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Heir to the Dragon

Page 14

by Robert N. Charrette

  Fuhito watched the soldier disappear into the shadows. May we all have good karma, soldier, but your last life had best have been very good. I wouldn't want to be out in the woods as naked as you are when the energy weapons let loose. Old "Katana Kat" may be only a light 'Mech, but he's still carrying a lot more armor than your DCMS tans.

  Fuhito checked his scanners. IR caught the flash of the supporting infantry moving through the undergrowth, taking positions in the meager protection of fallen tree trunks. Magscan was overloaded by the metallic content of the brella trees, so he flicked it over to anomaly detection. The screen flickered as wind ruffled the leaves, sending subtle shifts through the magnetic field. The minor disturbances of the field were suddenly overridden as a huge mass moved from behind a thick brella stand four klicks to the northeast.

  Confirming the presence of a 'Mech on passive radar and IR scans, Fuhito ran the profile through his computer, searching for an ID. Just as the massive Steiner machine hove into view, he read the identification.

  An Atlas!

  As he set his computer to monitor the scanners and tied in the ID function, he studied the approaching hundred-ton monster. From its globular death's-head cockpit assembly to its blocky feet, the humanoid 'Mech was heavily armored, imposing. Its weaponry was awesome, ranging from the 100 mm High Velocity 1000 autocannon over its right hip to its pair of rear-mounted Martel 5cm lasers. Even alone, it could probably outfight his whole command.

  Another machine, almost as massive, moved up behind the Atlas. The "Kat's" computer tentatively identified the 'Mech as a Banshee. Fuhito switched on visual scan and zoomed in. The 'Mech looked to be a variant on the standard BNC-3E. A small missile launcher sat on its right shoulder and its left arm was replaced by an energy cannon assembly. This was certainly no standard-model Banshee. Among MechWarriors, the ninety-five-ton behemoth was widely considered to be under-armed for an assault BattleMech.

  For an assault 'Mech! Frak! What was he thinking? His company was almost all lights. Those two Steiner BattleMechs alone massed almost as much as his entire command. This Banshee carried heavy armament and Dragon knew what else. Whatever modifications the machine had, Fuhito felt sure they would make the 'Mech a more formidable opponent than he cared to deal with.

  The rest of the Steiner lance appeared. A pair of ZEU-6S Zeus BattleMechs, the Lyran Commonwealth's standard eighty-ton assault 'Mech. The hunch-shouldered humanoid machines lumbered out to either flank of their heavier brethren, arm-mounted weapons swaying as though already seeking targets.

  Strips of wayward sunlight flickered over the Steiner 'Mechs as they advanced, sparkling off the heat-scoured weapon muzzles. The insignia of the Fourth Skye Rangers blazed from the chest of each BattleMech, far more prominent than the Steiner fist decorating each machine's right shoulder. The machines showed battle damage and the marks of field repairs, but were clearly functional. Fuhito had no doubt that they were well-supplied with missiles and ammunition.

  The Zeus on the Lyran left flank began to move at an angle, bringing it closer to where the Kuritans lay in ambush. Then it pivoted and took a few tentative steps back in the direction of its fellows, and halted. Fuhito noted the depth to which the Zeus's feet had sunk into the debris of the forest floor, and he realized that the Ranger feared miring his 'Mech or losing his footing in the soft ground.

  The Atlas swiveled its head to regard its wayward companion briefly, but continued on its way. The Zeus began to move again, its pilot searching for a path able to bear the assault 'Mech's weight. The separation of the Ranger lance increased to two hundred meters as the Zeus continued to be frustrated by the soft footing. The 'Mech turned in an effort to skirt around the problem terrain and walked up the slope from the soft ground, right into the clearing where the Kuritans awaited their prey.

  "There's our mark," Fuhito called over his company's channel as he forced his 'Mech forward, out of its concealed position. "The Zeus is prime target. Hit 'em!"

  The "Katana Kat's" arm-slung particle PPC cracked forth a bolt of blue lightning. Fuhito watched the PPC's ravening energy catch a fire-blackened scar in the cylindrical left-shoulder assembly of the Zeus. Dark shadows evaporated under lambent light as the destructive beam vaporized more of the 'Mech's ceramet armor and melted part of the exposed structural frame.

  Laser pulses from the other Kurita 'Mechs gnawed at the giant's armor, exploding incandescent globs of metal off into the trees. Small pocks appeared across the Zeus's chest as the concealed infantry opened up with their heavy-caliber machine guns. Fuhito admired their audacity; those weapons were little more than annoyances to the behemoth.

