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Disturbed Beauty

Page 2

by Ashley Beale

  There are several steps that go down into a dark basement. I listen first but don't hear anything. I can't imagine anyone is going to be at the church at this time of night anyways. Before entering the basement, I look around to make sure no one sees me. Seeing that the coast is clear, I walk into the basement, slowly closing the door behind me, being sure I don't latch the door, in case it locks from the inside too.

  The stairs are dark, so I walk slowly, making sure not to trip. When I feel the concrete under my feet, I press myself against the wall and listen once more to make sure I don't hear any sounds. I can't hear anything nor see anything, so I finally use my cell phone to light the way. There are three narrow hallways, one to the left, one to the right, and one straight across. Down each hallway the only thing I can see are closed doors.

  I walk down the hallway straight across first, listening at each door. When I get to the end of the hallway, there is a rounded staircase that leads back upstairs to the main entrance. I can see the light from upstairs shining down. Listening closely, I still hear no sounds, but seeing the light makes me wonder if I’m alone or not.

  I head back down the hallway to where it splits off again at the bottom of the staircase I descended from. Just as I'm at the end of the hallway, I hear a creak behind me. Pressing the button on my phone, I exit from the flashlight app, and press myself against the wall once more. The creak happens once again. It sounds like someone is coming from the staircase I was just at.

  Being as provident as I possibly can be, I tip toe along the wall, to the edge. I hurry myself around the corner, holding my breath in to keep from making any sounds. A yelp escapes my mouth but is quickly covered by someone's hands. I'm pulled against a body, and the hand around my mouth is held there tightly.

  Quickly, I shove my phone into the front of my pants, too nervous to put it in my pockets. It's my only lifeline at this moment, I need to protect it.

  I can't see anything, and the person holding me isn't doing anything. Not moving, barely breathing, and not whispering warnings into my ear- nothing that I expected. I'm not sure if this person is an enemy or a savior, the only thing I know is he is a man. I can tell by his solid chest pressed unyielding into my back.

  There is talking in the background, coming from the hall I just escaped from. I listen closely, even though the only sound echoing loudly in my head is the beating of my heart. Faintly I hear the words, "I heard someone, I swear." It's a man's voice.

  Another voice nearly growls at the first one, "You're an incompetent moron. It's probably the fucking rats in this place."

  That voice.

  The hairs on my arm stand on end. I know that voice. I dread that voice.


  I can hear as Blaise and the other man climb the stairs in the distance. I close my eyes and focus on breathing. The man holding me didn't give me up to Blaise, so I'm hoping that means he is a good guy. Or at least a decent guy. There is no way I'm going to assume anything at this point though.

  His lips come to my ear to whisper. "When I let go, don't scream," he warns. The man has a thick Spanish accent but he speaks English well. "Do you understand?"

  I nod my head in answer. I won't risk screaming, not with Blaise upstairs.

  He removes his hand tentatively from my mouth. His body remains pressed against mine. "Come with me." He backs away from me but I can't seem to move. I'm frozen in panic.

  "Liv," he whispers. "You need to come with me."

  My body whips around but I can't see him. It's just a shadow of a man. I know it's not Roman, I can tell by his voice and his posture. Somehow he knows me though. The world around me is crumbling more and more, and I can't seem to find a way for it all to stop.

  "Who are you?" I speak quietly. Even I can hear the panic in my voice.

  "My name is Fernando. Come with me."

  "Bu-but," I stutter.

  Fernando interrupts me before I can actually come up with an excuse. "Come with me or be captured by Blaise and his crew. It's up to you."

  I have no choice at this point. I'm too scared to run, I definitely can't scream, and I wouldn't know whom to call to rescue me. This man, who strangely knows me somehow, is my only safe haven. That isn't a good sign. I really fucked things up this time. I should have listened to Roman. Playing Nancy Drew isn't exactly my expertise.

