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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  “I guess those nosebleeds were from something else,” he said, raising his brows.

  “I’m sorry about that,” I said with a sigh, “I would have told you if I was able to.”

  “It’s okay,” Brady said patting my shoulder, “I know now and I don’t want to.”

  I nodded once, “I understand that,” I said and then glanced around the room.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked, frowning.

  “Just help keep an eye on the children,” I said, “We can’t lose track of them. It would be bad.”

  He nodded, “I can do that,” he said and then, walked away.

  I glanced around the room again finally realizing who was absent, “Where is Gloria and Drake?” I asked, frowning.

  “They are right behind us,” Lynne said, glancing around and wincing as her eyes landed on Ky. She gave me a sympathetic smile before hugging me and sitting in an empty chair. Ky was her cousin and I was her best friend. I’m sure our break-up was awkward for her.

  The door opened and Gloria entered with Drake on her heels. Drake’s cousin, Marrick followed. I gave the boy who was only thirteen a small smile. His beautiful mocha skin had darkened with fear as he glanced around the room. Still, his chin was raised and he refused to cry. The boy moved to the back of the room silently. Drake glanced at him worried.

  The door opened again and Leighton came in followed by his cousin, Libby. Sarah was behind him holding the hand of her four year old niece, Nikki. Just behind Sarah, Jenna walked in cradling her cousin, Leslie, who was only two.

  Finally, my cousins, Darren, Blake and Evan walked in followed by my brothers. Kelly walked into the room and glanced at the boys before giving them a weak smile.

  “Who’s left?” Daniel asked, walking into the room.

  “Only Everly,” I whispered, “She should call any minute but she’s always late.”

  “I guess it’s going to be hard for you to tell her,” Daniel said, frowning concerned.

  I winced, “Yes, because now I have to tell her that we were destined to meet. It wasn’t an accident and our friendship was just a bonus.”

  Daniel winced, “That will be hard.”

  I nodded as I glanced at my phone again. She hadn’t called yet but when she did I would discover whether she was the type to put faith in things that a lot of people believed were myths. I gave a short bitter laugh. Even if she believed only a little, I was going to make her a total believer by the end of the day. Hopefully, she wouldn’t need another vacation at Running Rivers Mental Facility when I was done.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Everly finally called from the square in town. Waiting for her had been a torture in itself as every possible reaction she could have floated through my mind. The drive to meet her was worse torture because it meant that I would find out if any of the reactions were true and I would find out soon. Worse, I had a very bad temptation to force a vision to see what would happen. I refused to do that. It would either make me chicken out or calm. Since it was a fifty-fifty shot it wasn’t worth the chance that I would chicken out because the end result was the same. I’d still have to tell her. So, instead of giving into the temptation, I listened to World Famous Johnsons Dig you up as I drove toward her and calmed myself as much as I could.

  I met her allowing her to follow me back to my house. As we walked into the living room, she glanced around confused. Aubrey who had met her during her last visit smiled and waved at her and she gave a half-hearted wave back but it was the rest of the people who filled the house that confused her.

  “Are you having a party?” She asked, frowning as she glanced around again and then, turned to me.

  I shook my head, “No,” I said, biting my lip, “Actually, we need to talk about why all of these people are here. It concerns you.”

  Everly opened her mouth to ask the million questions on her mind but I glanced at Raina, stopping her before she could, “Will you come with us?” I asked and then, shrugged, “After all, she is your replacement if something bad happens to you.”

  “What?” Everly asked, even more confused than before.

  Lynne glanced up from her spot on the couch and then, gazed outside. Her eyes widened, “Alex, you’re going to have to tell her quick. That cloud is coming our way. We have to get out of here.”

  “Tell Daniel to start transporting everyone,” I said and then, grabbed Everly’s forearm and pulled her with me to the deck. Her face was clouded in sudden worry as her heavily lined dark eyes stared into mine. I glanced up seeing the cloud and then, moved my gaze to Raina who nodded. I turned back to Everly and sighed.

  “Everly, I’m sorry. I would do this a different way but I don’t have time,” I said raising my hand so that I could control the direction of the memory. Her lips formed an o and she looked slightly amused before I blew out the memories. Everly’s eyes widened as the amusement faded and she backed away as she saw the swirling white mist.

  “Alex, what the hell is that?” She asked as her dark eyes widened. The wind whipped around her as the black cloud moved even closer, causing her black hair to move back from her face. The memories hit her and she gasped taking them into her mouth and nostrils. Her eyes began to glow as they entered her mind. Minutes passed but she was able to see my whole history. Then, the light began to fade and she stared at me in shock.

  “You’re in danger,” I said stating the obvious as I glanced up into her face before gazing into the sky and pointing at the dark, ominous cloud moving toward us, “That black cloud is holding fallen angels called legion. They are coming for us but they’re coming for you and those other people that you saw in my house first. We have to get out of here.”

  “H-How?” She asked, frowning.

  Daniel walked out onto the deck, “You three are the only ones left,” He said, stepping beside me.

  I nodded as I grabbed Everly’s hand, “Can you transport three?”

