The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4) Page 4

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  I raised my chin, “I’m never honored when it comes to anything about you,” I said, lifting my brow, “I’m usually disgusted or angered but never honored. So, maybe you should find someone else.”

  Lucifer laughed, “You see…that is what I like about you, Alex,” he said, grinning, “You’re always quick with a comeback. Most people just tremble and plead.”

  “I don’t do it to amuse you,” I said, angrily. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks as I pursed my lips.

  “But you do amuse me,” he said and then, grinned, “You do it without even trying. I’m sure that I will be even more amused in a few moments.”

  “I doubt it,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  He chuckled, “Really?” He asked and then moved to the side so that I had a view of what was behind him.

  I blinked in shock as I took in the scene before me. An angel was chained to the wall. His hands hung limply from the shackles above him. Blood ran down his arms from where the shackles had rubbed him raw. His head was bowed so that I could only see long strands of black hair hanging over his face. My heart sank in fear.

  “Semarias?” I asked, frowning as I took a step forward wanting to save him.

  The angel lifted his face and I took a step back…Not Semarias but he resembled him enough. His hair was the same length and the same shade of black. His skin was tanned. His jaw was just as squared and his eyes were just as green.

  “Ezra,” I whispered, realizing who I stood in front of. I swallowed back the pity that rose in my chest.

  A tear fell from his eye as he gazed into my face, “Tell Semarias I’m sorry,” He whispered.

  I turned to Lucifer, “Let him go,” I said through clenched teeth as I raised my chin.

  “I will,” Lucifer said, laughing as he clapped his hands together in glee, “Of course, he will carry a large piece of me.”

  “Kill me,” Ezra begged, “Please send Semarias to kill me. Don’t let him do this.”

  I shook as my stomach flipped, “Lucifer, let him go,” I said as my lips trembled and even though it tasted bad, I added the last word, “Please.”

  “Well, you know how to stop it, Alex,” he said, grinning, “If I can’t join the world, I want one of you to die and I always get what I want…One way or the other.”

  “It’s not going to happen,” I said, narrowing my eyes.

  Lucifer grinned, “Really,” he said and then, laughed again, “Let’s look and see.”

  Semarias’ face rose in front of me battered and bloody. I heard Lucifer laugh, “No, not that one,” he whispered as the image changed to Daniel and then, Ky, dead. Images of my siblings, Jeremy, Jonathon and Kelly followed…All dead. Then, the rest of the Appointed took their turns in death. The last image shook me worse than them all. The method was too gruesome as I watched my father fall. Blood was everywhere. I couldn’t stop the scream that burst from my lips.

  A moment later, my mother ran into the room and I opened my eyes to glance around. Lucifer’s laughter still rang in my ears as I mentally kicked myself for allowing him to get to me.

  “Alex,” my mother asked with wide eyes, “Are you okay?”

  I shook my head as the images Lucifer showed me flashed through my mind again. My mother walked to me and pulled me into her embrace, “It will be okay, Baby,” she whispered over and over but no matter how many times she said it, I knew it wouldn’t be.


  My mother must have called Bastian and my father because fifteen minutes later, He, Bastian and Lynne sat in my living room staring at me as they waited for me to tell them all the lurid details of my dream. I narrowed my eyes at my mother who quickly exited the room. I couldn’t believe that she had called them and I couldn’t help but to wonder if this would happen every time I had a nightmare now.

  “What happened?” Lynne asked too impatient to wait for me to quit seething in anger and annoyance. She cradled her little boy close to her and raised her brows.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Lynne,” I said, rolling my eyes, “Neither should Caleb. My mother shouldn’t have called you.”

  “You’re wrong. She should call us and we definitely should be here. That includes Caleb. He’s in danger too,” she said, raising her chin, stubbornly, “So as his mother I am exactly where I need to be.”

  I rolled my eyes again, annoyed but nodded in defeat, “Lucifer visited me in a dream,” I said becoming angry again as I thought of him, “He taunted me. There was no vision…just Lucifer taunting me.”

