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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

Page 38

by Ruth Anne Scott

  "You better stop that right now," he whispered, "if we are going to have any hope of making it through this meeting."

  "Maybe I don't want to get through the meeting," she whispered back.

  The sound of Pyra getting their attention again stopped Zsilvia's giggles and she looked back at the warrior who was giving her a look like he had been watching their interaction the entire time. A heated blush burned across her cheeks and Zsilvia tucked her head into George's shoulder to wait until the feeling of Pyra's eyes on her disappeared.

  "It seems that we are missing a couple of people," Pyra finally said, "but we're just going to go on without them. I called everyone here because we think it is time that we talked all of this through and made sense of what has been happening on Uoria. It's obvious that none of us know as much about the planet or what is on it as we thought we did, so we need to get everything out in the open. Since the leader of the Light Ones was lost to the Covra, Rain has agreed to be their voice and tell us about what led up to the conflict."

  Rain stepped forward with a tense look on her face and scanned the crowd slowly. Her eyes seemed to settle on each person individually as her gaze moved gradually across them. Finally they landed on Lynx and stayed there for a few beats longer, the look on her face softening slightly as she looked at him.

  "First," she said, her voice lifting higher and stronger than Zsilvia would have expected it to, "I want to set the record straight about who we are and ask that no one refer to us as the Light Ones again. This is a name that was given to us by the Covra and it spread so quickly that it became our identity. Continuing to use that name is only perpetuating their memory and continuing to give them power that we should have taken back long ago."

  Pyra stepped closer to Rain and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "I'm sorry," he said, lowering his voice slightly, "I didn't know."

  "I know you didn’t," she said, her voice holding both determination and forgiveness, "and that's why it's so important that we come together and talk. We really know nothing about each other. If we are honest we'll admit that each group either didn't know that the others either existed, or thought that they were myths and legends before encountering each other. I think it's time that we all knew more, and that should start with us." She turned to look at Pyra. "Tell me what you want to know."

  Pyra glanced out at the crowd and then back at Rain.

  "How long were you here before the Covra locked you?"

  "Fifteen years," Rain said, "but we had been in conflict with them for several years before that."

  "Where did you come from?"

  "Earth originally."

  "What do you mean 'originally'?"

  "Our group left Earth on a research mission to what everyone thought was a previously unexplored planet, but that we believed was being used as an illegal prisoner of war compound."

  Behind her Zsilvia heard a low gasp. She turned to see Zuri and Samira sitting at the edge of their steps, grasping each other between them with one hand while the others clasped tightly over their mouths. Zuri's eyes were wide with shock as she stared at Rain.

  "Project Nyx 23," Zuri whispered.

  Rain's eyes lifted to Zuri, some of the same shock registering in her eyes.

  "Yes," she said, taking a step forward, "Yes! That's us!"

  Whispers and gasps rippled through the crowd. Elianna crossed the room to sit beside Samira, muttering something in her ear as she grasped onto her hand. Zsilvia watched Zuri stand up and step around her so that she could move closer to Rain. There was something significant happening, but Zsilvia didn't quite understand what.

  "You are in our textbooks. Everyone learns about you in school, especially the ones in the sciences. We thought that something horrific happened to you. Most people think that you went off course and your ship was destroyed in a meteor shower or that you were captured on the planet and killed." Zuri looked out over the rest of the people staring at them, trying to understand the exchange. "The people on Earth didn't even know that Uoria existed when Project Nyx 23 left on the recognizance mission to Penthos."

  "Penthos?" Rain asked quizzically.

  Zuri nodded and Zsilvia saw a soft smile cross her lips.

  "When your group didn't return and mission command couldn't make contact with you, they sent a rescue team to the planet that you were supposed to be exploring. They obviously didn't find you, but they did find the prisoner compounds that you thought were there. They sent back war units and freed the prisoners. Once it was over, they named the planet in honor of you."

  "Penthos was the Greek god of mourning and lamentation," Rain said.

  Zuri nodded.

  "The world mourned for you. The whole world. It was considered one of the greatest losses of the time and for a long time after. What happened? How did you completely lose contact with mission control?"

  Rain sighed and looked out over the crowd again. Pyra looked at Zuri and she settled onto the step beside Zsilvia where she put her hand back over her mouth and continued to stare at Rain, her head shaking back and forth slowly as if she still couldn't believe what she was seeing or hearing.

  "While we were on our way to the planet now known as Penthos someone tipped off the Valdicians, the ones that had turned it into a prisoner of war colony. We still don’t know who it was or why they did it, but by the time we got there, there was an army waiting for us. We saw everything that we needed to in order to know that we were absolutely right about what they had done to all of the prisoners of war that they had captured themselves and that they had bought or stolen from other planets. There was very little that we could do, though. We pushed hard enough into the planet that we were able to get some weapons and supplies to a few of the prisoners and freed a few more, but the army was too strong for us. We had to leave before they killed all of us, or worse, captured us and put us in the colony.

