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The Gathering

Page 45

by S L Dearing


  Rebecca rolled over and rested her head against Coeli's shoulder. Lisa lay on Rebecca and Brandon leaned against Brian, his head on his brother's arm, as Amanda curled up on Coeli's belly and chest and sucked her thumb. Brian rubbed his nose as Brandon looked at her with big eyes.

  "Is mom… is… is she ok?"

  Coeli smiled, as she looked up at her little brothers.

  "She was when we left. I'm sure she still is… I'm sure they're all ok."

  "And Tanner?"

  Sara and Chris walked into the room. He smiled at Coeli. She handed Amanda to Rebecca as she stood up and grabbed Chris.

  "They said you were dead… I… I…"

  "I'm not dead."

  She nodded and embraced her brother. When she pulled back he was smiling, but his eyes were dark.

  "Was Tanner ok when you left?"

  Coeli nodded.

  "They all said they'd be home soon."

  Chris shrugged.

  "Then they will be."

  Kaley put her hands on her knees and stood up.

  "Ok, having said that, I think it's time for young children to be in bed."

  Brian looked at his eldest sister and crossed his arms.

  "What do you consider young?"

  She smiled at him.

  "Ten and under."

  "Awww, man."

  Brandon stomped a foot as Lisa turned to hug her siblings. Rebecca handed Amanda to Kaley. Coeli walked over and kissed Amanda on the forehead and waited for Brandon to come and hug her.

  "I'm glad you're home, Shay."

  "Me, too."

  She watched them go through the door and then turned back to her other brothers and sisters. She smiled and walked out to the balcony. She looked to the east.


  Ellen Turner held her daughter against her and rocked her gently back and forth as she looked out the window of their room.

  "You should have seen him. He was amazing."

  Ian sat watching his sister.

  "I guess we all misjudged the Mergansers, huh? I'm glad he was there. I'm sorry I wasn't."

  Ian looked down and Hannah looked over at him. She walked over and knelt down beside him.

  "You would have if you hadn't been ambushed, besides I'm glad you were here and safe. Ian?"

  Ian looked over at her and touched her cheek.


  "How come nobody has talked about Chris? Is he…? Tanner wouldn't answer me when I asked how he was. Is he…?"

  Ian smiled, but before he could speak there was a knock on the door. He got up, walked over to the door and opened it.

  Ian moved aside and there stood Chris.


  Hannah smiled brightly as she jumped up and ran into Chris’s arms. He held her tightly, kissing the side of her head.

  "I'm sorry I wasn't there to get you."

  She shook her head as she pulled back to look at him.

  "I thought something had happened… "

  He nodded and then she noticed that there was something different about him. He explained.

  "Something did happen… Rona stabbed me in the back with a poison blade… the same kind of poison that killed Alisha. I almost died, too, but Elena and Beverly made some kind of antidote."

  Hannah cocked her head.


  She looked over at her mother and Ian.

  "Alisha's dead?"

  Ellen stood up and shook her head.

  "With everything that's happened, we weren't sure we should tell you."

  Hannah turned back to Chris, her eyes welling with tears.

  "I'm so sorry."

  Chris’s eyes began to tear, but he shook his head and held her close.

  "I'm just glad you're back. Now as soon as everyone else gets back home, we'll be fine, right?"

  She nodded.

  "I love you, Hannah."

  She smiled.

  "I love you, too, Chris."

  She leaned up and kissed him. It was true and yet she didn't feel the same as she had before.

  “It'll be fine when they all come back. Then it will be the same.”

  Hannah smiled as she let go of Chris and walked over to the window. She looked out over the village and watched Elian, Stephan and Albion walking towards Keystone House. Albion looked up and saw her. He smiled and waved. She smiled and waved back. She knew they were going to be great friends.


  As the smoke began to clear, Alia lowered her arms and looked around her. Through the haze she began to make out faces. There was Connie and Todd. Then she saw Jones, Grant and Larry. Then she heard Sam, and then Tanner.

  Her soldiers were standing up and dusting themselves off. Vance? Molly? Quinn? Myron? Where were they? She had tried to cast a protection spell only moments before the blast, but there hadn't been enough time. She glanced around and saw some of her soldiers lying dead around her.

  "Myron! Molly!!"

  Sam came towards her.

  "Vance? Quinn? Where are you?"

  "We're here!"

  Alia and Sam turned to see Molly helping Quinn through the smoke and dirt. Sam ran over to help them. Quinn was covered in blood, but alive. Molly let Sam take Quinn and held her arm. It appeared to be broken and there was a long gash on her forehead that was still bleeding. She looked pale.

  "The blast knocked us into the trees. We've got more wounded in there."

  Alia turned to Connie.

  "Connie, go take the able men and see what we can do for our wounded. Tell Tanner to get over there and help."

  "You got it."

  Connie took several soldiers and ran off into the woods, hollering for Tanner to come with them. Alia took Molly's hand and covered her forehead with her other hand, the familiar purple light coming from underneath. Sam had set Quinn on the ground. Todd had run over at this point and seen his partner. He knelt down next to him, pale at the obviously serious injuries.

