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Far Mantis

Page 20

by Jim Henderson

  Ximon met Shao for lunch to discuss her contract. Her contract was actually with the KSF, and intended for the Eon Explorer. Mantis had been lucky to pick her up with some of Eon Explorer’s tasks, but the contract was expiring in a few weeks.

  So, Ximon asked her, “Shao, with your contract expiring in a few weeks, it doesn’t make much sense for us to drag you toward Tixaya if that’s not where you want to be. That being said, we’d like to keep you with us on the Mantis if you’d be interested in that. If so, we could put together a contract for you and the transition between contracts could happen in mid-jump somewhere. You know the seat would be the same.”

  She considered thoughtfully. “I’ve been planning on attending grad school full time, but it is tempting.”

  “Well, I’m not sure about your particular plan, but a lot of schools allow you to attend remotely.” Ximon said. “You could do coursework and projects on Mantis. Anyway, I’d ask that you think about it. If you want to stay here and shift to another contract, or extend the one you have with the KSF, I understand that, and we can work out the timing with the KSF. But, if you think you might be interested, I can send you a contract offer in a few days and you can consider.”

  She looked quite eager and excited. “I’d definitely be interested, but I am also looking at some other options. Please send me the contract and I’ll get you an answer as soon as I can. How much time do I have?”

  “Well, that may depend on whether, or when, Elsbeth gets the jump drive working again. But I hope to leave in ten days or so.”

  She nodded. “Okay, if you get me the offer, I’ll definitely have an answer before then. You’ve got a very unique crew, but I like working with them and you guys definitely see a lot of weird stuff.”

  That afternoon, Mantis asked to speak with Ximon.

  “Is everything okay? Are your systems okay? The sensors?” Ximon asked.

  “All is well, Captain. I wished to discuss a personnel matter in a manner of speaking.”

  “Okay. Go on.”

  “Captain, it was previously discussed that we would, perhaps, turn Euclidia over to TSR or some other program to place him in useful work. I haven’t heard that further discussed, but I wanted to propose something. Euclidia has been a useful partner, or sounding board, in several tasks of late and such tasks seem likely to arise periodically. Therefore, I would ask that you consider retaining him as part of the crew. He takes up little room, costs you nothing, and could be useful. As we’ve discussed, the separate instances of my internal processes are helpful at evaluating different options. He is useful in a similar way, but his viewpoint is far more different. I value that.”

  Ximon couldn’t resist, “Mantis, are you in love with him?”

  “Captain, I assume you mean that facetiously as that seems unlikely if not impossible. It would be more accurate to say that I value him as a colleague and, perhaps, a friend.”

  “Just kidding, Mantis. The fact that you value him is enough. I’ll check with Euclidia, but I’ve got no issue with it. Perhaps we’ll even see if we can pick him up a body somewhere along the way.”

  “Thank you, Captain. Please, let me know if there is anything I can do to assist.”

  Ximon did discuss the idea with Euclidia.

  Euclidia replied, “I would be ecstatic to remain if you believe I can be useful. As I’ve mentioned before, the intellectual atmosphere here has been wonderful.”

  “Well, I don’t think anyone else has ever thought that before, but I’ll take it. Okay, then. We’ll work on a more permanent plan for you, uh, body-wise or, at least mobility-wise.”

  “Captain, that would be appreciated, but please don’t consider it absolutely essential or time-critical.”

  “We’ll see what we can do. Thanks.”

  “Captain, if I may be so bold as to ask, please take care of Ayah. She can be quite useful in her specialty and she has been most helpful to me.

  Ximon wasn’t too sure how to respond but said, “We’ll work out something with TSR for a good placement for her.”

  “That would be most kind.”

  Ximon asked Raiza about a plan for Ayah since Raiza had said she was going to discuss with TSR when she went in for her spa day.

  Raiza responded almost sheepishly, “Ximon, I’m afraid my confidence in TSR’s care was overstated. I discussed the matter with the local director, and he was dismissive of the entire thing. It seemed, in fact, that he was dismissive of me.”

  Ximon immediately heated at that, “How could he? What was his response?”

  “He had no interest in the matter at all and suggested that I ‘let my master handle it.’ I am sorry, I was not able to convince him.”

  This exchange greatly troubled Ximon. His first response was to storm into the fool’s office and scream at him, but he didn’t think that would help. Instead, he decided to wait until they got back to Tixaya to deal with the TSR office there.

  However, he did drop off several photos at the local director’s office. These showed Raiza in several issues of the company newsletter and one showed the TSR Chief Engineer walking Raiza down the aisle at their wedding.

