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The Lord of Shadows Rises

Page 16

by Terzian, James


  Chapter 20: Beginning of the War

  In the Order of White Rose base, Grand Master Alexander was wearing his robe as he sat at the head of a rectangular table with the other masters at the sides. “I don’t have the experience to lead such a coalition,” said Alexander.

  Bain was sitting in a master’s chair left vacant by Alexander’s promotion. “Leadership is thrust on those who don’t want it but have earned it. We still need to figure out a way to stop the Lord of Shadows.”

  Alexander sighed. “Do we know how he was beaten the first time?”

  Bain looked down. “No one saw that battle except one person. The Grand Master who faced him is the only one who knew the answer.”

  “Little good that does us,” said Lenora. “We know he did something but he died in the process.”

  Bain put his hand under his chin. “There might be a way to talk to him, or his spirit, at least. However, his hut is in the Lord of Shadows’ territory in Norway.”

  “Getting there will not be easy,” Guan pointed out. "The Lord of Shadows military has grown due to his proxy governments.”

  Alexander stood up. “Then it is settled. We need to get to his hut and talk to him.”

  “The only one who can commune with Master Eirik is a Grand Master. Until then, we must be on our guard.”

  After the meeting, Alexander headed to his cabin. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Lenora. “Alexander, what’s wrong?”

  Alexander sat on the cabin stoop. “I can’t do it. I thought someone like Guan would be a better choice as a commander and Grand Master.”

  Lenora looked at him. “Alexander, you were the one who brought us together and fought with us. You are more than capable and we will be with you all the way. I will be with you all the way.”

  Lenora wrapped her arms around him and he leaned into the embrace. “Thank you, Lenora. You remember how we first meet?”

  Lenora smiled. “Yeah, we fought a bunch of thugs and I acted like a bitch to you.” Alexander frowned as he saw her cry. “I just wish we could...” she started as Alexander places a finger on her lips.

  “Shush. Lenora, I want you to hear this. I love you.”

  Lenora’s eyes widen. She smiles. “Alexander, I was waiting for you to say that.”

  They close in and finally have a meaningful kiss. “I would love to spend my life with you. After the war will you marry me?” he asks.

  Lenora smiles. “Where is the ring and you on one knee?” she asked and gets a surprise.

  Alexander took out a box. “Well, since you asked.” He gets up and knelt. “Lenora, will you marry me?” Alexander opened the box. Inside is a beautiful ring made of silver with five gems in the middle: a ruby, diamond, sapphire, emerald and amethyst.

  Lenora was mesmerized by the ring as a tears rolled down her cheeks. “Yes, I will,” she whispered.


  The Lord of Shadows was stood in front of a fleet of ships, his sights was on island nation of the United Kingdom.

  “Attack!” The ships launched and they made landfall under a mist created by the Lord of Shadows, but are greeted by the British Army.


  Back at the Orders Camp, Bain runs up. “Master Alexander, England is under attack.”

  “Can we send troops to assist them? Do we have time?” asked Alexander.

  Bain shook his head. “We don’t have a lot of time. They have taken over the southern portion and have placed London under siege.”

  “I want a unit to go there and assess the situation. If you can, help in any way possible.”


  The Lord of Shadows slaughtered many soldiers in London as they tried to hold back the dark lord and his formidable army. The commanders of the royal guard finally signaled for a full withdrawal of the remaining troops. They fell back to the Tower of London for a final stand. “These things are m... monsters,” frightened soldier said just before he is shot in the chest.

  The Lord of Shadows smiled under his helmet. “Time for a test run.” A goliath figure appeared holding a trident. “Water Golem, you know what to do.”

  The creature slammed his weapon on the ground creating a torrent of water to hit the building. The British soldier’s eyes widened. “What is that thing?” asked the private with pure fear as another wave slams into the tower, shaking the building to its foundations. The wall began to crack from the pounding. “Yes, the might of the elements,” said the Lord of Shadows. “Test run is successful.” He turned around and walked out as the defending troops were drowned in the tower.

