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Led By Her 8: A Dominant Female Submissive Male, Group Humiliation & Sharing Tale

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by Tinto Selvaggio

  As the day has worn on at the office this afternoon I’ve felt less confident about having to go around there and grill Dominic. I have no choice though. I can hardly have another man posting pornographic and naked pictures of my wife online for anyone to download without some kind of explanation can I?

  The early evening light is dim as I approach their house. My hands are clammy on the steering wheel. Inside me now, along with my fading annoyance with Dominic is a growing sense of excitement.

  I should at least be able to see Becky. If I’m really lucky I’ll get some kind of explanation from her as to why I haven’t been sent for in so long.

  I pull up at the bottom of her drive and take a moment to steady my breathing. Becky’s red Toyota is there but there’s no sign of Dominic’s 4x4. There are lights on in the living room.

  What exactly am I going to say? I need to get both him and Becky alone and have separate conversations with them. Maybe I should have laid some ground rules for that arrogant shit of a husband of hers months ago, when he first started using my wife.

  I take a deep breath before starting my lonely walk down their path. On automatic pilot I begin to slope around the side of the building to the back door where I’ve always reported to Becky. I stop myself in my tracks. Surely this situation calls for a symbolic action? Shouldn’t I simply stride up to the front door and ring the shit out of their bell? Aren’t I supposed to be confronting the man who’s been fucking my wife for weeks and who’s been posting graphic images of her online to other perverts?

  Not only that; but surely Becky ignoring me means she’s forfeited any right to expect me to display my usual subservience? Why should I call at the ‘tradesman’s entrance’ around the back?

  My heart is in my mouth as I ring the bell and stand back from the front door. No sounds from inside and no-one answers the door. I ring again. Do I dare take a peek through the living room window? I consciously have to try and steady my hand as I ring the bell a third time. To hell with it. He’s posting my wife and Becky clearly isn’t interested in me anymore. I stride across the lawn and cautiously peer in at a corner of the living room.

  Nobody there.

  I stare around the room where I first saw Becky’s flesh glistening with perspiration after a gym session. The same gym session where she first slapped my face. The same living room where I was slapped again by her, this time in front of house party guests. The room where I served drinks wearing nothing but a chastity belt and where I was dragged naked on all fours on a dog leash in front of disbelieving eyes.

  Quickly I step away from the window. She always left the back door open! Maybe she’s upstairs and I could enter the house and call her? I’ll just need to be careful not to shock her.

  I creep around the side of the house to the back door where I’ve always reported to serve this wonderful creature. It’s funny in life how you often never know when the last time is for doing something until the moment has come and gone. Sadness wells up inside me at the prospect that I may never again be used by Becky. The likely possibility that her interest in me is lost forever.

  There are no lights on at the back of the house and the door is firmly locked. Still, I knock and stand waiting for several minutes. The wind is building and the evening is turning cold. I look across to the lawns where Becky so brutally beat me in front of her incredulous guests. The last time she and I shared any what I like to think of as ‘intimacy’.

  It’s not true that you can’t be embarrassed when you’re on your own. I look over to Becky’s washing line, momentarily imagining I may spot some of her gossamer thin panties and bras hanging. Waiting where she left them after forgetting to take them in when they were dry. Aware my face is bushing and keeping one eye on the back window, I cross the patio to her washing line to double-check my eyes aren’t failing me in this half light. They’re not. The line is empty.

  I don’t know what possesses me to do what I do next. Really I don’t. All I can possibly offer by way of an explanation or in my defence is I guess; desperation that I may have been abandoned. That and sexual frustration.

  Whatever the real cause, I find myself lifting the lid of one of the garbage bins near to Becky’s back door. My breathing is jagged and uneven and my other hand is fumbling with the front of my pants. I’ve started to rummage through the discarded food and packaging in search of God knows what, before I stop myself. What’s happening to me?

  Light floods the patio. A male voice coughs. It sounds more a noise made to attract attention than a health condition.