  “These weren’t normal taunts, Baby Girl,” My father said, raising his brow, knowingly, “Your mother said you were sobbing uncontrollably. So, there is more to it than just Lucifer taunting you.”

  I sighed, heavily as I gave in, “It started off normal but then, I saw Semarias’ brother, Ezra chained to the wall. He’s the angel who Lucifer is going to try to possess,” I said, swallowing over the lump in my throat, “He begged me to kill him, Daddy. Of course, that would upset me.”

  “That must have been hard, Alex,” Bastian said, frowning, “Especially since you are so close to Semarias.”

  I nodded ashamed that even Bastian knew of my feelings for him, “I begged Lucifer to let him go but of course, he wouldn’t. He just wanted me to see Ezra’s pain.”

  “Oh, Alex,” My father said, going to me and wrapping me in his arms. He rocked me gently.

  “Is there anything else,” He asked, brushing my hair back from my face. I nodded, sadly.

  “It got worse, Daddy,” I said, trying to keep back tears but they fell anyway, “He showed me each of you dead. He showed the different ways it could happen. He is determined if he can’t come back, he wants one of us to die.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Lynne said, fighting back tears, “It sounds horrible.”

  “It was horrible. I wish I didn’t see it,” I said, sniffling, “I wish I wouldn’t see the future or demons or anything else again. I wish that I could be normal but I can’t.”

  My father cupped my cheeks in his hands, “Baby, I wanted that before but it has horrible consequences,” He said, shaking, “You having the gift is hard. I wish I would have asked this question when I begged to be released of my gift. What would you do if someone died because you ignored a gift that god gave you to keep people safe? Would you be able to look in the mirror? Would you be able to live with yourself?”

  I closed my eyes imagining the pain that it would cause if I ignored my visions. The faces of each of the Appointed flashed in front of me. Again they were dead but this time, it was my fault. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

  “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself,” I said as I realized that I would never wish for a normal life again. I would choose to keep those I loved safe.

  Chapter Six

  They Always Find Us

  It took a while to fall asleep but when I did, I had only been asleep for a moment when the vision still came. It came with a fury I had never felt before. I saw Ariel again clutching Annaleigh to her chest. A demon had come and was standing over them. I wanted to close my eyes but I realized I couldn’t. I stared as the fallen reached for Annaleigh but suddenly a glow filled the room so brightly that I had to blink against it. My eyes widened as I began to make out the shapes of angels surrounding them, protecting them with their bodies. Relief flooded me. Even though the appearance of angels did not mean that Annaleigh and Ariel were completely safe, they were at least protected in this vision.

  I saw Matt next. He was no longer running from the fallen. He was with us and the demon who wanted him was near but unable to reach him. Again, I sighed in relief.

  Then, I heard the laughter of Lucifer and I realized he was watching the visions with glee because he could still torture me with what could happen. The vision shifted and I saw a girl who was a little younger than my nineteen years. I don’t know how I knew that because she was turned from me, brushing her long walnut colored hair. Her pale hand moved in the practiced movements of a girl who cared about
her appearance but I understood she wasn’t vain. I understood that because on some level I realized I knew her.

  A growl rippled through the air causing me to jump and the girl paused. Her hand trembled slightly as she stiffened and she quickly dropped the brush on her vanity. When she turned, I inhaled sharply.

  “I should have known,” I said as I gazed into the face of Cleo, Jonathon’s girlfriend. Though Jonathon had been with her, I hadn’t seen her in days. I suppose that had helped me to forget that she was a possibility. I had forgotten that she was also Gloria’s cousin and again the rule I had heard so many times, floated through my mind.

  The Appointed always find each other. I was now sure that rule applied to the descendants too.

  “Mom,” Cleo called out in a shaky voice gaining my attention again. Her beautiful dark eyes were wide and frightened as she took a step, “Dad.”