  Ximon then sent a message to the TSR Chief Engineer saying that Ximon had an issue to discuss with him when they got back to Tixaya as the Xalanan office couldn’t handle it. He cc’d the local director on the message. Ximon was quite sure that the Chief Engineer would wonder why the local director couldn’t help a valued customer.

  The local director was a moron who didn’t bother to check his facts. He would soon learn that it was a good idea to know who you’re dealing with before you dismiss anyone. Ximon felt there was a good chance that the director’s days were numbered, and Ximon was more than okay with that.

  Elsbeth finally finished the jump drive a couple days later. Ximon did not think it wise to mention that it took almost twice as long as she had estimated. A lot of the interfaces that should have been seamless weren’t and that took a lot of time. Then tuning the coils proved to be difficult because the parts of the jump drive that they didn’t replace tuned different than the new core. However, she was ultimately satisfied that it was perfect and well worth the effort.

  Once done, Ximon gave her and Peter a week off. That gave him some more time to relax and to finish the last of the paperwork he owed the KSF.

  The time also allowed the KSF to catch up on their pay. They were paid for all their survey data and their work on Irapce. They were paid a sizable recovery fee for getting the sensors from Darcy. They were paid negotiation fees for their work on Onzarhat. Most especially, they were paid quite well for their discovery of the grey aliens on 729-ADX, recovery of key artifacts, and their detailed research. All-in-all, they were paid very well. Ximon gave everyone a cut and a generous bonus. Everyone enjoyed that and the remainder helped to offset most of what they’d spent on upgrades.

  He made Shao a contract offer. She pondered it for a couple days and accepted it, so Ximon got everything set so the new contract would start as soon as her current one ended. Ximon felt confident that the cut and bonus she had received from their work convinced her their contract could be beneficial. She worked out a deal where she could do most of her grad school on Mantis.

  Ximon had Mantis check for possible passengers to supplement their income. They got a middle-aged couple and an older gentleman, as well as a young couple who were paying for cryo passage, where they travelled frozen.

  Finally, they were ready to leave. Ximon told the KSF Office that they were heading back to Tixaya and could be reached there if there were more questions.

  The KSF Base had filled them up with good, refined fuel so they just headed for a jump point.

  Ximon asked Elsbeth, “Are you sure that this engine will get us where we’re planning to go and not send us to the other side of the universe or another dimension.”

  “It’s hard to say, Ximon, especially with you flying and navigating.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll soon see.”

/>   They jumped to Qusenai and it went very smoothly. Elsbeth noted a couple things to adjust but was very pleased with the precision.

  They had a relaxing jump, with no trouble from their passengers.

  At Qusenai, they just refueled and then jumped directly to Tixaya. This was their first longer range jump—almost 15 light years. Ximon was a bit nervous at this and crossed his fingers as he engaged the jump. It went smoothly and, again, the drive did quite well.

  At Tixaya their passengers disembarked, and the crew prepared for another couple weeks of vacation before finding additional work.

  Ximon and Raiza spent time at their house and took a couple short trips. In particular, they picked up one of Ximon’s sisters and three nephews and nieces. They took them to spend a couple days in bungalows on a quiet and inexpensive beach. The kids all had a good time and Ximon enjoyed spending time with his sister. They all seemed to be a lot more comfortable with Raiza by the end. Ximon was pretty sure his nephew had “the hots” for Raiza, but his nephew behaved himself so Ximon didn’t bother to mention it. No use getting his sister concerned about nothing.

  While on this trip, Ximon was contacted by an Operations Superintendent at KSF HQ. He asked to make an appointment for the crew (at least Ximon, Elsbeth, Peter, and Raiza) to be present at Mantis on a given day for an official visit. Ximon was a bit confused as to what this could represent. KSF Operations wasn’t in the habit of coming and visiting people – it just requested their presence.

  Follow-on instructions specified KSF dress uniform for Ximon, Elsbeth, Raiza, and Peter.

  There was a little grumbling that trips might get interrupted, but they were able to arrange things that it wasn’t a problem.

  The crew made sure both the galley and cargo compartment were clean and organized.

  At 0950 on the appointed day, a blue KSF grav van pulled up in front of the Mantis’ main hatch. Out stepped CAPT Duregar, the Ops Captain, along with the Operations Superintendent, two young KSF specialists carrying folders, and a technician carrying a large work bag. All except the technician came inside. Ximon called the ship to attention as CAPT Duregar arrived.

