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Page 12

by Michele Zurlo

  Though it looked like they were evenly matched, Jed didn’t appear concerned about the physical threat Liam posed. He released one of her hands in order to face Liam, but he kept hold of her other one. “You left. You didn’t bother to tell her you were going, and the two times you’ve called, you haven’t asked about her. We both assumed you’d moved on.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  Shocked that Liam thought he had a claim, Tru didn’t know what to make of his jealousy. She’d liked him, but he’d left, exiting her life without saying goodbye. Whatever the issue and her role in it, she didn’t want to see them come to blows. “Liam, it was one kiss, not a promise or commitment. I mean, you said you’d see me for breakfast, and when I stopped by your room, I found out that you’d gone.”

  “And that’s when Jed moved in. He sensed a weakness, and he took advantage of it.” His blue eyes flashed like a storm in the night.

  “Hold up.” Jed put up a cautioning hand. “That’s not how it happened. I told her that you were gone, and later we went kayaking together. We hit it off, and the rest is history. You know the saying—once you have black, you never go back.”

  Liam’s lips became a slash, the lightning of his internal storm. “You’re half Asian, asshole, a quarter white, and only a quarter black. That saying is stupid for a lot of reasons, and not just because it’s on the list of crap you say.”

  Tru had wondered about the ingredients of Jed’s multiracial makeup, but she hadn’t asked because she felt it wasn’t her business unless he wanted to tell her. Right now she had other concerns. Jed dropped her hand and took a step toward Liam. Sliding between them, she parked one hand on Liam’s chest and the other on Jed’s. “Gentlemen, let’s not hurl insults. Really, there’s nothing to get upset about.”

  “He moved in on my territory.” Liam’s lip curled, a sexy growl that made her want to rub her body against his. Damn, but these were two very attractive men—and dominant to boot. She imagined what it would be like to be sandwiched between their naked bodies, and a tingling began at the apex of her thighs.

  Shaking the thought away, Tru forced herself to focus on the real problem. She narrowed her eyes in Liam’s direction. “I’m not your territory.”

  “Yeah, she’s mine.” Jed’s chest puffed out, pushing against her palm.

  Tru hated to burst his bubble, but it had to be done. “I’m not yours either.”

  He tore his glare from Liam and turned it on her. “What?”

  It took a supreme act of will not to step back or lower her gaze. “Tonight is my last night here, and then I’m moving on to my next job. You’re almost finished here as well, and who knows where your investigation will take you next? It’s a fling, Jed. Neither of you has a claim to me.”

  That seemed to take the wind out of both their sails, and though each man relaxed, neither backed off. They studied one another, and Tru had no idea what either of them was thinking.

  “You’re friends, right?”

  Silence greeted her question. After a time, Liam managed a curt nod, though his steady gaze remained glued to Jed.

  “And you work together? You’re a team?”

  This time she didn’t have to wait as long for a reply. Without seeming to move, Jed answered. “Yes.”

  “Then maybe you should look at this as an opportunity to work together in a different way.” The need to keep them apart had passed. She slid her palms down each man’s chest as she let her hands drop away. “I’m game if you are.”

  Both men’s gazes snapped to her face, surprise and shock mingling in their expressions. Now she had their full attention, and she lobbed a flirty half grin into the mix.

  Liam’s shock wore off, and he frowned. “Are you suggesting group sex?”

  “Yes. Sharing is so much better than fighting. And really, your friendship with Jed is the more important thing here. It’ll be there long after I’m gone.” This was the first time she had to negotiate this kind of deal. In the past, Alex had taken care of it. Even when she’d suggested a third party, she’d merely brought them to him for a meeting, and he’d handled the details. She hoped she didn’t blow it.