  The shadow doesn't move until I start walking in his direction, he then continues down the hall. It's still pitch black but I manage to see a hue of his silhouette leading in front of me. Near the end of the hall, he stops abruptly, causing me to walk into him. I have to hold onto his arms to keep from falling back.

  "Come in here," he whispers. He doesn't pay any attention to the fact I walked into him, nor anything else.

  I can't see where he turns but I can feel it, so I walk into the room he indicates. There is a low buzzing noise when Fernando turns on the light. It's dim, hardly lighting the room, but now I can put a face to the name.

  Fernando has dark brown hair that falls into long layers for a man. His dark eyes match his hair, and around his left eye is a bruise that looks to be several days old. His body is broad, with shoulders made for a football player, and he is taller than he felt.

  He doesn't smile at me. He pinches his eyes in anger instead, and when he speaks, it’s snappy. "What are you doing here?"

  "How do you know who I am?"

  He shakes his head dramatically. "Don't answer a question with a question. I need to know why you're here. Roman told you to stay back."

  "And he hasn't called in two weeks. I assumed he was dead."

  "So you came here to what, get killed as well?" He walks closer to me, pointing a finger directly in my face. It's uncomfortable, but I'm not about to push him away. He makes me nervous, even if he did take me away from Blaise.

  I swallow audibly as he scolds me. "Wait, is he dead?" I may have thought it but to be told it's the truth brings on a whole new level of emotions.

  Fernando laughs sarcastically, making him sound cutthroat. "No, but he certainly can't have the likes of you crawling around town, trying to find him or Clarissa, or he will end up dead. You need to leave before Blaise finds out your in town, too."

  "Does Roman know I'm in town? How do you even know I'm in town? How do you know who I am?"

  "I saw you leave Violeta's."

  "Is that the restaurant? You didn't answer how you knew me."

  "Enough," he barks out. He pulls his phone out and looks at the ID with a frustrated look. He glares at me and dares me not to speak just by the look in his eye. I nod my head and look around the room. It's a square classroom with art projects of crosses and Jesus and other religious stuff on the walls. There are no windows, which is probably why he picked this room out of all of them.

  His phone call is mostly in Spanish, and although I recognize most of the words, he speaks so fast I can't actually put sentences together. I don't pay much attention as I continue to look around until I hear my name mentioned. I glance over at him as he speaks exasperated to whoever is on the other line.

  "Si, yo le dije que se fuera," he says. I’m almost certain he is telling the person that he told me to leave.

  The voice on the phone echoes through. I can't understand more than mumbling and a few choice words, then as it goes silent, Fernando looks at me frustrated. "It's for you."

  Hesitantly I grab the phone and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I speak warily.

  "I told you I'd contact you," Roman screams. "Get the fuck out of Mexico. You're already found. You're already in trouble."

  "What do you mean I'm already found?" I whisper yell. "If you mean by Fernando, it's fine. I'll just-"

  "You'll just leave. You don't understand what you just did, Liv."

  “And what is that, Roman? Upset you? I'm always upsetting you."

  There is a loud crash in the background, as if he just threw something across the room. "Listen." His voice is so intense, I know I need to do just that. "I have to pretend to be part
of this, Liv. You need to understand not everything is as it seems. I have so much to explain to you when I see you, but until then, you need to listen to me closely. Javier deals with sales and the bigger markets. Even though I'm technically the leader, he has more control. If I override him on anything, red flags go up, and I'm as good as dead."

  "Who is Javier," I ask. Not exactly sure I want to know the answer.

  "He is who found out. I have a hack on Blaise's phone. I'm able to hear every call he makes or receives. As of four minutes ago, Blaise knows you're in town. Javier called to make sure Blaise finds you by the end of the night. There is a ten thousand dollar hit on you. Leave town, but don't go home. Go anywhere, but leave Mexico and stay away from your family. I'll call you tomorrow."

  My family. My dad, my sister. He will go after them if he can't find me. "Roman, I can't. I have to give myself up if that means saving my family."

