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Dark Starlight: Archaic Races Book One

Page 11

by Hannah West

  ‘I don’t know what all this talk of light means,’ I say as I stalk into the room behind Zephyr’s mum. Like my dad, she doesn’t look a day over twenty-five and it’s just creepy. ‘I already told Zephyr I don’t have any light. He’s got the wrong girl.’

  ‘Zephyr told me you’re ignorant of your true nature,’ she answers and studies me once more. ‘I feel your light from here, but then I knew you’d be strong. Most Halflings don’t survive the transformation, and for your light to match Zephyr’s spells your worth.’

  ‘I don’t understand anything you just said,’ I lie.

  ‘Zephyr has chosen you,’ she answers. ‘That’s all you need understand.’

  ‘I want to go home,’ I whisper.

  Emotion blinks through her gaze. ‘Your home is with Zephyr now.’

  I glance around the room, the air feeling thinner. Darkness licks at the underside of my skin, reacting to my growing panic. The surfaces in this room gleam but aren’t reflective, so I can’t use them to open a portal. I’m trapped and it’s hard to breathe.

  ‘When is the equinox?’ I murmur.

  ‘In two risings.’

  My gaze snaps to hers in disbelief. ‘Two days?

  ‘I’ll give you a moment to digest everything,’ she says then goes back to the balcony.

  I follow her, stopping when the silver tattoo on her back, lights up. The glittery lines peel from her skin, stretching out behind her to form a pair of wings. The wings are transparent and veined with silver. They remind me of dragonfly wings but sparkly. The backless dress makes sense now, as I watch her step from the balcony. Her wings flutter then blur, as she floats out of view.



  I back up from the doors then run to the bathroom. There’s no lock on the door, but I rip off my top and try twisting enough to see the design on my back. It’s futile without a mirror, and I huff in frustration. I unhook my bra and drop it by my top on the bathroom floor. I know from memory the markings on my skin are almost identical to Zephyr’s mum’s, and hers lifted from her skin to become wings.

  The more I think of the way the lines on Zephyr’s mum’s skin just peeled from her back, the more my shoulders tingle. My skin starts to itch and awareness wriggles down my spine. Darkness pulses from deep in my middle then blankets my back. I feel it separate from my body and stretch out behind me.

  I turn my head to glance at the unbelievable. I can see my wings are similar to Zephyr’s mum’s, except mine are veined with black instead of silver. The feel of them behind me ranks up there with one of the weirdest sensations I’ve ever experienced. They feel durable yet don’t seem to weigh anything. I imagine fluttering them and squeak when my feet lift from the ground. Panic fills me and I tumble forward, face planting on the pearlescent floor.

  I push to my knees thinking flying is way harder than Zephyr’s mum made it appear. There was no grace in my landing, that’s for sure. The fleeting hope of escaping via the balcony vanishes. Getting my wings to flutter took nothing more than a thought, but if I panic and fall from way up here I’m toast.

  Voices sound from the bedroom and I stare at the bathroom doors. I’m naked from the waist up with a pair of wings out that will ruin any plan of playing dumb to knowing I’m fae. I close my eyes and pray it’s easy to get rid of them. Energy prickles over my back and I glance over my shoulder to find my wings gone. Midnight filigree licks over the pale skin on my shoulder and I huff a relieved breath.

  The doors swing open as I’m tugging my top into place, Zephyr’s mum joining me inside the bathroom. An entourage of women follow her, lining up behind her when she stops before me. Though they’re all beautiful, they seem different to Zephyr’s mum, and they keep their gazes fixed on the floor. I scan their features, realizing a few of them look to be mid thirties. The reason hits me in the solar plexus and I feel sick. They’re human, not fae.

  ‘These females will be your maids in waiting,’ Zephyr’s mother states, bringing my attention back to her.

  Her expression is unreadable, the flash of emotion I saw earlier replaced by indifference. I shutter my expression to match hers, not wanting her to see how intimidated she makes me feel. I don’t know how she’s doing it, but I can’t feel any emotion from her. It’s unsettling in a way I don’t ever remember feeling.

  ‘My what?’ I ask.

  ‘They will bathe and dress you ready for the Honour Banquet,’ she murmurs.

