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The Gathering

Page 40

by S L Dearing

  Sam spit in Blaylock's face. Blaylock smiled and wiped it off, tossing it to the floor. As he flicked the last remnants from his fingers, he clenched his hand into a fist and hit Sam full force in the stomach. Tears ran down Sam's face, but he made no sound.

  "Tough guy."

  Blaylock smiled and grabbed Sam by his hair and held his head still as he whispered in his ear.

  "When we're done with her, she won't remember your name, Kid."

  Blaylock slammed Sam's head back against the wood, the pain shot through his skull like knives. Sam lifted his throbbing head and looked at Coeli. It wasn't her own fear he saw, but the pain that was being inflicted on them, the ones she loved. Brollen, who held a steady hand in Coeli's hair, licked the side of her face as Blaylock laughed and turned to Rona, motioning for her to take a turn.

  Rona jumped onto the table and marched over to Alia. She stood before Alia coyly and then punched her in the face. Alia's head recoiled as blood slowly trickled from her nose as she returned Rona’s gaze. Rona snarled at her.

  “You have no idea how much I hate you.”

  Alia continued to stare at Rona.

  "Ask me if I care."

  Rona's grin faltered, then her eyes narrowed.

  “So, did Alisha burn up nice and good on that hill? How about Chris? I would imagine it was quite a fire out there. What about Merganser? Tommy laid him out good, didn't he? Too bad we couldn't get some hardware into Sean, but then that's something to look forward to, huh?”

  Alia’s blood raged, but she remained still as Rona continued.

  “Serious stuff that poison, old magic. You know I thought they were better fighters than that, turning their backs on me… that was pretty fucking stupid. But then you're pretty fucking stupid aren't you? You ate it all up, hook, line and sinker. I was never married, I wasn't alone, and I was a plant. The Master sent me to destroy you, Stupid Cow."

  Tanner pulled against his ropes.

  "Shut your mouth, Bitch!!"

  Rona laughed and backhanded him as Blaylock and Brollen chuckled. Coeli stared at Rona, her mouth open.

  "You killed my sister? You killed Alisha? You killed my brother…Chris?"

  Rona continued to grin as she looked at Coeli.

  "Oh, yeah, you were outside the walls when that went down, weren't you? Yeah, I killed Alisha. Chris, I can only assume, but probably yeah."

  Coeli began to sob as she looked at her mother. Unable to suppress her sorrow anymore, hot tears slid down Alia's cheeks. The tears rolled down her neck and landed on the amulet. It sizzled and the salty tears continued to flow over the ashy metal as tiny wisps of white smoke rose upward. Unnoticed by any of them, a tiny glimmer of silver appeared on the black metal. Tanner continued to struggle against the ropes, but slowed as his crying took over.

  “You're all so pathetic!! The whole thing went according to plan… like clockwork. Albion played into the Master's plan like a puppy… the priest… your children," Rona yelled.

  Rona leaned into Alia, placing her hands on either side of her head. They were nose-to-nose and Alia slowed her breathing. She could smell Rona, her sweat and spicy perfume. Rona smiled and looked at Alia, her voice not rising above whisper.

  "Everything she wanted to give to you, it now belongs to him. In a few hours it'll be the Mourning Moon and you'll be done. I cannot fucking wait!"

  Rona's eyes gleamed with an evil light that made Alia's blood rage, but she still remained unmoving. Rona pushed herself back and turned to walk off the table as Blaylock laughed. Rona stepped down to the floor next to where Brollen was holding Coeli by the hair. Rona smoothed out her dress and smiled sweetly at Coeli, whose breathing intensified. She stood staring at Rona, unmoving. Then Rona lifted her head and blew Coeli a kiss. Coeli, despite having her hair held by Brollen, pulled back her arm and punched Rona full force in the face. Coeli's fist connected with Rona's nose as tissue and sinew snapped under the force. Blood poured out of Rona's nose as she fell back against the table.

  "Ugh, Bitch!"

  Rona got up and went to hit Coeli, but Blaylock grabbed her hand mid-air.

