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Halloween Dragon

Page 12

by Liv Rider

  He fumbled with the condom wrapper. Having his mate naked and desperate was very distracting, especially when Cameron wrapped his hand around his own cock and began to stroke himself.

  “What?” Cameron’s tone was innocent when he noticed Parker staring. “You’re busy.” He nudged Parker impatiently with his knee.

  He finally managed to get the condom on, then positioned himself so his cock was lined up with Cameron’s ass. Cameron pulled his knees up further, moving to give Parker better access. He hoped Cameron wouldn’t try to rush this and go too fast. He pushed carefully, watching Cameron’s ass and listening for any sound of pain or displeasure from his mate.

  “Keep going.” Cameron spread his knees wider. “Keep going.”

  He did, and slowly, ever so slowly, he pushed deeper, groaning when the head of his cock was inside.

  Cameron gasped, closing his eyes. “I’m fine!”

  He reached out to rest one hand on Cameron’s chest. “Hey. No rush.”

  Cameron was still stroking his own cock slowly. “I’m fine.” He opened his eyes again, and Parker believed him. “Just…it’s been a while. Take your time.”

  “Oh, I’m planning on it.” Cameron was so tight around him, and his own body urged him to drive deeper, but Parker resisted. Cameron enjoying every second of this was the most important thing to him. He pushed again, going as slowly as he could, watching Cameron’s face. Their eyes were locked, and Cameron’s face was determined.

  He rocked back and forth a few times, letting Cameron get used to his girth, and because it felt so good. Moving like that, it took him some time before he was completely buried inside his mate, but going slow definitely had its upsides. It meant he had the time to enjoy every sensation as he pushed in deeper. It meant he could look at his mate enjoying himself.

  Parker couldn’t resist a quick kiss, and Cameron returned it just as eagerly.

  “You feel so good.”

  Cameron’s grin grew. “I was just going to say that.” He’d stopped stroking his own cock and wrapped both arms around Parker to keep him close.

  His first thrust was slow and gentle. He still didn’t want to rush this, but Cameron had other plans. His mate moved against him impatiently.

  “Come on, harder than that!”

  If that was what his mate wanted, Parker would do it. Cameron’s moan at his next thrust was music to his ears, and he kept moving like that. He gave in to his own urge to go harder, faster, deeper. He’d never felt like this with anyone else in his life. He held Cameron close, nuzzling his cheek and neck, planting quick kisses when and where he could.

  Cameron’s head tilted back as he moaned. His hands roamed up and down Parker’s back, stroking one moment and pressing his fingernails in the next. He moved his hips against Parker’s, and together they found a rhythm that was so perfect Parker wanted it to last forever. Just the two of them, together like this.

  When he felt his orgasm build, he groaned in disappointment and buried his head in Cameron’s neck. He didn’t want this to be over yet. He wanted to listen to Cameron whimper and moan some more. He wanted to feel the eager press of Cameron’s hands against his body. Next time, he promised himself. There would be plenty of next times.

  Judging by Cameron’s moans, his mate was close too, so Parker moved so he could wrap his hand around Cameron’s cock to stroke it. It was an awkward position, but worth it for the gasp coming from Cameron’s mouth and the way he looked at Parker. It only took a few strokes before Cameron was coming, and his mate dug his fingers in Parker’s back as he groaned in pleasure.

  Once he was sure Cameron was satisfied, Parker quickened his thrusts until the ecstasy inside of him overflowed. It was an intense feeling, lighting him up and filling him with more pleasure than he thought possible. Had Cameron felt like this only seconds ago?

  The feeling left far too soon, and he was left panting in Cameron’s arms, just thinking clearly enough to know he couldn’t just collapse on top of his mate.

  He eventually pulled out and rolled off of Cameron, managing to work up the effort to remove the condom and tie a knot in it before throwing it on the ground. He’d clean it up tomorrow.

  Cameron was lying next to him, still grinning. “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah.” He pulled Cameron close, pressing a kiss against his hair as Cameron squirmed to get more comfortable again him.