  ‘What’s an Honour Banquet?’

  ‘It’s a celebration, to honour Zephyr’s choice of mate,’ she smiles, like the fact they’re throwing a party to celebrate my abduction is going to endear me to her. Maybe she missed that the celebration is to honour Zephyr, not me.

  ‘Right,’ I drawl.

  Her smile fades and the indifference returns. ‘Tonight, Zephyr will present you to the court as his Chosen.’

  ‘Just because he’s forcing me to mate him, doesn’t mean I’m going to slap on a smile and pretend I’m happy about it,’ I warn.

  Zephyr’s mum steps closer eyes flashing bright violet. ‘When Oric chose me for his mate, I knew I was fae and how to yield my light.’ Her gaze rakes my frame, like I’m less that her. ‘You don’t stand a chance of denying Zephyr his every whim.’ Fear blasts down my spine at her words. ‘For your own sake, comply with Zephyr’s wishes, for there is no other option.’

  A human maid shifts behind Zephyr’s mum, drawing my attention. She stares at the floor like she’s willing it to swallow her, hands curled into fists. I wonder what the humans here have been forced to endure. At least I’m half fae and can create portals and essence orbs. I have a chance, whereas they have nothing. I shift my gaze back to Zephyr’s mum and swallow my fear. Going to the banquet means I’ll at least leave this room. Nobody knows I can open portals, and maybe I’ll find a reflective surface beyond these rooms.

  ‘I don’t need anyone to bathe me and I can dress myself,’ I say, aiming to maintain a sliver of freewill. ‘And I’m not wearing anything too-’ I study the opaque, backless dress Zephyr’s mum is wearing and cringe, ‘revealing.’

  ‘You’ll do well to rid yourself of modesty,’ she advises. ‘Fae are sexual creatures with strong appetites, and Zephyr is no exception.’

  ‘Then he shouldn’t have chosen me because I’m not interested in having sex with him.’

  ‘I think it quaint you still believe you have a choice in the matter,’ she murmurs.

  Bile creeps up my throat. ‘That’s rape.’

  ‘It doesn’t have to be,’ she counters, tone unnervingly calm, like we’re discussing something mundane, like the weather.

  ‘I’ll never be willing,’ I answer.

  She purses her lips at my answer. ‘The choice is yours.’

  ‘So I actually do get a choice in something?’ I snap.

  ‘Choose your battles wisely, Primrose,’ she murmurs, voice icy.


  Zephyr’s smile fades as I’m escorted closer, gaze reading the distain in mine. Two enormous males bracket me, barely a breath between us, steely resolve painting the air around me. They’ve spoken to me once, when they collected me from my gilded cage. The maid fussing over my hair had backed away when they’d flashed into the room, terror glazing her eyes, like she expected them to take her instead of me. The males hadn’t hurt me, though. They’d gripped my arms to teleport me from my room then promptly released me before escorting me into the banqueting hall.

  Violet silk and lace hug my body, the same shade as Zephyr’s eyes. It might be perceived that I chose the gown I’m wearing for that reason, but really it was the only option that wasn’t backless. I need a dress that hides my wing markings, or this whole charade is over. The human maids seemed panicked when I’d refused nearly all the dresses offered, before an older woman dared ask why I didn’t like the ones presented. They were afraid of me, and I’m ashamed at the fact I used it to my advantage. Their fear of me got me what I wanted, but the acrid taste of it still coa
ts my tongue.

  My gown is silk with lace overlay. It has a high collar, long sleeves and brushes the floor as I walk. There’s a weird cut out in the front that shows what little cleavage I have, and the material hugs me like a second skin. I’m covered in all the places that count, but still feel naked. A band of silver filigree circles my head, sitting just above my eyebrows. My blonde hair has been braided into an intricate design around it, woven with violet ribbon.

  The guards usher me into the seat beside Zephyr then melt into the crowd, giving the illusion of leaving. I resist the urge to snort. I can’t see them but know they’re there. My darkness is on the defensive, coiled tight and tasting the emotion in the air around us. It’s wary of Zephyr, despite seeming excited to be near him. The weight of his gaze burns the left side of my body but I refuse to look his way, flinching when he takes my hand. Anger burns through me that he thinks he can touch me without permission.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ he murmurs.

