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Un-A-Were of You

Page 1

by JT Schultz


  of You


  JT Schultz

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Un-A-Were of You

  COPYRIGHT Ó 2007 by JT Schultz

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Nicola Martinez

  The Wild Rose Press

  PO Box 706

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Black Rose Edition, 2007

  Published in the United States of America


  To my readers, for their ongoing support

  Praise for JT Schultz

  JT has a way of combining humor and sensual delights to keep the reader entertained from start to finish! I’m positive you won’t be disappointed at any time!

  Joni – Twolips Reviews

  Chapter 1

  “Define fired?”

  “I let Mandy go.” Aiden Jacobs confessed to his very disgruntled father. “I mean yes, she had fantastic legs, short skirts and the need to help with anything I needed was a bonus. However, she wasn’t the one and she wasn’t what I need, not to mention she couldn’t type to save her life.”

  “You are in charge of the magazine covers. What the hell do you need someone who can type for?”

  Aiden’s brows went up. “A woman with a brain would be nice. Seriously, what were you thinking hiring her for me?”

  “I was thinking grandchildren, Aiden!”

  Okay, Dad’s pissed. Not good.

  He sighed and tried to find the good in the situation. “Seriously, I think a chimpanzee would have been a better choice.”

  His father’s eyes flickered amber in color.

  Oh shit! This is bad.

  “But a chimpanzee wouldn’t have had her legs or the willingness to give into your more carnal needs.”

  Carnal needs, oh hell! Mandy? I don’t think so.

  There was no way he could tell his father that the buxom blonde had caused “primal failure” the minute she opened her mouth to speak. He needed a brain to go with the body if he ever hoped in finding a mate. A pretty face and a great ass were a dime a dozen, but the complete package, well, that was—

  “Fine. If typing is what interests you, I’ll have someone come up from customer service.”

  His father, Rex, could be such a cad.

  “I would like her pleasant on the eyes.” It was a simple request. The last thing he needed was someone old enough to be his mother with a compulsive need to dictate his diet and ties. He liked his ties bold and his women, brunette. Of course, outgoing, but not as bold as his neck dress selection, and Mandy was a neon yellow tie for all arguments’ sake.

  “And I would like you to find a mate.”

  “About that—”

  Narrowing his eyes, Rex’s look penetrated Aiden. “We’re wolves, a mate completes us. I want you settled, just so your mother will shut up.”


  “Leave it to me and I’ll figure it out.”

  And this is the end of the discussion. Wonderful, what have I brought on myself?


  What did I do to deserve this?

  “Could you run that by me again please?” Cricket Summers asked.

  The almighty Rex Jacobs swiveled in his expensive leather chair. “Cricket,” he glanced at her employee file splattered across his desk. “That isn’t a nickname?”

  “My parents are zoologists.”

  The owner of Alpha magazine for men lifted his brows. “Crickets are insects, not animals.”

  He had a point and was the first to ever bring it up. Cricket forced a smile. “I’m aware of that sir, but at the end of the day it’s still my name.”

  “Apparently, you are over-qualified for the customer service department. Is it you true you graduated from the University of California?” Rex Jacobs looked so serious.

  “Veterinary program, yes.”

  “Wonderful,” his smile was almost predatory.

  Did his eyes just change from hazel to amber?

  “Could you stand up and turn around for me?”

  She furrowed her brows again. This is weird. Is this sexual harassment?

  Cricket stood, turned around and sat back down. Her nose itched and her eyes dried. The tickle in her nostrils increased and lifting a hand up, she muffled her sneeze.

  I hope I’m not getting a cold. She sniffled. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m looking for a personal assistant for my son, he has certain tastes.” He lifted a finger in a “wait” signal.

  The words on her tongue paused as he reached for the phone and pressed a single button. “Come to my office.” There was a slow beat of silence. “I want you to come now!”

  Oh dear. Butterflies consumed her. Rex—Mr. Jacobs sounded confrontational, which was one thing that made Cricket nervous.

  His lips curved into a slow and drawn out smile. “We’ll wait for you.” All, but slamming the phone down, he then smiled. “Now where were we?”

  Her nose twitched and she fought, wiggling it like a rabbit. Her eyes increased in dryness and shared in the itch that tweaked her nose. “Zoologists,” she fluttered her lashes to moisten her eyes. Another sneeze welled up inside her. “Could I possibly grab a tissue?”

  “Absolutely.” Rex lifted the box and held it out.

  “Thank you.” She plucked two of the white moisturized tissues as the urge to sneeze monopolized her nose. Closing her eyes, she brought the soft paper to her nose and mouth then sneezed. In her attempt to muffle it, the sneeze resembled the sound of a cat meow than the rumble of blowing foreign invaders from her lungs.

  “Sorry,” she apologized.

  “Are you sick?”

  She shook her head and avoided a deep breath, thinking it might keep the sneezing at bay. “I rarely get sick.”

  “So why are you in Alpha’s customer service and not working as a veterinarian?”

