The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4) Page 5

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  I inhaled sharply as another tremble shook down my spine but this one was more violent than the ones before, “Sick?’ I asked, blinking rapidly, trying to absorb the word, “How are you sick?”

  “My liver is dying, Baby Girl,” he said and then, exhaled slowly, “All the years of drinking took its toll. If I don’t get a donor, I’ll die.”

  I shook my head in denial of his death, “You’ll ask Kelly to heal you,” I said, raising my chin.

  “She’s already tried,” he said with a sad smile. It didn’t work.

  “You’ll get a donor then,” I said, stubbornly raising my chin.

  He pressed his lips together and then, sighed, “I hope so,” he said but his voice was sad and I realized how slim the chance was that they would find a donor before it was too late.

  “How bad is it, Daddy?” I asked as a tear fell down my cheek. I clasped my hands in front of me so they would stop shaking.

  “They’ve given me six months,” he said, reaching forward and wiping a tear from my cheek before forcing a smile, “But I still have time. I won’t give up. I promise that I won’t. I’ll fight.”

  I nodded and raised my chin, “I’ll fight with you.”

  He gave me a small smile and then, pursed his lips, “Alex, since I’m okay right now and I’m able to ask without pain clouding my judgment, I want to ask that you make a promise…Just in case.”

  “What is it, Daddy?” I asked, frowning as I studied his face. He hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

  “Promise me that you will try to help Annaleigh and Ariel…Until they are grown,” he said, shifting, “Promise me that you’ll take care of them the best way you can.”

  My heart clenched with the weight of the promise, “Daddy, Felicia would never let me,” I said and then, bit my bottom lip, “She will fight it every step of the way. You know that she’s made my life hell. She will tell them horrible things and they’ll believe it because she’s their mother.”

  “I know,” he said, shifting uncomfortable, “I’m sorry about that. I got myself into something I couldn’t get out of with her and I know that I’m asking for a lot from you but I love your sisters too. I’m asking you to try…Nothing else.”

  I nodded but the silence stretched between us for a long time as I took in the consequences of the promise. My life would mean nothing in the face of it. It was a promise that I would be hated for in the long run. Worse, once I did as he asked, I would always be the bad guy and my sisters would never see what I would go through to keep that promise. Still, as I gazed into my father’s pleading eyes, I couldn’t deny him especially if this was the last request he asked of me. Tears filled my eyes as I whispered, “I promise, Daddy,”

  Whispering the words felt like a death nail in a coffin. It wasn’t because of my sisters. It was because I knew that until they were grown, I would have to face someone who spoke ill of me behind closed doors and I would be used. I would only be worth what I could give her.

  “Thank you,” My father said, shifting because he knew that the sentiment was far from enough.

  “What about Matty?” I asked, pursing my lips as I thought of my little brother. He was finally back in our lives and it seemed cruel that our father could be taken from him so quickly.

  “I love him too but his mother does take care of him. Still, there is something you can do for him now,” he said, staring out over the backyard.

  “What can I do now?” I asked, confused.

  My father shifted, “Well, you know that the demons are after him. He’s going to have to know about everything. I want you to tell him.”

  “Why can’t you?” I asked with wide eyes as I shook my head. Already, I had promised too much.

  “Because he’ll think I’m crazy,” he said and then, raised his brows, “Or he’ll think I’m just trying to give him an excuse for being absent from his life for so long.”

  “You don’t think that he’ll think I’m crazy?” I asked, blinking in shock, “He barely knows me, Daddy.”

  “No…I don’t believe he’ll think you’re crazy,” he said as Ky stepped out on the porch, “Because you’ll use that special gift of yours to show him your memories.”

  “Who?” Ky asked as he glanced from me to my father.

  “Matt,” I said, frowning at my father before turning back to Ky, “It looks like I’ve been designated to tell him about the Appointed.”

  Ky smiled obviously amused with my reaction, “I’ll go with you.”

