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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

Page 60

by Ruth Anne Scott

  Hannah and I spent our days studying, making love, and discussing our wedding. Our life was like a dreamy haze, I was living in complete bliss. The moment I met Hannah, my life was filled. I had everything that I had ever wanted.

  That semester went by rapidly. Winter break was finally here, which meant our wedding was soon approaching.

  Upon our arrival, my mother ran outside of the house. Her face was filled with complete joy.

  “Hannah! My daughter you’re finally here! I cannot wait for you to see what I have prepared for your wedding!” Her voice was full of glee.

  “I see how it is ma. You have a new daughter so you forget about your loving son.” I told my mother jokingly.

  “Who are you again?” she said in a chuckle while coming over to embrace me with a hug.

  “Ma, we just want a small wedding, I hope you didn’t over do it.”

  “Of course I over did it! I have always wanted to be a part of such a joyous Earth celebration, I couldn’t just get a few decorations. I wanted everything to be exceptional for my daughter.” She gushed.

  “Being able to be a part of your family is more than I could have ever wanted. Having you as my mom is more than enough.” Hannah replied.

  My ma’s eyes were filled with tears of joy as she ran over to embrace Hannah.

  “Well, let’s go inside. I want you to see your wedding outfit, and get your opinion on everything! I just hope you love it! Come, come, I set up a room just for you!” My ma said while ushering Hannah into her room.

  I step out, leaving them to converse among each other. I walked into my room, sitting down gingerly on my bed.

  When we found ourselves on this planet, we found ourselves working hard to conform to their ways. We were always faced with resistance, and animosity. They rounded us up, they treated us like they treated animals on this planet. I was certain that I would never feel at home here. I was never more wrong. With Hannah I always felt warm, and welcomed. With her I felt at home. I was finally at peace here.


  (Chapter Six)

  I felt like I was living in a fairy tale, everything that transpired the past three months felt surreal. It’s funny how in just a few months I became like most women. I was envisioning marriage in my future, and spending everyday planning it in my mind. For most of my life all I ever wanted was to be free, free from my father’s prison. In my mind marriage was like a cage, just another prison. The thought of escaping one man’s prison to go to another made my skin crawl. Let alone be that girl that committed to marriage after just a short few months. The kind of girl that fell madly in love with a boy.

  Thinking back, I remember those days where having freedom seemed like an impossible feat. The days where I had to work so adamantly to convince my father to let me go away to college. I had been fighting my nerves for days, building up my courage to confront him. Once I finally did, I had a feeling of such elation. I could feel myself shedding a bit of my false skin. I had been dreaming of freedom for so long, so to be able to see it within my grasp filled me with so much light.

  Being able to live on my own away from my father’s grasp was more than enough to fill me up. To then be able to find Wyser was beyond my wildest dreams. I never thought a being could make me feel complete. I didn’t know that Wyser alone would fulfill all of my deepest hidden desires. With Wyser, I had more than just pure unconditional love. I finally had a family again, a wonderful loving family. My mom’s death had left a big hole in my heart. Having found my mate filled that hole leaving only a small impression behind, a dent.

  Our wedding day came, it was a much anticipated day by everyone.

  “You look gorgeous Hannah!” Exclaimed Nessa

  “You’re pretty stunning yourself my maid of honor.” I replied back with a smile.

  “I think Aux and Wyser are waiting up at the altar, we should get going.” As Nessa said that, Wyser’s ma entered the room. With opens arm and a tear rolling down her eye.

  “Oh, Hannah, let me have a close look at you. You look absolutely stunning… Now everybody is waiting let’s go.”

  I walked down the aisle in my mom’s laced cerulean blue dress. As I made my way down I felt light, as though I was walking on air. My body felt as though it was going in overdrive pumping out endorphins. Wyser’s mom or I guess I should say my ma made a matching veil for me. She hemmed the dress making it much longer, and it trailed behind me eloquently.

  Wyser and I had a beautiful small wedding consisting of our close college friends and my new found family. We spent our honeymoon in a cabin. We were miles from civilization. For two weeks that cabin was our little paradise. We spent our days skinny dipping and nights making love under the moon.

  Five years later

  I graduated college last year, with the highest honors with a degree in forensic psychology, Wyser on the other hand graduated with a degree in biotechnology. Right after graduation we said farewell to our family. Surprisingly Ryan was there to congratulate me. Seeing him brought me a feeling of both happiness and unease. He pulled me to the side, and requested that I spoke to him. His eyes were filled with sadness; I saw a change in him. He seemed remorseful and his presence was warmer. It seemed as though the hate inside of him dissolved.

  “Hannah, I’m sorry I let dad brain wash me. It wasn’t until the law changed, and dad was arrested for hate crimes against the Noxi that I realize how wrong I was… I was just so angry for so long, and I let dad use that anger to his advantage. ” As Ryan said this, tears started rolling down his eyes.

