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Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Samantha Harrington

“Thank you,” I say as I place a gentle kiss on his lips before extracting myself from his bed and slipping out of the room.

  Closing the bedroom door behind me, I walk over to the wardrobe. Scanning everything inside, I notice that nothing seems good enough to wear. I’m not the same person I was before all of this happened. I was a spoilt brat, an entitled bitch who thought the world owed me a favour. But I soon came crashing down to earth with a bump. I love my parents; they have never shown me anything but love, but it was my attitude that was off kilter, not theirs.

  I settle for the pale pink cashmere jumper and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. I match the outfit with a smart pair of heels. I blow-dry my hair then straighten it, leaving my wavy locks to fall around my shoulders. I apply a little bit of eyeliner and mascara before finishing off with some gloss on my lips.

  I’m done. I exit my room and go downstairs to meet Alek. I see him stood at the bottom, wearing a blue polo shirt teamed with dark denim jeans. The sight before me turns my insides to mush. His keys and wallet are in his hands and his hair is perfectly styled. His sunglasses are tucked in the front of his polo.

  “You ready, Em? Sure you want to do this?” he asks me, his voice full of concern.

  “Yes, let me just grab my bag and we can go,” I respond as I go to the cloakroom to get my jacket and bag.

  On our way to the garage, he clicks the alarm fob on his keys and the silver Mercedes bleeps at the side of me. I jump a little before reaching out to open the door. Sliding onto the passenger seat, I look across as he shuts his door and starts the vehicle. I can feel the vibrations from the engine and I shiver, not really sure if it’s from the car or the anticipation of what’s to come.

  The drive into London only takes about an hour, and we chat idly about anything and everything, but try to stay away from the elephant in the car, so to speak. I give him directions to my parents’ house. He follows them with ease.

  Pulling up to the driveway, I see that nothing has changed; the manicured lawns that run either side of the driveway, the granite steps that lead up to the bright white door, the bay windows that are dressed to perfection, and the red brickwork of the old Victorian detached house still looks like it was built yesterday.

  I spy the cars inside the open garage. Then I see my little baby still sat there. The one they bought me the day I passed my driving test. Feelings of guilt threaten to spill out; I love that nothing’s changed, but at the same time I hate that my parents have been stuck in the past, unable to move on.

  The car stops outside of the front door. Alek turns the engine off and looks at me. My heart is racing a mile a minute.

  “You ready? Do you want me to come in with you?” he says.

  “Please,” I whisper into the air of the car.

  I open the car door and get out. My legs are shaking with nerves. What are they going to say when they see me? It has been too long. I should have come sooner. I shouldn’t have waited. I should have come home when I first returned from Russia. But then I wouldn’t have met Alekzander. I wouldn’t have become the person I am right now.

  I feel his arm on mine, holding me up. Well that’s how it feels, because if he wasn’t here in this moment I think I would be on the floor.

  I take an unsteady step, gripping tighter onto Alek, silently thanking him for his support.

  Walking up the steps, I gently knock on the door. Ironic, isn’t it? Never in my life have I felt like I have to knock on my own parents’ door.

  I wait for what feels like an age for someone to come. When he answers the door my heart stops at the sight of my father.

  “Emma? Is it really you? Jayne, come here quickly,” he shouts to my mother. Silent tears fill his eyes. I have never seen my father cry.

  “Hi, Daddy,” is all I say. I’m lucky I manage to get that out. My throat is so tight with emotion right now. I hear the rushing footsteps of my mother running across the wooden floor. She stops beside my father and I see the look on her face — shock.

  “Emma,” she breathes. “Oh my baby girl.” With that, she collapses to the floor in tears. I break away from Alek and bolt inside, dropping to the floor to get to my mum. I feel her arms surround me, holding me. The tears break from my eyes and I let them fall, my breaths shuddering as she holds me tightly. She’s terrified that I will disappear again. I feel another pair of arms encompass me and I know my father is now on the floor, embracing us both.

  We sit in the hallway crying over lost time, crying in relief. My father pulls away first. I try to break away from my mum, but she just holds me tighter.

  “And you are?” my father asks Alek. Oh shit, I didn’t even think about that.

  “I’m Alekzander Volkov, sir, your daughter’s partner.”

  I start coughing when I hear his response. I finally manage to get up and stand beside Alek before my father can deck him.

  “Partner? Oh hell no. Are you the guy who took our baby girl? Get the fuck away from her right now! Jayne, call the police.”

  I’ve never, ever, heard my father speak like this. I turn my attention to Alek and if looks could kill, my father would be dead!

  “Daddy, no. Alek is one of the people that saved me and, yes, he is my boyfriend. Shall we go inside and talk about this? I don’t want the neighbours hearing.” I know damn well there isn’t a house that could hear us talking, but it’s just what my father needs to hear right now. He is a stickler for people not knowing his business.

  We follow him inside the house and go straight through to the living room. Even this room hasn’t changed; the duck-egg blue walls, the glass units, the cream leather couch. This was the nicest room in the house. I used to love nothing more than curling up on the couch reading the latest Mina Carter book, getting lost in the world of make-believe.

