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Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)

Page 12

by Annie Buff

  Annalese had teared up; Mak hadn’t told her about being orphaned. She got up, moving to his side. “Mak, you are family. You’re very important to me, and know what being the Beta means to you, you fought so hard for it. It’s ok, I understand. You can go be Nico’s Beta; you’ll always be family and always have a home with us.”

  Mak pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. It was a sweet embrace. He was choked up by her words, her kindness, getting lost in the warmth and caring when a strangled throat clearing got his attention.

  “Making moves on our girl are ye Mak?” Lachlan was grinning, he knew what Vlad had offered and understood the struggles of that type of decision. Both vampires understood the affections Mak had or Annalese. “What’s the rest of your name anaway? I never thought to ask.”

  Mist filled Mak’s eyes, he had had this conversation with Vlad already and this wouldn’t be any easier. “I do not have one, only Makhi. It was given to me when Zhor found me. I have almost nothing in this world, not even a proper name.”

  That got Annalese thinking, everyone needed a name, something to be proud of, a legacy to leave their children. She needed to talk to Vlad, she had an idea. “Mak you have us now, all of us, for better or worse. You’ve just been taken in by one crazy, dysfunctional family. I love you, welcome to the family Mak.” Annalese brushed her lips to his, she really did adore him, and if she got her way he really would be family.

  Mak could feel the tears again, threatening to spill down his cheeks. He wondered if she always knew what to say to make someone feel wanted and loved. Mak had really never felt loved, respected yes, but never loved until now. Even from the vampires he felt it. Annalese really was like coming home. He excused himself to the lavatory to clean up and gather himself when he heard the single beep signaling they were starting to descend.

  They arrived in Romania and all loaded into a caravan of SUVs heading for Castle Dracula. Michael was entertaining himself with an animal sounds book, the adults all silent. The SUV was set up like a limo, the seats facing each other. Mak thought it was a fairly neat setup.

  Vlad’s head was leaning back, eyes closed but Mak knew the Prince was fully aware of everything going on around him. He would sleep, but not until they were all safely home where they belonged.

  Mak had made his decision, he had been fighting with it for hours upon hours, and it was quite an offer, especially for a nobody like him. An orphaned Were no one wanted, but also being given Beta to an Alpha who didn’t need one. Nico accepted him without hesitation.

  “Fuck I need a drink.” Mak whispered to himself not realizing just how good vampire hearing was. Vlad’s eyes opened, staring at him.

  “I ordered a case of your Ketel One, it should be there when we arrive. You will have that drink you need.” Once again the head went back, eyes closed and Vlad was silent. Mak never ceased to be surprised by the Dark Prince.

  After everyone had unloaded and settled for the day, Mak found his vodka in the library. He poured a tall one, draining it in two swallows, pouring a second, drinking that one a little slower. He sat with his head in his hands. What just a few days had done to the shape of his life. This was not what he had expected.

  “Aye Mak, ye wanna talk? And doona tell me nothin's wrong, I can see it in yer face.” Lachlan had come for a drink too and Mak thought maybe talking to him might help.

  “Yes Sir, you know the Prince made me an offer, a permanent job here and a home. I want it, but I also want to be Nico’s Beta. I made a choice, and then changed my mind. I’ve been doing that since he asked, I have no idea what to do and I’m so god damned confused all I want to do is go sit in the water and get drunk.” That explained a lot, he was torn. Lachlan smiled, he knew a place where Mak could cool himself and maybe figure out what he needed to do.

  “Aye friend, come with me, and grab yer bottle. I’ll drink with ye. I know a great spot.”

  Mak didn’t quite understand but he grabbed his bottle and followed Lachlan, wandering to the far edge of the estate. They ended up at a crystal clear stream, the water had a slight blue hue to it, and it was calling to him. Mak sat on the edge, removing his shoes so he could feel the coolness of the water. Lachlan did the same and they drank in silence for quite a while before Lachlan spoke.

