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Deceiving Bella: Book Eleven In The Bodyguards Of L.A. County Series

Page 61

by Beauman, Cate

  “And you’ll never know how sorry I am that our relationship wasn’t just about the two of us, but it can be now.”

  “So I’m just supposed to flip a switch and be in that place with you?”

  He jerked his shoulders as he shook his head. “I don’t know anymore, Bella.”

  “I need time. I need some time to think and figure stuff out.”

  “So take it.”

  She nodded, intending to do just that.

  “We have to go to New York.”

  She frowned at his rapid change of subject. “What?”

  “We leave Monday morning—or at this point, we do.”


  “We’re being subpoenaed to testify in front of the grand jury.”

  Her frown returned as she pressed her hand to her chest. “Me?”

  He stopped, facing her with his hands on his hips. “I tried to keep you out of it—I’m still trying—but you’re Nicoli Caparelli’s daughter.”

  “But I don’t know anything.”

  “I guess they want to hear you say that yourself.”

  She nibbled her lip, remembering their frightening afternoon. “What about the man who came to my work?”

  “I’m going to talk to the DA when his office opens—”

  “What about you?”

  “Your father and I started this. I’ve lost everything that matters for this. The last thing I’m going to do is let Alfeo walk.”


  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” He turned back to the bag. “You need time. We both need some space. We’ll do what we can to stay out of each other’s way around here.”

  She lifted her chin, well aware that she’d been dismissed. “I guess I’ll see you Monday, then.”

  He stopped punching. “I said I’m going to talk to the DA.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “Not if I can help it.”

  “The Caparellis have taken everything from your family. They robbed me of my father—of my mother, for that matter. If the DA thinks I can help keep my uncle in prison, then I’m going to do it. Maybe we can stop this horrible cycle right here. Maybe that’s what this was supposed to have been about all along.”

  He clenched his jaw, steaming out a long breath through his nose. “I want you as far away from this as possible.”

  “I’m not going to sit back behind Ethan’s walls while you risk it all.”

  “I started this—”

  “No, they started this long before either one of us had a choice, but I have one now.”


  “You’re always so worried about my safety and protecting me. Maybe this time I can offer something that might protect you. Both of our lives are on the line, not just mine.” She turned and walked off, still as confused and unsure about where she and Reed stood romantically, but she was going to do whatever she could to help take down the Caparellis.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Reed opened the door to his and Bella’s twenty-fifth-story hotel room, scanning the large, posh space before he let her inside. “Go ahead and take care of the lock for me,” he said, keeping his hand close to the holster he wore beneath his sports coat while he did a quick sweep—opening the closet door, glancing under the bed, then pushing back the shower curtain in the bathroom. “We’re good.”

  “Good.” She set down her overnight bag and sent him a small smile as she swiped her hair behind her ear with a tense, jerky movement. “So, one bed.” She gestured to their California king.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I was going to go for two doubles, but married couples typically share.”

  “I guess it would look kind of weird if we didn’t.”

  He nodded. “We’re doing our best to fly under the radar for the next few hours. Hopefully we won’t even have to sleep here.”

  She nodded. “Do you want a particular side?”

  He took off his jacket, wishing he could get rid of the damn slacks and tie too. “The usual works for me.”

  She set her bag beside the mattress on the left, where she typically slept. “I guess we’re all set.”

  “Looks like it,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck.


  “Great.” Christ, this was painful. They’d kept their distance over the last few days, managing to avoid each other for the most part. He’d been so busy coordinating the trip to New York with Ethan, Skylar, and Joey, he hadn’t had time to focus on his personal life. Private jets, hotel reservations, assumed names, and the hundred other precautions they’d put into place were far less daunting than his and Bella’s mess.

  She stepped out of her black pumps. “So, when do we leave for the trial?”

  “Remember, it’s just a hearing—more like a meeting. You’re going to talk to the DA in his private office instead of in front of the grand jury.” Because he’d fought like hell to make sure it happened that way.


  He grabbed the remote and handed it to her. “We have a couple hours before Skylar picks us up. The DA’s meeting with you at two so you might as well make yourself comfortable.”

  She nodded, flipping on the TV as she sat down on the edge of the bed and stared straight ahead.

  He clenched his jaw as he pulled out the chair at the desk and took a seat. They were turning into strangers. The entire day had been pretty much the same thing—a few awkward words spoken here and there, then long stretches of hellish silence. He trailed his gaze up her trendy black slacks and spaghetti-strap polka-dot top. Stylish Bella Colby—so different from him. Maybe they just weren’t meant to be together. Sighing, he scrubbed his hands over his face and walked to the window, standing to the side of the glass as he peered out at the city.

  “Is it safe to look out?”

  “It should be.”

  She stood by his side, grinning as her gaze tracked around their view of the buildings and park. “I’ve never been to Central Park before. It’s so iconic.”

