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Protected_A Second Chance Baby Daddy Romance

Page 6

by Kelli Walker

  To keep me from falling into his body.

  “When Brendan called me and said your name, I knew I wouldn’t pass this off to anyone else. I knew it had to be me. I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else with it.”

  “Why not?” I asked breathlessly.

  He took a step closer to me, closing the distance between us. My hands flew up in an automatic response, ready to defend myself. But instead of having to fight, I pressed the palms of my hands into his strong chest. I felt the divots of his muscles. The lines of his etched form. I felt his heart beating underneath the tips of my fingers as my bag fell from his grasp.

  “Because I wanted to make sure the job was done to the best of its ability. Seen through until the very end, no matter what it took.”

  His words hung heavily in my ear as I tilted my gaze up to his.

  That was the sweetest thing anyone had said to me in a very long time.

  Ryder’s hand cupped my cheek and I nuzzled into his palm. His hand slid to the back of my head, cradling it as I looked into his dark, brooding stare. His lips came closer and I could feel his breath upon my lips. Pulsing against me. Warming me as I fisted his shirt.

  I drew him closer to me and our lips connected, his tongue sliding along my skin. I opened myself to him. To the familiarity of his touch and the taste of his skin. We collided. Our bodies careening at top speeds as he backed me further into his home. His free hand rushed down my back, grasping my ass and hoisting me against his body.

  He walked us all the way back into his house before pressing me against the wall. Our teeth clattered together as his hand flipped something on the wall. The fireplace roared to life and I gasped, looking over at the flame as my brow furrowed.

  “It’s electric?” I asked.

  “Looks real, doesn’t it?”

  “It really does.”

  His lips fell to my neck as my hands ran along his shoulders. Massaging his thick muscles and feeling his girth grow against my body. I wrapped my legs around him and he pulled me from the wall, then fell to the floor and pressed me into the rug next to the fire. His lips were everywhere. My neck. My chest. My breasts as he pulled them from my bra. Our hands stripped each other down, casting clothes along chairs and laying them next to us on the floor.

  I arched my naked body into him, feeling his leaking cock dripping along my thigh.

  His touch hadn’t changed. Still rough and commanding, but with an essence of softness. He ran along my form and grabbed at the dip in my waist. My legs parted for him, allowing his thick thighs to fall between my legs. I felt my pussy lips capture the tip of his cock as he slid it along my folds. Coating himself in my arousal.

  “Should we get something?” Ryder asked. “Do we need protection?”

  “No,” I said breathlessly. “I’m protected. The pill. It’s okay.”

  I dug my fingertips into the swell of his back as he pressed into my body. I felt him stretch me with every inch my pussy swallowed down. I legs grew tight and I gasped in shock.

  I lost myself in his world of euphoria.

  Our bodies rolled together as sweat dripped down my face. My hands tangled in his hair as my heels planted into the soft rug. I met him with every thrust he dealt. Every slap of skin against mine and every time his balls hit my ass. I clung to him. Buried my face into the crook of his neck as electricity coursed through my veins.

  I needed this. Wanted this with someone I could trust. For years, I’d faked my orgasms. Wished for a man to get off me. And now, I couldn't get one close enough. I couldn’t get him close enough.


  The man who broke my heart.

  The man who set the standard for all men to fail in my life.

  Our lips collided and our teeth clattered as my pussy milked his cock. I felt his hips stuttering as he pounded into my body. I rolled into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his tongue rake across the roof of my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. I shook against him as he held himself above me. Hovering with his predatory stare as his body shielded me from the harshness of the world. My head fell back to the rug and my back arched. His trimmed curls tickled my clit, throwing me into a frenzy. The room began to spin and my toes began to curl. Fire shot up my back and blinded me with a searing heat. My jaw unhinged and I could feel his lips wrapping around my nipples.

  Sucking my engorged peaks.

  Pressing every button he’d memorized in high school.

  I unraveled beneath him. Coated with the heat of the fire and the strength of his body. I raked my hands along his shoulder, down his arms, along his chest. His hands found mine and he pinned them above my head, dropping down to me and losing himself in my wetness. I could feel my arousal trickling down my ass while his cock pumped me full. Thread after thread of heated arousal filling my body until it had nowhere else to go. Shooting out with each pump until Ryder was breathless with exertion.

  His face fell into the crook of my neck and I accepted his body, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer. Deeper.

  With his cock still buried in my body.

  The flames crackled from the fire as I caught my breath. My head was spinning with desire as I shook against him. It had been years since I’d felt that good. Since I’d felt cherished and beautiful in the arms of another man.

  I kissed Ryder’s neck as he slid out from between my legs.

  He rolled off the the side and held me in the light of the fire. We laid there, the scent of our bodies swirling around us as the sun began to set. His arm slipped around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

  And for the first time in years, I fell asleep without feeling afraid.


  I watched the flames dance upon Alicia’s features until she fell asleep in my arms. I knew I’d crossed a line, but it didn’t feel as wrong as it should have. Sleeping with a client and getting emotionally involved was a massive problem in my company. I took great pains to make sure it didn’t happen with any of my guys. But this had been emotional for me from the beginning.