  The growl answered her again as she gazed at her closed bedroom door. She swallowed visibly as her face tightened in determination, pushing her fear away. She took another step toward the door pausing for a moment before swallowing and raising her foot to take another step. The door moved and she paused helpless as it burst inward.

  A demon stood before her both beautiful and terrible in appearance. His blonde hair blew away from his beautifully sculptured face. His muscles flexed as he stepped toward her, taking out a sword.

  “What are you doing?” She asked panicked as she backed away. A scream broke from her lips as she saw his red, pulsing eyes and realized that there was no way that he could be human.

  His sword swung toward her and I stifled a scream as I sat up in bed, dripping with sweat. Tears rolled down my face as I glanced around my room. Sunlight was cast in rays around the room and I realized with relief that it was morning.

  Cleo’s laughter drifted to me from the living room a moment later. I sagged in relief as I realized that we weren’t too late. A demon hadn’t come for her…yet. Lucifer had merely used her to frighten me.

  I rose from my bed with my heart in my throat as I padded down the hallway to the living room. I took a deep breath as I realized that someone had to tell her. We had to keep her safe.

  When I reached the living room I found Cleo and Jonathon sitting on the couch. Jonathon was poking her in the ribs playfully, causing her to laugh as she wiggled away from him. He glanced up at me and he lost his smile. His eyes widened as he took in my face.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” He asked, frowning.

  I shifted on my feet, uncomfortable. I didn’t want to just burst out and tell her the truth. We needed to handle this quickly but as delicately as possible.

  “Can I talk to you alone?” I asked and he nodded as he immediately rose. I could see that Cleo was curious but she wouldn’t be for long. We’d have to tell her and then, she’d wish that we hadn’t.

  I pulled him into the dining room, “I had a vision,” I whispered as quietly as I could.

  “About?” He asked, immediately concerned. His green eyes met mine searching for the answer within them.

  “I saw that Matt, Ariel and Annaleigh are safe,” I said, biting my lip and then, shifted again on my feet.

  “Then, why do you look like you’re about to pass out?” He asked, frowning.

  I shifted again as I met his eyes, “Because I now know who Gloria’s descendant is,” I said and then, winced at the thought of telling him because I realized how much he loved Cleo.

  “Who?” He asked, frowning but I could see the fear in his face.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder and gazed into his eyes, “I saw Cleo,” I said, swallowing hard as his expression turned bleak, “A demon is coming for her Jonathon. We have to call Gloria and then, we have to tell her.”

  Jonathon paled visibly and then, shook his head, “Alex, are you sure?” He asked in a broken voice that told of the tears that he would shed.

  I wished that I could tell him anything but what I was about to tell him, “I’m sure, Jonathon,” I said, squeezing his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”

  He closed his eyes and then, took a deep breath, “Call Gloria,” he said, biting his bottom lip, “The sooner the better.”

  I nodded as my brother turned and went back to the girl he loved more than any other in the world.


  I called Gloria while Jonathon distracted Cleo. Though I realized that she would find out about the danger she was in, I wanted to give her a few moments more to laugh without the knowledge. Unfortunately, her bliss was short lived. Gloria was there within fifteen minutes.

  Cleo’s eyes widened in surprise as I opened the door and she saw Gloria on the other side. A frown marked her brow as she slowly realized that Gloria was there to see her.

  “Is something wrong?” Cleo asked, glancing at each of us before her eyes landed back on Gloria.

  “There is,” Gloria said, staring deeply into her face, letting Cleo take in that knowledge before she continued, “But it’s going to be very hard to explain so please be patient.”

  “Okay,” Cleo said, touching her hair nervously and then, returning her gaze to Gloria, “I’ll be patient. I promise”

  I glanced at Gloria who stayed in front of the door. I placed myself between Cleo and the other door in case she tried to run before we finished explaining. Jonathon gripped her hand in his.

  “There is something about us…It’s something you don’t know,” Gloria said, shifting, “But it’s not just Alex, Jonathon and I. It’s other people too and you do know all of the people who I’m talking about.”