  Busek's Griffin appeared at the edge of the trees behind the Zeus. Raising his 'Mech's right arm, Busek triggered the machine's Fusigon PPC. The particle beam slashed at the Zeus's wounded shoulder, shattering the armor casing over the joint. White steam mixed with oily black smoke and clouds of sparks as the 'Mech staggered and spun half around under the impact of explosive energy transfer.

  Fuhito saw the arm actuators begin to shift as the Steiner pilot tried to bring up the Defiance 75 mm cannon mounted in the Zeus's wounded arm, but the damage was too great. The stress of the movement snapped the titanium alloy bones, sending the autocannon crashing to the forest floor. Coolant fluid leaked out to soak the humus as though the arm had been torn bleeding from the shoulder of a giant.

  Distracted, Fuhito almost missed the Steiner pilot's other move. The Coventry launcher in the Zeus's right arm vomited forth a spread of fifteen long-range missiles. The LRMs streaked across the clearing, underlighting the overhead leaves with the hellish light of their exhaust. Only his fortuitous position behind a brella bole saved Fuhito from catching the center of the spread. As it was, three warheads exploded on "Katana Kat's" right thigh, blasting away shards of armor.

  Fuhito throttled up, dodging among the tree trunks. Whenever an opening occurred, he sent out a blast from the "Kat's" PPC, never knowing whether or not he had scored. His attention was centered on guiding his warriors; only with careful coordination could they hope to survive this encounter.

  Fuhito could see the company's two Locusts tearing wildly among the trees behind the Atlas and the other Ranger 'Mechs. He even thought he could hear Gutherie's strange, whooping battlecry echoing from the external speakers of the senshi's 'Mech. The light 'Mechs were distracting the Ranger pilots by running around behind them, placing shots against their weaker rear armor. The company's light 'Mechs had used the tactic in the skirmish outside Massingham. Here in DonnerBrau Forest, they had traded some of their speed for the protection of the massive trunks of the brella trees. So far, to Fuhito's relief, the Elsies had failed to connect.

  With the main body of the Steiner lance occupied by Fuhito's diversionary forces, the rest of his team concentrated on the lone Zeus. Energy weapons savaged the tottering giant.

  Trying to gain time and recover from the surprise, the Zeus started back the way it had come. As it lurched through the miring humus, the 'Mech's unexpected staggers made it an even more difficult target than had the pilot's deliberate evasive maneuvers.

  Amid the eye-searing pulses of the Kuritan fire, an HK-17 armored personnel carrier appeared, the bedraggled rat of the Legion emblazoned on its dented and ragged side armor. The vehicle's treads churned through the muck, spraying grayish gobs in high roostertails behind vehicle. The APC slipped between brella boles, heading toward the Zeus.

  The Zeus swiveled its torso at the APC's approach, but the Ranger, apparently disdainful of a mere infantry carrier, twisted back and loosed a laser pulse at the Legion 'Mechs. The APC careened in under full power, slamming into the Zeus's left leg. The 'Mech staggered under the impact, and flailing its right-arm missile launcher, toppled face-first into the muck.

  As the Zeus struggled to stand, the APC driver shifted into reverse, his bravado apparently replaced by good sense. Before the APC could extricate itself, however, the Zeus rose at its side, the bulbous shape of the 'Mech's Coventry St
arFire launcher held high above its blocky cockpit. Smashing its arm down on the APC, the Zeus crushed the tank's passenger compartment. The APC's treads still moved, and so the Zeus struck again and again until the vehicle was a twisted, motionless hulk at its feet.

  Busek's Griffin pounded past "Katana Kat," headed for the Ranger 'Mech. A short flight of seven missiles erupted from its shoulder-mounted launcher to crater the armor of the Zeus. Busek fired his PPC as well, but the shot went wide.

  Fuhito loosed a blast in support of his lancemate's reckless charge. Ionized air screamed as the artificial lightning tore at the wounded Zeus's torso. Then the Ranger 'Mech's rear-mounted laser suddenly began to fire wildly, the pulses increasing in frequency until they merged into a solid beam and melted the lasing crystal.