  I shook my head before meeting Ky’s eyes, “No,” I said as his face fell, “I need to speak to him alone. He won’t be as receptive if you’re there. It needs to be one on one.”

  Ky frowned causing a muscle to tick beneath his eye, “You are not supposed to be alone.”

  I had to fight hard to keep from rolling my eyes as my face reddened in anger and annoyance, “Ky, I’m doing this alone,” I said, stubbornly as his face darkened. He was angry. I see that but for once I didn’t give in, “Besides, I’m sure Semarias will be near.”

  His eyes narrowed as he gritted his teeth, “Of course, he will,” he said angrily and turned before stomping back into the house. I groaned. Ky’s jealousy was beginning to be too much.

  My father stared at me for a few moments, “I didn’t mean to cause trouble between you and Ky.”

  I shook my head, “Don’t worry, Daddy. You didn’t,” I said with a sigh, “The trouble was there long before you asked me for this favor.”

  My father hugged me and then, I walked into the house to retrieve my keys, “I might as well get this over with.

  “Tell Matt I’m on my way to pick him up,” I said to my dad. I glanced at Ky who was seething in the corner and then, bit my tongue before I said something that I’d regret. Instead, I turned and exited the house to change my brother’s life forever.


  Matt lived in the country in a white farm house surrounded by land passed down for generations and generations. He was a farm boy often tanned even though his skin was already a little darker than mine. His hair was brown as was his eyes. Still there was something in the shape of his cheekbones and chin that proved that we were related. He was taller than me but so were my other brothers. His shoulders and chest were broad and his hands were already calloused from working the fields. He was already a hard worker at fourteen which made me proud because I realized his work ethic was strong and that was something that I believed made things better for all of those around him.

  Matt grinned as I walked into his house. Thankfully, he had remembered me from when we were small and they were all good memories. He had quickly developed a bond with me and I secretly hoped that would help me with what I needed to tell him.

  “Alex,” he said, grinning widely, “You said, you wanted to go for a hike with me?”

  “Well, I didn’t want to go alone,” I said, matching his grin, “I thought you might enjoy it. Was I wrong?”

  “Far from it,” he said, excited, “I love to hike.”

  “Great,” I said with a laugh, “Are you ready to go?”

  He nodded as we bid his mother good-bye and got into the car. I jumped when I turned on the radio. My favorite band, World Famous Johnsons were blaring out of the speakers. I listened to it to calm my nerves on the way to his house and had forgotten to turn it off. I quickly went to turn it down but Matt clasped my hand.

  “This is Sunshine Baby,” he said, grinning, “One of my favorites.”

  I sighed relieved, “You like them?”

  “They’re awesome,” he said, laughing.

  “You have good taste,” I said with a grin as I began to drive. Thankfully, Matt sang most of our drive to the park. When I pulled into the parking lot he frowned.

  “There is a trail here?” He asked, frowning.

  “There are a few,” I said, raising my brow, “Though most people don’t hike here anymore.”

  “You’re not most people though, right?” He asked laughing again.

/>   “You have no idea,” I said, though he would very soon.

  We got out, taking the backpack I had with me and walked to the trail. Matt frowned as we entered. I could tell that he was thinking of something but he hadn’t decided to speak of it yet.

  “What’s wrong, Matty?” I asked, tilting my head as I glanced at him with raised brows.

  He nudged my shoulder playfully almost knocking me off of the trail, “Don’t call me that,” he said, chuckling and then, he sighed, “Nothing is really wrong. I just wonder if Dad put you up to this.”

  “Not really,” I said, pursing my lips as I studied his face, “The truth is that I do want to spend time with you. That’s the reason why I requested that no one be here while we talked but I do need to talk to you about Dad and some other things. Still, don’t ever think that Dad would have to ask me to spend time with you. I want to.”

  He was silent for a while as he thought. Thirty minutes later, we were well into the path and I was sure that no one would overhear. Still, I didn’t know how to start. Matt stopped and leaned against a large boulder next to the path. I moved to one across from him and copied his actions.

