Disturbed Beauty

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Disturbed Beauty Page 12

by Ashley Beale

  "Okay." She doesn't say anything more than that as she rests her head on her knees.

  I stare at Clarissa and tell her my only last concern. "What about Opal?" She turns from me timidly. "Clarissa?"

  Mia reaches over and touches my shoulder softly, the way someone does when they give you bad news. "You didn't hear?"

  "What?" I snap, turning to face Mia. My body runs cold as ten million fears run through me.

  "Her family refused to come get her. They said she was a disgrace or something like that." She shakes her head in disappointed. "This morning she was just gone. They don't know where she went or even how she got out."

  I'm stunned I’m just now finding out about this. Clearly they both knew. "How do you know?"

  "I overheard agents Quincy and Larsen talking about it this morning after breakfast. A few of us overheard it. I thought you would've found out by now or I would've told you."

  I nod my head, pretty disappointed that no one told me, but understanding why I didn't know. My heart shatters uncontrollably for Opal. She deserves to be wanted by her family. She has been through far more than the rest of us! I loved her from the start, she is special to me. She always will be. I just don't know where I could ever find her. I don't even know where to start.

  So I won't. Not yet at least.

  I'll do this. I'm going with Clarissa, I'm seeing the world, and I'm making mistakes. Because dammit, I'm too young to have gone through what I have, and more than that, I'll have Clarissa and Mia by my side. My two sisters, not by blood but by love. I'm going to enjoy, and possibly regret, every single minute of it. But I deserve it. We deserve it. And it's going to be alright.

  My dad stands by the security lines, off to the side a little, waiting for me. He looks unhealthy and pale. Lost and confused. Worse than when my mom died. Worse than when my sister took off. He isn't himself, and the ping inside my chest that says I caused this- and may cause this again- kills me. But I'm standing my ground.

  I walk over and wrap my arms around his chest. He lets out a loud cry, not caring who sees or hears. He holds me to him, soaking my hair with his tears. I pull him tighter, scared of what will happen if I let go.

  Clarissa is meeting with her parents after security. Mia is waiting with me, too scared to see her mom. She knows choosing to leave is almost as bad as being forced to leave. She left a note with an FBI agent who tried to warn her she was making a mistake, but Mia being the convincing young woman she is, made her realize that it was the best decision she could make. The agent therefore promised to pass on the letter to Mia's mom, as long as Mia promised to keep in touch.

  I pull back from my dad slightly, still not letting go, but needing to see his face. "I'm here, Dad," I tell him.

  "I know kiddo." He doesn't open his eyes. He won't look at me. I don't think he believes that I'm truly in his presence, which makes this next statement the hardest thing I've ever said to him.

  "But I'm not coming home. Yet."

  "Of course you are," he assures the both of us the best to his ability. "You're here. The plane leaves in two hours. We'll go home, and we can do whatever you want. Eat a nice dinner, sleep, rent a movie. It's up to you."

  I speak through the damn lump forming in my throat as I shake my head at him. "No, dad. I'm sorry. I-I'm not. Not yet. I can't. It's too soon. I want to go with Clarissa and Mia, I want to see the world. I want to travel. To escape. To be free. I-I don't want to run away, I want you to let me go."

  He finally opens his eyes, which are bloodshot from tears and stress. I can't figure out now if I am truly making the right decision or not. It's a hard choice to make, even more so now.

  Dad nods his head at me slowly, understanding what I'm saying, where I'm coming from. "You're an adult. I just... I can't lose you again, Liv. I can't. I've lost everyone." He starts to break down again, his voice now cracking.

  Tears pour from my eyes in an instant. I hate doing this to him. Maybe I do need to go home. Clarissa will understand. It's not too late for Mia to go to her parents. We don't have to do this. Shit.

  He pulls at the ends of my hair, coaxing me. His head still slowly nodding, as if he is telling himself it's alright. "Where are you going?"

  My lips tremble as I try to make a quick choice, but that is when Mia walks up and wraps her arms around me. She looks up to my dad with her puppy dog eyes and blinks. "I'm Mia," she says sweetly.