  "I will save your family," he says with a guarantee I just can’t believe.

  "You can't Roman. You're in Mexico, too. I need to turn myself in."

  "Give Fernando the phone," he orders me.

  "Bye Roman." I hang up the phone, then press the power button. It'll give me a few minutes to get away from Fernando without orders directly from Roman to keep me here.

  I hand Fernando back his phone and with a weak smile I tell him, "Thanks for your help. What town should I stay in for the night? There is no way I can drive all the way back to Arizona."

  He looks confused but doesn't say anything that would make it known. "You're better off driving west, as far as you can. Run down hotels will allow you to pay cash so there is no paper trail. Hide your car when you park. Check your mirrors often to make sure you're not being tailed, and if you feel like you are, call Roman. He will answer your call now that he knows you’re in Mexico."

  "Because answering before now was highly inconvenient," I reply sarcastically.

  Fernando shakes his head, almost amused now. "Not inconvenient, but not necessary. He has his work cut out for him. You made a mess of things, and what was supposed to take several more months is now going to have to be done in the next couple weeks, possibly sooner. Do as Roman says, and make sure to check in with him so we know you’re safe."

  I smile at him, knowing he is honestly just trying to help. "Thanks Fernando."

  He hints at a smile before giving me a curt nod. "Of course. Let me help you to your car."

  Knowing it would be obvious if I told him no, I let him guide me outside towards my car. He is good at keeping hidden in open spaces, which mean he has been doing his job for a long time. I can't tell if he is part of the selling and trading of females, or not, but he must know about it. The sinking feeling inside my stomach stops me from thanking him when I get to the car.

  "That way is west." He points to where I assumed was north. “Drive no less than two hours, try for more. Cross the border early morning, before seven. Stay away from Arizona. Maybe head up the coast of California and stop sometime tomorrow night."

  "Got it," I tell him. I look around before opening the door, then I slide into the driver seat. "I'll call if I need Roman for anything."

  He closes my door for me and starts walking behind it. I start the car to give him the illusion that I'm about to head out, but when he gets far enough in the distance, I shut it back off. I know this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done, and I most likely won't come out of this alive, but if it means saving my family and possibly finding Clarissa, I have to turn myself in.

  As quick as I possibly can, I run towards the front of the church. The door is still locked, so I bang on the door as loud as I can. "Blaise," I scream. "Blaise, it's me, Liv. Let me in."

  "Liv," I hear Fernando yell. "What the fuck are you doing?"

  But it's too late. The door opens and the monster stands in front of me. His smile broadens instantly.

  Those blue eyes that I once found desirable drown me in their soul sucking powers as he looks me up and down. They quickly avert to behind me, where Fernando must be chasing after me. I glance behind me to see Fernando staring at me, shaking his head in shame.

  "I got it, Fernando," Blaise hollers. "She is mine."

  Fernando nods his head at Blaise as he attempts to act like it's perfectly fine. "Got it sir. Need me to pass it on to Javier or Roman?"

  Blaise nearly laughs. "Like I said, I got it. I need you to head back to the bóveda, get ready for a reunión de negocios."

  He must not have any idea I know Spanish, and there is absolutely no way I'll hint that I do. However, bóveda means vault, and reunión de negocios means business meeting. The idea of those two words being put into a sentence unsettles me greatly. What is he asking Fernando to do exactly?

  "Got it boss," Fernando answers. He gives me one last look of disappointment before turning and walking away. I watch him turn his phone back on as he walks towards the road.

  I face Blaise once more but he doesn't give me a chance to speak before talking himself. "I know why you’re here,” he says suggestively. "And you made a terrible mistake in finding me."

  "I wasn't here to find you," I tell him honestly.

  "Of course not." I hate his cocky nature, something I once found endearing now curdles deep inside my stomach like month old milk. "But here I am. And now, Liv, you're stuck with me."

