Falling for the Nanny

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Falling for the Nanny Page 4

by Bella Winters

  “Um… not right now,” I said, realizing that Josh was still waiting for an answer.

  He smiled and laughed to himself. “You can tell me your name. You don’t have to be so shy.”

  “I’m not. I’m involved with someone. So, sorry,” I snapped at him.

  I hurried out the door and away from Josh. He was standing there trying to talk himself up. “Psycho witch. Better off without her.”

  I wanted to confront him on his choice of words about me, but I let it go. I was too caught up in the mixed emotions and thoughts I was having about Darren. Last night had proved something. It had proved that Darren was attracted to me and I knew I was already attracted to him. It had also proven that if I wanted to move forward with this then Darren was more than ready. I wondered if we could have made sweet love right then and there, maybe going at it like animals on the floor. We could have done it there, or the kitchen, or the bedroom. But Bobby…

  I laughed. Yeah. That probably wasn’t the best idea when a four year old could potentially walk in on you at any moment.

  I couldn’t believe how good Darren made me feel. Just talking to him, just being around him was enough to make me feel joy that I had never felt before. It was a real rush and it consumed my entire body. I wanted him so bad.

  I had to have him. I decided it right then and there that I had to have him.

  It was useless trying to keep my feelings locked away. I needed to let him know that I wanted him. Or would I let him come to me? Maybe it would just happen when it was supposed to happen. The timing would be right and we’d both realize it and there would be a beautiful pause before we embraced each other and started making love.

  I met up with Ida and Carrie about ten minutes later. I was essentially done with my classes for the day and I was ready to go home. I had some studying to do before I picked up Bobby from school. But I had about three hours until then. Most of my classes this semester were jam packed back to back in the morning starting at seven. It seemed insane to start class that early, but I didn’t have the luxury of setting the schedule and they were all classes I needed for my degree.

  “What’s wrong?” Carrie asked me as I slid into a booth at the pizza parlor we frequented way too often. I was gaining a few pounds just being in there. I could feel it.

  “Oh, just living the dream,” I said.

  “You are living the dream working for a fox like Darren Winthorpe,” Ida said.

  I smiled and gave her a funny face. “That’s hilarious. You’ve been doing some homework on the guy, haven’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I really have.”

  “Well, good for you.”

  “What did you find out?” Carrie asked. She was wiggling in her seat trying to contain her excitement.

  “The guy is super rich, super hot, and super has the hots for our friend here.”

  “Oooh,” Carrie teased.

  “He does not have the hots for me,” I said.

  “Shall we tell her about last night?” Ida asked.

  “I never should have discussed that with you. What the hell was I thinking?”

  “You were thinking that it’s a great idea to tell your best friend every single thing about your life. And I thank you for that.”

  “Well, this guy has the hots for you? Isn’t that like stuff you see in porn movies? The nanny, the maid, the schoolteacher—what is it about those types of caregiving women that turns guys on?” Carrie asked.

  Carrie was a laugh riot. Her head was always trying to figure out the logic involved in everything. She was your classic overthinker. But she was adorable and sweet. I liked her a lot. She’d become friends with Ida when they played on the same volleyball team freshman year and she’d become my friend by association.

  “I know,” I said. “I think it has some psychological root to it. I’ll be sure to bring that up with my professor tomorrow when I have that class.”

  “Hey, is that Katy Sherman?” Ida asked. She was pointing at the window.

  I turned my head to see a girl walking past the window. It was her alright.

  “I think so,” I said. “Why?”

  “Well, the rumor is that she is knocked up,” Ida said.

  “You are going along with rumors now? You are actually spreading rumors and gossip now?” I teased.

  “What do you mean ‘now’?” Ida asked. “I’ve always been all about that.”

  Carrie and I laughed. “I’ve got a ton of stuff to do tonight,” I said. “I need to get a crack on it, but I’ll talk to you ladies later.”

  “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” Ida asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll get a quick slice to take home. Later.”

  I went to the window, grabbed a slice, paid for it, and headed out. When I got home, it was nice and quiet. I worked on a term paper for a few hours and then I reviewed some notes for the upcoming midterm. Then I got ready to go pick up Bobby.

  Bobby was in great spirits when I picked him up from school. He was excited to show me the stuff he’d worked on in school. I pretended to know what everything was, even though I was fairly certain that everything looked like variations of birds and dogs. There were things cut and glued together, things that were colored, things that were painted, and finally something that was made out of clay that looked like a little rock one might find along the street. But I pretended that every single thing was marvelous and gave him a hug. “I’m so proud of you. Do you want to be an artist when you grow up?”

  “Yeah. And a race car driver.”

  “Ah, you’re going to do both things? That’s awesome.”

  We went home and then played some games. His favorite seemed to be Break the Ice. It was a classic staple that I remembered playing when I was a kid as well.

