover or love; Nico calls me doll or Lese. Pick one or find one and make it your own. I have a feeling you and I are going to be very good friends. Are we clear?"

  Mak nodded but his posture never wavered. “I will spend your sleeping hours as my wolf, I truly hope it won’t scare your little one, when you’re awake I will be me, this, the man. I am still as deadly if you are threatened, make no mistake.”

  Annalese leaned in and pecked his cheek again. Then she turned to the Alpha. “Zhor I feel so guilty taking your Beta away, but I do understand. Nico made you promise him didn’t he?” She knew Nico better than he Nico knew himself some days and she knew he must have had a very long talk with Zhor. “Thank you for everything, and ok Mak please tell me you have clothes or this is going to be very awkward, more so for you than for me.”

  Mak shook his head; he wasn’t expecting to stay immediately and didn’t prepare a change of clothes. Zhor however had it all under control.

  “We will make sure he is presentable, he will need to shift back for a bit, just until I can arrange a proper wardrobe for him. Thank you Miss Annalese, I will take my leave but fear not. You are in very good hands.” And just like that he strolled into the woods leaving her with her new bodyguard Mak.

  “Well it’s just us here so here are your options, you can wear my cloak as a skirt to the house and I can give you something of Lachlan’s. You look almost the same size. Or you can shift; it’s your choice wolf boy.” She couldn’t contain her grin as Mak shook his head at her.

  “So that’s how we’re playing this your highness? “ Mak had the same grin she did. Annalese was right, they we’re going to be very good friends. He could feel it deep into his soul, she would change his life. “Won’t your mate be irritated with a half-naked Were following you home?” Mak gave her a head shake, “I think I’d much rather shift, safer than having an angry vampire on my case.”

  His transformation took less than thirty seconds and Mak the man, became Mak the wolf. Annalese reached down and rubbed behind his ears.

  “You really are magnificent but don’t tell the vampires I said that.” She headed towards Mehmet’s home with her new found friend padding beside her.


  Nico was on a mission, he loved to run, freeing his wolf. Shifting was such a release, losing the restrictions of clothing and just letting his beast roam free. Some days he wasn’t sure if he was more man or wild beast, but he preferred the beast; the one that lived in the dark recesses of his soul. Nico the wolf. Neither man nor beast, but one in the same.

  He had followed Sophia half way around the city, staying just out of sight and at least now he had an idea of what she was planning. It seemed to him she was trying to recruit newbies, newly turned vampires to help with her cause. Vlad would definitely want to be made aware of her shenanigans. Nico figured this would anger him more than he was already. He stayed with his target until she returned home. Nico still had energy to burn and hours until dawn. To run, or get laid? He asked himself. He could get laid later, running free was so much better, to become one with his animal, that’s what he needed. So he ran and it was exhilarating.

  Nico found his way back to Vlad’s not long before sunrise and he knew exactly where to find the dark Prince. He was in his favorite chair with his favorite scotch. Vlad was a booze snob as Nico had so often called him. It was always the best money could buy, not that anyone complained about Vlad’s taste in scotch.

  “Hey got some Intel for you, but first I need some of that, so give it up.” Nico motioned to the bottle Vlad had in hand. He handed over the bottle fairly reluctantly. Nico knew very few would have lived after making a demand like that, but these two men went back a long way and each would always be there for the other.

  “So Nicodemus, what do you have for me? Oh and it seems my love has acquired a personal security guard. You wouldn’t know anything about that now would you.” He had a smile on his face but it still said don’t bullshit me.

  “I heard she accepted Mak. Be happy as he’s the best Zhor had and he gave him to Annalese. It’s a pretty big deal to give away your best soldier. Anyway, on to more pressing matters; I believe Sophia is trying to recruit baby vamps to do her dirty work. You should be aware she may not come alone, not that you need any help but I’d really like to stay, just in case you need reinforcements. I can put a few of the pack in the woods out of sight. I’m getting one of my feelings again and it says she’s coming back. Lachlan left that last tunnel open as bait, hoping she would think it was just overlooked.”

  Vlad agreed to Nico’s suggestions, spending the last of the evening hours working out strategy. They had almost finished when Nico smelled it.

  “Something isn’t right. Do you smell that?” Nico was suddenly rigid with alarm.

  Vlad definitely did, he made a gesture with the finger over his lips indicating silence and continued to sniff the air. There was an intruder in his home, a vampire. Well at least they had taken the bait of the tunnel being left unsealed. Nico shifted silently, Vlad crept like the silent predator he was, letting his nose lead him. Nico wasn’t far behind and he could smell him too, always too much aftershave Vlad thought chuckling silently. He proceeded up the grand staircase as silent as a cat, a very terrifying cat. Nico’s was wolf right on his heels.

  They hit the landing and waited, listening. Nico heard it first, the soft rustling coming from Annalese's old suite. The wolf was the first to the doorway, snarling in an attack position with saliva dripping from his jaw. The intruder showed fangs until Vlad appeared next to him. He didn’t actually appear, but his speed was rivaled by none.

  “So my friend, you are trespassing and my comrade here has not had his evening meal. My only question to you is what are you looking for and why are you in my home? Tell us and you can die quickly. Lie and he has you for dinner.”

  The intruder went by Spike and either Vlad was getting soft or he really did believe him because after hearing what Spike had to say Vlad decided to spare him. The kid had no idea who
Annalese was, not a clue about the baby. He just needed money so he took the job offered to him.

  “So Spike, I take it you do not know who I am? I Am Vlad Tepes of the house of Draculesti. Does any of this sound familiar?” The poor kid was scared shitless just nodding rapidly, not quite sure if he should speak or stay mute.

  “Yea Sir, I had no idea, I just, really I needed…” Vlad held up his hand effectively stopping the babble. He understood enough.

  “I believe you, and that in itself saves your life, although I am not going to release you just yet, I still have business to conclude. You will call your employer, report to her the lady of the house had visitors and you could not accomplish your task, you will try again at sunset, are we clear?” Again just a nod but Vlad knew he was understood as Spike made his call and was escorted to the dungeon by Nico.

  Nico had gathered a few comforts, including blankets and a few bags of blood, he actually felt bad for the kid. “Get some sleep; I’ll be down later to check on you. Oh yeah, you’re one lucky bastard, Vlad likes you or you’d be chained in his playroom being slowly stripped of your skin, so thank whatever God you pray to and try to get some rest.”

  Nico left the dungeon, finding Vlad at the top of the stairs. “Sleep in Annalese’s old suite, it should still be acceptable, see you at sunset. Oh Nico, thank you my old friend, for everything.”


  “Angel,” Lachlan stood on the steps of Mehmet’s massive palace, “There’s a verra big wolf coming behind ye.” Mak padded up beside Annalese, hanging his head as a sign of non-aggression.

  She reached down to Pat his head. “This is Makhi, Mak for short. He’s my gift from Nico and Zhor, full-time wolf security. As soon as someone brings him clothes he’s going shift back or we will have one very naked Were running around. As funny as I think it would be I have a feeling Mehmet won’t think so. I even went so far as to offer him some of your jeans but he said he would wait.”


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