  The Lord of Shadows is approached by a scout. “We have found Kevin. Orders, my lord?”

  “Send our best assassins to get rid of him. He knows too much.”


  In the channel, the ships of the Order saw the flags in London “We’re too late. Let’s head back and report what has happened,” The ships left the channel.


  Kevin strolled in a forest near a German town when a black portal opened up. So it has come to this, thought the former general. Pulling a pike from his holster he gets on guard as one hundred men decked in black armor walk out.

  “Kevin of the Wind, by order of the Lord of Shadows you are to be terminated for failure to complete the mission,” said a soldier.

  Kevin growls and pulls out his second pike. “You will have to earn this victory.” Kevin started spinning both pikes, blasting wind at the men killing many on the front line.

  One got through his guard and grazed his chest, Grabbing the assassin, he stabbed him and threw him away. They all attack at once as Kevin grabbed his second pike and spun it, creating a vacuum bringing them closer and hacking them on their chests, arms and legs.

  One of the soldiers shot an arrow into Kevin’s leg and he flinched, continuing his assault taking scores of assassin out with his pikes.

  After the battle, Kevin was on the ground, bleeding, with a hundred bodies of the lifeless army before they disappear in a black smoke. A young boy about eight with dirty black hair walked by the forest and saw the general on death’s door. “Mister are you all right?” The boy grabbed a stick to poke him.

  “Wilhelm! There you are.” A young woman with black hair approached and stopped as she saw the downed general. Rushing up to Kevin, she flips him over and sees several wounds on his chest. “My god!” she whispered then turned to the boy. “Get my medical kit from the car!”

  The boy rushed out of the forest and then runs back in minutes later, carrying a first aid kit. The woman took out bandages and gauze, and then removes Kevin’s holster and see the two pikes laying next to him.

  She applied the bandages and stopped the bleeding. With a rush of adrenaline, she managed to get him into her car.


  Kevin woke up. “What happened?” he wondered as he tried to move his arm, but found himself in too much pain to move. Looking around he saw a room of sterile equipment and white walls. A hospital, he thought.

  “I see you are up,” said a feminine voice.

  “Huh. Were you the one who bandaged me?”

  “Yes, and you are in my clinic. May I ask your name?” said the woman.

  “Kevin. I must go.”

  “Why? You are not able to walk, and as a doctor I must order you to stay put,” said the woman.

  “I have bad guys after me and you’re putting yourself in danger by letting me stay,” said Kevin.

  “Oh, who is after you? Where are my manners.” She covered her mouth, realizing she forgot to give her name. “My name is Lucy. Now who is after you?”

  `“I don’t have time for twenty questions. I can’t say for your safety. Can I please leave?” he said gently but with urgency in his voice.

  “I am not giving you a choice. You are staying here until you are completely healed,” Lucy held her hands on her hip, like a mother scolding a child.

  Kevin sighed in resignation. “Fine, but once I am healed I need to leave.

  The next morning Kevin was eating some food when Wilhelm walked in and asked, “Mister Kevin, how did you get those cuts?”

  “I was attacked by a wild animal, but I fought it off. It got me a few times,” Kevin lied

  “Wow. You must be strong,” said the boy.

  Kevin chuckled, “Maybe.”

  The boy was excited. “Can I be like you, Mister Kevin?”

  Kevin got a dark look. “You don’t want to be like me. Besides, you are you and no one else. What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked the former general.

  Wilhelm thought for a bit. “I would like to be a doctor and save people’s lives.”

  “Listen to my words. A noble goal is the best goal to achieve; never lose your determination.”

  “Yes, Mister Kevin,” said Wilhelm.

  “Just Kevin.”

  The boy nodded his head rapidly.

  In the doorway entrance, Lucy smiled and walks away, unknown to Kevin or the boy.

  That night, Lucy came in with a serious look. “Kevin, I need to know the truth about who you are and who is after you.” She sat on a stool beside the bed, checking the his vitals.

