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Halloween Dragon

Page 22

by Liv Rider

  “We will?” Olivia’s voice was quiet.

  “Would you rather the people from Halloween Fest do it?” Parker whispered. “And leave us unable to use the barn?”

  Olivia grimaced at that. “Fine.”

  Andrew hadn’t noticed their conversation, since he was busy talking to Dr. Thompson about when the bat might return. “I can’t tell you if the bat’ll be by back mid-October,” Dr. Thompson told him.

  “It started hibernating here at the end of October last time, surely you can—”

  “They don’t actually place a booking beforehand,” Dr. Thompson said. “But I agree that starting the Fest a few weekends earlier than usual is a good idea.”

  “It’ll be fine, Andrew,” Cameron assured him. “Worst case scenario is that we have to cancel the last couple of nights because of the bat.”

  Andrew frowned at him. “You sound pretty calm about that.”

  “Some evenings of Halloween Fest is better than none at all.”

  “I guess you’ve got a point there.” Andrew still sounded unsure.

  “I will be back in September to check the barn regularly,” Dr. Thompson told them. “I want to monitor the situation closely this time.”

  “Of course, we can set up regular appointments,” Isaac told him. Olivia led Dr. Thompson back to the farm to further discuss the details.

  Cameron exchanged a look with Andrew. “Maybe we should discuss some regular appointments too, about setting things up around here from now on.”

  “Yes, the Wilsons were always pretty flexible about that, but I understand that things are different with your organization,” Andrew told Isaac. “I’m just glad we’ll be able to use the barn for Halloween Fest at all.”

  “And pay rent,” Cameron added.

  “What? No, that’s completely unnecessary,” Parker insisted. Why hadn’t Cameron discussed this with him before today? “I thought we agreed you’d make a donation after Halloween Fest. We can’t expect you to pay rent for an event that might not even happen if that bat decides to hibernate early.” Not that there was any chance of that happening, but Andrew didn’t know that.

  “It does seem fair,” Andrew said. “We’re using the barn for storage. We’ll be here regularly during the preparation phase. Calling it ‘rent’ is a big word, but we would like to pay you something every month.”

  “And obviously we’ll do fundraisers for your charity every weekend,” Cameron said.

  “Every weekend?” Cameron had mentioned doing a fundraiser before, but Parker assumed it would be a one-time event. “We can’t ask you to do that.”

  “We’re going to call it Baturday,” Cameron told him, his mouth twitching a little. “So we have to do it every weekend or it doesn’t make any sense.”

  Parker was struggling not to laugh, and Isaac snorted with amusement. “Baturday?”

  “Baturday.” Cameron managed to keep a straight face this time.

  Parker wanted to see the look on Glen’s face once he found about Baturday. “I can’t argue with that. But since people from Shifting North will be around here regularly anyway, I’d like to suggest our volunteers help you guys with your preparations too.” The fewer humans came here, the better.

  “Oh, we couldn’t ask you to do that!” Andrew insisted.

  “We could use the help,” Cameron pointed out.

  Andrew begrudgingly agreed, and went with Isaac to discuss a schedule for the next few weeks.

  Parker smiled down at Cameron. “Baturday? Seriously?”

  Cameron laughed. “Stacy came up with it! You can blame her.”

  “Or thank her.” It was a terrible pun, but Parker had no doubt it would make the visitors of Halloween Fest laugh and donate generously.

  “Let’s wait until October for that.” Cameron nodded over at the barn. “Want to go take a look?”

  Parker followed Cameron inside, watching his face light up as he walked over to the entrance to the Maze of Terror. “You can’t wait to get started, can you?”

  “Sorry.” Cameron didn’t sound sorry at all. “You’re gonna have to deal with me watching loads of horror movies for inspiration.”

  “Oh no, how terrible,” Parker replied dryly. “Sitting and watching a movie with you…why would you put me through such an ordeal?” He’d seen the three horror movies Cameron had recommended to him all those months ago. Evil Dead 2 had taken them six attempts to finish, and The Exorcist had taken three evenings. A wide variety of horror movies had followed, from genuinely scary and tense to impressively ridiculous. He’d managed to watch An American Werewolf in London without pointing out all the ways the movie was wrong about wolf shifters, but only because Cameron had kept kissing him to stop him from talking through the entire movie.

  “I’ll actually want to watch the movies this time, though.” Cameron led the way as they walked through the first room. He gave the rocking chair a push, looking pleased when it rocked back and forth a few times. “And make notes without you distracting me.”

  “You’re the one who’s distracting,” Parker argued. Sunlight came streaming in through the windows in the barn’s roof. It was amazing how different the Maze looked in the light of day. The white room with neon paint on the walls still looked garish, but now he could tell how fake the mannequins looked and that the room could do with a new paint-job. “What about last week, hm? When we were watching Scream? You kept kissing me.”

  “Only during the boring scenes that weren’t important to the plot.”

  “I was trying to figure out who the killer was!”