  The Griffin closed, and the Zeus turned to face it. Busek's PPC fire was ineffective, his aim poor. The Ranger showed a more deadly accuracy. He managed two full volleys from the StarFire launcher, which savaged the Kurita 'Mech's chest, exposing structural members and starting a geyser of coolant fluid. The Zeus's 10 cm Thunderbolt laser finally came into play, ruby bolts slagging metal and boiling ceramic. The Griffin crashed to the ground, limbs sprawling limp.

  The Zeus strode to its downed opponent and halted by the armor baffle on the downed 'Mech's left shoulder. In a slow, deliberate movement, the Zeus raised its right leg and stepped down on the bubble canopy of the Griffin.

  Fuhito screamed his outrage, his voice lost in the sizzling crackle of "Kat's" PPC. The bolt slammed the Zeus in its already weakened left chest. Flames licked out and a new cloud billowed from the 'Mech's destroyed shoulder. From the external speaker of the Ranger 'Mech came the hacking laughter of its pilot.

  Azure lightning shattered the tree at Fuhito's left. Two more particle beams sizzled past. The other Elsies had given up chasing Kurita shadows in the woods and were joining the fight. Growling his rage, Fuhito threw "Kat" into a dive, seeking the cover of a deadfall.

  Busek had been helpless. There was no honor in killing a helpless opponent. No true warrior would ever consider such an action. The Zeus pilot deserved a messy execution for his dishonorable act.

  The Zeus was badly damaged. Another charge by Fuhito's company could finish it off. But the other Rangers had arrived, which would make such a charge lethal for the Kuritans.

  There would be another day.

  Fuhito brought "Katana Kat" to its feet, heading for the treeline.

  "That's it," he called on the company comm line. "Head for cover."

  Throughout the area, the Combine 'Mechs turned, dodging behind trees as they ran. The supporting infantry ignited smoke bombs to screen the passage of the 'Mechs before running themselves, hoping that the Steiner pilots would not bother with such paltry targets. As he ran the "Katana Kat" through the forest, Fuhito could hear the Elsies blasting away, shattering the woods in their fury and frustration.


  Sitika County, North Galfree, Marfik

  Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine

  26 September 3028

  The Atlas took a last thundering step onto the airstrip at Jilenka. The slam of the cockpit hatch against the upper surface of the head was lost amid the rumblings and creakings of the BattleMech as it settled to rest. Hauptmann-Kommandant Heany stood in the hatch and let the September breeze ruffle her ash-blonde hair. She sketched a salute to the Senior Warrant Officer in charge of the resupply team that had begun to swarm over her 'Mech.

  A pair of SYD-21 AeroSpace Fighters roared overhead. Heany looked up at them and smiled to see the blue stetson-in-the-ring symbol of Hauptmann Kreuger's AeroLance. Kreuger's fighters had reported the remnants of the Eleventh Legion of Vega gathering near Sitika. Jump troopers on scout patrol had confirmed the report. The annoying weeks of hit-and-hide were over. The Legion had been brought to bay.

  The last months had been too much of a trial, adding to the embarrassment Heany had suffered when the Legion fled her 'Mechs at Massingham and eluded them in the woods. While the Fourth Skye Rangers were stumbling about in the unfamiliar terrain, the godless Snakes had crossed a narrow neck of the forest and bushwhacked the Thirteenth Assault Regiment, causing enough damage to have Colonel Thompson's unit pulled back for refitting. There would be hell to pay when General Nondi Steiner could spare enough attention from the rest of the Gotterdammerung Offensive against Kurita space to inquire into the doings on Marfik. But Heany intended to have accomplished her mission by then. Surely the actual capture of the Heir-Designate of the Draconis Combine would overshadow anything else that happened on Marfik. Thompson's complaints about Heany's alleged incompetence would go unheard.

  The weeks of constant harrying by her air command and ground forces had taken their toll on the Kuritans. More than two battalions of BattleMechs had been captured or destroyed. The Legion of Vega was as good as defeated. The previous week's ambush, which had crippled Benoit's Zeus, was a last gasp. If any real fight had remained in the Snakes, they would have gone after her Atlas instead of the Zeus. The contacts with Combine forces in the last few days had been fleeting. They had initiated no strikes, laid no ambushes. Her biggest headache had been the clashes between off-duty troops and the civilians in the occupied cities. The fool Dracos not only didn't know when they were beaten, they didn't know when they were free from the tyranny of Kurita.