  “Oh, it’s you Stuart.” Dominic sounds relieved as his large frame looks out from the doorway at me.

  “I tried the front door but there was no reply so I thought I’d come round the back.” I say, quickly whilst releasing the bin lid and half-turning away from him. Hopefully he hasn’t seen my shrivelling cock which now dangles limply from my pants.

  “If you’re looking for my wife she’s not here. She’s gone into town in my car.” Dominic looks almost as embarrassed as I feel.

  “No Dominic, I was hoping to have a word with you actually.” My throat tightens as I address him.

  “You better come in then” he smoothes down his dishevelled fair hair and holds the door open for me. I wait for him to look away from me so that I can discretely slide up my zipper.

  “You caught me having a nap.” He says, “Bit of a heavy night last night.”

  Once inside, the familiar fragrance of Becky’s home is strangely comforting. My heart pounds; it’s hard enough to know how to begin with what I have to say to this man. Never mind to have to do it in a room where I’ve so often been ordered to strip naked by his beautiful wife.

  “So, what did you have on your mind Stuart?” Dominic folds his arms across his broad chest and looks quizzically down at me. It’s impossible not to be intimidated in front of the man who I know only too well enjoys the bodies of both the woman I love and the one I worship.

  “The thing is Dom,” I’m holding my own palms and they’re damp to the touch. “I inadvertently came across some pictures of Lynne online last night”


  “Well yeah,” I say, aware that my face is burning as I remember it was actually Dominic’s wife I was searching for online at the time. “I was looking for something else when I was diverted to a porn website.”

  “Really?” Dominic grins at me. I suppose it must sound like a lame excuse for browsing porn.

  “So you found pictures of your wife online?” His smile barely leaves his face. This is going to be a whole lot more awkward than I hoped.

  “I did yes. And some of them were ones you’d shown me before on your phone” My face continues to burn as I describe the intimate pictures this man has posed my wife in for his amusement.

  “Ah yeah, the nudi beach! You saw those when you were shackled to our bed in the villa didn’t you?” Dominic strokes his chin theatrically.

  I suppose it’s difficult to take another man seriously when you’re regularly having sex with his wife. And when you’re sharing her with others. It must be all the more difficult to take that man seriously when you’ve watched your own wife take a riding crop to him too.

  “Yes,” I lower my eyes.

  “I’m in something of an awkward spot with the photos of your wife kid.”

  Did he really just call me ‘Kid’?

  “Way I look at it; Lynne never asked me not to share her photos.“ Dominic shrugs his wide shoulders at me.

  “She wouldn’t like it if she knew.” I blurt out

  “You know that do you?” He’s grinning again and he doesn’t wait for me to answer. “There might be a few things about your precious young wife that’d surprise you.” His eyes narrow with amusement as he studies me.

  We both turn towards the noise in the hallway at the same time. The sound of a key in the front door.

  “Ah, speaking of precious young wives – here comes mine.” Dominic smiles and winks at me.
r />   Chapter Four

  My heart leaps at the sight of Becky in the hallway. The cold look on her lovely face suggests she doesn’t feel the same.

  “Stuart.” She holds bulging designer shopping bags in both hands and looks at me as if the cat has regurgitated me. Even as I squirm under her withering stare I’m breathless at how gorgeous she looks. I always think I know how beautiful she is, but every time I see her again it comes as a shock.

  A tight cream jumper with a low cut neck-line emphasises her heart-stopping chest. Skin-tight black jeans, black open toe high heels and bare ankles showcase the perfection of her lower body. And then there’s that face...

  “I’ll be through in a minute Dom. I need the bathroom.” She sets her shopping down at the foot of stairs and disappears from sight.

  Is it possible she might order me to take her shopping upstairs for her later? My mind races with the wonderful possibility that I may be about to be used by her once more.

