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The Lord of Shadows Rises

Page 13

by Terzian, James

  The boy hugged Guan’s leg and exclaimed, “Thank you, mister!”

  The captain smiles at this and says, “I am glad there is still kindness in this world. I will come by tomorrow with some food for these kids. I have been visiting these slums and been helping the homeless with medical supplies and food, and even blankets when they are needed.”

  The tour ended in the rich section and they got to the hotel known as the Isis. The hotel had a large wooden door, and the roof had gold edges.


  The two masters were in the hotel. “We need to report back to the others; I’m sure they want to know that we have the orb,” Guan begins.

  “When the storm passes we will head out,” said Mason.

  Guan hears a knock on the door. He opened it he saw the boy from earlier. “Can I help you, my young friend?”

  “I would like to thank you for the money,” said the boy.

  “What is your name?” asked Guan getting on one knee.

  “My name is Mohad, sir,” said the boy shyly.

  “Mohad, there will always be kindness to those who need it.” Guan pats the boy on the head and ruffled his hair. “I recommend you help others the way I helped you.”

  “Thank you, sir,” said the boy. He then bowed and walked away.

  Guan and Mason were in front of the jet with President of Egypt. “Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. President,” said Guan as he and Mason bow their heads“I was more than happy, too. Until we meet on the battlefield next to each other as allies.”

  The two masters boarded and fly off.

  Chapter 16: The Water Orb

  The Jet landed in a secret hanger at White Rose base. Mason and Guan walked out, orb in hand.

  Alexander nodded. “The temple will be visible in one month. We will take our trials then.”

  “Have we located the last Orb?” asked Guan.

  Alexander sighs. “No, we have not.”

  “We landed in Egypt and the leader said something about a coalition?” asked Guan.

  “The United Nations has agreed to a unified front against the Lord of Shadows. They are sending their troops to be trained by the order,” said Alexander.

  “Good; the governments from around the world are joining forces for the first time,” said Mason.


  In the camp of the Sharp Thorn, Kin was getting her robes on. “Kira and Rashid will accompany me to the meeting with the masters.”

  “Is that wise?" Kira questioned her sister. "I have some history with several masters and I don’t think they would be thrilled to see me.”

  “I think I know what I am doing. Just do what I say when we get there,” said Kin.

  Kira nods her head in resignation.

  Kin walks into base and enters the meeting room. Kira sees Alexander and lowers her head down in shame. Kin nudges her sister. “You know what you must do.”

  Kira walked up to Alexander and knelt before him. “Master Theodorson of the Order of White Rose. I, Kira, have done you a great injustice that I cannot hope to atone.” Alexander eyes the woman as she continues. “I have come before you for either forgiveness or death,” she said placing her head down as if she were waiting for the blade.

  Alexander unsheathes his blade and walks up to Kira. “I, Alexander, Master of the Order have made my decision. I forgive you for your transgressions,” he said as he touched Kira’s shoulder with his blade. “Rise; you are one of us.”

  Kira stood and, with a smile, says, “Thank you, Master.”


  In the temple in Norway, the Lord of Shadows was being fitted with new armor, midnight black with silver shin guards. A soldier entered. “My Lord, I found the location of the Orb.” the soldier said.

  “Do tell,” said the evil Lord, pleased.

  “We don’t know if it is guarded but it is in Australia,” said the soldier,.

  “I will go and retrieve it.” The Lord of Shadows after getting his armor on, went through a portal with three shadows following him in.


  The meeting was in full swing at the Order of White Rose Base when a soldier walks in. “Forgive me for the interruption, Masters,” he said.

  “Report,” Alexander said as he eyes the soldier.

  “We have found the location of the water Orb, it is in Australia in a temple of the Aborigines,” said the soldier.

  “Yuan and Lenora shall retrieve the Orb,” said Alexander.

  The two master s stood. “We will head out immediately,” said Yuan.