  Now that didn't matter. Her prayers had been answered; the Legion was gathering in the hills east of Sitika, forgoing their sniping games for a last stand. Heany laughed aloud at the thought. If those samurai wanted a last, glorious battle, she would give it to them. Already the tanks and 'Mechs were moving into position. Tomorrow the Fourth Skye Rangers would descend on the Legion of Vega, and Theodore Kurita, dead or alive, would be hers. This time he would not escape. There was nowhere left to run.

  * * *

  The explosion threw clots of dirt against the leg of the "Katana Kat," but Fuhito ignored it. The Steiner infantry were using antipersonnel charges in their mortar shells; even a direct hit would have little effect on the BattleMechs armor. The Kurita infantry, digging in along the south perimeter of Leftior township, were not so well-protected. Most had scrambled for cover as soon as the barrage began. The rest lay sprawled and dying in the tall grass.

  "Gutherie," Fuhito snapped. "Take that lance of 'craft from the Light Horse and run off those groundpounders. Give our people some room."

  "Hai!" was the reply as the battered Locust strutted out over the tarmac. Four J. Edgar hovercraft whined along in its wake like strange, squat ducklings.

  Fuhito didn't bother to watch as the hovercraft and the Locust fanned out to drive away the lead elements of the Steiner forces descending on Sitika. If their scouts had arrived, could the main body be far behind?

  Half an hour later, the "Kat" was pacing down the highway that ran through the Leftior hills. Ahead on his right, Fuhito could see the remaining 'Mechs of the Legion preparing positions. Silhouetted against the setting sun, they looked like exaggerated cartoon figures, crazed ditch-diggers more concerned about the placement of the dirt they shoveled than about the ditch they dug.

  Among the fifteen 'Mechs working there, Fuhito saw the blocky shape of Tai-sa Kurita's Orion. Just as he had throughout the five weeks of bitter raiding among the shadows of DonnerBrau Forest, the Tai-sa was among his men, urging them on. The handless arms of the Tai-sa's 'Mech were of no help in the digging, but the Orion seemed always to be there when brute strength was needed to flatten a tree, to open a fire lane, or to bull out a boulder for setting into a defilade position for one of the last few tanks.

  The Legion had been battered down, and Tai-sa Kurita had decided to make a stand. He had chosen Sitika as the spot for his honorable end, saying that the hills matched a description he had read in Koyo Gunkan of the battlefield at Kawanakajima. That had been an epic battle in the annals of old Terra's samurai. "If we cannot win," the Tai-sa had declared, "let us die in the epic tradition." Soldiers who had mocked the Tai-sa when h
e first arrived had roared their approval.

  Fuhito was proud to be serving under such an officer. The Tai-sa treated his men evenhandedly; anyone who broke his regulations was punished, regardless of rank. The Tai-sa shared the same trials and dangers as the troops. He held no exaggerated opinions of an officer's sanctity, such as Fuhito had seen among the commanders in Warlord Samsonov's forces on Galtor. If the Tai-sa were to die here on Marfik, it would be a great loss to the whole Draconis Combine.

  The "Kat" ran on. In minutes, Fuhito had reached the Sitika airport, last stop on his tour of the facilities for the final defense. He jetted the "Kat" to the roof of the terminal building to survey the area. To the east, amid the rolling green hills outside the city, the Legionnaires toiled away, preparing their defensive line. All recon reports indicated that the Lyrans were accepting the inherent challenge of the Legion's stand and were advancing to meet the Kuritans head-on.

  To the west lay the placid waters of Sitika Bay. That at least was a secure flank. The Elsies had no naval forces in their invasion force, and an amphibious attack by 'Mechs was also impossible. The floor of the bay was soft silt, a mire trap for any bottom-walking BattleMech.

  To the north and south, the flanks were virtually open, screened only by a few mobile units. There seemed to be little threat, for Lyran probes had been light or nonexistent. Even were it a ruse, the Kurita flankers were far enough out that they would give Tai-sa Kurita sufficient warning to revise his battleplan.

  The city itself was a pitifully small collection of buildings, not really large enough for a 'Mech battle. Its most prominent feature, the spaceport, was also, of little use now. The Legion's AeroSpace Fighters were all destroyed or in hiding elsewhere in the system, and their atmospheric craft were reduced to a mere handful, operating from clearings in the forest.

  Fuhito decided to check the hangars and support buildings for any meager supplies they might provide for the Legion. The "Katana Kat's" jets lifted it from the terminal roof and carried it in a gentle arc thirty meters to the north. The Panther's legs flexed on contact, easily taking the shock of the landing. Fuhito began his search.


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