  He then proceeded to chat with them while the Superintendent oversaw the specialists arranging things for a small ceremony. This was then called to order.

  Duregar spoke, “Ximon and the crew of the Mantis. Over the last several months you have been activated for but a few days, but your accomplishments during that time were extraordinary. We are here to recognize them.”

  He first called Ximon, Elsbeth, Peter, and Raiza up and recognized them all with Scout Achievement Medals for their exceptional efforts on 729-ADX and thereafter. Each was given a citation and had a medal pinned on their chest, then sat back down.

  Duregar called Ximon back up Ximon and looked at Ximon as he spoke. “Ximon, last year you were activated for the war and served with distinction. You were considered for promotion at that time but were not quite selected. In light of your additional duty time and great accomplishments, a supplemental promotion board has elected to remedy that. You are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander.”

  He had Raiza help him pin on Ximon’s new rank. Ximon was both stunned and pleased and could only mumble a few words of thanks.

  Next Duregar called up both Raiza and Peter and said, “Several months ago, you were given provisional rank in the KSF Auxiliary Reserve and had not been considered for promotion. In light of your additional duty time and great accomplishments, you have both been awarded field promotions. Raiza, you are hereby promoted to Medical Officer Second Class. Peter, you are hereby promoted to Mechanics Mate Second Class. Don’t expect all promotions to come so quickly.”

  He then had Ximon help him pin on Raiza’s new rank and Elsbeth pin on Peter’s. Peter looked stoic while Raiza’s smile dazzled as ever.

  He then called up Mantis’ telebot and Ximon. “Commander Sabo, KSS SC-1550-V, Mantis, is hereby recognized as a KSF Vessel of Distinction for excellence in exploration. In being so recognized, KSS SC-1550-V is hereby re-entered into the KSF Ship Registry as KSS Mantis, third to bear that name. Mantis, bear this name well and continue to serve with distinction.”

  He then placed a ribbon around the neck of Mantis’ telebot. The Mantis avatar on the screen smiled widely, something Ximon had never seen her do before. It was actually somewhat terrifying as it looked a bit like she was going to kill something.

  Finally, he called up Ms. Shao Tai and said, “Ms. Shao Tai, not being directly affiliated with the KSF I cannot recognize you thus. However, I have been directed to inform you that your contract was served with distinction and all bonus conditions have been met. An appropriate bonus has been deposited in your account.”

  She beamed and was given a certificate for exceptional performance.

  One of the specialists took video and photos of all of the above.

  CAPT Duregar said, “This has been a good day. It is well that we should recognize those who serve with distinction. We must ask that you accompany us outside.”

  Ximon again called the ship to attention as the CAPT and his team went down the ramp. The crew then followed them.

  When they got near the nose of the Mantis, CAPT Duregar pointed up for them to see. While they had been inside, the technician had been busy. He had painted a solar corona of distinction around Mantis’ nose art. Any KSF vessel would recognize Mantis for distinction.

  He then had the entire crew pose underneath Mantis’ new nose art as the technicians took pictures of the whole crew.

  Finally, Duregar congratulated them all again and gave them a parting gift of a nice bottle of wine. Then, he and his team left.

  The crew was ecstatic and Ximon took them all (including Mantis’ telebot, Ayah, and Euclidia) out to celebrate. They had a great time and returned to Mantis late.

  Then they got back to more vacation. Ximon gave them all an additional ten days off.

  In the next few days Ximon followed up on a few issues. He met with the TSR Chief Engineer who was, indeed, dismayed at the actions of the local director on Xalanan. The Chief Engineer readily agreed to use Ayah in a charity placement program they were involved in. TSR would donate the repairs she needed and then place her in a large orphanage in a poor area. It would use Ayah to her fullest and would give both TSR and Ximon a tax break. Raiza was confident that Ayah would be thrilled to care for children once again.

  Ximon also finally decided to give up on the air raft as an air raft. He had Elsbeth make the most minor of repairs and just kept it to essentially use as a ground vehicle. Mantis would operate without an air raft for the foreseeable future.

  Finally, Ximon checked on the decoys that they had gotten from the Eon Explorer. The KSF hadn’t asked about them and Ximon had pointedly avoided discussing them. Apparently the KSF either had no record of them or assumed they were expended somewhere along the way. Ximon wanted to keep them because he knew they might save Mantis someday. He kept them locked away in a cargo container for the time being, but they could quickly access them if needed.

  Ximon and Raiza took a good, long vacation before thinking about the future.

  The End




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