  “So, you were saying? The pictures of your wife...” Dominic smiles patiently. I have to drag my thoughts away from the shape of his wife’s behind that I’ve just briefly witnessed. God, I’ve missed seeing her– so much. I try to assemble my thoughts so I can continue the conversation with Dominic. With his wife in the house it’s almost impossible. My brain is scrambling.

  “What exactly were you trying to say before?” Dominic pours two glasses of white wine. I doubt one of them is for me.

  “Well, that I don’t like Lynne’s pictures being posted up there where just about anyone could see her Dominic. I need them taken down. Removed from that website.” I should insist he hands over all copies of any images he has of my wife – not just those he’s shared. But of course I won’t do that.

  “Bit of a problem with that.” He grimaces but it looks like concern is being feigned not felt. “I mean I could have had her taken off the website at one time, but see, I’ve been kind of trading her.”

  “Trading her?”

  “Yeah you know, with other guys for pictures of their wives, girlfriends whatever.”

  “But she’s not your wife or your girlfriend Dominic.” My voice sounds so thin it’s transparent.

  “She’s not my wife, that much is true,” Dominic shrugs. “I didn’t think it would matter. I mean it’s not like Lynne is the ‘sweet and innocent’ type is it?” He swills his wine.

  “Not sweet and innocent? I hope that’s not me you’re talking about,” Becky appears, head held high and heels clicking across the kitchen floor tiles.

  “We were just discussing his wife.” Dominic nods his head in my direction before kissing Becky’s cheek. He hands her the other glass of wine. My eyes wander about the room, doing anything to keep themselves from where they want to come to rest.

  “Really? What about his lovely wife?” Long, polished crimson fingernails lift the glass to luscious, color-coded lips.

  “He doesn’t want me to share any photos I took of her.” Dominic says.

  “I think it’s a little bit late to be getting on your high horse about what your wife does or doesn’t do with my husband isn’t it Stuart?” Becky observes me from the other end of her little upturned nose. She purses her lips and sips. “Or for that matter; what she does with anyone else.”

  “I’m just concerned about other people seeing some of the images online Becky. They’re posted all over the internet.” I try to sound firm, but most of me has melted away in her presence.

  “They’re hardly ‘all over the internet’ Beck – just the one site.” Says Dominic.

  “Yes, but that’s what I’m worried about Dominic – anyone could copy them and spread them all over.” Despite my excited discomfort in front of Becky I’m still anxious to do something about my wife’s exposure.

  The door bell breaks my train of thought. Becky puts down her glass I try to discretely slide my eyes to the rounded cheeks of her ass as she goes to answer the door.

  “Sorry I’m late Becky, the traffic was terrible,” my wife is saying from the hallway.

  “I don’t know why you’re making such a fucking big deal over it,” Dominic leans in towards me whispering, “That little whore of yours loves posing for the camera. Stop trying to make trouble for me with my wife.”

  I’m still reeling from his words when Becky returns.

  “Was there anything else you wanted from your visit here Stuart?” she says.

  “Well, I’d quite like to see my wife now she’s here thanks Becky.” I snap, more indignantly than I meant as Lynne; still in her business suit, joins us,

  “Stuart. I saw your car outside. What are you doing here?” My wife’s face is a mixture of irritation and embarrassment.

  “Your husband was just leaving Lynne,” Becky snorts and thrusts her glass at Dominic for a refill.

  “Not without my wife.” My face burns and I’m shaking as I speak.

  “Your wife is going to be busy tonight Stuart.” Becky says with a cold smile. She stares at me and while continuing to hold my gaze, addresses Lynne over her shoulder.

  “Lynne; take my shopping bags to my room would you? Then you can run me a bath before you start our evening meal.”

  Becky’s eyes remain on me as my mouth gapes open and I glance beyond her to my wife. Lynne can’t seem to look at me. Her head is lowered but I can see her face is red. She hurries out to the hallway and Becky’s bags. Hurries! Dominic winks at me.

  How the hell has my wife been reduced to this? I can’t believe she’s accepted this kind of treatment. I thought I was the submissive one. Have I been so wrapped up with my own feelings around this other woman that I haven’t seen what’s been happening to my own wife?