  “I’ve done it before,” he said, nodding as he grabbed my other hand. The wind picked up around us but this time it was because of Daniel’s gift. A moment later we were in Drake and Gloria’s living room and Everly fell to her knees in shock.


  “T-That did not happen,” Everly said, cringing away from me, Daniel and Raina.

  “Yes, it did,” I said, gently refusing to let her sink into a lie, “Everly, you witnessed it. You weren’t hallucinating. You really did see everything.”

  “I’m going crazy then,” she said as her eyes filled with tears and her breathing quickened.

  “No, you aren’t,” I said, making sure to keep my gaze on her face, “This is happening…Really it is.”

  She stared at me for a few moments and then, took a deep breath, “So, you didn’t try to kill yourself?” She asked, trembling as she crossed her arms over her chest and began to rock back and forth.

  “No, a demon named Jezebel made everyone think I did,” I said, calmly.

  “And we met there because I’m supposed to be next in line to receive a gift?” She asked and then, glanced at Raina, “But I only get it if you die?”

  “That sums it up,” Raina said, shrugging, “Though I really must say that I don’t want to die.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather stay away from me?” Everly asked, glancing from me to Raina as she stopped rocking, “Doesn’t it make you more in danger of dying if I’m near you?”

  Raina grinned, “Regardless of where you are, you would get the gift,” she said, “Besides, most people don’t want it. It comes with too much responsibility and your life is threatened constantly. It’s usually not worth the perk. You know the saying, ignorance is bliss. I wish I was ignorant sometimes.”

  Everly frowned, “The fact that I don’t have a gift doesn’t matter when it comes to me or the rest like me,” She said and then, laughed scornfully, “The demons are coming for me anyway and I can’t protect myself.”

  “Well, it’s not like I chose you,” Rain
a said and then, shrugged again, “I didn’t even know who you were until recently. I hope you know that.”

  “I got that,” Everly said and then, turned to me, “I understand everything but why. Why me?”

  I shook my head, “No one knows why we were chosen. The only thing we know about is it’s always someone from our bloodline. I realize there are other reasons but we really don’t know what they are.”

  Lynne walked into the room and raised her brows as her eyes landed on Everly, “Has she lost her mind?” Lynne asked pulling the baby close to her chest and glancing from Everly to the rest of us, “Or is she going to be okay?”

  I rolled my eyes about to chastise my best friend but Everly broke into a laugh, “I suppose I’ll find out soon,” Everly said and in that moment the shock of what had happened seemed to fade.

  Lynne grinned, “Until then, you know everything that’s going on,” she said, “You might as well jump right in. It’s not like you have a lot of time to adjust.”

  “Tell me about it,” Everly said as she rose, slowly. She swayed for a moment and then, she faced Lynne. Lynne smiled at her sympathetically.

  “Let me take you around and meet everyone,” She said and then glanced at me scrutinizing my face, “Alex, needs to rest.”

  “I do not,” I said, frowning at her and cringing away from the thought of having another dream with Lucifer in it.

  “You so do,” she said, laughing, “You can pack things in the bags beneath your eyes.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her but she just laughed. Finally, I nodded, “Maybe I will lay down for a minute or two.”

  “I’ll take care of your friend so she doesn’t lose her sanity,” Lynne said as I laid down on the couch, “We wouldn’t want her to take another vacation.”

  I glanced at Everly as the worry darkened her gaze again. She forced a smile at me, “Get some rest,” she said, “I’ll be okay.”

  I sighed knowing a lie when I heard one. Being a descendant had ruined any chance of normality that she would ever be able to have. The truth was that she would never be okay again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Close Calls

  I closed my eyes as I laid back on Gloria and Drake’s couch. Exhaustion swamped me and I had to force my eyes opened. Lynne and Everly stood side by side staring down at me as if I gave them some form of amusement. My two best girlfriends were so different from each other in appearance but their personalities held some of the same characteristics. Both were sure of themselves. Both were kind and generous. Both believed themselves the most important people in the room and both could be extremely annoying.

  “You should sleep,” Lynne said, frowning, “We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I gave a short laugh, “I appreciate that, Lynne,” I said, raising my brows, “But Lucifer likes to come to me when I sleep.”

  Everyly raised her brows, “How long has it been since you’ve slept, Alex?”

  I shrugged, “I’ve slept,” I said with a weak smile, “But it’s been either interrupted by Lucifer or by visions. Right now, I’m not ready to face Lucifer but I need the visions.”

  My father walked into the room. His eyes clouded with worry and sympathy. After all, he knew exactly how I felt because he used to have my gift and he had begged to be released from it.

  “How are you holding up, Baby Girl?” He asked, frowning.

  “I’m okay, Daddy,” I said, shrugging as Daniel and Ky walked into the room followed by every other member of the Appointed and the next generation of us with the exceptions of Ariel and Annaleigh.

  “Daddy are you sure Ariel and Annaleigh are safe?” I asked, frowning.

  He nodded, “Semarias helped me and asked Michael for extra protection for them. They have twelve warrior angels with them when I left,” he said giving me a strained smile, “They’re safe. They are probably safer than we are.”