  As we left the planet the Valdicians damaged our ship. They embedded it with timed weapons that would take over the operation of the ship and destroy all communication equipment once we were a certain distance from the planet. These weapons redirected the ship so that it followed a path that the Validicians had programmed into them, forcing us to come here. Once the ship was within the atmosphere of the planet, the weapons released control and the ship crashed. Not everyone survived."

  "You were the first humans to step foot on Uoria," Elianna said. "You were here long before we even knew that this planet was here."


  "But why?" Samira asked. "Why did the Validicians send you here? If they wanted to kill you, why didn’t they do it while you were on Penthos, or destroy the ship all together after you left?"

  "They sent us here as an offering to one of their allies," Rain said.

  Zsilvia saw Pyra tense, his shoulders straightening and his jaw setting.

  "The Covra."

  Rain glanced over her shoulder at him.


  Chapter Five

  Ivy's heart pounded as she looked into Maxim's eyes. The comment about how the Light Ones had arrived on the planet was so cryptic, and it made her nervous. A second later, though, he smiled and reached out to stroke the curve of her face with one hand. He shook his head slightly.

  "It doesn’t matter how they got here," he said. "That was a long time ago. It doesn't even matter how you got here. All I care about is that you are here with me now."

  Any concern that Ivy felt about his question melted into Maxim's eyes and she reached forward to mimic his touch on her face. His skin felt soft and smooth beneath her hand and when he turned his face to press a kiss to the center of her palm Ivy felt a surge of desire go through her. Maxim's eyes closed and he took his hand from her cheek to press it over the one she held to his face. Ivy eased closer to him so that they sat with their thighs touching, bringing their chests close together and making it so that she could hear the breath sliding in and out of his lungs in slow, deep rhythm.
They sat still like this for several long seconds until their breath synchronized, filling the space around them with one blended sound of breath and heartbeats.

  Maxim's eyes opened gradually and he lifted them to Ivy's. She could feel them meeting hers, connecting them with some invisible force that bonded them into that moment. He leaned toward her, tenderly touching her lips with his, and nothing else mattered. It was as if everything around them had been cast in watercolors and his kiss had dissolved it, leaving only them alone in an indistinct wash of color.

  The kiss deepened slowly, their bodies moving toward each other carefully as they tasted one another and shared their breath, filling their lungs with each other. As the kiss ended, Maxim moved slowly around her until he was at her back. Ivy felt his hands touch the zipper at the top of her dress and begin to draw it down. There was no urgency or impatience in his touch, only calm and reverence that carried over into his kiss as he lowered his mouth to graze along her skin as the zipper exposed it.

  Ivy let her head fall forward as Maxim's lips traveled down her spine, carefully kissing each bone and gently glazing the skin with the tip of his tongue. Finally her dress was completely open and she allowed him to push it forward over her shoulders and off. She had worn only panties beneath the dress so the soft breeze that blew over them brushed against her bare nipples, making them even more taut and sensitive than they already were in response to his touch. Ivy lifted her hips slightly and Maxim eased her dress the rest of the way off of her, pausing to also remove her shoes and toss them aside.

  Now in nothing but pale pink panties, Ivy shifted her weight so that she could turn around to face Maxim. His eyes traveled over her body reverently and she lifted her hands to the front of his shirt so that she could release buttons. He sat still as she worked her way down the shirt, allowing her to take as much time as she wanted to reveal his body. The buttons finished, she slipped her hands through the open sides and ran them up his chest and back over his shoulders so that the shirt came off and she could drop it onto her own dress beside them.

  Ivy touched a kiss to the spot just above his heart and then lifted her head to look at him. Narrowing her eyes slightly, she reached forward and ran her fingertips along the smooth, undisturbed plane of his stomach.

  "Is something wrong?" he asked softly.

  "It's just," she paused, laughing at herself quietly, "you don't have a belly button."

  Maxim smiled at her.

  "My kind aren't born the same way yours are," he told her. He took her hand from his belly and eased it down to the button at the front of his pants, leaving it there and tucking his hand behind her so that he could knead her gently through her panties. "Does that bother you?"

  "Should it?" she asked, raising her eyes to look into his.


  "Then it doesn't."

  Maxim kissed her again and Ivy followed the suggestion he had made with her hand, releasing the fastenings at the front of his pants so she could push them over his hips and off as he kicked off his shoes. The flowers were plush and warm beneath her as Maxim deepened their kiss and eased her back so that she stretched onto her back. His body came down onto hers and he took his mouth from hers so that he could kiss along the outside of her neck, still moving so gradually Ivy could savor each tiny feeling that his lips created as they moved down.

  One hand cupped Ivy's breast as Maxim's mouth came down to cover the other. Ivy let out a long breath as his tongue swept over her nipple. He moved over to repeat the attention on her other breast, mimicking with the pad of his thumb on the first nipple as his tongue encircled and traced each side of the hardened point. Maxim pushed back to sit on his thighs and grasped the sides of her panties. She lifted her hips so that he could remove them and then he came back to his position over her, returning his mouth to her breast as his fingers tenderly ran along the side of her ribcage, into the dip of her waist, and over the swell of her hip, then back.