  She smelled so damn good. “I wish I could take you. You would love Bethesda Fountain and Bow Bridge. There’s a zoo too.”

  “Maybe sometime.”

  He watched her eyes trail over his holster and stop on the gun tucked snug against his ribs. “Hey.”

  She met his gaze.

  “This will be over soon. We’re going to do what we need to do and get out of here.”

  She nodded.

  Taking a chance, he lifted his hand and slid his fingers along her jaw. “I miss you, Bella. So much.”

  Her eyes went soft—the way they used to—as she pressed his palm to her cheek. “I miss you too.”

  He stroked her skin, wanting to capture her mouth and taste her, but he winked and stepped away instead, deciding to keep the moment easy. “Why don’t we find something to watch on TV?”

  “I’m probably going to freshen my makeup and do my hair in a French braid first.”


  She grabbed her bag and smiled at him before she closed herself in the bathroom.

  He stared at the door and fist-pumped the air. She missed him. That was a start, but repairing their relationship was going to have to wait a little while longer. He needed to worry about getting them through the next few hours first.


  Bella stabbed the last bite of her huge room service salad and laughed at Amy Schumer’s latest shenanigans. She glanced at Reed sitting on his side of the bed and grinned when he burst out laughing again.

  “Damn, this is funny.” He picked up the remains of his cheeseburger and popped it in his mouth. “Why haven’t we watched this movie before?” he asked over his mouthful.

  Reed had come across Trainwreck on the guide while they’d waited for their lunch to arrive. For the first time in too long, they’d found a way to have a little fun together. “I guess we were too busy with The Office.” She set down her fork and wiped her mouth with the cloth napkin. “I think we need to
start branching out more.”

  He shook his head. “We have to finish what we started first.”

  She dabbed at her mouth again and cleared her throat, not quite sure how to respond to his blatant double meaning. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  He flashed her a smile. “Maybe we’ll just let it go for now.”

  She smiled back as she set down her napkin. “Okay.”

  “Did you get enough to eat?”

  “Yes, I—” She froze when someone knocked on the door.

  Reed rushed off the mattress, holding a finger to his lips as he moved his right hand to his gun.

  She nodded, feeling her heart pounding as she watched the light leave his eyes and Mad Dog McKinley appear. For just a moment, she’d forgotten that they were in danger—that they still had everything to lose.

  “It’s Skylar,” a woman’s voice called from the hallway.

  He walked over to the door and peeked through the peephole, then twisted the knob. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Skylar stepped inside dressed in practical heels, tailored gray slacks, and a jacket. She offered Bella a professional smile. “Ms. Colby, thank you for coming all this way.”

  Ms. Colby? Bella stood, studying the gorgeous blonde, not quite certain if it was hostility she felt from Reed’s pal or if Skylar’s intense, no-bull energy was just part of the whole law enforcement package. “I’m happy I can help. I hope you’ll call me Bella.”

  “Bella.” Skylar gave her a brisk nod and turned her attention to Reed. “The car Joe dropped off is parked in the garage.”

  He nodded, touching his gun again before he put on his sport coat. “Let’s do this.” He looked at Bella. “Ready?”

  “Um, yes.” She walked over to the desk and grabbed her purse as she slipped on her heels, trying her best to ignore her nerves.

  Skylar walked out first.

  Bella followed.

  Reed snagged her by the hand. “Stay with me, Bella. I want you right here next to me.”

  She nodded, gripping his fingers tight as they stepped into the elevator just down the hall from their room. Moments later, the door slid open in the dimly lit parking garage.

  “Right over there.” Skylar walked to the Buick Regal parked halfway down the lot, hitting the key fob.

  Bella moved to follow.

  Reed pulled on her hand, keeping her next to him as he held open the elevator. “Hold on.”

  She frowned. “What are we doing?”


  “For what?”

  “Just wait right here.”

  Skylar got in and turned over the engine.

  “Okay,” he said.

  Bella’s stomach roiled as she realized they’d been waiting to see if Skylar blew up—the explosive devices Reed had mentioned the day he told her not to get in her vehicle because the Caparellis could have rigged it with a bomb.

  He opened the back door. “Go ahead and get in.”

  She let go of his hand and slid in, more than a little relieved when he took the seat next to her.

  “Looks good,” he said as he glanced around.

  Skylar accelerated, keeping a fast pace as they wound their way up three stories to street level and into afternoon traffic.

  Bella gripped her hands together as she looked out at the pedestrians making their way around the city on the sunny New York afternoon. She’d always found urban living fascinating—particularly the Big Apple—but today she craved to be anywhere else as the sickening tension filling the car made her head hurt. She glanced down at Reed’s hand resting next to her leg and grabbed it.

  He met her gaze and laced their fingers, giving her a gentle squeeze. “We’re doing fine,” he said quietly.

  Then why did he look like he was ready to kick some serious ass? But she nodded anyway, holding his intense stare as they made their way to the Brooklyn Bridge.

  “We’re okay,” he reassured her again.