  “Do you know of the war brewing outside?”

  Lucy’s eyes widen. “It is all over the news. The war with the Lord of Shadows. Kevin, were they the ones who attacked you?”

  “Yes. My former master, the Lord of Shadows, wanted me out of the way because I failed a mission I was given. Do you still want me around after telling you this?” He asked.

  “I am a doctor and I can’t with good judgment let you die from your wounds. Plus I see you are different from most of dark soldiers,” said Lucy.

  Kevin looked down. “I am not so sure.”

  “Anyone with advice like you gave to my son can’t be all bad,” she said.

  “I thought I heard someone eavesdropping,” said Kevin with a smile.

  “Are you going to kill me?” she asked with a teasing smile. “You do know I control your life at the moment.”

  “That you do,,” said Kevin.

  “You are definitely a good person and I hope you keep that heart of yours.”

  “Lucy, I wanted to leave for another reason. I have killed innocent people; despite being under orders, I pulled the trigger. The stigma of helping me will hurt you in the long run,” said Kevin.

  “I will say it once. A doctor should never refuse help to anyone. That includes criminals. But you are different. You feel remorse for the killing. I don’t associate you with being a monster.

  “I am not following.”

  “Monsters don’t feel remorse and enjoy the killing. You feel remorse and want to protect those not involved.”

  Suddenly a few men with black robes kicked the door in. Kevin jumps up ignoring all pain in his body. “They’re here! Get yourself and Wilhelm out of here!” said Kevin as he grabbed a scalpel from a draw in the counter.

  Lucy covered her mouth and rushes Wilhelm into a room

  Kevin goes to the staircase and sees five men down in the foyer. “Kevin of Wind, surrender. If you don’t we kill the other two occupants in the house.”

  Kevin slipped the scalpel in his hospital gown sleeve and walked down the stairs “All right you win.” said Kevin putting his head down.

  The leader turns his head to the other assassins. “Kill the rest."

  “You said no harm would come to them,” growled Kevin.

  “I said no such thing; I said they would die if you did not surrender. I said nothing about sparing them at all.” The man grins.

  Kevin threw a punch, revealing his weapon, slicing the leader’s throat killing him instantly. “You will pay for that, General,” said the other soldier as they charged.

  Kevin cuts another one and moved on the third, slashing the scalpel on the man’s neck. He cut the fourth man down. He was unable to see an attack in his blind spot, and was hit on the back of the head by the butt of a gun.

  Kevin struggles to get back to his feet. “Say goodnight, General,” a man said, pointing his gun at Kevin’s head. Kevin saw the man grin, and growls in frustration.

  A shot was heard and the man fell to the ground. Behind the body was Lucy with a pistol in her hand. “Never underestimate a former soldier of Germany and never mess with a mother." Turning her head, she saw Kevin on the ground. “Let’s get you back to bed.” Lucy flips the safety on the gun and sets it down. As she helped Kevin she saw the dead bodies disappear as if they were not there. “Weird.”

  A week later, Kevin was in front of the clinic. “Thank you for everything. I am in your debt, Lucy.”

  Wilhelm runs up. “Do you have to go, Mister Kevin?”

  Kevin smiled at the young boy. “I have things to do. Keep your mother safe, okay?”

  Wilhelm nodded. “Good man,” said Kevin ruffling the boy’s hair before he walked away.


  Alexander sat in his room. I am not strong, at the moment, but I need to get to that hut and learn what I can, thought the young Grand Master.

  He grabbed a backpack full of provisions. The other masters are waiting. “Are you really going?” asked Lenora.

  Alexander sighed. “We all know our chances at victory are slim at best. If there’s a small chance that any information that can help us, we must take it.”

  Yuan walks up to him and shakes Alexander’s hand.“I wish you the best, Grand Master Alexander.”

  “We will also be training to increase our chances. Until then, may you find safe travel,” said Guan.