  "Sorry, Rona."

  "She broke my nose, Tommy!!"

  Blaylock nodded and smiled.

  "Yeah, it looks like she did. I didn't expect that."

  Brollen shrugged as he smiled.

  "It's a good look for you."

  Rona sneered at Brollen

  "Shut up, Gary!!"

  Then she turned back to Blaylock and pointed to her face and dress.


  "So go fix it. You're not touching her until I've broken her and that's gonna be a while, so go on, fuck off!!"


  Rona stomped off towards the kitchen and as she did, Blaylock stepped on the bench and walked back towards the crosses. He moved slowly and deliberately towards Alia's cross, then he leaned against the wood, his left arm supporting his head.

  "You women are so volatile. I think that's why I love you…and hate you… all so very much."

  Then he pointed at Coeli.

  "She's pretty this one, but then again you have more, don't you? All young, all beautiful… well, all except for one."

  Alia snarled and lurched forward. As she did, the amulet loosened from her skin, the silver spreading thin and web like across the ash. Blaylock was too engrossed in his game to notice. Alia continued to look him in the eye, never wavering.

  "I can't wait to taste each… and… every… one."

  Blaylock laughed again and backhanded Alia across the face before he jumped off the table. Alia recoiled and then strained against the rope, struggling to get at Blaylock. As she struggled, the amulet shook loose from more of the blackened skin. She continued to wrestle with her bonds. Her hair fell in her face and suddenly the amulet fell free from her skin and the chain broke. It fell from her chest and caught on a piece of wood by her feet. There it swung back and forth, still unnoticed by all, except Alia. She stopped struggling and stared at Blaylock. The area where the amulet had once been bound by charred and swollen flesh now grew pink and healthy. Sam struggled against the ropes.

  "Pussy, Son of a Bitch!"

  Blaylock laughed and looked at Brollen who was now laughing as well. Alia didn't register any pain, only contempt as she stared at Blaylock. He turned back around and returned her steely gaze, then he put his hand out for Coeli and Brollen pushed her up on the table and into Blaylock's grip. He took Coeli by the back of her hair and forced her to look at the captives.

  He then took his hand and placed it on her breast, pressing his face against the side of her head. He squeezed her flesh until Coeli yelped, which made him grin.

  "Stop it!!"

  Sam fought against his restraints, but to no avail. Blaylock moved his hand down Coeli's stomach and then under the band of her skirt where he thrust his hand down into her mound. She cried and tried to back away pushing at his hands, but he was too strong. Sam continued to struggle, the twine cutting deeper into this flesh and the spikes ripping through the sinew and bone. He fought through the pain as tears of frustration rolled down his battered face. Tanner struggled.

  "What's happening? Mom? Sam? What's happening?"

  Blaylock smiled and looked at Tanner.

  "Well, Twin, I'm about to make your sister a woman, while mommy and boyfriend watch. Sorry you can't see it."

  Tanner gritted his teeth.

  "You'll regret it!"

  Blaylock looked at Brollen and they laughed, but Alia's eyes never left Blaylock. She had been focusing all her energies on her anger. She felt all the pain of the past. The pain these men had inflicted.

  Blaylock blew a kiss to Alia and winked at Sam. Rona now walked back into the throne room. She had fixed her nose and was trying to clean the blood off her dress. She moved towards the throne and watched with her arms crossed in front of her, sulking. The court erupted, cheering him on, as Blaylock ripped Coeli's dress and threw her down on the table where he proceeded to r
ape her. Sam still struggled weakly against the twine and steel as Coeli kicked, scratched and bit her attacker. Blaylock laughed and slapped her several times, but she kept fighting him. Sam cried out and pulled harder now against the ropes.

  Alia continued to stare at the scene in front of her, her heart beating faster and harder, her head pounding, she realized she could feel her blood pumping through her veins and arteries, faster and faster. It was time. There was no more fear and she was free of the black amulet. She finally broke her gaze and looked to the enormous windows in the ceiling to see the early evening sky. She marveled at the purple grayness of the sky, hints of orange and pink floating through the clouds, its beauty a sharp contrast to the ugliness that surrounded her. She took a deep breath and yelled.