  Sam then held his hands out over Quinn's face and mumbled something under his breath. From under his hands the purple glow appeared and Quinn's wounds began to heal. Within moments, he was well.


  "Yeah, Gingerbread Man… thanks."

  Sam laughed as Quinn nodded and stood up, then looked over at Molly.

  "Thanks, Creegan."

  "Anytime, Dork Twin."

  Quinn rubbed his head and smiled. Then Alia and Sam helped Tanner heal the wounded. Where were Myron and Vance? As Alia healed the wounded, she heard the ravens. Hundreds had gathered around them. Tanner walked up to his mother.

  "I don't think the Shape was in the blast. I think he got away."

  Alia nodded.

  "I think so, too."

  "Rona didn't."

  Alia turned and looked at her son. His eyes blazed.

  "You killed her?"

  Tanner looked at his mother and shook his head.

  "No… Vance."

  Alia nodded.


  "Speaking of, have you seen him?"

  Alia shook her head.


  Tanner shook his head. Grant, Larry and Sam walked towards them.

  "Who are we missing?"

  "Myron and Vance, anyone else?" Alia Asked.

  Grant shook his head.

  "Not that we're aware of. If they didn't check in, we've found them… you know."

  Alia turned to the ravens.

  "Where did they go?"

  One of the largest ravens looked at Alia and cocked its head. Then it jumped from its branch and flew to another set of trees. Alia watched and then began walking, following where it flew.

  The others followed as well. Soon, they were moving through a clearing and Grant saw a foot sticking out from under some brush. Alia ran and threw out her hand.

  A red light flew from her hand and when the light hit the brush, the foliage curled and pulled back. Under the brush were Myron and Vance, along with several Fail soldiers.

on! Vance!! Please…"

  Alia threw out her hands and spoke the healing charm. The purple glow emanated from her and completely encompassed the two men and the other soldiers. They didn’t stir. Then Tanner and Sam joined in. The purple now contained bits of silver that spread like a web through the men's skin and hair.

  Then the sky cracked and lightning crashed around them. The purple glow grew larger and larger, then exploded around them. All three of them fell to their knees, unable to continue. Alia, her breathing labored, looked at the men. They still didn't stir.

  "Please… oh, please…"

  "Oh, Lord, my head…"

  Myron rolled over and held his head as he sat up. He looked over at Vance and shoved him.

  "Get up, Boy, no nap time."

  Vance groaned.

  "I feel like I've been hit by horse."

  Alia laughed.

  "You two just scared the hell out of me."


  The remaining soldiers also stirred and sat up. Alia and the others helped the men up and looked at what was left of the castle. There were fires all around them and black stone littered the forest. Alia turned to Tanner and Sam.

  "Gather everyone together… we're going home."

  They nodded as Alia turned back to where the raven had been. It was still there, watching.

  "Thank you."

  “You're welcome.”

  Alia smiled as she watched the bird fly away. She then walked towards her troops. They had a long way to go.


  It had been several days since the unicorns had brought the girls home, but the others had still not returned. Coeli stood on the eastern wall and stared beyond the trees.

  Sean stood at the top of the stairs and sighed. He walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder as she leaned against him.

  “You've been up here a while.”

  “I know. I can't seem to focus on anything else.”

  Coeli heard Sean clear his throat and she turned to look at him.

  “I’m so sorry, Sean. I didn’t even think… I’m so selfish sometimes.”

  She put her face in her hands and Sean held her, rocking her as Alia often would.

  “Shhh, none of that. I'm ok, Sweetheart. You're not selfish.”

  Coeli raised her head and wiped away her tears as she shook away the moment of weakness.

  “I am… I never asked how you’re doing?”

  She then laid her hand on his heart and she watched his eyes start to fill. He smiled.

  “I’m ok, Kid. I’m ok.”

  She then laid her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around him. He sighed again and held her.

  “Room for one more?”

  Chelsea Hearst was standing at the top of the steps nervously wringing her fingers. Coeli smiled and put out her hand and Chelsea walked over and joined them. Sean waited a few minutes and then gently ushered the girls to the steps.

  “C’mon, Ladies, let's go eat. The sentries will alert us if they see anything.”

  Coeli shook her head.

  “I'm not hungry.”

  Sean took her chin in his hand and gently raised her eyes to his.

  “You're lying. You haven’t eaten, now let’s go downstairs.”

  Coeli knew Sean was right and she looked at Chelsea, who nodded and they moved down the steps. Sara, Scott, Chris and Corey were waiting at the bottom. They all moved towards the Dining Hall, and just as they were about to enter the hall, the gates began to move.

  Sean spun around and yelled to the guards.

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t know, Sir, a group of people in the distance. They look like they’re walking this way.”

  Coeli ran back toward the steps and climbed as quickly as she could. She looked over the edge of the parapet, but they were too far out. She turned and looked down at Sean, shaking her head. Then she saw Madison.