  Jed looked from her to the door that led to the dining room. “How about we discuss it over dinner? This is too big of a decision to make on an empty stomach, and I don’t know if you get delusional when you have low blood sugar and a glass of wine in you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Liam followed Tru and Jed into the dining room, noting the perturbed expression on Tru’s face. While he understood that she hadn’t liked the way Jed had phrased his reservation, he shared Jed’s cautious attitude. Yeah, he liked Tru. He liked her a lot. He’d wanted to spend an evening with her, talking and getting to know one another. If it ended with the two of them alone in her room, then that would be an unexpected bonus. This proposition wasn’t one he’d anticipated, and his mind raced with possible scenarios, actions and consequences. He couldn’t foresee a related outcome that led to plans to see one another again.

  Jed pulled out a chair for Tru, seating her with her back to the wall. If they flanked her at the small, rectangular table, then she would have no easy path for a quick exit. Liam was down with that plan. Jed sat to her left, and he took the seat on her right.

  Tru nailed Jed with a sour slant to her mouth. “I’m not delusional, and this is your big decision to make. I’ve done this before, where it seems you have not. Would you prefer to discuss it without me? Because there will be incidental touching. With three people in one bed, you can’t avoid it.”

  Not sure where he stood on the idea of incidental touching, Liam leaped on the next most obvious conclusion. He leaned closer to Tru. “Have you done this with just men, or have you had threesomes with women?”

  “Since I lean mostly toward hetero, there’s always a man involved, but I have played with women before. Usually I’m a beta Domme in that case. Sometimes not. I’ve subbed for female Dommes before.” She placed her hand on his arm. “I shouldn’t assume you’re a Dom just because you told me that you like to be in charge. Are you?”

  He glanced at Jed quickly, wondering if he should claim the title. Jordan had explicitly told him not to go around calling himself a Dom. Liam settled on the truth. “I’m in training.”

  Her face lit. “Oh, then this will be good for you. You’ll get to see a Dom in action, and you’ll learn so much.” She squeezed his arm, perhaps a little harder than necessary.

  Jed’s brows lifted. “I guess that means I get to go first. Watch and learn, buddy. You’ll see how a real man pleasures a beautiful woman.”

  Thunder crackled behind Tru’s light brown eyes. “Don’t do that. Ground rules: No bragging or boasting. No being critical or putting each other down. This isn’t a competition—it’s a fun-for-all. There is no room for jealousy or pettiness. You will need to work together. You will need to talk to each other and solve issues that arise.”

  He was tempted to laugh at her use of ‘arise,’ but he held his immature sense of humor in check. He looked at Jed, analyzing his reaction. With a slight lift of his shoulders and a nod, Jed let him know that he was in. Liam nodded in agreement. “Okay, we’re in.” He faced Tru. “But you won’t be a beta Domme. You’re the submissive.”

  She clasped her hands over her heart. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun. Let’s eat, gentlemen. We’re going to need energy.”

  By the time the meal ended, Liam’s brain buzzed with terms like safeword and double penetration. Tru had nixed the idea of them both having her at the same time. She’d felt it wasn’t prudent to give it a try their first time in a ménage situation.

  “I’m going upstairs to freshen up. Wait fifteen minutes, and then come to my room.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and another to Jed’s, and then she disappeared from the dining room.

  Liam regarded Jed curiously. “Are you sure about this?”

  Jed lifted one shoulder in an entirely noncommittal gesture. “I’m always open to trying new thin
gs. Besides, if we’d turned her down, then this would be the last of her we’d see. I like her, Liam. She’s special. Unusual. She’s fun to be with, and she loves adventure and exploration.”

  Having spent far less time with her, Liam didn’t know her as well, but he could see glimmers of those attributes. However he wasn’t going to let that keep him from a woman he found attractive and intriguing. “I like her too. Just know that I intend to pursue her afterward. I’ll share her for a night, and then I’d like you to step aside.”

  Jed laughed, a mirthless chuckle. “No go, buddy. Not only would I not step aside, but she’s made her position clear. We’re either going to have to pursue her together or not at all.”

  Liam tapped his fingertips on the table as he considered whether he’d be willing to share a woman. Honestly he didn’t know. The idea was wholly outside his experience. “I guess tonight will be a litmus test.”