  “Okay,” Cleo said as her eyes widened in curiosity. When Gloria didn’t speak any further, Cleo spoke again, “What are you…serial killers…a part of a cult…What?”

  “No,” Gloria said and then, sighed, “The truth is that we all have gifts which allow us to fight the evils of the world.”

  “Gifts?” Cleo asked with a raised brow. I sighed. Already this wasn’t going well.

  “Yes,” Gloria replied, determined to tell her everything, even if she didn’t believe us, “Gifts. Alex can see the future. Jonathon can control water and I can tell everything about a person by touching them. There are others too. Lynne can fly. Kelly can heal any living thing with a touch. Jeremy controls fire and there are so many more.”

  Cleo tilted her head as she studied us, fighting a smile, “And you fight evils as in?”

  “Demons,” I said and Cleo’s gaze moved to me.

  She gave a short laugh, “And you’re telling me this huge secret because you trust me?”

  “No,” Jonathon said, “Once we die, someone in our family takes our place…In Gloria’s case…It’s you. Because of that, demons want to kill you. They want to prevent the line from going any further.”

  Cleo frowned and then, started to laugh, “That’s funny,” she said, still laughing hard, “But you didn’t get me. What is this...Late April Fools?”

  Gloria turned to me, “She’s not ever going to believe us without you showing her.”

  “Why can’t Jonathon?” I asked, frowning.

  “Because she’ll think it’s just a magic trick or something,” Gloria said, “Your gift actually shows her. Though she doubts us…She won’t doubt herself. She’ll believe what she sees.”

  I sighed, annoyed, “Fine,” I whispered, “It’s always got to be me.”

  I placed my hand beneath my mouth with my memories firmly in my mind and blew out. Cleo stopped laughing as the mist escaped from between my lips and moved toward her. She tried to run but Jonathon pulled her by the hand he held. She inhaled sharply ready to scream as the mist reached her drifting up her nostrils and into her mouth.

  The light shined brightly through her eyes for minutes until slowly it began to fade. More minutes passed in silence as Cleo sat absorbing what she had just seen. Finally, she blinked and two tears fell from her eyes.

  “This is true,” she whispered brokenly, gazing up at me. I nodded and she dissolved into tears.

hon pulled her to him. His eyes were darkened in sadness and fear as he rocked her. Gloria rose. Her blue eyes were shadowed in remorse.

  “I’ll leave her with Jonathon,” she said, heading for the door, “She needs some time. We’ll be back soon.”

  I nodded, “He’ll take care of her. We’ll see each other soon,” I said, “Until then be careful.”

  “You too,” she said and then, she was gone.

  I glanced at Jonathon and Cleo. Her sobs shook her and I sighed. The poor girl had every reason to be depressed. Unfortunately, the only person who could help her was Jonathon. Because of that, I turned and left the room searching for a way I could help more…A way I could keep everyone alive.

  Chapter Seven

  Family Secrets

  I was standing at the railing gazing out over the yard when the sliding glass door opened behind me. I was surprised when my dad stepped up to the rail beside me and gazed out over the yard, appreciating the view. I smiled softly. I had gotten my love of the outdoors from my dad. From the time I was little, the only time I remembered him having peace was sitting cross-legged on the ground and inhaling as if he were inhaling the wind. I gave a crooked grin. Maybe he was. After all, he could blow a strong wind from just exhaling. Still, that was the time that he seemed most at peace. That’s the way that I always thought of him…the real him.

  I turned to him and my smile froze on my face. Something was wrong. Something that had nothing to do with Lucifer or the Appointed. He had come to see me for a reason. His face was dark with worry but there was also a cold acceptance of something that frightened me worse than Lucifer ever could. Only that forced smile covered it but as I faced him fully, I realized the sadness within it.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong?” I asked with a trembling bottom lip. I would never understand how his moods could affect me so much but the worry and darkness I witnessed within his face began to churn within me.

  “I went to the doctor today,” He said, raising his chin. His eyes met mine briefly and I began to tremble even before he spoke the next words, “I’m sick, Alex.”


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