  After the games, I fixed some macaroni and cheese for dinner. Bobby was addicted to the stuff. I wanted to feed him healthier things, but Darren had very few healthy things in his fridge. It was all convenience foods. I would have to speak to him about that. Maybe the last nanny demanded that he keep easy stuff to fix or Bobby wouldn’t be fed. I enjoyed cooking and I wanted to start including more veggies and lean protein in Bobby’s meals.

  After he finished his mac and cheese I got him showered and ready for bed. I was just about to tuck him in when Darren came home. It was good to see him. I’d been thinking about him since last night and to see him actually in the flesh was almost surreal. It felt like it had been a long time since we’d been in the same room. This was so weird. How could I feel for him so strongly?

  I tried to pretend that everything was the same. I’d made up my mind that I was just going to act normal and let him come to me.

  “Hey, sorry I’m a bit later,” Darren said. “Crazy day at work.”

  “It’s ok. We were just doing bedtime,” I said.

  Darren hugged his son. “Hey, buddy. I missed you today. I hope you had an awesome day.”

  Bobby told Darren all about it in his sweet little voice. Darren doted on him and told him how proud he was. “I love you, buddy. You have a good night. Sleep tight.”

  Darren and I left the room. “I wish I could spend more time with him. I swear today it seemed all I did was clean up other peoples’ incompetence.”

  “I’ve had days like that,” I said. “There is some mac and cheese downstairs if you want.”

  “Ah, I’m not that hungry right now, but thanks.”

  “No problem,” I said.

  Standing there with Darren in the hallway all of the emotions and feelings I’d been holding onto all day came to the surface. One moment he was talking to me and the next we were both locking eyes right there and I could feel him moving towards me. His gaze was full of desire and he was licking his lips seductively. His hand came behind me and rested on my lower back.

  He leaned into me and before I could wrap my head around the fact that this was happening, he kissed me hard on the mouth. His strong lips covered mine completely. I was really here and I was kissing him.
I’d thought about this in so many different ways wondering how it was actually going to happen and how good it would be but nothing could have prepared me for this.

  His hands moved lower until they were grabbing my ass, gripping each cheek in each hand respectively. I was glad I’d worn a skirt tonight. It rested just over my knees and as he squeezed my ass the skirt rode up just a little bit. I hoped he was imagining how tight I was, how wet I was and how I was bursting to give him every single thing that he desired. I wanted those things, too. Hell, I wanted them even more.

  His fingers clawed at the hem of the skirt and brought the length up the back of my leg until it was above my ass cheeks. His fingers gripped against my ass feeling the flesh through the thin fabric of my panties.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” he growled between kisses.

  He led me down the hall and into the bedroom. He closed the door behind us and then dragged me over to the bed. He quickly bent me over the bed and pulled up my skirt all the way. He yanked down my panties. And then I heard him fiddling with his pants. Within seconds I felt his hard cock slapping against my ass and then he was penetrating me with his epic length. He was so thick. I braced myself for this, but it was not nearly enough. It hurt as much as it felt amazing.

  His hands held on tightly to my hips. His cock thrust forward inside of me inching closer and closer to hitting every sweet spot. With every thrust my feet left the floor from the force of it.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he growled. He grabbed my hair and yanked it a bit hard, feeling the strands sliding through is tight grip and smoothing out my long strands. I loved the way he was taking control and just ravaging me. It was ten times better than any fantasy I ever could have had.

  “Fuck me,” I said. “Oh, fuck me so hard…”

  He did as I demanded. His cock slid in and out of me snugly, but I was so fucking wet that it was almost effortless. But I felt every single glide, every little scrape as he pounded away at me.

  His right hand grabbed my hair and held on tightly while his other hand reached up and grabbed my breasts through my blouse. He felt me strongly while his cock continued to punish my pussy. I was so wet. I was almost on fire with the lust that was burning through me.

  His lips found the back of my neck and began to kiss me rapidly in small little picks, each accompanied by a suckling with his tongue against my flesh. It felt so damn good. Oh, yes… fuck… it was perfect.

  “I’m going to come!” he gasped. His voice was getting loud and I held on for dear life as he fucked me harder still.

  He groaned in my ear as he released his hot load inside of me. I felt my body wincing at the force of his orgasm as it triggered deep within me an equally impressive response. My climax hit me hard right then. I felt the full force of it all over my body all the way down into my toes. Oh, yes… that was right. It felt so damn sweet…

  I didn’t think about anything. I didn’t think about possibly getting pregnant. I didn’t think about what this might do to our working relationship. I didn’t even think about how much I wanted to keep going no matter how many times we orgasmed together. Nothing would ever be enough. I just let my brain go numb and enjoyed the ride. Fuck, it was so damn good.

  We rested then, his body collapsing on top of mine as he bent me over the edge of the tall bed. He was breathing heavily. Every single one of his muscles appeared to have been strained. I could tell he was totally spent, as was I.

  He pulled out of me and stumbled around to the edge of the bed where he collapsed, his pants down around his ankles. He looked over at me and smiled with a crazy little grin. I couldn’t help myself; I started laughing hard.

  “Well, that was amazing,” he said. “Shit…”

  “I agree,” I said. We both sat there a moment without saying anything. “So, what does this mean?”