  Jordan plopped down in the seat Tru had vacated. “Brandy and Avery filled me in on what’s been going on while we were gone. It’s good to see that you two aren’t beating the shit out of each other.”

  So far Jordan had been a good mentor. He’d made Liam do some thinking, talking, writing, and research in his quest to find out what kind of Dom he wanted to be. Jordan answered all of Liam’s questions without judgment, so Liam didn’t feel the need to hold back now. “Have you ever had a threesome with a woman? Two Doms and a sub?”

  “I have not.” Jordan didn’t appear surprised. “But I know people who are in poly relationships. It’s difficult to sustain. Communication is the key to any successful relationship, but with three people, it’s exponentially more complicated. Is that what you’ve proposed to Ms. Martin?”

  “It was her idea.” Jed sipped a glass of water that had remained untouched throughout the meal. “Apparently she has experience with threesomes.”

  Jordan turned a troubled frown in Liam’s direction. “Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable doing. My advice is to just dominate her. Don’t engage in kink at this point.”

  “She won’t let us.” Jed outlined Tru’s hard limits for tonight’s tryst. “Basically she only consented to being dominated.”

  “I like that she’s cautious.” Liam didn’t see a problem with tonight’s parameters. “Relatively speaking.”

  “And experienced.” Jordan leaned back and crossed his arms in a deceptively relaxed pose. “Which brings up the question of how you’re going to balance power. Jed is experienced, and you are not.”

  Coming from anyone else, Liam would have felt like it was a critical statement. The truth of it wouldn’t matter. But coming from Jordan, it forced him to think about the implications. Did this put him in a beta Dom position? That option didn’t appeal to him.

  Jed chucked him on the shoulder. “I got your back, buddy. Do what comes naturally, and I’ll let you know if you cross a line. Tru has safewords, so she’ll let you know as well.”

  In the field Liam had no doubt that Jed had his back, and this wouldn’t be any different. They were a team. He looked at his phone to check the time. “It’s been twelve minutes.”

  Five minutes later, he and Jed faced the door to Tru’s room. Jed mumbled a reminder. “Remember—safewords are for Doms too. It’s always better to call a time-out than to continue when you know something isn’t working. A submissive will respect a Dom who is concerned for her safety and pleasure.”

  He also knew he could ask for her color, which was the D/s equivalent of a status update. Without responding, he knocked. The door opened immediately, and he wondered if she’d been standing behind the door, listening for them. She’d changed into a loose T-shirt and sweat pants, and though she wore it well, he didn’t consider it the sexiest attire. Her dress at dinner had clung to her body and highlighted the swell of her breasts. The thin, decorative scarf accent had been held in place around her neck by a silver clip that reminded him of handcuffs.

  “Gentlemen, I’d wondered if you’d changed your minds.” She pushed the door wider and stepped back to let them pass.

  Liam entered first. He stopped in front of her, cradled her head in one hand, and kissed her the way he had two nights ago. The same passion sparked to life, and the kiss deepened. When he finally released her, she looked a little dazed, and she wore a soft smile.

  She didn’t get time to recover because Jed claimed her for the next kiss. He held her the same way Liam had, but he parked his free hand on Tru’s ass and lifted her against him. Seeing Jed’s hand on her ass, a proprietary move that elicited a small squeak of pleasure from Tru, sent fire racing through Liam’s system. In the past, he’d watched people have sex, and he’d found it hot and arousing. Now that a woman he liked was involved, it only increased his desire.

  Tearing his gaze from the erotic sight, he closed and locked the door. The click seemed to jolt awareness into Jed, and he ended the kiss. Jed smiled at Tru. “We didn’t change our minds, princess. But I have to ask if you’re still on board. Your outfit says that you’ve resigned yourself to a night on the sofa watching a movie.”

  She looked down, her frown communicating that she didn’t share his opinion. “These sweats look great on me.”

  “They do, but they don’t scream ‘take me, I’m yours.’ I’m just saying that if you changed your mind, you need to let us know.” Jed ran his fingertips up and down her spine. It could have been a soothing gesture, or he might have been feeling for a bra.