  “Mak whatever ye decide, tis ok, ye know she loves ye, and I’ve grown pretty damn fond of ye too. And T, well trust me kid, he wouldna offered that if he didna like ye too and think ye were the best for it.” Mak nodded, he knew he was good at his job, but to have the Prince of the vampires think so was a big deal.

  “Yes Sir, thank you. Can you tell me about Nico? I know almost nothing.” That was true; Zhor had said nothing about Nico, only that he would take him as Beta. And that was it. Lachlan nodded.

  “He’s a breed all his own, Nico is one sadistic son of a bitch, but ye definitely want him on yer side. He’s a fight first ask questions second type and he would fight to the death for someone he cared about. He runs a verra tight ship, but the pack seems to all love him. He’s a ladies man, Annalese says man whore,” Lachlan chuckled remembering the first time she said that and the scolding she gave Nico. “He and T have a different kind of relationship, two Alphas that have a mutual respect for each other. But Nico can be fucking difficult when he wants to be.”

  Mak sat, digesting all the things Lachlan said, Zhor was so different than what Lachlan described of Nico. It was hard to comprehend how the two Alphas were related and such polar opposites. He took a long pull from his bottle.

  “I have a question if I may, sir?”

  “Aye, ye can speak freely, and ye call me Lachlan, we’re all family here.” Mak smiled and laughed at how informal they all were.

  “That may be difficult but I’ll try. Being the Beta has status, something I’ve never had before Zhor gave it to me last year. I am nobody and I’m not sure what will become of me should I give it up, do you understand?” Lachlan shook his head, he had no idea where this was going. “How will I ever find a mate, women don’t want a nobody. I want to find her, mate her and hopefully sire a litter. To do that I need to be somebody.”

  Things were starting to make sense, but the lad was looking at it all wrong and someone needed to straighten him out. “Nay Mak, yer somebody already. Either ye will be Beta for one of the world’s most powerful Alphas or the right hand of Vlad Tepes , either, way yer somebody verra important. But to be honest with ye, ye were already somebody, yer just thinking aboot it all wrong. Ye keep thinking because ye were orphaned ye weren’t wanted, but Zhor took you in when he didna have to. He taught ye, and had enough faith in ye to give ye to me angel for protection, and damn if she didna take to ye. She left ye alone with Michael and that me friend is trust. And then there’s T. Think about it, he’s the strongest of his kind, the most feared and lethal of the vampires. He trusts almost no one, ye get what I’m saying to ye?”

  Mak nodded, he understood it all, finally knowing what he had to do, where his destiny lied. “Sir, thank you. Do you mind if we go back? I’m tired and I think I need to lie down before I fall down.” He lifted his empty bottle, showing Lachlan and smiling, it had been a while since he had someone to drink with and he may have overdone it just a little. They grabbed their shoes and headed back, Mak made it as far as the sofa in the library and passed out. Annalese had come down for water, finding him out cold, so she covered him and kissed his forehead.

  “No matter what you choose Mak, I love you. Just know I really want you to stay.”


  Evening came and Mak was trying to shake off his vodka induced fog. He hadn’t felt this bad since he was a teenager. He had asked to meet with Nico and the Prince so he needed coffee and maybe some aspirin. He had finally settled to his decision. He very gingerly wandered to the kitchen and found Annalese steeping tea.

  “Mak come get some coffee, you look like Hell, are you hungover?” He was definitely hungover, a grade A hangover. He placed a finger over his lips and she k
new. “Holy shit! How much did you drink? I’m used to the guys not getting those. You must have really tied one on.” This time she was much quieter.

  He tried to smile, but it failed, it felt like a truck had driven over him. “Yes I overdid it just a little, but Lachlan helped get me into this condition. I forget how much those Scots can drink.”

  Annalese explained to Mak how vampires had extremely high metabolisms and had to consume an enormous amount of alcohol to get drunk. "Are you hungry? I can get Marcus to whip up something for you."

  Mak’s hand immediately went over his mouth and he shook his head. "Coffee is just enough. Two spoons of sugar, no cream, that’s it." She fixed his mug and he sipped on the black gold as she picked at her fruit.