  She hadn’t left the side of the gate since Coeli had gotten back. Coeli had to bring her food to her and that was the only time she would stand or move, was to eat. Then she would lie back down and stare at the gate. Only now, she had raised her head and she was wagging her tail. Then she barked twice and stood up.

  Coeli’s heart leapt in her chest. She ran back down the steps and knelt down to hold Madison by the face. Madison licked her and Coeli laughed, as she stood up.

  “Can’t this thing go any faster?”

  The minute she could slip through, she did.


  Sean was about to pull her back when he felt it.


  He followed Coeli through the gate. They ran towards the oncoming group, followed by Chelsea, Corey, Scott and Sara as the horns were sounded in the Fail.

  Tanner was in front and Sean could see him running at them. He leapt at his sister and held her tightly; swinging her around and then gently letting her go to embrace Sean. Sean grabbed his face and looked into Tanner's eyes and then hugged him again.

  "Outta my way!"

  Sean let go of Tanner just as Chelsea threw herself into his arms and kissed him deeply. He felt the world stop as he opened his eyes.

  "Told you we'd be right behind you."

  Chelsea laughed as she looked behind Tanner, then just past him.


  Larry was now at the top of the hill and he looked over and smiled. Tanner smiled as Chelsea ran to her father and leapt into his arms, then he looked back towards the castle. Chris ran to his brother and Tanner began to laugh.


  The twins embraced.

  "I thought you were dead, Man."

  "I almost was."

  Then Sam appeared over the hill. He saw Coeli and he ran to her. All he could think about was holding her. Coeli began to slow, but Sam didn’t. His legs pounding against the earth, every muscle straining to get to her, he grabbed her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers. She kept her eyes open just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, her hands against the stubble-strewn skin of his face. He stopped and held his forehead to hers, crying.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, we had to walk.”

  She pulled back to look at him.

  “It’s ok.”

  Sam kissed her again until he felt something on his side. He looked down to see his dog dancing excitedly at his feet, wagging her tail so hard her entire body was rocking back and forth. Sam leaned down and hugged his dog as Coeli watched. Then she looked up and saw Corey, Chelsea, Lily and Elena coming towards them. Her mother. She looked around frantically. Her dreams. Where was she? Then she saw her. She watched as Sean ran to her.

  Sean didn't stop until he was directly in front of Alia. He was breathing heavily. He couldn’t believe she was there. He had dreamt of her return, fighting off the nightmares that she wouldn't come back and there she was standing before him. He tentatively reached out his hand to her face, terrified it was another dream and she would disappear.

  Alia smiled and brought his hand to her cheek, nuzzling her face against his familiar skin. Then without hesitation, he pulled her to his mouth. She began to cry as he kissed her and she could taste their tears. He stopped and held her tightly against him.

  “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “I promised, didn't I?”

  He smiled as he nodded and they kissed again until Alia realized her children were waiting desperately to touch her. When Sean let her go, they fell upon her.


  Sean turned to see Molly coming towards him and he covered his mouth as he moved towards her. Then he swept her up and against him. He kissed her cheek and rocked her back and forth.

  "Shad… I can't breathe… "

  Sean started to laugh and let her go. She smiled and hugged him again. The people in Lia Fail flooded out of the village looking for their loved ones. Ellen, Ian and Hannah found Grant, and Duncan and Maggie found Vance. Carolyn found Myron and Janeen found Connie, but many wandered about, realizing that their children wo
uldn't be coming back. They had gone.

  Alia held Amanda as she looked around her. Time moved so quickly. She felt the goddess in her, moving through her. Then she felt Sean's hand in hers.

  "C'mon, I bet you're tired."

  She smiled.

  "I'd bet you're right."

  Slowly the group moved back into the village. Then Alia remembered, there was still one more day left of the Gathering and she sighed.

  "Tomorrow's the last day of the Gathering."

  Sean looked at her as if she was crazy and started to laugh.

  "Yeah, tomorrow's the last day. I think we could use the rest."

  They all looked at each other and smiled. Rest would be good.


  Alia awoke to the midmorning sun and tried to stretch but couldn't move. As she looked around, she smiled to see Sean and her children asleep around her. She carefully got out of bed and put on her robe. She looked at them and smiled, then walked out of her room and towards the stairs. Then she stopped and walked to the door at the far end of the hall.

  She opened the door and stepped inside. Asleep on Alisha’s bed was Vance. She smiled as she felt the tight pain in her throat. She lightly stroked the hair from his face. He stirred softly and then stilled. Alia looked around the room and breathed deeply. Then she turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and careful to not make any noise.

  As she closed the door behind her, she smiled. She was finally at peace. She started to walk back to the stairs when the door to her room opened and Sean walked out.

  "Trying to escape, huh?"

  She smiled.

  "No, I need food. I feel like I've been asleep for a million years. I'm starving."

  "C'mon, I'll make you breakfast."


  "Yeah, I made Molly and me breakfast lots of times. I may be a little out of practice, but I used to make great pancakes."

  "I'm intrigued."

  They walked down the stairs together. At the bottom, Sean stopped and Alia looked over at him.


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