  His attention drops to her. "Hi." His voice comes out confused. "Hi Mia," he says with more confidence. "I'm Ridge. Liv's father."

  "I know. You have the same gentle smile that she does. That is why I started talking to her. Even with everything, she was always sweet. You could tell with her eyes she was scared, but she never admitted it. You are a good dad."

  I wasn't expecting this, not from my little Mia. I know what she is doing though. She is giving my dad comfort. She wants this. No... She needs this.

  Dad's eyes look back and forth between Mia and myself for several minutes before he speaks. "Thank you," he says sincerely. "She certainly is wonderful. She is just like her mother. I'm glad... I'm glad you two had each other." When dad looks at me again, I know what he is thinking. He is wondering if this young, innocent, sweet girl went through the same stuff as me. I simply nod my head to let him know. I watch as remorse washes over him. He has the same reaction I did.

  With a deep sigh he looks back over to Mia. "Where are your parents?"

  She looks at the security line and back at him. "I think in there somewhere. Probably at the gate. Possibly with one of the agents."

  "Do they know you're not returning home?"

  "It's just my mom actually. And yeah, she does. One of the agents let her know."

  He shakes his head but doesn't say much of anything. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a credit card. "Here," he tells me as he passes it in my direction. "Go. Go have fun. Explore. Be free. You both deserve it. But I expect phone calls, and honesty. Do you understand?"

  The change in direction is startling but it brings me relief. He isn't going to argue, or even cry. He is giving me permission, and he is doing it with a sense of understanding. I couldn't be more grateful.

  I hop up onto my toes before wrapping my arms around my dad’s neck. I kiss his cheek and whisper a thanks into his ear. He kisses my forehead as I pull back.

  "I love you Liv. I love you with all my heart. And I'm trusting you. Have fun, but more importantly be smart… and be safe."

  "I know dad. Thank you."

  Mia sneaks in and hugs my dad, too. "Thank you Ridge."

  It takes all but a second for my dad to rub his hand on her shoulder. "Take care girls."

  He walks us over to the ticket counter and helps us purchase three tickets, all to the sunny state of Florida. Miami to be exact. Maybe a large city isn't the best choice, but at least we'll have beaches, sunshine, freedom, and most importantly each other.

  Once we're through security, we meet up with Clarissa. Her dad is swearing up a storm, throwing a huge fit in front of everyone, while her mom is dishing over cash. I have to look away, seeing her dad react the way he is. I still have regret inside of me, even with my dad's permission to go.

  Mia never saw her mother before boarding the plane with us. She doesn't look all that phased by it either. Maybe there is more to her story she didn't reveal. I won't focus on that though, instead I'll focus on a new beginning. I know it won't be easy, but it's exactly what we need.

  I wipe down the last table at Mac's, a restaurant in Alabama I started working at a month ago. Once cleaned, I walk over and toss the dish towel into the bucket of soapy water. With a deep sigh, I settle into an old leather chair that needs to be fixed and I relax for the first time in five hours.

  "You almost ready?" Mia asks from the front counter. She spots me sitting down and gives me an anxious look. Tonight the three of us are supposed to go to the movies. We've been pinching pennies left and right, saving as much cash as possible so we don't have to rely on our
parent's funds to support our crazy adventure that doesn't consist of anything too crazy at all.

  I hold up a finger, telling her just one more minute. My back is on fire from a Friday night shift. They're never fun, but thankfully we're a restaurant that closes at nine, so my shift isn't longer than I can actually handle.

  We stayed in Florida for five weeks, finding odd jobs here and there to earn extra cash. It hasn't been easy on Mia to earn much, because of her age, but she's managed a few times to find ways. We went from there to Georgia, which we learned wasn't for us fast, and made our way west.

  Once we arrived in a small town of Alabama, we realized that this is exactly what we needed. Not too far from the shores, and filled many with loving families and old folks. Currently we're residing in a hotel that only costs a hundred a week, with everything included, even cable. Paying rent and buying groceries isn't too hard, it just has made it so our vacation hasn't been much of one.

