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The Gathering

Page 13

by S L Dearing

She nodded and moved her neck from side to side.

  “What caused that?” she asked.

  Scott shrugged and told her about the strange air and how Sam couldn't breathe and how he had gotten a horrible pain in his head, then neither of them could see until they thought of happy things and people they loved. Then they could see, but he still had the pain.

  It was then that she felt the shadow of foreboding, followed by the shriek of a falcon. She looked up at the sky and then at Scott. There was a black aura all about him and Sara’s eyes widened.

  “What?” Scott asked. “What is it?”

  Sara reached behind her neck and unlatched the pendant she had been wearing. She produced a talisman made from turquoise, onyx and rose quartz. She held it before Scott.

  “This is a talisman my mother made for me a long time ago to protect me. We all have them. I want you to wear it.”


  “I'm not sure, but there’s something you need protection from. Please, for me?”

  Scott smiled and shrugged.


  Sara slipped the chain around his neck and clasped the chain. She then slipped the pendant into his shirt and looked into his eyes. Almost immediately, Scott reacted as though he had been hit in the back of the head and fell to his knees. He grabbed his chest and then his head. He screamed in agony. Sara knelt down next to him, crying, she screamed.

  “Mommy! Sean! Help me!”

  Lights from the castle and visitor quarters began to flash on as voices rose in surprise and confusion.


  Alia had not moved that fast in years, but she and Sean came running from the side door of the castle and Alia almost slid into her daughter. Scott’s screams grew louder, but he couldn't stop himself, as the pain was becoming unbearable. Sean grabbed Scott’s shoulders and pulled him back. Alia took the boy’s face in her hands.

  "Do something, Mommy, please!" Sara pleaded.

  Jeb and Beth Forrester ran out and stopped just beside their son. Beth tried to grab him, but Jeb stopped her.

  “Let Alia look, Beth.”

  Joe and David Levine came running up as well. Many of the dignitaries had come out or were looking through their windows. Joe looked at his parents and ran over to them. The crowd was growing larger as Alia asked Sara, now on the verge of hysteria, what happened. Through tears and hyperventilating, she recalled what had ensued.

  Then without warning, Scott stopped screaming and his eyes rolled into his head. He fell forward, unconscious. Sean rolled him over on his back, looking at Alia.

  “Scott!” yelled Beth. “Scott! Do something Jeb! Alia!!!”

  Jeb Forrester stood there, unable to move, his eyes pleading to Alia and as she looked into them, she felt that old pain. The same pain she felt the day they had brought Paul and the children home. She heard Sara’s screams and it was more than she could stand.

  She put her hands on Scott’s head. She didn't know whether or not he was dead or just unconscious, but she knew that she wouldn't let him go without a fight.

  She visualized his soul and began the chant, first a whisper, then louder.

  “Remove the pain, remove the offense. I cleanse the soul, I cleanse the mind, evil I remove and bind!”

  She repeated over and over, her eyes closed. From beneath her hands came a bright blue glow. Suddenly, Scott’s eyes opened and he screamed again, low and guttural.

  Alia’s eyes remained closed, now deep in a trance, she continued.

  “By the power of the most gracious Morrighan, I command you to release him. By the power of three times three, let it be, let it be.”

  Sara had gotten some control of herself and Coeli, Kaley, Chris and Tanner had now positioned themselves next to Scott, all chanting, “By the power of three times three, let it be, let it be.”

  Alia began to lift her hands and from underneath them black ooze was being pulled from Scott’s head. Alia opened her eyes and looked down at the young man.

  “So it shall be, so it is now! Release him!!”

  She raised her hands, still pulling the ooze as the crowd stared in horror, some screaming.

  Scott’s last scream was one of pure agony. Then he stopped and looked up at Sara, then over at his parents and brother, and finally Sam.