  "Are you meeting with Vlad tonight?" She asked him as she popped a grape in her mouth and chewed. He nodded, still focused on his coffee and the lessening hangover. "He’s looking for you, says its time. Whatever that means."

  Mak slightly bowed, taking his mug and heading to the library. There sat Vlad with who Mak assumed must be Nico. Out of habit, Mak went down on one knee and bowed.

  "Holy fucking shit,” Nico swore, “my damn cousin has you whipped! Please get up, that shit is way too formal." Mak rose in silence, his eyes still on the floor.

  "Makhi, we will skip the formal introduction. You both know who the other is, and you have to step away from this method of obeisance. Nico and I have been discussing you, obviously we both want you. You're simply the best at what you do, but ultimately the choice is yours." Vlad was always so well spoken.

  Nico stood and addressed Mak. "I'd love to have you, I know your reputation and I need a soldier like you, but like the bloodsucker said, the choice is yours. Either way, you'd be a part of the pack."

  Now was the time, he had to do it. The hardest decision of his life was here, make the choice and hope like Hades it was the right one. "Sir. Alpha. I have done nothing but consider everything over the last 24 hours. I even went so far as to get drunk, I can say with absolute certainty that it didn't help, not even a little. I feel awful." He slightly laughed, seeing Vlad smirk knowing how hungover Mak was, "I have clawed my way to Beta for Zhor, and fought every challenge that came my way. I earned it and of that I am proud. I never aspired to be anything more than what I fought for. Then I get this assignment and meet your Princess. I have never felt so much acceptance from one person in my entire life. She is a beautiful and amazing woman, also one giant pain in the ass. But at the end of the day she is my friend and I love her. I thought I would lose something if I stepped down, but Lachlan helped me understand something, I am my own worst enemy, and I am so much more than I thought I was. Please understand how difficult this decision was for me to make."

  Both men waited patiently for Mak to continue.

  "Sir, Alpha, I have decided to stay on here. I just cannot leave the Princess and I am happy here. I will do this job to the best of my abilities.” And then to Vlad, “Sir I promise not to fail you."

  Nico moved to shake his hand. "I had a feeling, its good kid, he pays better anyway." Nico laughed after the handshake and headed out leaving Mak and Vlad alone.

  "I am happy you chose to stay, and I have something for you but my mate wanted to be present so we will wait. Later when you feel better we will begin work, ah yes she is on her way. It will only be a moment. Annalese walked in with a box wrapped like a yule gift. She handed it to Mak with a smile.

  "Open it Mak, its important." Vlad told him. Impatience sounding around the edges of his words.

  He sat and gently removed the wrapping, opening the box, staring at the contents with tears spilling down his cheeks. All he could manage to spit out was "Why?"

  "Makhi I told you it could be rectified, did I not? And how many times did Annalese say family? Well now it is official."

  Mak picked up the certificate of naming and read the words: Makhi Michael Dracul Tepes. He had a name, a strong name, a respectable name and a family. Most of all he now had a home; a real home and a place to really belong.

  He hugged Annalese fiercely, not quite knowing what to say, but knowing he had to say something. “Thank you, I have no words, not proper ones to describe how I am feeling, and Sir, I cannot tell you…” Vlad took him in a gentle embrace, catching him quite off guard. It was something Mak was not used to, but everything about this family was.

  “Now Makhi, you are family. An heir, a son, so if you call me Sir one more time I will chain you in the dungeon for a week.”

  Annalese gave a short laugh remembering what she called him in the very beginning. “Just call him pops, he loves that,” she said with a giggle knowing how much Vlad disliked that name. He told her once he was going be the King of all the vampires and not a Walton’s character. Once Vlad and Annalese took their vows he would become the King. She didn’t understand all the legality but it had been written that once he sired a child with his mate he would be King. “No really Mak, just call him Vlad. You belong here. You know that right? Wolf or not, you belong here with us. It’s our differences that make this family special. Just be happy.” He was happy, so much so he was near speechless. Vlad got his attention once more.