  We've done a few fun things, mainly trips to the beach or random exploring in the different places we happen to drive through. It wasn't what I expected it to be, but it was certainly one thing- needed by us all.

  The three of us have found tears that are created from laughter, and the ability to joke around with one another, and a sense of security we didn't have less than two months ago. Clarissa knew what she was talking about when she thought this up, it's just too bad it wasn't the picture we painted in our heads. Not that everything is.

  Walking into the kitchen, I clock out and wave to Monique, one of the cooks who always stays late. Everyone else is too busy trying to clean up their mess so they can head home as well. I walk back into the lobby to meet with Mia, but I don't see her. She must've already went back out to meet with Clarissa.

  We live a block down the road, and everything we do is in walking distance. We've rented cars but only long enough for necessary things. We definitely always walk in packs. Never alone. Ever.

  I walk through the doors and switch the sign to close as it shuts. Turning around I'm not facing Clarissa and Mia. I'm facing him.

  "What are you doing... here? And how did you... how did you find me? Find us?" I have to ask the questions before giving him a minute to speak. My body shakes instantly looking into those eyes. I didn’t expect that, especially here, in Alabama.

  Roman smiles in that way that is so fucking devilish it scares me. It also melts me in a way it shouldn't. "You didn't expect to hide from me forever did you?"

  I wrap my arms around myself, because although it's not cold out, I'm shaking from the chills.

  "I wasn't hiding, at least not from you. We just weren't ready to go back home yet."

  "Are you now?" He lifts a brow in question.

  I glance over to Clarissa and Mia, who both have large eyes. I think a hint of fear, too. I look back up to Roman and smile. "No, not yet."

  "Good," he says. "Me either."

  My breath hitches. I don't know if it's that a good thing or not. I still have many questions that need answering, and I've been waiting for Roman for them, but at the same time, I've been glad to have him away so I can focus on other things in my life. I have a feeling this is going to be a confusing few days. Or will it be weeks? I don't even know.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask him tentatively once more.

  He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close to him. I don't argue as his lips grace mine ever so softly. He pulls away slightly and whispers against my lips. "Winning you."

  Oh... shit.

  Book three, Disturbed Emotion, will release this summer!

  Disturbed Emotion will be the final book in Liv’s POV. A fourth book will be released in Roman’s POV, and be a whole new story- coming this fall!

  My Street Team & Beta Readers: Thank you ladies for absolutely everything you do for me! The pimping, the editing, the advice, the friendship. All of it!! I couldn’t be where I am without each and every one of you! Love you ladies.

  My Family & Friends: This category is one in the same, as most of my friends are family to me, and my family are the best friends I could ever ask for!! I have an incredible support system, even from people I’ve never met, and that is the most surreal thing that could ever happen to me. Thank you, each and every one of you, for being there for me in all my crazy, fun journeys. I love you all with all my heart.

  My Fans & Supporters: There is never enough to say to you all! The fact you have ever even picked up a book of mine is dreamlike… and terrifying! I think I get more nervous every time I hit publish, then I’m showered in even more love than the previous release. I’ve learned so much from many of you, and enjoy the conversations several of you have had with me on many different occasions. I enjoy meeting people at the signings, reading messages that put me into (happy) tears, and reading the reviews- even the not so great of ones. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to follow my dreams. I owe you all the world.

  Ashley Beale, 26, is an International Bestselling Author living in Maine. Although all of Ashley’s (self-published) novels are romance, each one is uniquely different than the last.

  When Ashley is not writing, you can usually find her surrounded by her children, family, and friends. In her (extremely limited) spare time, she enjoys reading, having adventures, being outdoors, shopping, traveling, and getting to know her fans!

  For a list of Ashley’s novels, book signings, or simply to get to know her better, you can visit any of her official sites.

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashleybealeauthor

  Twitter: @author_abeale

  Website: www.ashleybeale.com




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