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Hidden Deceit: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 2)

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by Camille Alexander

  “Really? And who might the extremely fortunate fellow be?”

  “His name’s Joe, and he is spectacular, Mama. Tall, dark, and handsome—totally dishy.” I grinned at her.

  “That's wonderful, my love. When do we get to meet him?”

  “Soon, Mama, soon.”

  We talked for a while, and I listened as my mother shared old stories of her and my father before they were married. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke of him. I hoped that I would be half as happy as they were. I’d never seen them fight, which was truly out of the ordinary considering our hot-tempered Italian ways. My parents were my inspiration.

  The warm milk did the trick. I fell asleep as my head hit the pillow, Joe’s beautiful face before me.

  Chapter Three


  Fabio grinned at the breakfast table of our favorite café. I’d caught him smiling a few times when he didn’t know I was watching him.

  “What’s with the puppy dog eyes, playboy? Thinking of Bria, are you?”

  He took a bite of his eggs and polenta and chased it with caffè ristretto.

  “I might be.” He smiled.

  “Does this mean you’re going to stop chasing skirt for a while?”

  “You never know; stranger things have happened.” He took another huge bite of his food. Fabio did everything fast, including eating. “What about Eleanora? You haven’t told me yet what happened last night when the two of you snuck out together.”

  “A gentleman never tells.”

  “Oh crap, come on; out with it.” He stared at me until I looked down at my plate.

  “Let’s just say that I’ll never think of the ocean again in quite the same way.”

  “You dog! I thought you looked a few pounds lighter this morning. I should have known you got your rocks off.” Fabio grinned as he gave me a knowing look.

  “When do you start at your dad’s company?” I switched to a safe topic of conversation. I wasn’t ready to talk about the relationship with Ella and I just yet. I didn’t want to jinx it.

  “I’ve got two weeks to party hard before he ropes me in.”

  “It’s about time, you lazy bum. You’ve lived the rich kid’s life for far too long, spending your father’s fortune and charming the ladies.”

  “Haha, funny guy. You’re just relieved I’ll be too busy to steal your girl.”

  “Keep dreaming you reprobate; she’s mine.”

  After breakfast, Fabio and I headed our separate ways. I called Ella when I got home.

  “Hi, beautiful. Wanna go for a drive?” I asked when she answered.

  “Hey, handsome. Are your intentions honorable?”

  “Hell no! Get ready and I’ll fetch you in fifteen.”

  Her laughter was infectious. “Ready when you are.”

  I hung up, grabbed my car keys, and headed for the door. The butterflies in my stomach were more like hornets. Toughen up you big girl! You’ve been in love before. Was that what was happening? Could I possibly be in love so soon? It wouldn’t surprise me if I were. Ella was something else.


  I was dancing on air. The sound of Joe’s voice sent a charge down my thighs. I hoped I wasn’t being too easy. For once, my hardass approach had deserted me, left me stranded with nothing but googly eyes and a throbbing desire.

  The doorbell rang and I galloped down the stairs like a gazelle escaping a hunter. I opened the door to the most handsome creature that ever walked the face of the earth—to me anyway.

  “Hi, gorgeous girl. You look stunning, as always.” He smiled at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body. My sex clenched and blood raced to my breasts.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Aquaman. Do I need my swimsuit?”

  He chuckled as he grabbed me around my waist and planted a dizzying kiss on my lips.

  “Better we get out of here before I ravage you in the doorway.”

  He took my hand as we walked to his red Ferrari, a babe magnet for sure.

  “Where are you taking me, handsome?”

  “It’s a surprise. Just sit back and enjoy the wind in your hair.” He smiled at me and put his hand on my thigh. We pulled up into the car park of the botanical gardens. Joe opened the trunk of the car and took out a basket.

  “How about a picnic among the flowers, my flower?”

  “And to think that I was convinced that you weren't cheesy” I laughed.

  “Ouch! That hurt. Wait ‘til I get you onto the picnic blanket, young lady.”