  Sitting opposite my mum and dad, Alek automatically wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to him. In this moment, I’m not sure if he’s doing it to score points, or if it’s genuine affection.

  “Look, Dad, I need to explain what happened, where I was and how I got away, but its not a pretty story. That’s the main reason I didn’t come home. I didn’t want you to hate me.”

  My mother is still sniffling into her tissue, my father’s eyes haven’t left Alek since he became aware of him, and Alek has a smug grin on his face that I just want to knock off. So yeah, all in all I would say this is fan-fucking-tastic.

  “Look, Emma, nothing you could say or do would ever make us hate you. You’re our daughter and no matter what we will always love you. Did the police find you and rescue you?” my mother asks me. I shake my head knowing that I need to start at the beginning.

  “You know how it happened, but you don’t know where I went. I was taken by this god awful man. He took me to Russia and made me do unspeakable things for his clients. He broke me in, made sure I would obey whatever he wanted me to do, or have them do to me. For months this went on and I thought all hope was lost. Then one day I saw Malc and Vlad. They charged into the room I was in and shot the guy who was on top of me. Vlad carried me out and blew the place up. They brought me back to the UK and Damien had me checked over from head to toe. I’ve been with them ever since. Alek is Damien’s brother. They have given me shelter and food, medical care and clothes. But most of all they have given me hope and time.”

  I don’t give them any other details; I don’t want my mother to pass out, or my father to demand vengeance for his wronged little girl. At the end of the day that fucker will never be able to get to me again. From now on, the only person I want protecting me is Alek.

  “Why didn’t you call to tell us you were ok? Your mother and I have been going out of our minds with worry, thinking that you had been killed, that we would never see you again.” My father’s rage is climbing slowly, I can see it in the redness of his face, but before I have time to reply, Alek cuts me off.

  “She didn’t want to call because she was recovering from a serious trauma. She needed to focus on getting herself well agai
n. Whilst trying to deal with what had happened to her, she didn’t need your demands added to that process as well. She had all the support she could ever need, but only from people who genuinely cared about her.”

  Well fuck me, he’s just about summed it up completely. The only other reason I can think to add to that is guilt. How am I supposed to tell them that I enjoyed some of it, even though it makes me feel dirty and cheap? That the guilt eats me up daily. Every time Alek looks at me, I’m thinking that all he sees is a whore who can get him off, then he discards her like trash. Out with the old and in with the new. I don’t voice my concerns.

  “He’s right. I did feel like that for a long time. But I’m stronger now. I’m still receiving support, so I know how to deal with it. The panic attacks aren’t half as bad as before. Alek and his family have really done a lot for me. I owe them everything, Mum, because without them I wouldn’t be here. I would probably be in a ditch somewhere just waiting to be found.”

  They need to understand that it was me stopping myself coming home. I thought that once I was back to myself, I would never have to think about what happened ever again, then I wouldn’t have to tell my parents.

  “So does this mean you’re staying home?” my father asks.

  “No, Daddy. I have a new life now, a home, a job, family and friends, but I can’t let you carry on living with the uncertainty any longer.” I’m honest with them, that’s all I can be. I just hope its enough for them to understand and accept.

  I see the hope fade from his eyes. Seeing my father look weak and ashamed is not something I’m used to.

  “So you think it’s ok not to call us for months, just to even let us know you were ok? Was the thought of calling us, after everything you had been through, embarrassing to you? I can’t look at you right now. It makes me sick to think that my little girl has been so violated at the hands of God knows how many men.” My dad’s tone is shocking. I have never seen him look so deflated and broken. Why is he saying all of this to me, trying to make out that it’s my fault? I didn’t fucking ask to be taken, did I? No, I was just on the holiday that they wanted. If they had chosen anywhere else in the world, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  “Look, I wasn’t thinking about you and mum. Yes, that may have been selfish and for that I’m sorry, but you don’t get to blame me for this,” I tell him. I see the tears stream down my father’s face at my words.

  “No, I can only blame myself. I need you to leave now, Emma.” He turns away from me, trying to compose himself.

  “Give us a call at the end of the week. We need some time to process everything you’ve told us.” My mother’s soft voice rings in my ears as her words register.

  I stare at them. Is this really it? All they want is for me to leave? I nod in defeat. Maybe I should have stayed hidden in the shadows. Maybe I should have left them in limbo. Because right at this moment, that’s how I feel.

  “Take me home?” I say to Alek. He stands up and pulls me by the hand, leading me outside to his parked car. He helps me into the seat. I’m numb. What the fuck just happened?

  He sets off towards London, weaving in and out of the busy traffic. The bright red buses signify we are in the capital. The palace, as we pass it, is majestic. Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, they all stand tall in this busy city, with people coming from miles around to take in the sights. Have you ever thought to yourself that we take all this for granted? We see them nearly every day but we don’t appreciate them. Do we ever think about their history and what they represent? I’m too busy being lost in the city that it takes me a moment to realise we are going the wrong way home.

  “Where are we going, Alek?” I ask him.

  “I’m taking you to the penthouse that Damien has here in London for when he’s here on business. I have some to attend to in the morning so I thought we could just stay there, but if you want me to drive you home I will.”