  Fair enough question. “Actually, I graduated with honors but—”

  The heavy office door opened and heavy footsteps crossed the threshold. “This better be important dad. I just had a next months cover model quit and...” The sexiest baritone she had ever heard trailed his words.

  Time to be polite.

  She rose from the chair and turned. Her breath lodged in her throat and stopped words from forming. Flutters seized her stomach and her eyes widened as she looked at the large man before her.

  Oh my God! He’s gorgeous!


  She’s absolutely stunning.

  Aiden’s heart picked up speed and he stepped closer. Surely, this couldn’t be who his father had in mind. He rested his gaze on his father who smiled then wiggled his brows. His eyes twinkled amber, it was obvious his father had a feeling about this.

  Turning his attention back to the woman, Aiden smiled. His gaze started at strappy shoes and worked up long, tanned legs. Her skirt was mid-thigh, short but acceptable. The pale light pink cotton blouse tapered, showing off the fullness of her breasts and narrowed at her waist. Lightly tanned cleavage, peeked at her neckline and the animal within him awakened.

  Her face was heart-shaped, more than pretty, with large dark eyes blinking
through jet-black lashes. Full, pink glossed lips caused his gaze to dip to them. His cock stirred, she was alluring and built for sin. Shoulder length dark hair fell in a trendy cut around her face.

  “Hello,” he finally greeted.

  “Hello, I’m Cricket Summers.” With a soft sway she stepped closer to him.

  Unsure, if it was the movement of her hips or the sultry softness of her voice, but the lady had his complete attention. He took the hand she extended and her dark eyes sparkled.

  “Aiden Jacobs.” His skin flamed on contact against the satiny silk of hers. He swallowed back a groan. He wanted her. There was something electric to the simplest touch.

  Her breath caught, indicating she had felt it too. She released her hand from his as the left hand rose to her face and covered it with tissue. A sneeze left her; at least that’s what he was guessed that pathetic whimper sound was.

  He frowned slightly. “Are you sick?”

  Cricket smiled sweetly and his libido kicked up a notch. “I think it’s my allergies.”

  Aiden nodded and again with a swoop of his eyes assessed her.

  She would look amazing on the cover of the magazine, sinfully beautiful as those full lips parted in climax naked on my bed and striking next to me as my mate for life.

  Aiden pushed his thoughts aside and focused on her allergy comment. His head tilted and he glanced around the room before resting his attention back on her. “Allergies?”

  “I think so.” Blinking, she broadened her smile. “Odd. The only thing I’m allergic to is dogs. That’s why I didn’t become a vet.”

  Oh hell, we have a problem—A very big problem.

  Chapter 2

  Two days later Cricket had the ideal office, next to her gorgeous boss. Aiden was more than gorgeous, but there was something unusual about him. Her heart picked up speed and her stomach fluttered as if it had trapped a hundred butterflies every time he was near. He could soak her thong and harden her nipples in record time and the worst part—she was sure he was just as attracted to her.

  Since the day before when her sneezing had been out of control, to the point she seriously wondered if she was coming down with a cold, she took preventative measures. At breakfast she downed two allergy tabs with her orange juice, a sure fire remedy to stop the sneezing. If only there was a tab to prevent her attraction to her hunky boss. Cricket knew it to the root of her soul that nothing would make her immune against Aiden.

  Sighing, she turned away from the window that overlooked the park and looked to the entrance to her office. Aiden stood on the threshold, his green eyes glowing like emeralds from underneath long black lashes. Black clean cut hair and tanned skin intensified the color. She raked her gaze over his dark gray suit, noting how his shoulders completely filled the doorway.

  Cricket’s body hummed as if zapped by an electrical current. Her heart beat faster as he stepped into the room then walked across the floor toward her. “Good morning, Aiden.”

  His perfect mouth curved into a slow smile and his eyes dipped to her lips. “Good morning Cricket.” Bringing his eyes up, he met her gaze. “You look incredible.”

  The intensity of his gaze stole her breath, struggling she found her voice. “Thank you.”

  He closed the distance between them and the temperature of the room skyrocketed. Her cheeks burned, a tell tale sign that she was blushing.

  “I want to take you for dinner tonight.”

  Oh dear! “Do you think that is such a good idea, I mean seeing that we work together and—”

  “You’re rambling,” Aiden’s brows lifted and he looked so sexy he could be classified as a new brand of snack food. “No, normally I don’t date my assistants or anyone else that works here at the magazine.” His eyes dipped again to her lips.

  He’s going to kiss me. I want him to kiss me.

  Aiden swallowed hard and his eyes sparked with lust as they locked with hers. “You are very different. There is something about you.”

  The way his eyes quickly flicked over her face had the same affect on her that running his tongue over the sensitive skin by her ear would have had. “I’ll have dinner with you.”

  “Wonderful, I will negotiate dessert then.”