  Beth Forrester fell to her son’s side and put her head on his chest weeping. Sara covered her face and sobbed. Coeli got up and she and Kaley tried to pick Sara up, but she shrugged them off and laid her head on Scott's stomach. Sam knelt down and put his hand on Scott's shoulder.

  Alia was now standing and in her hands was no ooze as everyone had seen previously, but a small black creature, no more than eleven inches long, with three long talon fingers on each hand and yellow glowing eyes. It was hissing at her and trying to bite and scratch her.

  From behind her came Elena Petrulengo.

  “Some kind of imp.”

  Alia looked over at Elena.

  “Do you have an onyx, Elena?”

  From her pocket, Elena produced a small polished onyx and held it for Alia and the creature to see.

  The creature began to squirm and writhe, screaming in fear, trying to break Alia’s grip.

  “Well, it doesn't like the look of that, now does it? Now, Elena, do it now!”

  Elena moved forward and quickly forced the black stone into the creature’s screaming mouth and down its throat. The yellow eyes grew large and then turned orange, then red and the imp began to convulse. It threw its head back and opened its mouth. Huge flames rose in the air and Alia ducked, then felt nothing but flames. She released the creature and stepped back. It became engulfed in fire, and then was gone.

  “Is that what was giving me a headache?”

  Scott was now standing up, his mother trying to convince him to sit. Scott gently took her by the shoulders and stilled her.

  “Mom, I’m fine."

  Beth shook her head.

  "You said you were fine all day, but that wasn't fine, Scott."

  Scott smiled at his mother and kissed her cheek.

  Alia walked over to him and grabbed his face, looking into his eyes.

  "Look at me, Scott. Is the pain gone? Do you feel strange in any way?"

  "No, Ma'am. I actually feel really good, thanks to you."

  He turned to Sara.

  "And you."

  He smiled at her and could see her tear-streaked face as she began to cry again, shaking her head in disbelief.

  “I almost killed you!"

  Scott shook his head.

  "No, you saved me."

  "I can’t, Scott, I just can’t.”

  Sara ran towards the castle.

  “Sara! Sara!” Scott called after her.

  Kaley turned to Scott.

  “I’ll take care of her, Scott. Tomorrow, ok?”

  Alia watched her daughter run into the side door and turned back to Scott.

  "Sleep has a way of making things clearer, Scott. Kaley's right. Tomorrow."

  Scott turned to Sam.

  “You alright?” Scott asked.

  Sam was now standing before him and grabbed him into a hug. Scott looked at Coeli, who was now standing behind Sam. Scott patted Sam on the back.

  “I’m ok, Red…really.”

  Sam let go.

  “You scared the hell out of me, you know? You better get some rest and take care of your mom, Bud. She’s totally freaked out.”

  Scott smiled and nodded. He turned to Coeli and was about to take the talisman off, when she shook her head.

  “Keep it. She gave it to you for a reason.”

  Scott looked at Coeli and took her hand.

  “Tell her I’m not letting her push me away like she does everyone else. You’ll tell her, right?”

  Coeli nodded.

  “I’ll tell her, Scott. I promise.”

  Scott started to walk back to the family’s quarters. Corey was waiting for Sam and Elena to come with him. Sam held up his hand letting Corey know he wou
ld only be a minute.

  Sam turned to Coeli. She looked up and smiled at him. Then she started to unclasp her pendant, but Sam took her hands down.

  “If you think you’re going to give me that talisman to protect me, no way.”

  Coeli started to protest, but Sam put his finger to her mouth.

  “I don’t need it, Shay.”

  He reached around his neck and produced a pendant made with many of the same stones as the one Sara had been wearing. Coeli smiled and then shook her head.

  “My dad may be an atheist, Shay, but the rest of family isn’t so sure there’s not a god out there somewhere.”

  Sam pointed to Elena and smiled.

  “My grandmother. Pastry maker and gypsy.”

  Coeli smiled.

  “I better go help Kaley with Sara,” she said. “I had a great time. I’m not gonna wake up tomorrow and realize this was all a dream am I?”