  Cameron laughed as they walked into the room with the TV-set. “You’re not still annoyed you didn’t figure out it was two killers, did you?”

  “No.” Maybe a little. “But I think we should watch it again to see if it actually adds up.” If there had really been clues all along, he was sure he’d have been able to figure it out if Cameron hadn’t distracted him.

  “We’re not re-watching Scream when there’re still so many movies you’ve never seen at all!”

  “Like this one?” He gestured at the TV-set. “With the scary girl?”

  “Yes, that seems fair. We can do the Japanese original and the American remake.” They walked through the room with two bunk beds. “I think it’s time to change this one.” Cameron picked up a dirty napkin from the floor, pulling a face as he did. “Sure, Friday the 13th is a classic, but we’ve had this for years. It’s getting stale.”

  Parker smiled at the thoughtful look on Cameron’s face. He loved seeing his mate in his element, and he was pretty sure he had a lot of that to look forward to. “If I might make a suggestion.”

  “We’re not doing the shower scene from Psycho.”

  Dammit. “It’s an iconic horror movie.”

  Cameron frowned at him. “Who told you that?”

  “Stacy.” They’d discussed the finer points of the movie a while ago.

  “Then Stacy should’ve also told you that the logistics of recreating that shower scene are impossible in here.”

  Yes, he really loved seeing Cameron this confident. There’d been a lot of times over the last few months when he’d been worried about being fated mates and how little he still knew about shifters. His friendship with Joel helped, but Parker knew it would take time for Cameron to really adjust to having his worldview changed so completely. “I guess you know best.”

  They went through another dark hallway, briefly stopping in the dentist’s office before entering the graveyard. Parker looked over at Cameron to see a soft smile on his face, no doubt also relishing the happy memories.

  “You better not think of making changes to this one.” They’d met here. It was too important.

  Cameron ran his fingers over one of the fake tombstones. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He walked over to Parker, sliding his arms around Parker’s waist. “But it’s inevitable. We always change one room every year. It’ll be this room’s turn at some point.”

  “Fair enough.” Beside
s, the most important part was that he’d met Cameron and they’d get to spend the rest of their lives together.

  “I still can’t believe that’s how we met,” Cameron muttered, laughing a little. “With me trying to scare you.”

  “If it helps, you really did startle me.”

  Cameron let out an unimpressed huff. “I’ll have to do better than that this year.” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he beamed up at Parker.

  Hang on. “How do you mean?”

  “Well, you’ll be coming to the Fest, right?”

  “Of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Then I am definitely going to try and scare the pants off of you,” Cameron declared.

  “There are better ways to get me out of my pants, you know,” he countered, making Cameron laugh again. Parker pulled him in for a kiss, which Cameron broke far too quickly.

  “What are you scared of? C’mon, there’s got to be something. Is it clowns?”

  He thought of the neon room. “But I already know how that room works.”

  Cameron hummed at that. “That’s true. I’ll figure something out. Just wait.”

  His mate’s happiness and enthusiasm was infectious. “I look forward to seeing you try.” He ran his fingers through Cameron’s hair. “Although, if you could really scare Thomas, Joel, or Mitchell….”

  “Scaring you will be more fun.”

  He’d never thought in a million years his fated mate would be someone like Cameron. Someone so different. But right now, standing here on the fake grass and surrounded by fake tombstones, he couldn’t imagine anyone else more suited for him. “And if you don’t manage it this year?”

  “I’ll keep trying.” Cameron lifted his chin defiantly, daring Parker to argue.


  His mate’s eyes softened at that. “Forever.”

  They kissed, and for the first time in his life, Parker couldn’t wait for Halloween.

  A note from Liv Rider

  Thank you for reading my book! I hope you enjoyed it. If you’d like to be emailed when I release my next book, please click here to be added to my mailing list.

  Please review Halloween Dragon, even if you only write a line or two. I love hearing what my readers think! You can also email me at, and find me at Facebook, Twitter, and

  The cover of Halloween Dragon was designed by Camberion.

  More M/M Paranormal Romance by Liv Rider

  Protector Dragon (Lewiston Dragons Book 1) Born human in a family of shifters, Joel’s been avoiding shifters ever since he moved away. But a chance meeting with Thomas, a dragon shifter, turns Joel’s safe little world upside down.

  The Vampire’s Werewolf Bodyguard. What happens when an out-of-control werewolf is hired to guard his immortal enemy?

  The Werewolf’s Fae Mate (BlackEdge Pack Book 1) He always wondered where he came from. He just never expected the answer to include pointy ears, magical powers, and a six-foot-six werewolf sweeping him off his feet.

  The Broken Faewolf’s Mate (BlackEdge Pack Book 2) Stuck in wolf form since he was a child, Aidan needs to learn how to be a man again. But can he persuade the pack’s newest member to embrace his inner wolf at the same time?