  The gardens were magnificent. I was blown away that Joe would bring me to such a lovely place.

  “So, you do pay attention when a girl talks” I said.

  “You’re not just any girl, now, are you, my gorgeous?” He put down the basket and opened the blanket. “Have a seat, princess. Would you like a glass of Franciacorta?”

  “Seduction and bubbles, goody. Yes, please. What else do you have hidden in that basket, Mr. Wolf?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know, Red?”

  He pulled out two crystal glasses and a tray filled with cheese, Felino, pickles, and biscuits. This guy was a keeper.

  “If your plan is to win me over with food and bubbly, you’re in luck. I happen to love food.”

  “Perhaps you can cook for me sometime? It’s a requirement if you want to be my girlfriend.”

  “You chauvinist!” I laughed as I threw a biscuit at him. “This is the 70s—you should be cooking for me.”

  He ate the biscuit and grinned.

  “Your girlfriend, hey?” I asked, as he propped himself up on his one arm.

  “If you ask me nicely, I’ll let you be my girlfriend.”

  “If you ask me nicely, I’ll say yes.”

  He moved closer to me, sat on his knees, and said “Ella, my beautiful flower, would you be my girlfriend . . . please?”

  “Are you interviewing me for the chef’s position?” I smiled at him.

  “Two birds, one stone . . .” He giggled.

  “Well, in that case, yes. I’d love to be your chef.”

  “Oh, yay, a chef with benefits!” Joe reached out and touched my cheek with his strong hand. He moved closer and kissed me softly on my lips. That’s it . . . if I die now, I die a happy woman.


  My nerves were shot by the time she’d said yes to being my girlfriend. The idea of her turning me down had me sweating bullets. The picnic was amazing. Ella was her usual witty, jolly self. The girl drove me nuts.

  After lunch, we drove up to the mountains for a walk. Monte Pellegrino was almost as breathtakingly beautiful as my Ella. The view of the Mediterranean sea from the path we were hiking along was spectacular. We walked along the trail to the top of the peak. Ella turned to me, and with her cobalt eyes, stared into my soul. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on my lips. I melted as her hips pressed into me.

  There was no point in trying to hide my arousal. In fact, I was proud of the way my body reacted to her touch. She was mine and I was hers. We celebrated our love on the mountain, losing ourselves in each other’s embrace. Her body was heavenly, and her eyes captivated my soul. Ella was the one—I knew it.

  After a few weeks of blissful lovemaking and stimulating conversation, Ella invited me to dinner to meet her parents. It was a big deal so I was nervous. I arrived at their front door with flowers for her mother and a bottle of whiskey for her father. Ella looked beautiful, as always, as she opened the door.

  “Good evening, my little chef. How are you?” She smiled and play punched me on my arm.

  “I’ve put away the apron and switched to girlfriend mode, thank you.” She let me in and showed me to the living room where her parents were chatting and having a drink.

  “Papa, Mama, this is Joe.” Ella was next to me with a bright smile on her face.

  Her father stood up from his chair and came over to shake my hand.

  “Welcome, Joe. We’ve heard a lot about you from our Ella, young man.” I shook his hand. He seemed a fr
iendly sort. Ella’s mother was almost as beautiful as her daughter.

  “Welcome, Joe,” she said. “Please sit.”

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you both. Ella says only good things about you.”

  Her mother smiled at me as she gave Ella a wink.

  “Can I get you a drink, Joe?” her father asked. “Whiskey okay?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Ella tells us you were schooled in England, Joe. That must have been quite an adventure.” Her mother smiled as she spoke.

  “Yes, Joe. Tell us about England,” her father said as he handed me my drink.

  “It’s very different to home. I enjoyed the cultural experience, and the schools were excellent. But truth be told, I missed Palermo and my family too much. I’m glad to be back.”

  After some chitchat, Ella’s mother called us to lunch. The table was covered in a spread fit for royalty. I sat down next to Ella and held her hand.

  “Help yourself, Joe. There’s plenty.”

  On advice from Ella, I’d arrived hungry, and I wasn’t disappointed.