  “Alex, I really don’t want to talk about Dad,” he said, frowning. The hurt of so many years of abandonment shown in his eyes, “I’m trying to get along with him. I’m trying to forgive him. I don’t need to hear anything else.”

  “I know you are trying to get along with him and forgive him, Matt,” I said as my heart squeezed at the sadness in his voice, “But what I have to tell you is important and you will listen to me. For one, you don’t know your way back and two, it’s a favor to me to listen.”

  “You don’t play fair,” Matt said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

  “I never said I did,” I said with a grin.

  “Well, since I’m trapped, you might as well tell me whatever it is that you want to say,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I know this is going to sound like an excuse and it is but Dad had reasons for not being around you…For being the way he was,” I said raising my eyebrows and waiting for his reply.

  “I’m sure I’ve heard them all,” he said rolling his eyes.

  “I’m sure you haven’t,” I said and then, closed my eyes. I was going to use my gift. I was going to have to show him my memories because he wouldn’t listen any other way. Worse, he would think I was crazy and would probably never speak to me again if I just blurted it out.

  “Well, I’m not sure I want to hear them,” he said and I glanced around meaningfully before he laughed and he said, “I mean…I’ll hear them but I don’t have to listen.”

  “Fine,” I said, shaking my head in defeat, “You’ll just have to see them.”

  He frowned as I brought my hand below my lips and then, he grinned, “What are you going to do, blow me a kiss?”

  “Kind of…Just don’t be afraid,” I said and then, blew out. His eyes widened as the mist holding my memories drifted from my mouth.

  “Alex, what the hell?” He asked as he leaned up from the rock. As the mist drifted closer, he moved to run but it was too late. The memories hit him and he inhaled sharply. The mist moved through him, lighting his eyes. Minutes passed as my memories ran through his mind, showing him what I could not say and finally, he blinked as the memories faded.

  “Matt…” I whispered cautiously but a tremble shook through him and he sunk to the ground, unconscious.

  “Shit,” I said as I moved toward him and knelt beside him worried that he’d had a heart attack. His breaths rose and fell steadily and I breathed in relief. It had all been too much for him. He’d just passed out.

  I pulled my phone out and tried to call Ky but he didn’t answer. I cursed at the phone. He was probably still angry at me even though he didn’t really have a reason to be. I called everyone but Daniel but they didn’t answer their phone. Finally, I closed my eyes. Ky could be mad even though he wouldn’t have a right to be. I had tried to call him.

  Finally, I touched Daniel’s name on the screen and watched as it began to ring. I put the phone to my ear just as he answered.

  “I need your help,” I said but he was there before I had even finished the sentence. His gift really did come in handy.

  “What happened?” He asked as he saw my brother lying on the ground.

  “I used my gift to tell him everything and he didn’t take it well,” I said with a sigh before facing Daniel again, “I need to get him back to the car.”

  Daniel nodded as he grabbed my hand and put his hand on Matt’s chest. A second later we were in my car. Matt’s eyes fluttered and finally opened as he glanced around confused.

  His breathing quickened, “Was that real?” He asked, frowning, “Or did I fall asleep? Please tell me that was a dream.”

  I winced, “I can’t tell you that. I can only tell you that it was real,” I said as guilt slid through me. I put my hands out, “Just don’t pass out again.”

  Matt nodded as he glanced back at Daniel and jumped, “I guess he got here with his gift?” He asked with wide eyes as he remembered everything that I had shown him.

  “He got us back to the car with his gift too,” I said with a shrug, “It was the only way.”

  Matt nodded and I waited with baited breathe to see if he was going to pass out again. After a moment, he met my eyes.

  “I need to talk to Dad,” He said, pleading, “I need to talk to him now.”

  I nodded as I pulled out my phone again, “I’ll call him until he answers,” I said, smiling, “You’ll talk to him before you go home. I promise.”