  My chest bangs. An incredible intensity of emotions fires through me like clusters of meteors. Shock and I guess; shame at my wife obediently obeying another woman’s instructions without so much as a word. Carrying her shopping up to her room, running her bath. Cooking a meal for another couple in their home! My wife being treated like another couple’s servant.

  Even in my shock and shame at what I’ve just witnessed, jealousy cuts my insides like a hot steak-knife. What I wouldn’t give to be the one tasked with such menial duties for this Goddess in front of me. In a flash of clarity I realize any concern about the circulation of my wife’s images is now the last thing on my mind.

  “I want a word with Lynne.” Dominic mutters and leaves me alone with Becky.

  This room, with Becky in it with me, becomes the only place in the world. The walls wrap themselves around my whole soul as she looks at me.

  “What were you thinking of coming to my home uninvited Stuart?” Her face tightens; gray blue eyes bore into me.

  “I’m sorry Becky, I just needed to find out..” I hesitate, unsure how to proceed with what I want to say.

  “Come on, come on I don’t have all night for this.” Becky says impatiently.

  “I wanted to find out about Lynne’s pictures like Dominic says,” I fidget in front of her, simultaneously trying to conceal the fact that I’m savoring the fragrance of her perfume.

  “Really?” she raises a perfectly-drawn eyebrow and crosses her arms over the chest I’m trying not to look at. I squirm.

  “Your wife told me you weren’t happy with the tattoo I had done on her.” The tiniest of smiles plays at one corner of Becky’s lips.

  “It’s not that Becky... I’ve never really been a fan of tattoos on anyone.” I can hardly believe I’m almost apologising for my own reaction at seeing my wife tattooed on the instructions of another person.

  “I’d have thought you’d have liked seeing my lips on your wife’s body 24 hours a day.” Becky leans back against a granite worktop and crosses her long legs. I force my eyes from her hips. Her arms are still folded over her chest as she studies my face.

  “My lips and my initial on your wife – a permanent reminder of me, so to speak.”

  “It probably makes things more difficult for me.” I Mumble.

  “Speak up S
tuart. “ Becky straightens her back. “What do you mean by ‘more difficult’?” Her brow crinkles.

  I have to say this.

  “More difficult... because...because I don’t see you myself any more” my voice creaks as I speak to her.

  “Do you miss me Stuart?” a satisfied smile spreads slowly over her lovely features.

  I nod my head.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes Becky”

  “Yes what Stuart?”

  “Yes, I miss you Becky.”

  “Really,” Becky tilts her head, jet black hair dances around her shoulders, “and exactly what is it you miss about me Stuart?”

  I hesitate, unsure how I should respond. She raises her eyebrows at me, expectant.

  “I miss not doing things to make you happy Becky.” I blurt out, “I miss being around you...”

  “Ah,” Becky smiles with what to untrained eyes, might look like ‘warmth’. “You’re behaving like a little puppy Stuart.” She turns and refills her glass, allowing me an uninterrupted, if agonisingly brief view of her backside.

  “As I’ve indicated Stuart; your wife won’t be coming home to you tonight. Dominic and I have plans for her.”

  Hastily I remove my eyes from her lower body as she again faces me.

  “You can expect her home at some point tomorrow. You can see yourself out can’t you?” With her arms sill crossed over that chest and glass in hand, she raises her chin, exposing her slender throat. She nods crisply towards the back door for me to leave.

  Chapter Five

  Last night after I’d got back from Becky’s was one of the longest nights of my life. I lay in bed, plagued by my own thoughts until the early hours. I’m just glad it’s Friday today which means I’m working from home. At least I don’t have to go into the office looking like shit.

  My thoughts are all over the place. Guilt and shame that I didn’t just face Dominic and Becky down last night and demand my wife come home with me. Isn’t that what most ‘normal’ husbands would have done? That, and probably try to make arrangements to have that tattoo removed.


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