  Mason nods his head in agreement as Lenora walks up and hugged Alexander. “Be safe and come back,” she said


  In a factory were the citizens of Norway who were captured by the Lord of Shadows. The prisoners were overseen by a large man in leather armor. “The lord wants those weapons ready for his conquest of the free world.” He saw a young man fall down. “Get back to work!” yells the task master.

  The prisoner struggles to get up. The large man stalks over to him and kicked him, sending him spiraling backwards. “No breaks for you scum.”

  The prisoners look on. “Get back to work.”

  He grabbed the fallen man by the shirt neck and dragged him kicking to break free, but the lack of food wore him down

  Unseen to anyone was a shadow. “So this is what I was fighting for,” said the shadow in a whisper.

  The large task master was dragging the prisoner when he saw a figure blocking his path. “Get back to work,” the task master was unable to tell who it is.

  The figure pulled out a pike. “I am going to take you out for what you have done.”

  “Oh! The Lord of Shadows has a huge bounty on your head, Kevin. One I will collect that bounty,” said the overseer as he pulls out a hammer. Kevin seems to vanish, then, materializes, holding a pike right through the overseer’s torso

  “Normally I would be more honorable. However, you do not deserve such courtesy.” Kevin pulled out the pike from the taskmasters' body.

  The large man fell and Kevin walked to the prisoner who had the look of fear in his eyes. Using his pike, Kevin slashed the man’s shackles. “Can you stand?” asked he asked, helping the prisoner up.

  “Hungry,” moaned the man

  Kevin took out a bag from his shoulder and gave the man bread. “Here eat this to get some of your strength back.”

  The man gobbles the bread down. “Thank you.”

  “Stay here while I free the other prisoners,” Kevin told him

  Kevin sees several warriors, cutting them down without stopping. Continuing his assault, he gets to the heart of factory and takes down many of the guards with his pikes.

  He was surrounded by ten guards. He twirled his pikes. Showing no mercy to his opponents, he tore into the small army.

  After the battle, Kevin freed the prisoners. “. Do not squander this opportunity at freedom.”

  Kevin turned to leave.

  “Wait,” said the first prisoner Kevin s

  “Something else you need?”

  “Allow us to help you, Kevin. We can form an army to fight the Lord of Shadows.”

  “I would not usually agree to it, but…” said Kevin, looking at the men and women around him. Seeing the state they are in, a spark of pride swelled in his heart. “I accept the proposal.”

  Chapter 21: The History of the Shadows

  The Lord of Shadows was sitting on his throne in deep though. Reaching up he took off his helmet. Two hundred and thirty years since I threw away my humanity, thought the Lord. You must be rolling around in your grave, Master Aldor.

  “You are mistaken, Gode,” said a wise voice as a man appears wearing chain mail in a spectral form

  “I am impressed, Master Aldor, your spirit survived,” said the Dark Lord. “You are wrong, Master, my name and humanity are long gone.”

  “The fact is that you will be defeated, my pupil,” said the spirit.

  “You were beaten by me with little effort,” said the Lord of Shadows.

  “Yes, but you used deceit and poison to get the upper hand.

  "But your prized student could not stop me nor can this new generation of masters. They shall fall like you and Master Eirik did,” said the Lord of Shadows.

  “Your arrogance is what beat you last time,” said the master as he vanished.

  Alexander arrived in Denmark, just as snow started to fall. Better find shelter. He located a cave and headed inside. He grabs some leaves and insulated the cave by blocking part of the entrance.

  The snow got heavier as Alexander buckled down for the storm. This snow will definitely slow me down, he thought.

  The next day, Alexander peered outside and saw snow drifts taller than himself. Deciding not to wait for the snow to get worse, he started his trek slowly, being careful of hidden ice.

  After getting to the coast of Denmark, he hired a ferry and is taken to Norway. He headed north following the map he was given. Dodging several Shadow patrols, he gets to the clearing and sees a small hut with a straw roof. This must be it.


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