  “I met a girl. We fell in love. Through her I was able to see the light. I was able to escape dad’s hold over me. I was finally able to free myself from his hate. I’ve missed you sis, and I’m sorry for abandoning you. I’m sorry I wasn’t on your side.”

  “Ry, it’s alright. I can never hate you, you’re my brother… I will always love you. I understand what it’s like, and I forgive you.” I brought him close to me, and embraced him.

  “I’m so happy that you finally found somebody. I want you to remember these words Ryan. Hate does not deserve to hold a place in your heart and mind. It will only destroy you. You deserve happiness, and hate will work its way into you and strip away any ounce of true happiness. You’re my brother; I want you in my life. Keep in touch okay?” I told him while holding his hand.

  “Thank you sis.” He smiled as he uttered those words.

  Wyser and I left to Europe that night. We had planned to spend a year exploring the world.

  Six months into our trip Wyser and I found ourselves expecting a child. A few months before our child was due, we traveled back home so that we would be closer to our family. My once hate filled life was now exploding with love. Wyser and I had a beautiful half Noxi, half human girl. Having a child completely fulfilled me. It was a more intense level of love, a more intensified level of happiness. I was so full, my heart was beyond content. Laughter was never lacking in our household. Wyser and I lived a long blessed life, watching our child grow up. We watched the world around us evolve, becoming a kinder society towards Noxi. Our child was fortunate; she was able to escape the bigotry that Wyser had known.

  Wyser and I sat outside on the patio, we sat there watching the sun setting on the horizon. I leaned my head over to kiss him.

  “I love you Princess.” He muttered.

  “I love you too Wyser.” I beamed.

  The sun was slowly disappearing beyond the distance. The sky was immersed with radiant shades of orange, purple, and red.


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  Dragon Riders of Markham

  A Fantasy Romance

  Complete Series (Books 1 – 6)



  Book 1

  Book 2
r />   Book 3

  Book 4

  Book 5

  Book 6

  Book 1

  Chapter one

  I opened my eyes and I could feel this pounding headache that just wouldn’t go away. I wanted to get up, but my limbs felt like they were weighing me down heavily. I didn’t know what happened. The last thing I remember is having a party after hours at the club that I bounced at. I can see the banner with happy birthday Shana written across in bold red letters. I remember taking shots of tequila like I was drinking tap water. I’ve always been known to break free of convention. You may not know it from looking at me, but I can handle my liquor, unless of course I go overboard.

  I stared up at the sky and it was such a brilliant blue that it almost blinded me. There is something different, something that I’m not quite sure what it is, but I know that there is something. I feel a cool wind tousle my raven black hair. It feels nice and it’s a momentary reprieve from the pounding drum that is incessantly getting on my last nerve.

  I recall seeing all my friends and everybody having a great time. There was this man and he tried to put his hands on me, only to find out that I was not that kind of girl. He left there with a permanent limp and most likely a sprained wrist from when I turned it in just the right way to make him bow down at my feet. I think that most guys believe that I am a lesbian, but they only believe that because they want to.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t like guys, but I was particular in who I spent my time with. I certainly didn’t want a drunken slob pawing at me and telling me how beautiful I am. I also didn’t want that guy with the gold chains and the first three buttons on his shirt undone leering at me and telling me that my dress would look good on the floor of his bedroom.

  For the most part, I would say that they leave me alone and I must project an air of confidence that either scares them or makes them rethink their approach. Most often than not, I am the one that initiates, but only if I feel that the man is worthy.

  My job is very important to me and my two coworkers, Simone and Gary are two of my closest friends. It was them that put on this shindig for me and I could honestly believe that we would be the best of friends for the rest of our lives. All three of us had opened the place together and even though my contribution was more physical at the door, didn’t mean that I wasn’t raking in the profits from my 25%. Nobody knew about our arrangement and that was part of the deal when I decided to jump feet first into this venture.

  I heard what sounded like a wild animal, but it sounded like nothing I’ve ever heard in my life. I once again tried to rise up to assess my situation, but all I could do was stare at the sky and wonder where the hell I was.

  Back at the club, I saw Simone dancing on top of the bar and slinging drinks like a master mixer. I had to give her credit for going to Bartending School and learning the craft from the bottom up. She became quite the natural at twirling those bottles and not spilling a drop. This was all to the chorus of applause from the crowd. She was the spectacle that brought those men in from the cold. She put on a show that was worthy of her own extravaganza in Las Vegas.

  “Shana, you should get up here with me and show them how to shake their money maker.” She was the quintessential blond bombshell with the type of breasts that defied gravity. I could be so bold and join her, but that would only be pandering to the crowd. Besides, they were all drunk and I had no interest in looking down from on top of the bar to see them gazing at me with animalistic desires that were never going to be fulfilled.