  Sam laughed, leaned over and kissed Coeli, passionately and deeply, so that both Elena and Alia looked over when Sean cleared his throat. Sam pulled back and kissed Coeli’s hands and looked at Elena.

  “Are you coming, Gram?”

  Elena smiled and looked at Alia, who took Elena's hand.

  “Didn’t you want to talk to me about something?”

  Elena grinned and put her other hand over Alia’s.

  “Yes. I did, when you have a moment.”

  “I have time now, My Dear. I have time now.”

  Elena nodded and turned to Sam.

  “You go back and get some rest. It has been a busy night.”

  Sam smiled and started to walk away, but stopped and turned back around.

  "Oh, Gram?"

  Elena looked at her oldest grandson.

  "Voice of an angel."

  Elena smiled and tapped her head. Sam turned and he and Corey walked back to the visitor's quarters. Sean looked around and noticed a raven on the roof of the booth near where they were standing. Alia turned back to Elena.

  “Let’s go, Elena.”

  She then turned to Sean.

  “Are you coming?”

  Sean looked back.

  “Not just yet. I want to check the perimeter. But I’ll be back shortly so you ladies can fill me in on what you think this is, ok?

  Alia nodded and she and Elena walked towards the castle door. Sean strode off to the wall stairs.

  The raven seemed to smile.


  The early rays of dawn came quickly. Alia sat in her bedroom, staring at the forest below. She was still trying to absorb what had happened several hours ago. Her practice of the craft had never revealed results like that, but there had been a shift, she could feel it.

  Alia marveled as she thought of the creature she had pulled from Scott Forrester's head. An Imp? The strange airburst that had attacked the young men, it obviously came to them through that guise, but why? Alia went over and over the story that Elena had told her. Sam had obviously been spared the possession because of the talisman he wore, so similar to one she had made for her own children. She scowled as she thought about the way Rona Mason had treated Elena and her story.

  She felt the anger rise in her chest. Not just at Rona's disregard for Elena, but also at herself for not being more aware of what had been going on with her healers. Elena had told Alia how Beverly Watson had tried to convince the other healers that Elena's story had bearing, but the majority of them looked afraid and wouldn't stand up to Rona.

  Alia sighed. She and Rona had always been friends, but now something was wrong.

  Then she remembered the flash of gold from the previous day. Did that beast in the forest have something to do with the demonic creature? Or maybe it came from the same place. She stared down into the trees and brush, looking for anything. Then she heard it. It sounded like a horse, but like none she had ever heard. It was like a bow being dragged across a fiddle. Then, there it was! A flash of gold, just like the day before.

  She heard the knock on her door and turned.


  The door opened slowly and Rona Mason entered the room.

  "You wanted to see me, Alia?"

  Forgetting about the animal below, Alia raised her eyebrow and stood up. She walked to the center of the room.

  Rona was in her mid-twenties. She was slim with long, straight brown hair. She said she had been married, but her husband had disappeared. She was alone and afraid when she had come to Lia Fail and Alia had taken her in. Alia had tutored her in the ways of holistic healing and Rona was a quick study. Soon, Rona's knowledge of healing and medicine got her the job of head healer. But in the last year, Alia had spent little time with the healers and was now troubled to hear these stories about Rona. Alia frowned and looked past her protégé.

  "Surely by now, you've heard about what happened to the Forrester boy?"

  Rona shook her head and shrugged slightly.

  "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I have no idea what you're referring to."

  Alia looked directly at Rona and smiled and tilted her head.

  "Interesting, Rona. As my head healer, you're responsible for monitoring the spiritual safety and subsequent physical well being of the people who reside and visit this village, correct?"

  "Well, yes, Your Majesty, but…"

  "Yet, you're completely oblivious to the fact that just a few hours ago, I pulled a strange little creature from the head of that boy. Is this true?"

  Rona was now taken aback.

  "I had no idea, Your Highness."