  The heat of his breath on my skin, mixed with the heady scent of his fragrance makes me shiver. I sense his pleasure at my response and rip my hand from his. I place it on my lap beneath the table and curl my finger into my palm.

  ‘Don’t touch me,’ I say, keeping my outward appearance stoic. Who knows what punishment I’ll receive for ruining the party?

  ‘I don’t like seeing you upset, my love,’ he says.

  ‘Perhaps you should take my right to be angry, too,’ I suggest watching the other fae mingle. A lot of gazes turn my way and I don’t like how they assess me. ‘And I’m your prisoner, not your love.’

  ‘You’re not my prisoner,’ he grits out.

  I look at him. ‘Then you’ll let me go?’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘What’s your word for someone being held against their will then?’ I ask not bothering to veil my sarcasm. ‘Because I’m still happy to go with prisoner.’

  ‘I need you,’ he whispers.

  ‘No you don’t,’ I whisper-hiss back. ‘There are females who actually want to be your mate! You just don’t want them.’

  ‘They didn’t call to me like you do,’ he argues.

  ‘You’re talking like I understand any of this,’ I snap.

  ‘Your light called to me, Primrose,’ he says. ‘It drew me from my realm to yours, and you’re just a Halfling. It’s unheard of.’

  ‘You’ve stolen my life; my choice,’ I counter. ‘You don’t care about me. You care about getting what you want.’

  Zephyr frowns. ‘If I gave you a choice, would you choose me?’

  My eyebrows creep to my hairline at the insecurity painting his tone. As angry as I am it’s difficult not to be a little charmed by how unsure he seems of himself.

  ‘I don’t know you, Zephyr.’

  ‘But if you did?’ he counters.

  I shock us both when my fingers curl around his on the table. His skin is hot against mine and I stare at our joined hands. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I trying to console the guy who abducted me to be his wife? Perhaps a part of me wants it to be as simple as Zephyr letting me go, so we can get to know each other the right way.

  ‘Maybe you should let me go and find out,’ I suggest.

  Zephyr stares at me with longing and a lump forms in my throat. His despair flows through our connected hands and I swallow hard against it. The moment opens, stretching out, and it feels like we’re the only two in the busy hall. The fae around us fade and a connection sparks in their wake. My hand on Zephyr’s feels suddenly right and yearning stirs in my middle.

  Zephyr sighs and looks away, breaking the connection. ‘I can’t,’ he says. ‘You’ll leave and I’ll spend millennia knowing you’re out there.’ He leans closer, breath brushing my lips. ‘I’m aware it’s selfishness, Primrose but you’re young and I hope you’ll learn to forgive me.’

  I stare at him my thoughts stuck on the word millennia. He can’t have said millennia. Nothing lives that long. Then I think of how he just denied my freedom, and instead of getting angry I just feel sad. The echo of his despair is bitter on my tongue, and I can’t bring myself to feel anything but sorry for him. Zephyr is taking away my choices so he won’t lose his own. I’ve felt that sense of powerlessness and empathise with his situation. The difference between us is I’ve never chosen to put my needs before someone else’s before.

  I slip my hand from his and return it to my lap. An empty plate is placed on the table before me and I stare at it so I won’t have to look at Zephyr. I only lift my gaze when dishes of food start appearing in the centre of the table. I don’t recognise anything in them, some of the food glowing with neon freckles. It reminds me I’m a long way from home and the need to hug my mum hits hard.

  ‘Can I leave the party?’ I ask. ‘Your mum said it’ll be a long day of preparing for the equinox tomorrow, and I’m tired.’

  ‘You don’t need my permission to leave the banquet,’ Zephyr answers.

  ‘Yes I do, Zephyr,’ I whisper glaring his way. ‘I’ve been locked in a room since I got here and was escorted to this party by two guards. If I try to leave they’ll stop me.’

  ‘The guards are for your protection,’ he argues. ‘Once we’re mated you’ll reside in my chambers, but until then I must keep you safe.’

  Blood drains from my face so fast I feel dizzy. Not because of the possible danger Zephyr alludes to, but because his mum’s words ring clear in my head. If Zephyr wants me he’ll take me, willing or not.

  ‘Primrose, are you unwell?’