  Alexander gives them one warning. “If you two encounter the Lord of Shadows, do not engage; I would rather lose an orb, then a life.”

  The two walk out and head to Australia.


  The Lord of Shadows struck another native down as he marched to the location of the Orb. Slaughtering his way to the temple, he showed no mercy. “The orb is near.” He grabs an Aborigine by the throat. “Tell where the water orb is.”

  The man coughs blood in the Lord of Shadows’ face. “You’ll get nothing out of me.”

  The Lord of Shadows brought the man closer. “Too bad,” he said, tossing the man away.

  He sees a stone building and finds the Orb on a pedestal. “There it is. Not even hidden,” the Lord of Shadows said. He reaches for it and it disappeared in his hand. His eyes glowed blue.

  When two masters get to the village and were horrified at the death and destruction “We are too late,” said Yuan. They see a warrior on the ground groaning slightly.

  Lenora rushed over. “Who did this?” She turned him over.

  “It was a monster in black armor with a demonic helmet,” said the warrior as he coughed some blood. “You must stop him.” He closed his eyes and went limp.

  Yuan glanced around in sorrow. “Looks like the Lord of Shadows managed to grab the Orb before we could secure it. The amount of life lost is tragic.”

  The two give the bodies the proper burial and leave the village. “I can’t believe he would even kill the woman and children,” said Lenora.

  “He is a heartless monster,” said Yuan clenching his fist. The two get back on the plane and leave.


  In the temple, the Lord of Shadows was sitting on his throne with his four generals kneeling in front of him. In their hands was a pendant of a pyramid. “You have your orders. These pendants should get you in the temple without going through the trials. Go.” The four generals disappear.

  “Your move, guardians,” he chuckled darkly. “Soon all shall belong to me.”


  The five guardians landed in Berlin Airport and drove to the Quedlineburg temple. It had a stone entry with five towers on the corners of the main building. They noticed the door was open. “Looks like someone is here already. Be ready for an ambush,” said Alexander.

  At the door they saw five different passages. “Which one?” asked Yuan.

  Alexander turns to the one on the far right. “This path is calling to me,” he said, walking toward the path.

  The other guardians close their eyes and each walk to a different passage.

  Chapter 17 Alexander

  Alexander continued down the passage in the temple and came across a small lake with a man decked in Samurai armor, holding a katana. “So the prospect has arrived.” The samurai stood. “And one taught by my student.”

  “Your student?” asked Alexander.

  “Yes, Luray earned my title after he beat me in a sword duel. Now, before the test, you must train under me.”

  “I don’t have time. The Lord of Shadows is taken over countries,” said Alexander.

  “Let me finish,” the Samurai lightly admonished Alexander. “Time is slower in perception. One day is a least a month in the temple.”

  “May I ask your name, Master?” asked Alexander.

  “Jin Misabusta. Now let's begin.”

  “I will teach you the first style that I mastered." The warrior raises his sword, with Alexander in mirro
red stance. “Remember, the sword is an extension of yourself; until you realize that, you will lose against superior enemies.”

  “Of course, Master,” said Alexander as he goes through the katas of his blade. The samurai master nodded as he observes Alexander form.

  Jin looks on and sees Alexander slash imaginary opponents. After three hours of teaching, Jin said. “Take a short break,” said the master.


  After a month in the temple, which was a day outside, Alexander stood in front of the former master. “Now for your test. You must crack my sword by any means necessary,” said Jin.

  The two stare each other down, daring the other to make the first move. Alexander grabbed his sword and rushed forward, but it is blocked by Jin’s katana. Flipping the blade, Jin forced Alexander off balance, and he stumbles back. “Is that it?” asked Jin he as jumped over a sweep kick.

  “I am not done, yet, Master Jin.” Alexander slammed the handle of his sword into Jin’s chest making him stumble back.