  "No idea? Elena Petrulengo came to you yesterday upon her arrival to the Fail with the news that her grandson and his friend had been attacked by a "freezing pocket of air," which left them blind and unconscious and you found this to be of no importance?"

  "Your Highness, Elena Petrulengo is a gypsy. She has often come to us with grand stories."

  "Yet, this story was true, Rona, and your disregard for that almost cost a boy his life."

  "I doubt that, Your Majesty," Rona said as she smiled. "Perhaps it wasn't what it seemed."

  Alia crossed her arms.

  "Are you calling me a liar, Rona?"

  "No, Your Majesty, of course not. Perhaps your mind was playing tricks."

  "Playing tricks?"

  "Well, yes, after a late night of drinking…"

  Alia held up her hand.

  "I was not drunk, nor was I hallucinating. Nor were the other thirty or so people who watched it happen."

  Alia put her hand down.

  "What happened to you, Rona? When did you begin to abuse your post?"

  Rona frowned and shook her head.

  "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Alia. I have always done right by you and the people of this village. I can assure you that a creature of that ilk would not have killed the boy."

  Alia raised her sight to Rona's face. She could see through her lies now.

  "A creature of what ilk?"

  "Well, it must have been some kind of possessor. An imp maybe?"


  The wheels in Alia's head were spinning. How would she know it was an imp? Every moment that seemed innocent and sprinkled with coincidence was now painfully obvious to Alia. Rona had been breeding the seeds of discontent.

  Alia wanted to throw up. The betrayal was suffocating. She paced around the room as Rona stood silently by the door.

  "You'll remove yourself from my presence, Rona. You will inform the other healers that you are stepping down from your position as head healer."

  "I don't understand."

  Alia turned and looked at Rona. The anger in her eyes made Rona take a step back.

  "Despite your assurances that he would not have died, your lack of action could have resulted in that young man's death, and subsequently the infection of others. You are not capable of the position of head healer."

  "I must protest, your…"


  Alia took a step towards Rona.

  "You're in no position to protes
t anything, Rona! Captain Lantry’s men will escort you to Healer Hall where they will tell the other healers that you are no longer in charge. Do I make myself clear?"

  A tear came to Rona's eye as she looked down at her hands.

  "Yes, Your Highness."

  She stood silently as Alia watched her. Finally, Alia walked back to the window and looked at Rona.

  "Is there something else, Rona?"

  Now crying quietly, Rona nodded.

  "Am I being exiled, Your Majesty?"

  Alia's eyes narrowed and she walked over to Rona.

  "You're not being exiled, Rona, and you're not being removed from healing but you're not capable of the responsibilities of being Head Healer."

  Rona sniffed and looked at Alia. She then bent over and kissed Alia's hands, thanking her. Alia took her hand and placed it at the top of Rona's head not quite touching her. She felt that familiar motherly instinct want to take control until the wave of nausea once again struck. Alia felt lost. She pulled her hand up and away, closing her fingers into a fist.

  "Go now."

  Alia turned and walked over to the window as Rona bowed and walked out of the queen's chambers.

  Rona walked silently and steadily down the stairs, her face contorting into an angry sneer as she cursed Alia Stark under her breath.

  Then she stopped on the stairs. All wasn't lost; she hadn't been removed as a healer, only the head healer. She was still in the Healer House. She still had access to potions and brews. She still terrified several of the other healers. She smiled and started walking down the stairs again.

  Rona was still deeply engrossed by her thoughts as she moved towards the front door where she was met by Todd and Quinn. They stood in her way, so she looked at them and put her hands on her hips.

  "Excuse me."

  They looked straight ahead as a voice came from behind her.

  "They'll be escorting you to Healer Hall and delivering the good news of your immediate retirement as head healer. They'll also be listening to what you have to tell the other healers, Ms. Mason."

  Rona turned around with a sickly sweet smile on her face to see Sean standing behind her. She nodded her head.


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