  And I think the guys knew that as well.

  I listened as Alicia’s breathing evened out against my chest. She was sleeping soundly in my arms and I wondered how long it had been since that had happened. I wondered if she had ever slept this soundly before. And the idea of her tossing and turning from fear made me less inclined to leave her by the fire. I wasn’t sure if waking up next to her was the best thing, but I knew I couldn't leave her by the fire.

  Even though she looked comfortable.

  I stood to my feet and gathered her sleeping form in my arms. I walked her naked body up the stairs, trying my hardest not to stare at her during one of her her most vulnerable moments. I walked straight down the hallway and took a left, then settled her into the massive king-sized bed.

  I watched her nestle into the pillows as I pulled the covers over her body. She was a beautiful woman, but I still had a job to do. Maybe when this was all over she’d let me take her out for dinner. Or possibly a picnic. Or maybe on a weekend getaway.

  But for now, I couldn't cross that line again. Becoming anymore emotionally compromised meant I could make a mistake.

  And Alicia deserved better than that.

  I went back downstairs and grabbed her bag before I went to gather our clothes. I took everything upstairs and sat it in the chair in the corner of the room before I shut her door behind me. I slipped into my clothes and went in search of my phone, settled in the fact that Alicia was sleeping peacefully.

  Because it was time to get back to work.


  “Please tell me you guys found something,” I said.

  “You guys get to your place okay?” he asked.

  “Yep. No one followed us and Alicia’s sleeping in one of the guest rooms,” I said.

  “Good. Yeah, Yoake found something. Langley’s got a juvie record, but it’s sealed. However, he’s also got a record from college.”

  “Why didn’t that pop up in my
search?” I asked. “I know about the calls to their home while they were married.”

  “You probably searched underneath the ‘domestic call’ parameters. I searched for arrests specifically.”

  “And he’s got some?” I asked.

  “Yep. Two from parties that were broken up in his sophomore year. Drunken parties that got out of control, and Langley was the initiator of both the fights.”

  “Punches thrown?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah. First guy ended up with a bloody nose and the second guy was in the hospital for a broken facial plate,” he said.

  “So he’s got a serious history of violence.”

  “Which is odd, because I did a local search of all the hospitals-”

  “And Alicia was never admitted for any injuries. I know,” I said. “I looked.”

  “Either way, that helps us build a profile. Which can aid us in tracking where he’s going. Ryder, it’s easy for men like him to escalate and unravel during times of rage. If he’s trying to get to Alicia, I wouldn’t put physically harming her past him at this point. Just so you know, we all think you made the right call in taking her to your home. Even though that’s a massive ‘no-no’ in our line of work.”

  “I got a sense of his psychological state when I saw how torn up her apartment was,” I said. “And thanks. Did Yoake get anything from the traffic cams or security cameras outside of the complex?”

  “A bit. We think Langley’s using back roads to get around, but we do have him frequently traveling Ainsley. Just riding up and down the road. Multiple shots and videos. I wasn't sure why until we got out there and stood around, but from Ainsley looking down 5th Avenue, there’s a clear view of the apartment complex.”

  “That piece of shit. Okay. Where are we at with tracking down his fun friend Roberto?” I asked.

  “Yoake’s working on that now and Wilde’s processing everything with the police. We got them out here to take a look. The more documentation we can get-”

  “I know, I know. Thanks for doing that. Apparently the police didn’t believe her beforehand.”

  “Trust me, we made sure they believed her now,” Abram said.

  “Keep me posted,” I said. “I want to know where Roberto is the moment you do. And figure out where the hell Langley’s getting his money from. He’s obviously got it even though his accounts have been shut down.”

  “Got it, boss. I’ll keep you posted.”


  I hung up the phone and went into my room. I sat on the edge of the bed and ran all my options through my head. We could profile Langley all we wanted, but we didn’t have shit unless we knew where he was. And the only solid lead we had on that was still in hiding. It was obvious he still had a lot of money to work with. Men like Roberto and his father didn’t play ball unless their fingers were greased, no matter how chummy someone was with them.

  He was paying them with something, and I wanted to know what and where it was coming from.

  I scrolled through my contacts and pulled up Brendan’s number. I needed to update him on what I knew. I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear, then went to go peek in on Alicia one last time.

  She was sleeping soundly, and it ticked my cheek with a grin.

  “Brendan Hofstetter.”

  “Hey there,” I said.

  “Ryder. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”

  “What? You think I’m slipping?”

  “Hardly. But Langley’s been a slippery little animal.”

  “Yeah well, he’s slipping up little by little. I wanted to update you on where we were.”

  “So you don’t have a location for me?” he asked.

  “We’re working on it. But Alicia’s address has been updated.”

  “Why? Where is she?” he asked.

  “She’s with me right now. At my house. Langley tore her apartment to shreds while she was out having lunch with a friend of hers this afternoon.”