  “I realize you are feeling less than stellar at the moment so we will put off most of what I had planned for the evening but there is one bit of business we must attend to.”

  Mak waited in silence for Vlad to present his business, not having any clue what to expect.

  “I offered you the apartment in the west wing,” Vlad continued, “I feel that is now inadequate for my son, let us go pick a suite for you. Oh and this is for you.” It was a black American Express card. Mak hadn’t any idea why the Prince was giving it to him. The look of confusion must have been blatantly obvious.

  “Mak, you are now by all legalities my son, and can now get anything you need, or want for that matter. I realize you are not used to doing that, but you will adjust. You will need to pick a vehicle. Lachlan can take you to the garage later, pick what you like. The only things off limits are my Jag and Annalese’s red Rover.”

  There was no one word to explain what Mak was feeling; utter shock and surprise would be the best way to put it. No one had ever given him anything, but here was Vlad, the Prince of the vampires just basically handing him the keys to the Kingdom so to speak. “Are you alright Makhi?” the Prince asked, seeing the utter chaos apparent.

  “Yes, no, this is just overwhelming. I only expected a job. This is… I am not sure I can find words to do justice to how I am feeling.” Annalese took Mak in her arms once more.

  “It’s ok Mak, we know. Let’s go look at my old suite, aside from changing the bedding and drapes, I bet you’ll love it.” She led him by the hand up the grand staircase to what was her room when she first arrived in Romania. He stood; drinking it all in, touching everything just to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.

  “Holy shit! This room is bigger than my old house.” Mak was absolutely in awe of his surroundings.

  “We can remodel if you wish Makhi, and of course get you things a bit more masculine unless you prefer the pastel bedding.” Vlad had surprised him at every turn and it just kept coming.

  “Sir I,” Vlad did the brow raise and Mak knew he was busted. “Shit! I am sorry, which way to the dungeon?” Both Vlad and Annalese lost it, laughing hysterically. Mak knew he wouldn’t be spending the week chained up. “I actually kind of like the bedding, it’s so soft and I’ve never slept on anything like this. And that tub!” he pointed to the bathroom, “That is unreal, this is really for me?”

  Vlad gave I’m the single nod; Annalese pecked his cheek, excusing herself. She had used the bond to let Vlad know she needed to lie down.

  What she hadn’t told him was that her water broke a few hours prior. She figured she would change into her nightgown foregoing panties and situate herself before letting Vlad know it was time. Her contractions were fairly close so once she was ready and all considerations were met, she figured it was time to tell her Prince
his daughter was on her way.

  “Hey big guy.” Annalese used their bond.

  “Yes my dear, did you need something?”

  “Well only if you want to help your daughter into the world, other than that… nope not a thing.”

  He didn’t respond and she didn’t expect him to. Annalese knew he would be breaking down the door in a matter of seconds, and she was right. He had the look of sheer terror on his face. Mak and Lachlan followed along with Nico who had come to talk with Vlad.

  “Aye Angel, ‘tis time is it?” she sweetly smiled, knowing Lachlan knew what to expect, Vlad had stayed, but he didn’t actually view Michael’s birth.

  “Yes Lachlan, it’s time. Take Vlad outside. Give him one of those cigarettes you’re so bad at hiding and let him chill out. When he’s calm, bring him back with a bottle of whatever you boys are drinking this week. Mak will stay with me, Vlad baby, go with Lachlan. It’s ok, we have time.” He didn’t speak aloud, opening his bond with her.

  “I am sorry for the panicking, seeing you in pain tears at my soul. Are you sure you will be ok?”

  “Yes big guy, we have time, probably at least an hour or so. Go and relax, have a drink. This is going to be fine.”

  Mak stayed with her, holding her hand through the contractions as they grew in strength. By the time the men returned she was ready to push. All it took was three good ones and they were welcoming Lyla into the world. Vlad did the honors of cutting her cord and cleaning her up, weighing and measuring. She was six pounds, three ounces, ten fingers and ten toes; a perfect baby girl. He had her swaddled in a blanket, safe in his arms and he was beaming like a god.


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