  “You’re doing just fine on your own, Simone.” She was shorter than me at 5’4, 130 pounds with most of that up front and center. I was a Raven haired vixen and I liked to tease the masses with brief peeks at the good stuff. My claim to fame was tight jeans, because my best asset was my tight and firm ass. My abdominals were flat and were the result of many hours sculpting them in a gym. I was freakishly strong and growing up with three brothers had made it a necessity to learn how to survive.

  My father was single and our mother was absent, until we got older and we decided to give her a second chance. For the most part, our father was the one that raised us. He was very hesitant in allowing me to join him and my brothers out in the wilderness. I guess I was a tomboy from early on.

  The party was still in full swing at 3:00 AM in the morning and from there, things began to get a little fuzzy around the edges. I got dizzy, but it was nothing that I hadn’t experienced before.

  I think I walked out to get a breath of fresh air and then everything went blank. It was like a whole section of my memory had been excised. I couldn’t recall how I got out here in some field in the middle of nowhere.

  I was finally able to lift myself up and I saw these weird mutant flowers that I’d never seen before. They seemed to sway back and forth with the breeze, but the petals were moving like they had a life of their own. They seemed to be dancing to their own tune and then this insect flew by and got the shock of its life.

  Those odd purple and black flowers snapped forward and grabbed this insect out of the air like it was nothing. I was truly transfixed and I didn’t even realize that there was the sound of hooves on the ground, until suddenly they were right on top of me. It was then that I realized that the blades of grass around me had a different texture with these fine coarse hairs that you could barely see with the naked eye.

  I poked my head above them and I noticed a figure kneeling and wearing what I could only assume is red armor. With the sun beating on it, it was like 1000 light bulbs going off in my eyes at the same time. I had to shield my eyes. I was trying my best to understand any of this. I lived in a metropolitan and yet this was some kind of country setting that reminded me of Iowa, but on a different scale.

  “Don’t worry, Rankin. We’re just making a pit stop. Those Talons will not come anywhere close to you. Just between you and me, I’ve always thought that those flowers should’ve been banned. Unfortunately, my pleas fell on deaf ears. The council believes that the flowers are a necessity to the natural evolvement of our society. I think they only say that because they know that cultivating the flowers will bring prosperity. It’s just a matter of getting the right equipment to do the job. We’ll be home soon and then you can enjoy the stew that I made. I always make too much.” He was talking to himself and then he took off his helmet letting go a mane of blond hair that fell to the small of his back.

  He looked around like he was nervous. He started to pull the armor from his body, until he was standing there with nothing, but a smile. I couldn’t see his face. I did put my hand up to my mouth in complete shock to see him completely naked from behind. He was a Greek god and that was the kind of body that I would like to start exploring in the morning and end up in his arms spooning at night.

  “I do have to say that you make a fine sight for a woman that has just woken up.” He was startled and he inadvertently turned and gave me a brief glimpse at his most prominent region. He clamped his hands over it and moved behind the horse. It wasn’t actually a horse and there were two horns sticking out of its head.

  “I don’t know where ye came from, but it’s not nice to sneak up on someone.” I don’t know where he got his vocabulary, but it sounded like something you would hear in the olden days. Perhaps I had fallen into some kind of renaissance fair. “Why are you out here in the middle of the day? Curfew has already started. If you’re seen trespassing on private land, you’ll be punished severely.” I was willing to play along, but I also needed to know where I was.

  Chapter two

  He was a little embarrassed by being seen with no clothes on, but he soon got over that shyness. He dressed behind his horse. He came back out wearing a sort of armor that melded to him like a second skin. I could actually see the material rippling along his muscles to conform to his frame and likeness. It was the strangest thing that I’d ever seen.

  “I don’t suppose you can tell me where I’m at?” I was still wearing my customary blue
jeans, denim shirt and a black leather vest. I was always big into motorcycles and I had a custom made Harley that would make most people cringe when I drove by with those aftermarket pipes making quite the noise. I wore one of those helmets that looked like it was back in the war torn days of Korea. I did wear a pair of sunglasses and had a kerchief around my mouth to prevent bugs from choking me to death.

  “Are you daffy or something? You’re in the land of Markham. This is the countryside on the outskirts of town.” I took a step back, when I noticed that the horse had wings and then it snorted with blue fire coming out of its nose. I was totally stunned, completely taken a back and I had no idea if what I was seeing was real. It could be that I was in a hospital with some kind of concussion or in a coma where I was living out a weird kind of dream. It didn’t feel like a dream and just touching those blades of grass was very real.

  I wasn’t sure if I could tell him the truth, so I decided on a story that would make a little bit more sense. “I guess I got turned around.” I couldn’t help but to look at his armor and the muscles that were now bulging. There was one in particular that caught my attention and I found myself staring at it despite how I feel about men doing the same thing to my chest. I was treating him like he was man candy and I was wondering if he would melt in my hand or melt in my mouth. This thought made me giggle and to him I must’ve looked like some kind of crazy person laughing at nothing.


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