  Whatever dryness her thong had possessed, vanished at that moment and her pussy twitched. Never in her life had she lusted after someone like she did for Aiden.

  “Other than dinner,” her voice cracked. “Was there something else I could do for you?”

  “The real reason I’m here. Yes, actually.”

  She forced a smile. “I’m willing to help with anything you need.”

  The look in his eyes turned primal. “I’ll keep it in mind and hold you to your offer.” He furrowed his brows. “You’re not sneezing today.”

  “I took allergy tablets.”

  One dark brow lifted and amusement highlighted his handsome features. “Perfect. Now about the reason I stopped by, I’ve decided to make you next month’s cover model. What do you think?”

  That I’m disappointed it wasn’t a sexual task you wanted.

  Hiding her slight disappointment, she smiled. “Sounds fun.”

  Maybe I’m imagining his attraction.


  Can she not tell I’m attracted to her?

  Aiden had asked the same question to himself at least every other minute for the last forty-five. He was a werewolf as much as he was a man and after standing as close to her as he did in her office, he had smelled her desire. It had done nothing to ease the animal within. He wanted her, lusted for her, and by God was going to have her.

  She’s the one.

  Maybe it was a male thing, or a wolf thing, but down inside he knew it. There was a small amount of relief over the fact she had taken allergy tabs. On the way to the office, he had actually stopped at the pharmacy for some liquid allergy relief and as desperate as it sounded, was not above spiking her drink.

  This is what life had come down to? Drugging the woman he wanted to mate. He had hit a new time low. Then again, the perfect mate wasn’t supposed to be allergic to dogs either.

  “Are you all right?” Cricket’s voice cut into his thoughts and the soft hand on his arm brought him back to the moment.

  Looking at the beautiful brunette who thankfully was not red-eyed or sneezing today, his heart raced. She was beautiful, even when her allergies were bothering her. “Fine, I’m looking forward to dinner.”

  “Providing, I live through this. I’ve never modeled before.”

  Cricket was model perfect, standing about five ten, slight built but curvy and breasts that he imagined were as perky as they looked. Blood pumped south and he banished the erotic images his mind so freely conjured up. “You’ll do just fine.”

  It’s me, who may not live through this.

  His mind thought of the fashion choice he had decided on for the cover. There wasn’t much to it and seeing that much of the lovely, Cricket’s skin and not touching licking or—

  “Ready whenever you are.” His photographer cut into his thoughts and he turned, giving the man a nod. “Here’s the outfit you and wardrobe decided on.”

  “Thanks, Robert.” He smiled, accepted the next-to-nothing swimsuit then turned back to Cricket. “The change room is just through the door on the left. Once you’re changed I will send in a make-up girl.”

  Cricket’s eyes fell to the swimsuit. “What is that?” A long manicured nail pointed at it and her eyes narrowed when her gaze met his again. “Where is the rest of it?”

  Exhaling slowly, Aiden nodded. “This is all of it.” He ran his tongue over his teeth. “Is there a problem as to why you can’t wear this today?”

  With a look of contempt, she blinked at the swimsuit then looked back up at him. Lifting her brow, she stepped closer. “I know most women would be thrilled to be cover model for this magazine but this atrocity,” she lifted the hanger. “I have seen more fabric on a Barbie doll outfit.”

  Very valid point. “Is that a no, you
won’t wear it?”

  Cricket leaned in close and his body ignited. “I hope you plan on taking me to a real nice restaurant.”

  The sexy roll of her whisper ignited every primal nerve in his body on fire. The look in her dark lashes almost dared him to take her there. “A very nice restaurant,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Her full lips turned into a wicked grin. “I’ll wear this, let’s be thankful I get more than my legs waxed.”

  Turning on her trendy shoe, she walked toward the change room. His body ached and his eyes rested on her ass at it swayed away. The comment about her waxing was the last thing his body needed to hear her say. He sighed and looked at Robert who wiggled his brows.

  “Maybe, we should open a window, something tells me that it’s going to get hot in here.”

  Going to get hot? What the hell, I’m already hot— Hot and hard.

  He paced the floor. The make-up artist eventually went in the change room and emerged with Cricket behind her. The barely there swimsuit covered exactly what it should and exposed what didn’t need to be for decency sake. Not that the outfit wasn’t decent, although it did nothing, but cause his cock to throb harder. He would take her tonight for dinner, a very nice one, but there would be no mistake, she was going to be his dessert.


  Aiden was not only hunky and exceptionally sexy, he was a real sweet guy with a killer sense of humor. Like an out of control train wreck that there was no stopping, Cricket was falling for him. Her heart raced as she sat in the front seat of his expensive car.

  She knew there was something different about Aiden the moment he had walked into the room. Once, long ago she had thought she had been in love and it had turned out disastrous. So afraid of ever giving her heart again, she hid to the point of taking the job in customer service. No real contact with strange men, outside of an e-mail or a phone call, nothing face-to-face and nothing personal. Now, since their first meeting, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was such a thing as love at first sight.


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