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The Lord of Shadows Rises

Page 19

by Terzian, James

  Rashid nodded and gripped his hammer before rushing the golem. Kevin calmed himself as he prepared to throw the pike. The hole appears and Kevin infused his pike with wind and threw it like a javelin. It pierces the monster’s metallic Orb heart and it screamed in agony before falling apart.

  The Army of the order was taking heavy losses as the Army of Shadows forced them back. For every soldier killed on the Lord Shadow’s side, three more soldiers appear in never ending waves.

  “Block out the sun and light up the sky,” shouted a voice as they unleash a hail of arrows light up on fire and are shot at the demonic army. The demon skin starts to turn black and become ash. As the Shadow army falters, the Order of White Roses begins their counter offensive for the first time in the battle.

  Bash appeared with members of the Ugandan tribe numbering in the thousands. “The demons are weak to fire. Charge!” Bash roars.

  The Ugandan warriors fired the arrows as the Shadows army gets closer to their line. Brandishing their shields of tough hide, the tribal warriors stop the dark army’s charge. The warriors counter-attack with their metal swords and spears, causing mass causalities in the rank of the dark army. The demon flee from the fire as they kill each other to get away. The demonic army is decimated and routed.

  The battle against the demons was a small victory. Their success is short-lived, however, as a larger army appeared, made from the governments controlled by the Lord of Shadows. Bash looks up and brings his club on his shoulder. “About face. Archer’s volley!” shouted the Ugandan warrior.

  The archers gets ready to launch their arrows until they see tanks from the enemy appear, running right thru the lines. Score of brave tribe man taken down by the mortar of the tanks. The battle turns into pandemonium for the Order of Roses fighters.

  The tanks let loose their fire, taking scores of the Ugandan warriors out with their deadly shelling, turning the snow a deeper shade of red.

  The battle quickly turns into a bloodbath as the order of roses and the Ugandan warriors could not combat the new threat. They are quickly surrounded as they get ready for a last stand.

  Bash looked up and saw dozens planes with flags of different countries appear on the horizon. Hatches opened on several planes and paratroopers jumped out and landed on the battlefield, launching bazookas from the cannons on their shoulders at the tanks.

  More continue to jump out and start to shoot the soldiers. Several planes land and several tanks from allied nations rolled out and started to fire on the dark army. The battle once again turned into slug match with neither side having the clear advantage.


  . “This has been a boring fight. It is time to meet your former masters.” The Lord of Shadows stalked closer to his four victims as he unsheathed his sword. “I shall show you true despair.”

  He stood in front of Lenora and prepared to deliver the first death . As he was about deliver the fatal strike, a knife hits the dark lord piercing his armor. “So you have come,” he snarled turning around to face his opponent. “Grand Master Alexander.”

  Alexander walked out of the shadows his two short swords in hand. On his waist is a holster with throwing knives. “This war ends now.”

  The two face each other, the Lord of Shadows grasping his giant sword. Alexander stayed in a relaxed but guarded stance, waiting for the Lord of Shadows to make his move.

  The Lord of Shadows charged Alexander with great speed, bringing his sword down. Alexander blocked the giant blade with both swords in a cross, locking the giant blade in position. He forced the blade down and kneed the Dark Lord in the chest. He stumbled back “Impressive boy, to actually land a blow; however, it will be the only one you will manage to land.”

  Backhanding Alexander, he drops one of his swords. Flipping to his feet Alexander jumped up. The Lord of Shadows brought his arm up as he blocks a kick from the air. Alexander using his momentum and slams a knee into the Lord of Shadows head, making him stumble back. “It is a pity, Gode,” Alexander said causing the Lord of Shadows to growl at the name.

  “You were such a promising student of Alder and a good friend of Eirik. How could you turn on both of them?” asked Alexander in an accusing tone as he fired a chi blast at the dark lord, sending him skidding back. Alexander rushes the evil one, his speed faster than the blink of an eye.

  “They denied me my right to be the Grand Master, and they got what was coming to them,” the Lord of Shadows said, hitting Alexander with another backhand. “No one will stop me. Not you, not your comrades. No one,” the Lord of Shadows said as he sent Alexander back with a punch. “I will burn this planet and be the ruler of an apocalyptic world.”

  “You forgot one thing,” said Alexander.

  “Oh, what is that?” asked the Lord of Shadows.

  “I am still breathing and I will not stop until one of us is dead.” Alexander got up, his face cut from the fighting. He wiped blood from around his eyes. Rushing forward. The Lord of Shadows summons a ball of fire and shot it out of his hand. Jumping up Alexander of dodged it. Landing on his feet, he then slams a fist into the Lord of Shadows, cracking his armor from the blow.

  The Lord of Shadows staggered from the blow. “That actually hurt me,” said the Lord of Shadows with a little bit of surprise, and sent a blast of wind from his hand to Alexander.

  Alexander was swept up and toss to the back wall. “I will end everyone,” barked the Dark Lord. He brings his blade up to the downed Grand Master throat, ready to deliver the killer blow. Instinctively, he quickly turned to intercept a curved sword heading to his back. He saw Yuan attacking him with rapid strikes of his sword, all of them easily parried and blocked.

  He backhanded Yuan away and dodged a kick from Lenora. She tried to go for a knee thrust in the chest, but the Lord of Shadows raised the earth causing her Lenora to lose her balance “Weak,” said the dark lord, in a taunt.

  He caught a punch from Mason and squeezes Mason’s fist, sending him to his knees, and punches him in the face and sending him once more crashing into the wall. “Is that it, Guardians? I was excepting some kind of a challenge.”