  Halfway through lunch, her father turned to me and asked, “What do your parents do, Joe?”

  “They own several businesses, actually.”

  “Which ones? I’m in finance, I might know them. What did you say your surname was?”

  “Coli, sir. My father is Antonio Coli.”

  Ella’s father put down his fork and turned visibly pale. He looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t make out. Then, he rose from his seat at the table, pushed back his plate, and said to me, “Joe, I think it’s best if you leave now.”

  He wasn’t joking. I could tell. Ella’s mother got up suddenly and said to her husband, “Darling, what are you doing?”

  Ella was pale. She looked from her father to her mother to me. “Papa, what is happening?”

  “Leave my house, please, Joe,” he said again. “The mafia is not welcome here.”

  “Mafia? Papa, what are you talking about?” Ella had tears in her eyes. She looked at her mother, pleadingly.

  “Mama, please. What is Papa talking about?” She turned to me “Joe? What’s he talking about?”

  “I’m sorry, Ella. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I pushed my plate back, thanked Ella’s mother for a delicious meal, and left the room.

  “You will not talk to my daughter again. Stay away from her, Joe Coli.” Her father glowered at me. It was time to leave.


  My legs were lame, and I couldn’t move. I watched as Joe left the dining room, and I heard the front door close behind him. What the fuck just happened?

  “Papa! What were you thinking? I love Joe. What did you do?”

  “I’m sorry, my girl, but there’s no way I’ll allow my only daughter to date a mobster. Do you even know who this man is?”

  “Yes, he’s Joe and I love him. He is the kindest man I’ve ever met. I don’t care who his family is!”

  “You will not see him again, Ella. I forbid it.”

  “Forbid it! I’m a grown woman, Papa. I’ll date whomever I please.”

  “Leave us please, Ella. I want to talk to your father.” My mother took my arm and gently walked me from the room

  On wobbly legs, I obeyed. Why hadn’t Joe told me who his family was? Was he ashamed? He was so gentle and kind. How could he be the son of a mafia boss? I had to talk to him. I needed to see him, but I had no idea how I’d find him.

  I called Bria as soon as I got to my room.

  “Bria!” I cried into the phone. For a few moments, I couldn’t speak.

  “Ella? What’s going on? Are you okay? What’s happened?”

  “Oh, Bria, it’s a fucking disaster.” I cried harder.

  “Are you at home?”

  “Yes.” I choked.

  “Don’t you move a muscle. I’ll be right over.” She put down the phone.

  Soon after, my bedroom door flew open, and Bria came over and put her arms around me.

  “Oh, Bria” I cried.

  “Tell me what’s going on Ella. You’re scaring the shit out of me.”

  “My father chased Joe out of the house tonight. He’s forbidden me from seeing him again.”

  “What the fuck? Why would he do that?”

  “Joe’s surname is Coli,” I said through my tears.

  “And? What’s the problem?”

  “The mob Colis.”

  “Oh, shit. That’s not good.” She let go of me.

  “I don’t care if his parents are vicious assassins, Bria! I love him. He’s the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”

  “Don’t cry, Ella. We’re gonna fix this.”

  “How?” I asked. “I don’t even know where to find him.”

  “I’m calling Fabio. He’ll know what to do. Dry your eyes and come with me.”

  We left the house after Bria had called Fabio. We met him at Bria’s apartment.

  “What the hell is going on, girls? You sounded hysterical on the phone. Are you guys okay?” Fabio came over and put his arms around Bria.

  “Honey, we need to find Joe. It’s very important. I’ll tell you what it’s about later. Do you know where he is?” Bria took my hand as she spoke to Fabio.

  “I know where he goes when he’s upset. Jump in the car with me. We’ll find him.” Fabio opened the door for me while Bria got into the passenger seat.

  “Are you okay, Ella?” Fabio looked at me in the rearview mirror.

  “No.” I wasn’t ready to talk about my father’s heartbreaking reaction to Joe. My heart was aching, my stomach in a knot. I was desperate to find Joe and tell him that I didn’t care how my father felt, I would love him anyway. Please, God, help me.