  "I come to you willingly and without fear."

  She began to chant the ancient words of the goddess. Sam looked at her. He remembered what his grandmother had said when he left and he yelled it to the heavens.

  "I come to you willingly and without fear."

  Then Tanner, who had turned in the direction of his mother, looked up to the sky and in his blindness, also yelled the words to the sky.

  "I come to you willingly and without fear."

  The three began to chant the incantation. They started low, but almost immediately they could hear each other and their voices grew. Rona heard Tanner yell and looked up. She pushed herself off the throne and walked slowly towards them. Suddenly, she realized what they were doing. Her eyes grew wide and she shook her head.

  "What is she doing?"

  She started to smile, until she noticed that something around Alia's neck was missing. The amulet was gone.

  "No…no!!! Stop them!!!"

  She ran towards Blaylock.

  “Tommy! Thomas!!”

  Blaylock had been so preoccupied with Coeli that he hadn't noticed what was happening until he heard Rona.


  "Get up!!"

  Rona smacked him and he went to backhand her when she pointed to the crosses. He looked up and got off of Coeli, handing her to Brollen.

  “What the hell is this?”

  Rona grabbed him.

  “The amulet!! Where is it?"

  "Last time I looked it was around her neck!!"

  Rona turned back around and watched in horror as the three bodies hanging from the giant crosses started to glow.

  "Where is he!?”

  Blaylock shrugged and pointed above him.

  "What are they doing?" he asked.

  Rona shook her head and ran to the stairs, leaving Blaylock to watch in bemused wonder.

  Sam opened his eyes briefly to see Brollen, his hands all over Coeli, as she scratched and fought against him. Then Sam watched as Brollen positioned Coeli in front of him and entered her. The fire in his head made him dizzy. He remembered how important it had been to Coeli that they be together. She knew this was going to happen. He closed his eyes and left himself open to the spirit. Misunderstanding, Brollen laughed.

  Alia closed her eyes and focused on giving herself wholly to the universe. Then she saw the goddess in her head, as she had appeared to her only days before, her flaming red hair, and her hand reaching for her. Alia called to the great goddess of death and war and wisdom. Soon Alia could hear nothing but their voices as images of her life flew through her mind like pictures in a photo album, all of her memories flooding her head, from her childhood to this moment, her heart beating faster and faster, her head pounding harder and harder, and then she heard them.

  She opened her eyes and looked to the heavens, but it was no longer orange and pink. Now it was black, like pitch. Ravens.

  Suddenly, there was a loud crash as the windows broke and the birds flew into the banquet hall screeching the name of their mistress: Morrighan, Morrighan, Morrighan. Shards of glass flew in all directions as the court of onlookers screamed and ran, seeking refuge under doorways and chairs. The birds flew down the length of the hall and along the table, forcing Brollen to release Coeli as they flew to their destination. Coeli managed to jump under the table and get to the base of the crosses. The birds also attacked Blaylock, who drew his weapon and started swinging it through the cloud of feathered creatures. With every connection his blade made, their blood flew against his skin, and as it did, it burned him.

  The ravens soared to those who had called them. Alia put her head back and succumbed to her destiny. She could feel their wings and talons and beaks against her skin. Soon the last bird joined its brethren and no one could see any of the captives as they were covered by hundreds of ravens.

  Blaylock backed up and looked at the sight with angry amazement. His breathing was heavy as he tried to wipe the blood from his singed arms.

  "What the fuck is going on?"

  Brollen got up from the floor and walked over to Blaylock and grabbed his arm.

  "I don't like this!"

  Blaylock sneered and shrugged him off, then backhanded him across the face.

  "Get it together, Gary! It's just a bunch of fucking birds!"

  Brollen's eyes narrow then he scowled and nodded his head. Suddenly, from the shadows came the Shape. He walked to the end of the table and slammed his fists into the wood, causing the room to vibrate.