  The Lord of Shadow grabbed a staff held by Guan and flung him across the temple. He broke the staff in two, and tosses it to Guan. The four masters are on the ground unable to recover from the punishment they were dealt as the dark lord gathers himself to finish off his enemies. Using the dark art he gathered chi to launch at the master

  Alexander got up slowly, his body racked with pain. Fighting through the pain, he got to his feet. “It is over. I will end in you in this battle,” Alexander declares through the blood on his face. Guan rose next, followed by Mason, Yuan and Lenora as they prepare for another round.

  “Just die already!” shouted the Lord of Shadows fire the dark energy. But the masters dodged it.

  “Make us,” Yuan says defiantly, with a flinch from the pain.

  “I have been dominating this fight. You will all die along with your army,” said the Dark Lord

  “You might want to stop underestimating us,” said the Grand Master as he starts to wobble.

  “I shall end you all,” said the Lord of Shadows as he conjured a fireball only for it to fizzle out. “What is this?”

  Alexander smiles slightly. “It is over; you have lost an edge.”

  “Impossible I am cannot die! I am god!” shouted the Lord of Shadows with madness in his voice.

  “Pride comes before the fall. I thought your last defeat would have taught you that,” said Alexander.

  “You have the gall to lecture me?!” shouted the Lord of Shadows. Alexander rushes forward, meeting the Lord of Shadows head-on in a clash of steel.

  “Your strength is diminishing,” said the Grand Master with a grin as he forced the Lord of Shadows to one knee.

  “I will not be denied,” the Lord of Shadows said, rising slightly from his kneeling position. He throws his sword up to break the lock and sends Alexander setting back. He then punches Alexander doubling him over in p
ain “I will end this one way or another.”

  The Lord of Shadows stumbles as Lenora snuck up behind him, knee extended. Backhanding the female master, her body did a three-sixty before falling. The Lord of Shadows walks forward but is held in place by Mason in a full nelson, holding him underneath his arms. “Fool!” he shouted, flipping Mason on to the ground cracking the floor for the impact.

  Breathing inward the Lord of Shadows looked around the designated battlefield and sees the masters groaning in pain trying to get up. “I will give you a warrior’s death,” he said, stalking to Yuan.

  He caught a knife thrown at his back and saw Alexander preparing for a counter-attack. “It makes little difference how strong you are. I will end your reign in this world,” said the Grand Master.

  “I will not let it end this way,” the Lord of Shadow says, taking off his helmet. His face had a red tattooed of an X crossing it. “I will show you true power.” The tattoo started to crawl on his face turning the rest of his skin red. Horns appeared on his head and his eyes turned yellow. “It took me years to find a way to perform this final ascension. I accomplished a few day before the battle. Consider yourself privileged for you are the first and will be the last to see this.”

  “You are truly no longer human,” said Alexander. “What are you, demon?”

  “I am the pestilence of this world. The harbinger of death and destruction and your doom. I go by many names, but you can call me Shaitan.”

  “Die!” shouted the demonic lord and he unleashed a blast of dark energy sending all of the fighters back into the wall. “I shall destroy everyone on this miserable planet, starting with you masters.”

  Alexander gets back up, using his sword to bring himself up to his feet. “You talk too much.”

  “You are hard to kill, boy, but my power is unlimited and you are only mortal.”

  “I will fight until I can fight no more. You hear me demon?” said Alexander.

  “I admire your bravado but it is pointless. Your death awaits, boy.” Shaitan slammed his foot onto the ground, cracking the floor. “Now you will see the difference in our power.”

  Shaitan rushes forward, carrying his blade in a reverse grip. Alexander grabbed his first blade and retried his second blade. A blade in each hand, he goes to meet the demon in the final clash.

  “Corrupt power is just as useless as having none. You lose sight of your purpose and become nothing more than a rabid beast, and it’s a beast you have become. I shall put you down!” Alexander said with a grunt, locking the giant sword with both of his weapons crossed.

  Alexander is thrown back by the evil one’s strength. “You are no match for me, boy.” The demonic villain stalked closer to downed master.

  Alexander closes his eyes as he starts to breathe heavily. “You are right, I am outclassed. I have the means to beat you."

  Alexander digs his sword into the ground as he puts his hands in a triangle sign. “What? You can’t possible know that!” shouted the Dark Lord, rushing Alexander before he can finish the ritual.

  He stopped in his tracks as the other four masters block his way. “You fools; if you let him perform that technique, he will die along with me,” the villain said desperately. Lenora turns her head.

  “Focus. He knows the risks of performing the ritual,” Guam told her

  Alexander switched his sign to both fists touching on the knuckle. A glow appeared around his hands. I am sorry, Lenora. I guess we won’t be together, thought Alexander. “You are done, Shaitan. Move!” shouted Alexander. The other masters jump out of the way as a blast of white energy struck the Lord of Shadows.

  “What is this? This is not the same technique.”

  “This wipes our souls out of existence with no chance of reincarnation. This is it; you will not be coming back,” said Alexander.

  Shaitan started to feel something he has not felt in his whole life -pure fear.

  “I’m sorry. I will not let you sacrifice yourself for my mistake,” said a voice as the spectral image of Alder appeared behind Alexander and merges with his body. “My soul will be the price that will be paid.”

  The white blast vanished as the Lord of Shadows armor crumbles to dust. Alexander lay face down on the ground.

  Lenora rushed to Alexander’s side. “Alexander, wake up!” she shouted. Holding his body, she started to cry.

  A hand gripped her hand and Alexander eyes opened. “Did we win?” he asks weakly.

  “Yes,” cried Lenora as she leaned down and kissed him.

  The battle was over with the death of the Lord of Shadows his army vanished in black smoke leaving the Order cheering.

  The battle may have been a victory, but the guardians must always stay vigilant to prevent another evil from surfacing.





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