  He moves out of the way to allow me to enter the church. I cannot allow myself to regret my decision, as I'm only saving my family from being tortured or killed.

  The door echoes when it closes, leaving me in a room so silent it's agonizing. Blaise's footsteps reverberate with each step. He doesn't look at me as he continues to the back of the room, but I can tell by his posture he expects me to follow. It'd be a little ridiculous to turn myself into him, then fight him to escape, so I find myself attentively walking after him.

  The area behind where the pastor or priest or whomever stands is a white door. He opens it and waits for me to get there. The glare he gives warns me to hurry, but being the stubborn girl I am, I continue walking slow. I give him a tight lip smile as I walk past, but apparently Blaise doesn't like that.

  His hand reaches out and grabs onto my wrist a little too snug. "You'll do exactly as I say," he warns me.

  "And here I was thinking a relationship was a two way street." I can't find the courage to look at him directly when I speak.

  I hate the ice cold laugh he does before he speaks again. "Relationship, Liv. You're a little more naive than I suspected if you think we were ever in a relationship."

  What the dumbass doesn't know, is that I was being sarcastic, but he has done his job in terrifying me beyond belief, so I don't say as much. When I'm silent long enough, he brings his mouth close to my ear, whispering in what I used to think was seductively. "I don't mind reaping the benefits though."

  Vomit threatens to rise, but I swallow it down. I may be scared, but I can't let him know just how much.

  The hand that is holding my wrist loosens as his other one runs along the side of my hip towards the front. I want so badly to elbow him in the area that invaded me not all that long ago, but I remain standing still, allowing him to have control. Knowing he is capable of rape to someone he claimed to love, and that he sells women to vulgar, thriving horny fucks, I know he is stronger than I want to actually believe. I know he'll do things to me that I couldn't ever dream to be real in this world. For that, I stand still. I allow him to touch my body however thrills him most.

  Blaise's lips lower to my shoulder as his hand continues touching me over my jeans. Each fiber of my being is crawling in disgust. With each kiss, he makes his way closer to the back of my neck until he reaches the other side of me. He rests his chin on my shoulder, while watching both his hands unbutton my jeans.

  Thoughts of him raping me invade my memory, and it takes everything inside of me to hold it together. I want to scream, and cry, and stab the fucking asshole to death... but I can't. Not until I have Clarissa. When I get her back safely, I can f
inally fight back.

  With a quick tug, my pants are falling down. My phone falls from its hiding spot, sliding across the floor. He laughs, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing his assault. Blaise's fingers run along my panty line. I have to close my eyes tightly and think happy thoughts. Memories of Clarissa and me swimming, and laughing, and having slumber parties at my house. Times when my sister and I would sneak out after our parents were asleep so we could sit in a tent in the backyard and tell horror stories. The once a year that my dad would bring me to a Cardinals game, and even though I don't like football, it was fun going with him and seeing him excited over something.

  Every memory fades away when Blaise runs a finger along my slit. "I'm disappointed," he whispers.

  I don't ask why, and quite frankly, I don't care why. I should break out in a smile that I've obviously upset him for some weird reason.

  "I like my girls bare, Liv. You know this. You haven't shaved in quite some time, have you?"

  I want to tell him, no, not since you raped me you sick fuck, but I can't say the words out loud. I can't say anything.

  Blaise chuckles while backing away from me. It feels freeing not having his hands or lips on me any longer. "Get dressed. You have to meet with Bianca before the meeting tonight."

  Without hesitation, I pull my pants back up in place and button them quickly. I wipe my clothes, as if they are covered in dirt, wanting to get any hint of Blaise off me. I know it doesn't actually make a difference, but it does make me feel a little... less filthy.

  Blaise pushes at my shoulder, getting me to walk forward. I hadn't even noticed the three other guys in the room until now. They just witnessed what happened and they don't look in the least bit fazed by it. I can picture myself putting a bullet through each one of their heads, and that image is the only thing allowing my legs to continue moving to the empty chair.


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