  It makes sense, seeing as he has to drive into the city tomorrow. What the hell, it will be nice.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea. It will be nice to spend a night in the city. I miss it.” I nestle further into the seat as we make our way towards the penthouse. Alek and me alone — I think that’s exactly what I need right now.

  Chapter Eight


  “What do I have to do to get through to him, Faith?” I ask her, exasperated. Since the incident with Ivan, I have closed off from my brother.

  We talked about his gambling problem and the risk of what he was doing. The risk he was putting on the family. My family. I told him if he ever did it again that he would be out. That I would disown him, even kill him. I will do it; I will put him down. I killed my father, so I won’t hesitate to put him six feet under.

  “I don’t know, Damien. He’s sick … it’s not something that he can control. It’s a compulsion.” Her words are always kind no matter who it is she’s talking about.

  “I’m not cut out for this shit. I shouldn’t have to babysit that fucking excuse of a man. Why can’t he just stop and realise the damage he’s caused? Is it really that hard for him?”

  Just having someone to talk to about all of this means everything to me. She’s my rock and my world. She faces everything head-on with me and doesn’t back down from a fight. That’s one of the main things I love about her. She’s one of the strongest people I know.

  “All you can do is keep trying. Unless he admits that he has a problem and needs help, there is nothing you can do.”

  Deep down I know she’s right, but it doesn’t make it sting any less. He nearly destroyed my family. His mother died because of his actions. He needs to realise that there is more than him at risk. I know the types of characters that lend money to people, who ruthlessly do anything they can to get their money back one way or another. They don’t hesitate to track your family down and make them pay for your sins. I know this because I’m in the same line of work. The only difference is I don’t kill family. Faith was the only exception to that rule; yes, I took her, but I set her free, unharmed. I vowed to keep her safe. I fell in love with my captive. She stole my heart the minute I saw her in that room.

  “It’s no use, Faith. I can’t make him see anything he doesn’t want to see. I’m done with him if it happens again,” I tell her, rubbing my head with my hands in frustration. Who said sibling love was easy? I stand up, pacing up and down the room. Faith sits in the chair, looking at me, her eyes full of compassion and understanding.

  “Then we just give him time, Damien. That’s all we can do.”

  I walk over to her and gently kiss the top of her head. “This is why I love you,” I whisper.

  I leave the kitchen and stride to the office. Something needs to be done once and for all, I’m just not sure what.

  I’m sat in the chair, the whiskey swirling in the tumbler in my hand, the ice clinking against the glass. I think back to Russia and what happened in the aftermath.

  “You dumb fuck! How could you do this? Putting Faith and Anya in danger like that. They threatened to take my family out.”

  He sat in the chair, the tears streaming down his face. The only reaction he seemed to show was when Emma was brought in. His head lifted up and he stopped to take note of the girl.

  Still nothing … I became more pissed as time passed by.

  “Answer me, God damn it!” I screamed at him. I knew he was hurting. He’d just found out his mother was killed by the same men we had destroyed, but that wasn’t the point. I wasn’t there to clean up his mess.

  He looked up at me. I caught the hollow shell that was once my brother. He wasn’t listening, he was just going through the motions.

  His guilt was written all over his face, but that wasn’t good enough. I wanted him to tell me why. I wanted him to explain to me how he could let this happen.

  “I’m sorry, Damien.” His voice was just a whisper, uttered between sobs that wracked his whole body.

  “I can’t help you if you don’t ex
plain. I thought you had it under control, that you were going to meetings for help. What happened?” I tried my hardest not to growl at him, but it was not that easy, my temper was at an all-time high.

  “What do you want me to say, Damien? That I completely fucked up? I couldn’t help myself, ok. The temptation was just too much; the ease of winning, the high that you get when all the beautiful women are hanging on your every word, that they want you to take them home and fuck ’em silly because you’re winning. Then you come down with a crash when you start losing and the debt gets bigger, so you borrow more thinking you can have the same success again, that you’ll win and everything will be fine. But it’s not like that, I know. I live with it every damn day. I feel it every time I look at that little girl in there. She’s the only one who looks at me like I matter. There is never any judgement in her eyes. She smiles when I walk into the room. Do you know how that tears me up inside, knowing that I’m the cause of all this, that she could have got hurt because of me?”

  In all the time that Alekzander had been there, I think that was the first time we’d sat down and spoke. I know it wasn’t the best of situations, but to hear his pain, hurt me. He needed help with his problem, free from judgement. All he had to do was ask me and I would do everything I could to get him the help he needed.

  “All I know is that you nearly broke this family, the one that took you in when you had nowhere to go, the one that gave you a job when you needed one. But most of all the one who gave you a family, unconditional love, and trust. And you broke it, Alek. I can’t lose my family. They are everything to me. I only breathe for them.”

  I had to stop; my throat was getting tighter the more I spoke. Looking down at my brother, the injury had taken its toll on his body. He needed time to recover, to heal. That’s what I’d give him, time. But mark my words he was either going to get help or he’d be finished.

  “Damien, I need help. I can’t ever feel like this again. I know it’s all my own fault, but I never want to be this weak ever again.”


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