  Pain surged through my body as Ella’s father said the painful words. I had experienced rejection and anger before because of my family, but this was beyond crazy. The tears in Ella’s eyes made me angry. How could her father do such a thing to his daughter? I was not my father. I was my own man. I had never harmed anyone. If it were up to me, the Coli family would be a different organization altogether.

  It was no use fighting the system. I was determined to change it from the inside as soon as it was my turn to take over. My immediate plan was to see Ella and reassure her of my love for her. I didn’t dare call the house out of respect for Ella, so I drove around, trying to think of a way to talk to her.

  My happy place had always been the beach—now more than ever. I watched as the lights of the fishing trawlers lit up the horizon. The sound of someone knocking on my window made me jump. It was Ella.

  “Ella, how did you find me?” I opened my car door and stepped out to hug her tightly.

  “Fabio knew where to find you. Oh, Joe. I’m mortified. I’m so sorry. I had no idea my father would do that. I’m sorry, my love. Are you okay?” She called me love—it made my heart skip a beat.

  “I’m sorry, Ella. I didn’t want to tell you about my family, specifically because that’s the way parents react when they find out who I am.”

  “I love you, Joe. I don’t care who your family is. You are my soulmate.” She buried her face in my chest.

  “My love, I’ll never leave you.” I moved her mouth to mine and kissed her deeply. She melted into my embrace.

  There was nothing we could do but keep our love affair a secret. Neither one of us was willing to let go. Our love was too strong.

  After summer, I started working at my family business and Ella attended university. I was learning the ropes quickly and Ella, the bright little spark that she was, was kicking ass in botany class. Ella had moved out of her parents home and into an apartment with Bria. At night we would see each other, spending our time making love, talking about our hopes and dreams, and laughing at whatever Bria and Fabio got up to. The two of them, against all odds, had become an item. They were a fun, caring harbor in our storm, and we were grateful for their love and support.

  But Ella and I couldn’t plod along like that for long. Afte
r a year and a half of sneaking around, we decided to make a change. It was time.



  Joe was perfect. I loved every part of him. My heart ached when I wasn’t with him—we’d hidden long enough. I called my parents and asked them to come to dinner at Bria’s and my apartment. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon when the buzzer to the apartment rang. Bria was kind enough to let me have the apartment to myself and went out with Fabio. I was nervous as hell but determined nonetheless.

  I buzzed them up and welcomed them in. I’d prepared a lovely lunch—the smell from the kitchen was enticing. I’d even made my father’s favorite dessert. Right, Ella. It’s go time!

  I poured us a drink while they relaxed in the living room. I even made my own limoncello, a desperate ploy to suck up, I realized.

  “How are you, my love? How are your studies coming along?”

  “I’m fine, Mama. University’s going well. I love my course.”

  “We miss you at home,” my father said. “It’s too quiet without you there.”

  “I had to leave the nest eventually, Papa. I miss you too.”

  “I feel like there’s something you want to tell us, Ella.” Damn, my mother knew me far too well.

  “There is something I’d like to discuss with you and Papa. I want you to promise me that you’ll let me talk first before you interject, please.”

  “Okay, darling; we’re listening,” my father said.

  I took a deep breath before I started. I’m sure they could see how nervous I was.

  “I’ve been seeing someone for a long time now. I love him very much and he adores me. I’m not a child anymore. I want to make my own decisions about who I date and who I want to marry. I love and respect you as my parents, but my happiness is ultimately my prerogative.”

  I looked my father in the eye. I’d hoped he could see that I was serious. The look on his face told me he did. His knuckles grew white as he gripped the armrest of the sofa. I carried on talking.

  “I am in love with Joe Coli. He loves me very much, and he treats me like I’m a queen. I know that you were angry when you found out that he’s a Coli, Papa, but you never gave him a chance. For as long as I can remember, you and Mama taught me not to make snap judgments about people. I respect that about you. I love that about you.


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