  I began to dial my father as I watched Matt closely. I suppose one good thing had come from Lucifer’s attack. Matt seemed as if he had forgiven our father.

  Chapter Eight

  The End of Things

  I shifted uncomfortably as my father’s car pulled into the parking lot of the park. I raised my brows as he hesitated and glanced at us warily before getting out of the car. His eyes rested on Matt and he winced. Finally, he walked over to us with a slow gait and his head down.

  When he finally reached us, I sighed, “Daddy, Matt knows everything now,” I said, swallowing hard as I waited for him to raise his head and meet my eyes. I gave him a small reassuring smile and continued, “He understands why you had such a hard time. He realizes why you were gone from his life so long.”

  His eyes rested on Matt and he frowned as he took in his expression. Matt still shook slightly and he had paled considerably but at least he was conscious, “How did you take it?” He asked, narrowing his eyes as he scrutinized his son.

  “Well, Alex used that misty thing on me that shows her memories,” he said with wide eyes as he shook himself, “That shocked me enough that I passed out. I had hoped it was a dream but it wasn’t.”

  My father’s eyes swung to meet mine, “Alex, you couldn’t have told him in a different way? Did you even try to speak it before doing that thing you do?”

  “Do you think he would have believed me?” I asked and then, gave a short laugh, “Daddy, you have too much faith in my ability to explain things. I rely on that gift so much more than you think…Besides, it’s quicker and you told me to use that gift on him.”

  “He could have hurt himself when he fell,” my dad scolded and I sighed, heavily.

  “But he didn’t,” I said, narrowing my eyes, “Maybe you should have told him. At least that way I wouldn’t have had my methods critiqued. You know…You said that I was the only one who could tell him without thinking that we were crazy because of my gift.”

  My father nodded his head, “You’re right,” he said and then, patted my shoulder before turning back to Matt.

  I pursed my lips. That was as close to an apology as I was going to get. My dad didn’t believe in saying he was sorry. Instead, he ignored that he was ever wrong.

  “Anyway, Matt wanted to talk to you,” I said, rolling my eyes, “I thought we owed him that after what he’d just been through.”

/>   Our father turned back to him and then, nodded as they walked away so they could speak in private, leaving me alone with Daniel. An awkward silence fell around us as we glanced anywhere but at each other.

  Finally, Daniel gazed at me until I turned to him, “Alex, we’re friends, right?” He asked, frowning as he searched my face.

  I nodded as guilt moved through me once again, “Of course we are,” I said, shifting beneath his gaze, “It’s just…hard.”

  It was silent again for a while as he stared at my dad and Matt. His brown eyes darkened in sadness. Finally, he turned back to me.

  “Is it because of what I did?” He asked and then, his shoulders slumped forward as he sighed, heavily, “I will always be sorry for that. I hope you know that.”

  I gave him a small smile and then, shook my head, “It’s not that…At least not anymore,” I said, shifting again, “I’m over it. You sacrificed yourself to save me. I think that makes us even.”

  He frowned as he stared into my face. His chest rose and fell slowly before he spoke again, “I’m not trying to cause problems between you and Ky. I care about you too much for that…I love you too much for that. I want you to be happy.”

  “You’re in love with me too and Ky sees it,” I said, swallowing, “But that’s not the problem either. The problem lies with how I feel about you. Ky knows and that makes it worse.”

  “You still love me,” he stated before he sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “But you are with Ky and neither of us would act on it. He has to know that.”

  “You’re right,” I said, glancing toward where my father and Matt spoke, “We wouldn’t act on it but he’s still jealous.”

  He gave me a small smile, “I am happy with being just your friend. I know I messed up. I’m happy that you still want to speak to me. I don’t deserve even that. So, I’m thankful.”

  “I know,” I said with a sigh, “Honestly, it’s not your fault. He’s so jealous that it is tearing me a part. He won’t let it go. He’s upset that he wasn’t the one to sacrifice himself for me. He’s upset that I can’t just throw away feelings we’ve had since we were little.”


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