  “Wait, she’s at your house?”

  “Yep. Her parents aren’t alive and she wouldn't go stay with her friend, so this was the only other option.”

  “Are you sure that’s smart?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I know you don’t think we were all listening to you out in the field during our SEAL days, but we were. Alicia Whitley was that girl you dated in high school, wasn’t it?”

  “Holy shit. I can’t believe you still remember that. That was, what? Ten years ago?”

  “Don’t say shit like that. Makes me feel old,” he said.

  “Because you are old.”



  “Look. I know how much you cared about her back then. And I want to make sure you’re not emotionally compromised.”

  “This isn’t a military mission, Brendan. I’m fine. And she’s safest here. Her ex has no idea where this place is and I’ve got it locked down with some of the best security my company has to offer. This decision was made for her safety,” I said.

  “And that’s it? Just… her safety?”

  “Why the hell else would I have brought her here?” I asked.

  “I’m just asking, Smith. Damn. Sorry for having your back. But just so you know, your defensiveness doesn’t help.”

  “I really hate you sometimes, you know that?”

  “Hardly. I want to make sure your head’s in the right place. I’ve still got a man out there jipping her out of money she’s owed and an arrest warrant itching to be filled.”

  “Trust me. It’ll be a glorious day when I can slap cuffs on that bastard.”

  “Good. Call me when you know where I can find him,” he said.

  “Yep. Will do.”

  I hung up the phone call as I stood in the hallway. I slid my phone back into my pocket as my stomach began to growl. I tried to remember what all I had in my kitchen as I reached out to close my door quietly. Subtly, so I wouldn't wake Alicia.

  But the moment I turned around, I saw her standing there. In a robe wrapped around her body. And a bow tightened around the luscious dip in her waist.

  “Was that my lawyer?” she asked.

  “It was. I was updating him on your address change,” I said.

  “What was ten years ago?”

  I drew in a deep breath as she leaned against the doorway of her claimed bedroom.

  “You hungry?” I asked.

  “Are you not going to answer the question?”

  “Not when food isn’t involved,” I said.

  “Then yes. I’m hungry,” she said.

  I watched her walk past me, her hips swaying with every step she took. Fuck. Of course she was standing there listening. But what the hell was I going to tell her? That her lawyer and I were friends? That we served together? That we lost good men on the battlefield and killed more people with our bare hands than most serial killers are locked away for?

  I gritted my teeth and followed behind her as my stomach began to growl out for food.

  There was no way I was having this conversation without cooking something first.

  And I still wasn’t sure if I was going to have it at all.


  I followed Ryder down to the kitchen of his massive home. His shoulders were tense and his voice was lower than usual. But I wanted to know why he had been talking to my lawyer. From the sounds of the conversation, it sounded like more than a professional relationship. I knew Mr. Hofstetter had called in a favor, but with the way the conversation flowed it sounded like they were friends. And with everything kicking up in my life, I was on my guard. I wanted to know what Ryder’s relationship was with my lawyer.

  But more than that, I wanted to know more about him.

  About the man who graduated and left me behind.

  Hours ago, I’d felt closer to him. Closer than I’d felt with any man in years. The way he commanded my body and seemed to remember every stroke that made me shiver. The way he cradled me against his body
without debasing what he wanted. The way his muscles covered me and the way safety seemed to drip from every pore of his body. It didn’t shock me that Ryder had found himself in the military. Part of one of the most prestigious forces to ever come out of our nation’s national security ventures.

  But the closer we got to the kitchen, the more closed off he became. The farther his body language seemed to push me away. Like he didn’t want to talk about the subject. We were standing on uneven ground and I didn’t like it. He knew things about my life I didn’t want him to know. Or anyone, for that matter. His team of men were digging around in the last thirteen years of my life. Picking it apart in order to find where that son of a bitch had disappeared to. Why his accounts had been closed. Why he was suddenly coming after me, even after the divorce was finalized and we had gone our separate ways.

  I, however, didn’t know a damn thing about him. Other than the fact that he was a Navy SEAL and was apparently best buds with my damn lawyer.

  And I didn’t like that.

  I didn’t like him knowing everything about me and still keeping me in the dark about himself.

  I sat down at the kitchen table as Ryder began to wheel around the kitchen. He pulled steaks from the refrigerator and threw some oil into a pan. He was chopping up fresh vegetables, wielding that knife like he could pierce someone’s skull with it if they dared walk into his home. The dexterous way his calloused fingers handled the food as he cooked it to perfection was yet another testament to how he had changed. Morphed from a rebellious high school teenager and grew into a man with standards.

  A man with expectations.

  A man with purpose.

  I was impressed, to say the least. Nighttime was filtering through the kitchen window behind my head and the moonlight illuminated his presence. His muscles slid underneath his clothing as he flipped the steaks, searing them off with nothing but salt, pepper, butter, and some lemon. He moved fluidly throughout his kitchen and not a footstep was heard. Despite his massive form and his stacked proportions, he moved in complete silence.


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