  She nodded a second time, wanting the moment back in the hotel room when he’d grinned at her and been the Reed McKinley she’d fallen in love with. That sweet, funny man had been absent for days. She’d gotten a firsthand glimpse of who Reed had once been during their stay at the Cookes’: unapproachable, unreadable—a million miles away even when they’d sat across from each other at the dinner table.

  “Trust me,” he whispered.

  When it came to her heart, she was trying; when it came to her safety, she didn’t hesitate. She settled her free hand over their intertwined fingers, telling him so with her gesture.

  Eventually, Skylar took a right by the courthouse and pulled into another parking garage, taking them down into a tunnel-like area before she stopped by a door where Joey waited.

  “Let’s go,” Reed said as Skylar got out and opened Bella’s door. Skylar then gained entry into the building with the swipe of a card and a punch of a code into a keypad.

  “Everything looks good,” Joey said as he settled in the driver’s seat and took off.

  Reed wrapped his arm around Bella’s waist and ushered her up three flights of stairs, down a long hall, and into a small room with benches, a two-door access, and a bathroom.

  Moments later a woman walked in—another no-nonsense type in a power suit. “Special Agent Grayson.”

  Skylar gave the brunette fortysomething a brisk nod. “ADA Gardenbaum.”

  Bella watched the professional exchange, growing more uncomfortable by the second. Did these women ever smile?

  “Mr. McKinley, Ms. Colby, I’m Assistant DA Sally Gardenbaum.” Her lips curved slightly. “Ms. Colby, the DA will be ready for you shortly.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  The assistant DA walked back out, leaving the three of them to wait.

  Bella blew out a long breath as she paced back and forth. “I think I’m going to use the restroom.” She closed the door most of the way and crossed her arms as she stared at the colorful panes of privacy glass decorating the window, doing her best to steady her racing heartbeat.

  “Bella?” Reed gave a quick knock and stuck his head in. “Are you okay?”

  She turned. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  He stepped in, closing the door behind him. “Today’s pretty informal—not that big of a deal.”

  She frowned. “You’re not nervous. Why aren’t you nervous?”

  “Because I used to do this all the time, and the DA can move forward with the case whether the jury agrees with his decision to prosecute or not.”

  “Right.” She blew out another breath. “Of course.” She pressed her hand to her stomach.

  “Hey.” He captured her by the elbow and pulled her close, letting his forehead rest against hers as he locked his wrists behind her waist. “Relax.”

  Closing her eyes, she hesitated before she settled her hands on his powerful arms, allowing herself the luxury of taking the comfort he offered. “It’s just—I know how important this is.”

  “And you’re going to do great. The DA wants to ask you a few questions. Answer as honestly you can and let him handle the rest.”

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She eased away enough to straighten his collar and adjust his tie, forever thinking of Linda’s powerful words Wednesday night. If Reed was willing to fight for them, then she wanted to try too. Despite the reason for their visit to New York, this was the first time anything had felt right since she’d told him their relationship was over. Standing here, touching him, and talking eased her in a way nothing else could. “You look handsome today. Your tie matches your eyes.”

  He held her gaze. “Thanks.”

  “You know, I used to think neckties and slacks were pretty sexy.”

  “You don’t anymore?”

  She shrugged. “I kind of have a thing for blue jeans and athletic shorts.”

  They grinned at each other.

  Skylar knocked and opened the door. “The DA’s ready.”

>   Bella met Skylar’s steely stare, noting the hints of disapproval. Interesting.

  Reed lifted her chin with a gentle finger under her jaw. “Should we go get this over with?”


  “Come on.” He walked next to her as the assistant DA caught up with them in the hall.

  “Right this way. Elliot’s eager to get started. Mr. McKinley, we’ll be calling you directly after Ms. Colby is finished.”

  He nodded. “Thanks.”

  They stepped into an office decorated in burgundy leather and dark wood. A tall, thin man with strawberry blond hair stood. “Ms. Colby, it’s good to see you. I’m District Attorney Elliott Moore.”

  She shook his hand. “Hello.”

  “Mr. McKinley.” The DA extended his hand to Reed as well.

  “It’s nice to see you again, DA Moore.”

  A short woman with pretty hazel eyes walked in with a tray of bottled waters as Reed and Bella took their seats in front of the DA’s desk. “Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you, Shawna. If you’ll just close the door on your way out, I think we’re all set.”

  Shawna smiled and left.

  The DA sat down, glancing at his watch before he met Bella’s gaze. “We’ll get started right away. I’m going to ask you some questions. All I need you to do is provide me with an honest answer.”

  She nodded, taking a long, steadying breath. “Okay.”

  He picked up his pen as the assistant DA did the same in the chair next to his. “Ms. Colby, can you please state your full name?”

  “Yes, my name is Isabella Raine Colby.”

  “You’re the daughter of Nicoli Caparelli?”

  “Yes, although I knew my father by a different name.”


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