  “That was….” Cameron fell silent as he rested his head against Parker’s shoulder. “Holy shit.”

  Parker tried not to feel too smug, but it was difficult not to bask in the glow of having satisfied his mate. “The best sex you’ve ever had?”

  Cameron laughed. “I don’t know, the cocky arrogance is making me reconsider….”

  “Ah, so it is the best?” he teased.

  “Seriously reconsidering now,” Cameron grumbled, but when Parker moved so he could look at him, Cameron was smiling and his gray eyes were bright with joy.

  They lay like that for a long moment, holding and kissing each other unhurriedly.

  “Okay,” Cameron said eventually. “It’s definitely up there. What?” he asked, when Parker narrowed his eyes. “I want you to keep trying to get better! No resting on laurels for you.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Good.” Cameron fell silent, tracing patterns across Parker’s chest. “It’s so weird to think we only met last night. I feel like I’ve known you for so much longer. I still don’t get why you wanted to see me again so much, but I’m glad you insisted.”

  That gave him pause. “I wasn’t too pushy when asking you to go on a date with me, was I?” It had been hard to think clearly when he’d finally gotten to talk to his mate.

  “No, I gave you my number, right? I agreed to lunch.” Cameron reached out to cup his cheek. “I didn’t know why. I guess it was just something about you.”

  He feels the bond! He feels the connection! His dragon was ecstatic, and Parker shared the joy. “That feeling goes both ways.”

  Cameron leaned in to kiss him. “I figured.”

  A deep sense of contentment settled inside of him as Cameron lay back down again. This was how it should be. This was how it would be for the rest of his life.

  Best of all, he now knew for sure that his mate was feeling the bond between them, even though he didn’t know it yet. Sure, there was still a lot he had to explain to Cameron about shifters and councils and being Keeper of the Peace, but he looked forward to sharing that part of himself with his mate. He could already imagine the look on Cameron’s face when he shifted in his dragon form.

  Yes, things were going great, and soon, they’d be even better.

  He woke up and felt confused for a few seconds at waking up with someone else in bed with him. A big grin settled on his face when he remembered what had happened. He rolled over to spoon his mate, nuzzling his hair before kissing the nape of his neck.

  Cameron grumbled something under his breath, but moved back against Parker.

  He kissed one of Cameron’s shoulder blades, then his shoulder. He felt Cameron stir again.

  “Mmmpf?” Cameron blinked slowly, turning his face to look at Parker. His eyes widened for a moment, then he smiled. “Oh. Hey.”

  “Oh, hey, yourself.” He kissed Cameron, and Cameron reached out with one hand to pull him in.

  “Good morning.” Cameron’s voice was still rough from sleep.

  “Great morning.” Parker nuzzled Cameron’s neck. “Excellent morning.”

  Cameron stretched underneath him, arching his back. “Best morning.” He let out a happy sigh as he lay back down. “I could get used to you being my alarm clock.”

  Parker settled down next to him, wrapping one arm around Cameron’s waist. “Aren’t alarm clocks supposed to get you out of bed?” That was the opposite of what he wanted.

  “Eventually, yes.” Cameron tapped the tip of Parker’s nose with one finger. “Consider that me hitting the snooze button.”

  Parker laughed, s
urprised more than anything. Usually, his mornings were a lot less fun than this. He’d get out of bed as soon as his alarm went off to get ready for another day of meetings and settling disputes and trying to make sure everything ran smoothly in his district. Waking up with Cameron was definitely a lot more enjoyable. “Does that mean I should leave you alone for the next couple of minutes?”

  “Ugh, you’re using way too much logic this early in the morning.” Cameron moved to kiss him again. “Actually, what time is it?”

  Parker glanced at his watch. “It’s ten thirty.” A lot later than he usually got up on a Sunday, and that cold hard fact made him realize that there were plenty of things he still needed to see to.

  Cameron seemed to have come to the same conclusion, and he sat up. “Not that early, then.” He eyed Parker. “Breakfast? Coffee?”