  Angel’s Fall (Immortal Mates Book 1) The angels exiled him and stripped him of everything he held dear. Now they want his help—and they’ve sent one gorgeous angel to make him an offer he can’t refuse.

  The Captive Incubus (Immortal Mates Book 2) 3000-year-old incubus Shay never thought he’d want anything more than superficial hookups—until he’s magically bound to warlock Alex. The problem? Alex is holding him captive for a band of vampires out for his blood.

  Hunter Omega. Hunting werewolves is hard. Falling in love with one is harder. When childhood crushes reunite, fate pulls them together—but their secrets might still tear them apart.

  The Sun Dragon’s Mate. He never believed he was destined to find a true mate—until one touch changed everything.

  Wild City Life. In the ruins of a city once ruled by humans, only two packs of shifters remain. Can two rivals work together against a common enemy before all is lost again?

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  Special Sneak Preview!

  Protector Dragon

  By Liv Rider

  There was loud applause from the central hall, signaling the end of the speeches.

  As expected, the first guests came in only a few minutes later. They were more animated now, although Joel noticed that their excited chatting suddenly fell silent when they entered the room. At least more shifters than before actually looked at the two of them and were polite as they got something to eat and drink. He wondered what the speeches had been about. Orders to be nice to the human staff?

  Even though it was busy, he kept an eye out for the hot guy. He’d been pretty tall, even for a shifter, and Joel knew he’d be able to pick him from a crowd in an instant. His heart sank when things grew quieter as everyone returned to the central hall to eat and the blond still hadn’t shown up.

  It was for the best, he reminded himself. He was a human, not a shifter, and he didn’t want anything to do with shifters anyway. Whoever that guy was, he’d have no interest in Joel.

  But when the man walked in, Joel found himself smiling back automatically anyway. It had been quiet for a few minutes and Claire was already taking stock while cleaning up a few things. “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, please!” The man smiled at Joel, and there was something oddly intense about his eyes.

  “Well, we do have plenty of options.” Joel nodded at the tray of remaining sandwiches.

  “I was wondering if I could talk to you.” His eyes were on the food, but Joel had the odd feeling the man was paying more attention to him than the tuna sandwiches.

  “Um, if it’s about the food you should talk to Claire.” His palms were getting sweaty again.

  The guy’s bright eyes met his again. “It’s not about the food.”

  His voice was low, and Joel felt hot all over. His mouth had suddenly gone dry. He told himself he was being ridiculous. The guy’s tone hadn’t even been suggestive. He was just talking quietly because he was being polite. Besides, he was a shifter. He couldn’t be flirting with Joel.

  He hoped his face wasn’t red. “Uh, sure. I guess—what’s it about?” he managed. Dammit, he’d managed whole sentences before, so why couldn’t he do that now? He looked at Claire, who was humming to herself as she rearranged the muffin display. Hopefully she was too focused on that to notice anything awkward going on.

  The blond leaned across the table, glancing at Claire before looking at Joel again. “I think it’s better to talk about it outside.”

  “Okay,” Joel said, too surprised by the guy’s sudden closeness. His brain kicked in a few seconds later. Wait, why did he want to talk outside?

blond smiled in a way that had Joel’s knees feel unsteady underneath him. “In front of the building?”

  “Sure.” He’d follow this guy to the moon if he kept smiling at Joel like that.

  “All right, see you there.” With that, the blond grabbed a sandwich and walked away again.

  Joel blinked, his heart still racing in his chest. What was going on? He had never reacted to a guy like this, and there had been plenty of cute and hot guys coming into Hampton’s Café. Why was this guy making Joel’s stomach flutter and his heart race?

  “What did he want to talk about?”

  He started at Claire’s voice. “What?” He hadn’t noticed the older woman sidling up to him.

  Claire was still looking at the door where the guy had left through. “Was it about the food? Did he have any complaints?”

  Of course she was worrying over that. “No. No, he just wanted to talk to me.”

  “I didn’t know you had friends at the event. It’s fine if you want to go and talk to him. I can manage on my own here for a few minutes.”

  “He’s not a friend.”

  Her eyebrows rose at that. “Oh?”

  His cheeks reddened. “I, um, I think he was flirting with me?” Although he couldn’t be. He was a shifter. Shifters didn’t flirt with humans. There had to be something else.

  Claire smiled. “Well, you know how I feel about flirting with our customers, but I guess this is a little different from working at the café. Like I said, if you want to go and talk to him for a few minutes, and exchange phone numbers or something, that’s fine. So long as you are back after a few minutes.”

  Joel nodded, still feeling flustered. “It won’t take long.” He removed his apron before walking out into the central hall.

  All he wanted to know was why the guy was so eager to talk to him. It had to be something besides flirting.

  The only other option made him feel like a fist had wrapped around his stomach. The guy knew about Joel and his parents. The thought was enough to make him freeze in the middle of the hall. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked around, half-expecting someone to point to him and say, ‘there’s Joel Davies, the ungrateful runaway from Barnhill.’


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