  Zephyr’s light presses against mine, probing. It feels like another violation and I flinch, pushing into my chair to get away from him. I see Zephyr’s parents turn in our direction, but Zephyr snatches hold of my hand and drags me from my chair. I stumble after him when he leads me from the hall, into an adjoining room. The doors slam shut behind us and he spins to face me, gripping my shoulders as he glares down at me.

  ‘How many times must I tell you I won’t harm you? Yet you flinch at my touch,’ he growls.

  Outrage blasts through me. ‘Do you know I almost died that night?’

  Surprise replaces the frustration on his face. ‘What?’

  I poke a finger in his chest. ‘I’m talking about the night you kissed me in the garden,’ I snarl. ‘You did something that almost killed me then left. I was found the next morning in a pool of my own blood, so don’t preach about never hurting me because you already have.’

  ‘You were in pain?’ he asks sounding genuinely confused.

  ‘Agony,’ I correct then shrug from his hold. ‘Not that you care,’ I add then chance a lie. ‘Your mum told me you knew activating my dormant fae side would likely kill me, but I guess that didn’t matter. As long as you get what you want.’ I turn and walk to the doors leading back to the banquet. ‘I’ll find my guards and return to my cell.’

  Zephyr doesn’t stop me when I leave. Not that it matters, as my guards are waiting on the other side of the doors. I meet their stoic gazes and shrug, before letting them guide me away.


  I blink awake, not remembering where I am for one blissful moment. Light pours in through the glass doors, painting pretty patterns on the ethereal walls and I sigh.

  ‘Finally,’ someone exclaims.

  I squeal and sit up, finding a gorgeous fae draped over the end of my bed. Recognition zips through me and I take a steadying breath. It’s the girl from the club, the one that stopped Zephyr from toasting Drew.

  ‘I’ve been waiting hours for you to wake,’ she complains.

  I study at her, looking like a supermodel stretched across the silk bedding. She shares Zephyr’s olive skin tone and violet eyes, and has her head propped on one hand, regarding me with a catlike stare. Midnight hair curls in long ribbons around her shoulders and over her hip. It pools in a sensuous cloud around the elbow she has bent on the bed and I purse my lips. She looks like an advertisement for something sensual and she’s not even trying.

  ‘What th
e hell are you doing in here?’ I demand.

  ‘You’ve been sleeping for nearly eight hours,’ she grumbles. ‘And I’ve been waiting to speak with you.’

  ‘Who the hell are you? Don’t you know it’s creepy to watch someone while they’re sleeping?’

  She sits up and grins. ‘I’m Caligo, Zephyr’s twin.’

  Twin? ‘And you’re here because?’

  ‘I need to speak with you before Zephyr gets here. And you can’t tell him I visited.’

  ‘I won’t see Zephyr today. I’m being fitted for a mating gown and he’s not invited.’ I narrow my eyes. ‘Besides, why would I do anything to help you? Unless you’re here to help me leave?’

  ‘I like you,’ she answers surprising me. ‘I know you don’t want to be mated to my brother, but I hope we can be friends.’

  ‘Is that what you came to tell me? That you want to be friends?’

  Caligo shakes her head, sending a cloud of onyx hair around her shoulders. ‘I came to ask you to give him a chance when he comes for you today. You’re to spend this day getting to know each other.’

  ‘It’s a little late for that,’ I scoff. ‘I already know he’s a selfish prick, what more is there to know?’

  ‘It was never Zephyr’s intent to hurt you,’ she argues. ‘Please, take this day to see beyond what you think you know and see what I see.’ She sighs and looks away before meeting my gaze again. ‘His decision isn’t yet final. There’s still the possibility he’ll let you go.’

  ‘Why are you telling me this?’

  Caligo looks at the glass doors, like she hears something. ‘I love my brother.’ She meets my gaze. ‘He has waited a long time to find you, longer than you can comprehend. You think he robbed you of your choices, but really you robbed him of his.’ She reaches over and squeezes my hand. ‘He deserves to be happy.’

  I turn my face as Caligo disappears behind a wall of light. They should bloody well warn people before they teleport away. The light fades and she’s gone, and I blink light spots from my vision. I’ll never get used to everyone just popping in and out, like that.


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