  “Both, please. And, if possible, a shower?”

  Parker used the shower first, and got out to the promising scent of coffee in the air. He pulled a face when he realized he’d have to put on yesterday’s clothing again, but Cameron would hardly mind. He shrugged on the suit jacket and ventured into the living room.

  He froze in the doorway at the sight of a shirtless Cameron busying himself in the kitchen. He was torn between wishing he was the one who could serve Cameron breakfast and simply enjoying the sight. Cameron had swapped the sweatpants for a pair of jeans, and Parker’s hands itched with the need to touch him.

  “The shower’s yours.”

  Cameron turned, spatula in hand, and going by the way he gave Parker a slow once over, Parker wasn’t the only one doing a little ogling. “Great! I’ve got scrambled eggs and toast, and the coffee should be done. Sugar’s in the cupboard, milk is in the fridge and mugs….”

  Parker walked over while Cameron was talking. “Also in the cupboard?”

  “Different cupboard!” Cameron handed him a mug that had a cartoon zombie groaning for coffee rather than brains, while Cameron took one that was black with a pattern of orange jack-o-lanterns. “I think that’s all you need.”

  “Just one more thing.” He reached out to wrap an arm around Cameron to kiss him, then let his hand wander down Cameron’s back to squeeze his ass.

  Cameron squirmed, laughing as he pulled back eventually. “You better not drink all the coffee.” He pointed the spatula threateningly at Parker.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He took the spatula, and stirred the scrambled eggs. They seemed to be almost done. “I can’t promise the same about these eggs, though.”

  Having breakfast with someone else was so much better than by himself. Sure, if it had just been him, he would’ve been finished in ten minutes and ready to leave his home, but sharing a meal with his mate was much more satisfying. He got to watch and listen to Cameron enjoying his coffee and food. He got to enjoy the scent of Cameron fresh from the shower. He got to steal bits of scrambled egg from Cameron’s plate while Cameron took some of his toast.

  It was wonderful and the best start of the day he’d had in years. Going by the way Cameron’s eyes were shining and the smile that seemed to be permanently glued to his face, his mate felt the same.

  While Cameron had been in the shower, Parker checked his email. Glen had done as he’d asked, and had sent round an email to himself, his council, and Mitchell and Thomas for a meeting at the office at three o’clock, and in his email had briefly explained what the meeting would be about.

  There’d been confused but positive replies from a few of his other council members, although Isaac had been more skeptical and warned them about the costs involved.

  Parker had replied that they would talk about the money this afternoon, and that he was bringing an important guest to the meeting.

  He looked at Cameron, who was sitting back in his chair and finishing the last of his coffee. He wanted Cameron to be at the meeting so they could all talk about the plan to buy the farm. Cameron’s knowledge of the place and Everett would be invaluable.

  It also meant he had to tell Cameron about shifters beforehand, and Parker had been thinking about how he should do that while Cameron had been showering.

  He couldn’t simply tell Cameron and expect him to believe him. He’d have to demonstrate.

  Take him flying! His dragon insisted. Impress him with our beauty and our grace!

  Some other time. They didn’t have time to take Cameron flying. Let him be impressed with us while he’s got both feet on the ground.

  “So, what are your plans for the day?” Cameron put his mug back down. “I don’t have Halloween Fest until the afternoon. It’s the final night….”

  He knew from the way Cameron’s face fell what he was thinking. “For now.” He took Cameron’s hand. “I promise, you’ll have another Fest next year.”

  Cameron’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You can’t know that.”

  The urge to explain his plan was strong. He hated seeing his mate worry so much when it wasn’t necessary. “Hey, about we go for a drive outside of the city today?”

  “What? Why, you wanna go location-scouting?”

  “Something like that.” Parker drank his coffee while Cameron frowned at him. He had to think of something that sounded better. Something that sounded sweeter. More romantic. “How about we go for a nice walk in the woods?” That was something humans did on a date, right? And those woods would shield him from prying eyes.