  "What is this?!" He boomed.

  The room shook from the power of his voice. Blaylock and Brollen turned to see their Master jump on the table and walk towards the swarming birds with huge strides. Rona and Anne ran down the stairs as the Shape walked towards the prisoners. Rona reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and stared at the birds. Anne went to the end of the table and then looked at Blaylock.

  "What did you do?!"

  Blaylock sneered at her and turned back towards the prisoners. Rona looked at the heavens and was afraid.

  “She was here, she was already here and without the amulet, Alia would take all of her rightful gifts.”

  From the kitchen, Albion moved out into the throne room.

  "Mother, what's happening?"

  Anne turned and saw her son. She ran around the table and took him by the arm, gripping hard. Albion winced.

  "What are you doing here? Get to your room!! Now!!" She hissed.

  Anne dragged Albion to the passage that led to his room and shoved him through.

  "Ow, you're hurting me."

  Anne's blue eyes grew cold and Albion felt himself shiver. This was not his mother.

  "I said get to your room, Boy!! Do it now!!"

  She slapped him and he backed away from her, the warm tears stinging his cheek. He rubbed his face as he walked quickly away from his mother, her blue eyes blazing, but cold. He disappeared into the tunnel. Anne turned back towards the moving black mass, sneering.

  Blaylock now saw Coeli. He went to grab her, but every time he tried, the birds dived at him, scratching at this face and eyes. He struck at them as before and tried to grab Coeli again, but every time he did the birds dived at him and he was forced to cover his face and back up. Then he saw the amulet. He went to grab it, but before he could, Coeli also saw it and pulled it off the cross. He lunged at her again, but was viciously attacked by the birds. He turned to Brollen, those icy eyes glistening.

  "Do something! Kill them, whatever, just do it!"

  Brollen turned and yelled at several of his men who moved forward, but stopped when they heard a noise.

  It was like nothing any of them had heard before, a loud screech followed by a blood-curdling scream, then silence. Not even the beating of the birds’ wings could be heard. Rona slowly backed into a corner by the stairs, still watching.

  The Shape moved quickly towards the cocoon of ravens around Alia.

  "Where is it? Where is the amulet?!?"

  Blaylock moved forward and pointed towards Coeli.

  "It fell off and she found it, Master."

  "How did it fall off?!!"

  Blaylock shrugged as the Shape looked over and down at Coeli. She held t
he amulet in her hands and then looked up at him in terror. He was snarling at her. He raised his hands and was about to throw a spell, when suddenly the birds flew up in unison. They circled and screeched and began taking the form of a woman. They changed color and form and she was there. Her flaming red hair and black eyes stared down on them. Then her face took form and she looked directly at the Shape. She smiled and shook her head, then began to laugh and from her mouth the birds flew towards the Shape, moving through him and up towards the ceiling and out of the castle.

  "No, no, no!!! This is mine!! Mine!!! Everything was planned!!"

  Coeli watched and then looked at the amulet in her hand. It began to glow as if a light were coming from inside the metal. It also began to vibrate. Coeli could feel the power. She looked up again and saw the Shape, who once again turned to her. She then threw the amulet up and into the birds as they flew away. The Shape ran to where she had thrown the amulet and tried to grab it, but as he did, a giant raven grabbed hold of the chain with it's beak and carried it back to its rightful owner.

  The Shape looked up and watched as the last bird flew away.


  Then he turned slowly around to see Coeli duck back under the table. He started towards her, rage filling every ounce of his being, until he saw the prisoners and then he stopped and began to back away, shaking his head. His rage was now replaced by fear, as he raised his hands again, but now as if he were protecting himself. Anne Merganser also backed away and walked quickly back to the staircase. Blaylock got up and dusted himself off. He turned to Brollen, while looking after the birds.

  "Well, that was some freaky shit, wasn't it?"

  But Brollen didn't answer. Blaylock turned to look at him, surprised to see him staring in terror at something over by the prisoners.


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