  I nodded as a frown crossed my brow and I glanced around the living room, “It’s weird to be here,” I said, shrugging as I glanced toward the spot where I had first seen the body of Drake in my vision before I had returned to Barrington, “Everything seems to have begun here.”

  My father frowned as he glanced around the living room, “But it won’t end here, Alex. You have to keep faith in that.”

  As soon as he finished speaking the house began to shake. My eyes widened as I sat up on the couch and glanced around.

  “What the hell was that?” Everyly asked with wide eyes. A full body tremble shook through her.

  “The demons,” Daniel said, frowning as he glanced out of the window, “They’re here.”

  “Get the kids out of here, Daniel,” I said, standing as the front door blew inward.

  Daniel shook his head, “There isn’t time,” He said, glancing around, “Everyone grab hands. Make sure you are all touching and everyone is included.”

  Everyone grabbed each other’s hands except for me, “Daniel, you’ve never done this,” I said as my stomach twisted in worry, “You’ve never transported this many. You don’t know what it will do to you.”

  “For once, don’t argue,” he said in a stern tone I had never heard him use before grabbing my hand and completing the line. A moment later, a wind whipped around us. I stared up into Daniel’s face as we fell into my home. I glanced around as I saw everyone on the ground and slowly sitting up. Finally, I found Daniel who was grabbing his head. He stood slowly, swaying before gazing at me.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, terrified by his suddenly pale face. He seemed like he was struggling to say something but then, blood dripped from his nose and he fell shaking into a seizure.

  I screamed and screamed and screamed as the first boy I had ever loved lay dying in front of me.


  I knelt beside him as the shaking stopped. Tears blurred my vision as I stared down into his beloved face. I pulled his limp body to me as I cried.

  Kelly broke through the crowd. A frown marred her face as she glanced from me to him, “Alex, is he still alive?” She asked and I blinked trying to make sense of her question, “Alex, does his heart still beat?”

  I inhaled sharply as I finally understood. I shook as I pulled from him and placed my ear against his chest. I trembled as one thump and then, two beat slowly and weakly in his chest.

  “Barely, Kelly,” I said as I stared up at her, pleading for her help, “Please, hurry. Help him.”

  I placed his head in my lap as Kelly moved to kneel beside him and moved her hands to his chest. A white glow burned from her hands, spreading as he healed. Tears fell down my cheeks as I prayed that he would return to me. I couldn’t live without him. Slowly, his chest moved up and down and his lids fluttered. A low groan broke from between his lips as his eyes opened to stare up into mine. A sob of relief broke from my throat as I stared at him.

  He frowned as he reached up and caressed my cheek, “Alex, what’s wrong?”

  My heart trembled as he sat up and faced me, “You almost died,” I whispered and then, said it again but louder, “You almost died!”

  Those words slammed through me. I had to make sure he was there…That he was okay. My lips slammed into his pouring everything into the kiss. I felt him jerk in surprise and then, slowly respond to my imploring lips. His hands tangled into my hair pulling me close to him as my lips met his again and again.

  Slowly, he pulled away from me and stared into my eyes, hopeful and confused. Slowly, I broke my gaze and turned only to find Ky who had tears rolling down his cheeks. My heart broke into as he turned and ran. I stood and stepped to go after him but in that instant, Lucifer screamed out my name and I sank into unconsciousness and into a Hell that was beginning to be no match for the one I made for myself.

  Chapter Fifteen

  More than My Own Life

  Lucifer held me in his thrall as everything began to crash around me. His smile was sadistic as he stepped closer. His eyes were bright with malice. He made me jump when he surprised me by laughing

  The cave he stood in shook so much that it was hard to stand but suddenly it calmed and became deadly quiet. His smile widened as he tilted his head to the side taking me in with red pulsing eyes.

  He reached forward and caressed my cheek with his searing hands, “Alex,” he said and then, clicked his tongue, “It’s too bad you didn’t offer to be the sacrifice this time,” he said and I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

  “I will never be the sacrifice for you,” I said, raising my chin, “We’ll find another way.”

  Lucifer laughed as he walked toward a flat part of the cave wall, “You poor disillusioned child. There is no other way. There is only blood for blood to prevent my return. Yes, I wouldn’t be in my own form as I would be when it is my time but I would be able to fully control Ezra and that would be enough. I could do a lot of damage with him under my control.”

  “I would still never be the sacrifice,” I said, determined that I would find a way no matter what he said.

  Lucifer shrugged, “There were other people I wanted more than you,” he said, scoffing as I narrowed my eyes.

  I raised my brows, “I suppose any of the Appointed would do,” I said, as he began to show me images of the Appointed against the flat cave wall. The images began to move at a speed where they seemed to blend, making me dizzy. Finally, they slowed.

  “Yes,” he said as he slowed the image to Drake.

  “He would do,” he said, grinning, “He’s been tormented by me before. Still, he bores me.”

  “Well, Drake will be happy to know that he’s safe,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  Gloria’s image came next, “Her sacrifice would cause everyone to cry,” he said and then, sneered, “But she would never do it for that very reason. She would do it for love. As sweet as that is, she bores me too.”


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