  Cameron’s frown, if anything, deepened. “You suddenly want to go for a walk?”

  “Yes. Why not?” He finished his coffee and put his mug down, holding Cameron’s gaze.

  Eventually, Cameron shook his head and smiled. “Sure, why not.”



  He knew that if one of his friends had told him they decided to go to the nearby forest with a man they’d just met, Cameron would be the first to point out how risky that was. And yet here he was, driving away from Lewiston and towards the woods. Cameron kept shooting Parker sideway glances while he gave him directions. Parker tried to sound casual about his suggestions where to go and which turn to take, but his entire posture was rigid and his hands were clasped in his lap.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I’m not taking you anywhere. You’re the one who’s driving.”

  Cameron snorted at that. “Okay, where are you directing me?”

  Parker hesitated before answering. “It’s a surprise. I need to show you something.”

  “Really?” Parker had to know what this sounded like, right?

  “Nothing bad.”

  “Oh yes, nothing bad, that’s what they all say.” Cameron shook his head, smiling despite himself. “You know, this is usually the point in a horror movie where I roll my eyes at the characters for being dumb enough to walk into an obvious death-trap.” Not that he thought that was what Parker was doing. Despite how weird Parker was acting, he trusted him completely. Whatever he was planning, it wasn’t anything bad.

  “There aren’t any obvious death-traps!”

  “See, that’s exactly what someone leading me into an obvious death-trap would say.”

  Parker let out a frustrated groan. “I’m not leading you into a death-trap, obvious or otherwise!”

  Sensing Parker’s genuine annoyance, Cameron decided to put him out of his misery. “I was joking. I don’t actually think you’re leading me into a death-trap.” He continued to make wild guesses why Parker wanted to bring him to the forest, keeping them all light-hearted. “I’ve got it,” he said at last. “You’re taking me on a treasure hunt!”

  “Well,” Parker replied, his tone surprisingly serious. “I do hope it’s something you will treasure.”

  Which told Cameron exactly nothing, but what else was new?

  There wasn’t really an area designated for parking, but there were a couple of other cars by the side of the road and Cameron parked behind one. He resisted the urge to make another joke about how this was clearly the start of a horror movie. Parker looked nervous, and Cameron
didn’t have the heart to annoy or upset him right now. Whatever Parker wanted to do here, it was important to him.

  Parker headed down one of the paths, and Cameron followed him until they walked alongside one another. It was quiet, it wasn’t too cold and while there were some puddles from recent rainfall, the path was mostly dry. With the autumn colors around them, Cameron thought that if Parker hadn’t been acting so weird, this would’ve been a really nice, romantic walk. It was nice to be here with just the two of them.

  “So, why did you bring me here?” Cameron stuffed his hands in his pockets. “What is it you want to show me?”

  “There’s something important we have to talk about. Something I haven’t told you yet.”

  He stopped walking at that, a sudden feeling of icy dread in his stomach. “If you’re about to tell me you’re married or have a boyfriend….”

  “No!” Parker’s reply was immediate and vehement. “No, nothing like that. I’m single. I’ve been single for years. Ask my friends.”

  “I’ve only met one of your friends and I don’t even have Joel’s phone number.” He hoped he’d get to meet Parker’s friends soon, though. He still knew so very little about the other man. What did he even do for a living? With a stab of guilt, Cameron realized he hadn’t even asked. He’d been so preoccupied with the Halloween Fest that he hadn’t asked Parker anything about himself.

  Parker took a deep breath. “I have to show you something private. I don’t want anyone else to see, so I brought you here.”

  Cameron tried not to feel too annoyed. Parker must have a good reason for acting like this. He kept guessing and Parker kept being vague until they got to a reasonably-sized clearing.

  “Okay, this is a good spot,” Parker declared and fell silent again. He turned to Cameron, looking expectant. “You know how you have some DVDs of werewolf movies?”

  “Yes?” Where on Earth was this headed?

  “They’re real. At least, people who can shift into wolves are. They can shift at will. The moon has nothing to do with it.”


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