  Alexander seeing an opportunity rushed forward, hoping to disarm his opponent. Jin intercepts it with his sword as both fighters try to overpower the other. Alexander sword is forced down by the more skilled adversary. “Not bad, Alexander, but my experience is greater than yours,” He backhands Alexander, knocking him down. Jin charged the down teen and goes for the final blow, but missed as Alexander rolled away and grabbing his sword. “Remember, Alexander, experience trumps all other advantages.”

  Jin held his sword to the side as Alexander ran forwards and goes for a strike which is locked by Jin sword. Seeing an opening, Alexander revealed a hidden blade in his sleeve and thrust it forward, forcing Jin to disengage.

  Alexander rushes forward once more and jumped on a small ledge on the wall. Getting to Jin, Alexander jumped off and slammed his sword with all his might forcing Jin’s sword to crack.

  Jin smiles and praises Alexander. “Well done, Alexander. You next test is of the mind. Head through the next door.”

  A door appears in black smoke where there was just a solid stone wall before. Magic? Alexander wondered. He bows to his master walks through the door. Not noticing Jin disappears in a spectral image


  Alexander walked into a library. In the middle was a table with a map of the world. A man marched in with a German Stahlhelm helmet. He wore a grey military uniform with the designation of General. “So you are the new master. I am General Alois, a soldier of Germany and commander during the Franco-Prussian war,” said the general. “I was the strategist of the Order during my time. I rarely fought unless it was needed.”

  “Alexander Theodorsen, Master of the Order of White Rose.” The blond young man introduced himself and bowed.

  The man’s gaze bored into his soul as he stared into Alexander’s eyes before glancing at the sword. “You will not need your weapon in this test. Not all battles are won with brute strength or superior numbers, but with tactics and strategy.”

  He pointed to the shelves of books. “The books on shelf I-250 are all military tactics and other similar subjects. I want you to read the Art of War by Sun Tsu, which most people think is outdated but has many strategies you can use in modern times.”

  Alexander goes to a self of about fifty books on the subject of tactic as well as strategic games. He takes the Art of War and read it in about five hours altered time and takes the next book, The Way of War, was written by a French commander who was renowned for turning around losing battles.

  After reading many more war manuals from famous commanders, he return to Alois, who is sitting at the table with the map laid out. “You learned what you can?” asked the Prussian commander.

  “Yes; I am ready,” said Alexander with determination.

  “I will be the judge of that.” Alois motioned Alexander to sit at the table. “Let us play a game. What you see is a map of the area in which we will deploy our troops. The objective is simple, and that is to take the enemy base while keeping yours safe. You will have several bases, one supply base and a forward base to recruit more troops.

  Alexander looked at the map on the table. “The dark brown terrains are mountains which will give your troop the best line of sight. The field, or the light green colored area, will be of less benefit to the troops, while the forest will be the least beneficial. Got it?” asked Alois as he explained the different terrains.

  “There are two types of troops: artillery, which requires two or more soldier. It will say on each card how you need to operate the canons, while the riflemen are your infantry. You also have one medic for each of our sides which will bring a soldier back to life. All right, let us start.”

  The two sat on opposite ends of the table and put their troops in position for battle. Alexander makes the first move, putting two soldiers at the artillery and starts to pound Alois line causing casualties.

  Alois went to the mountains hoping to get the advantage it provides. The battle continued as both generals employ their strategies. After three hours, Alexander finally pulled as daring raid, killing a medic and taking the supply camp. An hour later, Alexander started his siege of the main camp.

  Alois, seeing a no other option, focused on hit and run tactics which was doing massive damage to the front line, until Alexander took out the raiding units. Another few hours later, Alexander took the main camp, claiming victory.

  Alois smiled as he saw his defeat. “You are a skilled commander to use such unorthodox. You weakened my moral and troop recruitment to achieve victory. You pass the second test,” Alois stated.

  Alexander bows. “Thank you.”

  “The next test will be on diplomacy. I wish you the best of luck.”