  She giggled and pushed him away. Jed took a step back, but he made it look like it had been his idea. Liam had the feeling that she was up to something. She looked from Jed to Liam. “Take me, I’m yours and yours.”

  Liam started forward. If Jed wanted to participate, then he’d better jump in.

  “Wait.” Jed circled his finger in the air. “Strip. Put on a show for us.”

  Just like that, her flippant attitude fell away. Like a shroud, submission enveloped her body and subdued her soul. Her gaze dropped, and he recognized the mistake he’d almost made. She wasn’t a pushover, but when she submitted, she did it all the way. He also recognized the skillful way Jed had assumed control of the situation. It was a signal—originating from him instead of her—that the scene had begun.

  Jed sat at the foot of the bed, and Liam joined him. They faced Tru expectantly, and she didn’t disappoint. With a push, her sweats whished down her legs to pool at her feet. She kicked them away as she whipped her shirt off over her head. Beneath the clothes meant for lounging, she wore a black teddy and thigh-high stockings. The lacy teddy had two pieces, so a strip of her sexy midriff separated the upper part from the thong on the lower half.

  “Damn.” The word whooshed from Liam. She was breathtaking.

  A shy smile curved Tru’s lips. “I’m glad you like it. I would have answered the door wearing this, but with my luck, it’d be the concierge.”

  Liam wasn’t sure he wanted to continue the striptease. His dick was already hardening, and she looked so sexy in that outfit. It would be a shame to let it go to waste. She parked one foot between them and rolled the stocking down to reveal legs that looked great with or without lingerie. Liam noticed Jed’s fingers flex, and he knew his buddy was also grappling with the urge to not let her finish.

  She repeated the move with her other leg, but this time Liam was treated to a prime view of her pink pussy already glistening with juices. The striptease turned her on as much as it did them. Turning her back to them, she hooked two thumbs under the waist of her thong, and she bent over as she slid it down her legs. He shifted, ready to pounce like a panther in heat. As she unbent, she kept her legs spread shoulder-width apart. When she was fully erect, she tossed her hair and looked over her shoulder at them, openly enjoying their reaction.

  She grinned playfully, and then she tossed her thong into Liam’s lap. Next time, he was going to insist on a lap dance.

  Her lacy top was the last to go. Crossing her arms over her chest, she held it up for the space of two heartbeats, and then she
let it drop. Once it was gone, she stopped performing and stood before them in a classic submissive stance.

  Two steps away, she waited. Liam rose, and her breath hitched. He closed the distance, and though she didn’t move, the tension in the air thickened. Wordlessly he threaded his fingers through her hair at her nape and pulled lightly. She exhaled, the slightest hint of a moan hiding behind the sound, and followed his unspoken order to tilt her head back. Her gaze lifted as well, and it fastened on his lips. Too greedy to make her wait, he feasted on her lips, massaging his against hers until he couldn’t deny his need for more. Then he plunged his tongue into her mouth. She melted against him, and he felt the tentative weight of her hands traveling up his chest to rest on his shoulders. With every inch, she asked permission and begged for the right. Power suffused his limbs. He tightened his grip on her hair and bit her lip.

  She mewed, a sound halfway between pleasure and pain, and he broke away. Jed took his place, and he showered her face with kisses. Liam stood back and concentrated on breathing. If he lost control and let the power go to his head, then he would no longer be thinking of her, and it was his responsibility to make sure she enjoyed the experience.

  Jed’s kisses ventured lower, concentrating on her neck and shoulders. He nipped the tender flesh there, leaving behind a string of tiny pink marks. Tru opened her eyes and looked over Jed to Liam. She gazed at him, passion lightening her eyes to golden brown and inviting him closer.

  He moved to stand behind her, and he peppered her exposed shoulder with tender kisses. She leaned against his chest, and Jed trailed lower, sucking kisses across her abdomen and hips. Liam could guess Jed’s intention, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and angled her head back to kiss him again. He’d keep himself under control this time. As he kissed her, he cupped one breast and teased the nipple to a stiff point.


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