  Ivy parted her thighs slightly and felt Maxim still over her. Up until now he had been lying on her legs, his erection cradled against her thighs, but that small shift had caused his hips to settle down between them so that his tip brushed down over her core. Maxim lifted his head and without taking his eyes off of her, moved his body up further so that his chest hovered over hers. He lowered himself to his elbows, bringing his body closer. Ivy brushed her lips across his and rested her hands on his back, running them along his sides so that she could feel the tense muscles beneath his skin.

  In one smooth, slow movement, Maxim sank into her. Ivy arched slightly as he filled her and she felt her body wrapping around him as if it had been made to welcome him inside. Maxim tucked his head into the curve of her shoulder and reached down to grip her hips as he began to roll his hips against her. With each deep stroke she felt his hard, thick length massaging her, nurturing her. Ivy's hands dropped away from his back and Maxim met them, pressing his palms to hers and intertwining their fingers so that he could bring her arms up beside her head. The position gave him more leverage and he pushed back slightly, the angle sending him even deeper. Ivy cried out as he pressed completely inside her so that her body stretched to hold him.

  Maxim rocked into her a few more times and then lowered his body fully onto hers and rolled to his side, sweeping her leg up over his hips and wrapping his arm around her waist so that he held her tightly against him. Their bodies meshed together, Maxim's legs tangling with Ivy's and their arms grasping each other close. Ivy could feel his heart pounding against hers and hear his low, rhythmic sounds as he continued to stroke inside her in thrusts that kept their bodies tightly connected. She tucked her head onto his shoulder, kissing along the firm muscle as she subtly rolled her hips to meet his.

  The pressure within her was building to an almost overwhelming intensity and Ivy whimpered as Maxim took hold of the thigh rested over his hip and used it to hold her still so that he could push into her even more intensely. Ivy's head fell back, a gasping cry pouring from her lips, and he thrust into her again, his own groan joining hers. As he buried himself almost impossibly deep within her, Ivy felt the incredible sensations he was creating within her spiral upwards and reach a mind-erasing peak, then crash around her in a series of spasms that pulled him closer and drew him to the edge of his own climax. Maxim groaned, suddenly throbbing within her as he released, spilling into her body and clutching her as tightly to his chest as she could get.

  Ivy clung to him, kissing his neck and licking the sweat from his shoulder as she luxuriated in the continuing waves of her orgasm. Finally her breath settled and her body relaxed, and she felt Maxim calm beside her. They remained entwined with one another, staring into each other's eyes and occasionally kissing as their hands explored the curves and planes of each other's bodies. Ivy let her eyes drift closed, drawing in breaths of the fragrance of the velvety purple flowers mixed with the scent of Maxim.

  "What will happen when it's time for me to leave and go back to the Denynso settlement?"

  "I'll go with you."

  Ivy opened her eyes again and found Maxim still gazing at her.

  "And when it's time to go back to Earth? I'm only on Uoria for a short time."

  "I'll go with you then, too."

  "You will?"

  "Yes. Or you can stay here with me. Look at everything that had to happen so perfectly so that we would be here, now, together. I won't let anything happen that will change that."

  Ivy leaned forward and rested her lips to Maxim's. He was still cradled within her and she felt him twitch as he hardened again in response to her kiss. His hands moved to her hips and Ivy let him lift her as he rolled to his back so that she came down on top of him, straddling his hips. This was ecstasy, perfection, and she knew at that moment that she wouldn't allow anything to take her from his arms.

  Chapter Six

  "What do you mean you were sent as an offering to the Covra?" Lynx asked.

  He could feel the anger building up
within him, but he fought it. The Covra were dead. There was nothing more that he could do to them now, and losing control of his own aggression would only make it more difficult for him to understand what Rain was telling them.

  "The Valdicians and the Covra had formed an alliance years before. The Covra were ancient, vicious creatures, but a species that most others new little to nothing about. I know that we hadn't even heard of them even though we had been researching the Valdicians after we received intelligence that they were using that planet essentially for slave labor from the prisoners of war they brought there. The two species formed an alliance for the purpose of taking over as many planets and species as they could throughout the galaxy. They wanted to rule over it and control its entirety. They sent us here so that the Covra could use us as slaves and mercenaries to take over Uoria and put it into the power of the Covra. The Valdicians considered it the jewel of this area of the galaxy. They believed that once they had it and everyone on it under their control, the other planets would fall."

  "You said that you didn't come into conflict with the Covra until several years after you crashed here, though. If you were sent for the Covra, why didn't they attack as soon as you got here?" Lynx asked.

  "The Valdicians didn't know that the Covra had already started a war of their own on Uoria and the numbers of their adults had dwindled down to nearly nonexistent. What was left was weak and unable to fight, but there was a new generation coming. They had never really intended to cooperate with the Valdicians. They were going to go along with what the Valdicians planned just until they had them in the ideal position, and then take them over just as they already had begun to do with the other species that inhabited nearby on Uoria at the time. All they had to do was wait."

  "What species?" Pyra asked.

  Lynx knew that it couldn't have been the Denynso, but remembering what Loralia had said about her grandfather's stories, he thought it must be her kind. He turned to look at her across the room where she was sitting beside Bannack, but before she could acknowledge him, he heard a voice from his other side.


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