  Alexander took the stairs to the next floor. He entered a room with the decor of a throne room. On the throne was a man with a white beard. He gave off an aura of nobility and wisdom. “Welcome to the third test. I am Advisor Peter of Russia and a member of the Order of White Rose before Alois. Like Alois, my role was not a fighter but a negotiator.

  “Master Alexander of Norway”

  “My purpose was to prevent any conflict with a peaceful resolution,” said Peter. “You will learn how to negotiate and debate others to achieve the desired outcome.”

  “When do we begin?”

  Peter showed Alexander different methods for solving problems. “This will be a written test. The test is of different scenarios. You need to write out how you would resolve each dispute.”

  Alexander finished and Peter looked over the test and passed him. “Nicely done. Head up to the last trial.”

  Alexander climbed the stairs where he found a room set up as a dojo, with fighting mats and a ring. In the middle was a man with yellow pants and a blue coat with the rank of Colonel. “Greetings, I am Colonel Han of Prussia, 12th generation Grand Master of the Order of White Roses 1805.”

  “Why is a Grand Master himself testing me?” asked Alexander.

  “You’re the catalyst of victory in this conflict. The temple is a living entity who has searched the heart of the master to decide who attains the rank of Grand Master. I last grand master will administer the test.”

  “Did the temple not give the test or did they all fail it?”

  “All masters since my time failed this part. If you fail, the temple will choose another from this generation or, if none are found, I will wait for the next generation. I will not teach but go straight to the test,” said Han.

  “What is the objective of the test?”

  “You must defeat me. You can use any form of fighting but no weapons allowed.”

  Alexander walked to the ring, followed by Han. The two stood at opposite ends of the ring and got into position.

  Alexander ran forward, going for a jab with two fingers but misses as Han redirects the fingers with his hand. Han grabbed Alexander and threw him across the ring and rushed the young man.

  Alexander, seeing his first style had no effect, brought his knee up and thrusts forward
into Han chest. Seeing another opening, Alexander tried to slam an elbow into Han’s head but was caught. Han sweeps Alexander’s feet from under him, knocking him down.

  Alexander recovered and flipped back to his feet. The two eye each other before charging with a flurry of punches and kicks. Alexander slammed a knee into Han’s chest again but Han blocked it and punches Alexander. Han charges forward as Alexander stayed in one place, waiting for Han to get closer. As Han gets within range Alexander grabs him and throws him out of the ring ending the fight and the test.

  Han returned back to the ring and bows to Alexander. “That was your final test, Grand Master Alexander Theodorson of Norway."

  “Thank you, Master Han,” said Alexander as he bows to the former grand master.

  Han smiled and snapped his fingers. Alexander’s robes turn into a blue robe with emblem of the medallion on the back. A passageway opened at a wall revealing stair. “Take that passageway to the top of the tower.”

  “Finally, I can move on!” said Han with joy and relief as he disappeared.

  Chapter 18 Lenora and Mason’s trials

  Lenora entered her passageway and found herself in a forest Why is there a forest in the temple? she wondered.

  She turned her head and sees a man with dark skin and war paint on his face holding a spear. She jumped back. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Smoking Bill, chief of the Sioux nation and master of the Order White Rose, teacher of Master Thompson,” said the man.

  “I am Lenora of The Order of White Rose and student of former Master Thompson.”

  “The first test is of tracking and stealth. You must find me without alerting me of your approach. If I hear you, I will move to another part of the forest. Understood?” said Smoking Bill.

  Lenora nods. “But first, I will teach you different tracking methods.

  For a week in the temple, Lenora is taught the proper way to track using all senses.

  “Now we are ready to test.”

  Lenora nodded her head as Bill slipped away. Heading in a random direction, she looked for Smoking Bill. After about an hour of searching, she sighs in exasperation. Where is he? she thought. Heading back into the starting point she analyzed the ground and discovered some snapped twigs in the opposite direction she just went the first time.


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