  He let the question hang there a moment without answering. I thought for a moment he was going to say how it didn’t mean anything and it was just some fling, some once off thing and now we would go back to things as normal. But he didn’t do that.

  “Well, I know this is about the closest I’ve felt to someone in a long time,” he said. “I didn’t expect this, and there wasn’t a way to plan for it, but if business has taught me anything it’s that when the right thing walks into your life you sure as hell don’t let it get past you. I almost ignored this because I thought I wasn’t ready, or I thought it was wrong somehow, but now I know it was the best thing we could have done.”

  I let his words sink in for a bit before I responded. “You’re right. I want this. I’m almost shaking right now because I feel so good. I… I don’t know how I can feel this way after knowing you for such a short amount of time and I know that my working for you is going to be a weird issue, but I would be willing to give this a shot if you are.”

  “Absolutely,” he said. “And I don’t think it’s weird at all. I think it’s fine. Everything else should stay as normal as possible, especially for a while for Bobby’s sake.”

  “Right. He needs time to adjust to this,” I said.

  “I agree,” he said.

  He leaned over and kissed me. Then he smiled. And I could see that right now he was truly happy. I was as well. This was going to be interesting.

  Very interesting…

  Chapter 5


  I woke up in the morning and I was alone. I glanced over at the other side of the bed and I didn’t see Teri. Was she in the bathroom? Did she leave already? Surely she would have said goodbye, especially after the sweet night we just had. But maybe not.

  I was having trouble getting a really strong read on this woman. She was amazing. I knew that. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I wanted her so badly every single second. The sex with her had been the most beautiful thing… I never thought I would experience sex like that again. It was passionate. It was full of spontaneity. And it was just right. That was the only way to describe it. The sex was just right.

  And the affection she’d shown me afterwards. After our little chat, she climbed into bed with me and we snuggled until we both fell asleep. It was nice to have that again. It felt like I was finally getting my life back. And I wanted that more than anything.

  I hadn’t realized how much having that level of companionship had meant to me and how it was hurting me to not have that love in my life. And was it love? Was that something I could absolutely state with conviction and authority? I wasn’t sure. It might have been love. It just might have been.

  But it was too early to declare that, wasn’t it? I sure as hell wasn’t going to say that to Teri. No, I would let things build up a bit before I went there. It was still going to take some time to get there I thought, to get to the point where all of that just felt right. I was willing to take things slow at the moment. And I believed that was the best way to handle it.

  But I’d seen the lust in her eyes. And I’d seen the heart. She cared for me. She cared for us and for the potential that we had together. I wanted her so badly in my life that the thought of doing something stupid to mess things up was actually unbearable. I needed to relax and take things slow.

  I rolled out of the bed and grabbed my phone off my night table. I checked my messages and I saw that there was a message from Teri. “I left early so that Bobby would not see me. I’ll see you later J.”

  I smiled with relief. She hadn’t been spooked out by something I did or said. I hoped not anyways. It had been so long since I’d been on the dating scene that I wasn’t sure what to look for anymore. It was forbidden for people who liked each other to just come out and say they liked each other. No, now you had to play games and be aloof and mysterious. I think there was a blood pact involved and some lucky rabbit’s foot. It was a huge thing. I was way out of the loop.

  I laughed at my asinine thoughts and got out of bed. I took a quick shower realizing I had no time for a workout right now. I might be able to squeeze one in at the office later on. I finished the shower, drie
d off, got dressed, and then I went in to wake up Bobby.

  I got him ready for school and gave him some breakfast. I dropped him off on my way to work. He was excited that Teri would be picking him up again. He really liked her. “Yeah, I really like her, too,” I told him. “I love you, buddy. Have a great day.”

  He smiled and gave me a thumbs up in his charming little way. Then he headed into his school. I watched him go before pulling away.

  When I got to work it was hectic business as usual, but as I stumbled into my office trying to get away from a horde of people who seemed dot need me for something, my secretary Patrice noticed something. “You ok? You seem way more cheerful this morning than normal.”

  I laughed. “I’m not sure. I’m just feeling it today. By the way, Teri is a fantastic nanny. I’m so glad you recommended her.”

  “That’s great to hear. She is a sweet girl.”

  “That she is.” You have no idea how sweet, I thought. I kept the musing to myself and enjoyed my secret joke. “What do we have today?”

  “Your schedule this morning is fairly wide open, but you do have a few meetings this afternoon pretty much back to back.”

  “Ok,” I said. “I want to go out in the field this morning and check on a few properties. Then I’ve got a quick round of golf lined up. I should be done before those meetings. If I’m not then I can just arrive late. They should wait for me.”

  “I don’t know if they will,” she said.

  I shrugged. I entered my office and then shut the door. I needed to talk to someone about what had happened with me and Teri. I was bursting with the news and it felt like it was the world’s biggest secret for some reason, most likely because her relative was right outside.

  I sat down at my desk and then called up my friend, Nathan to tell him the good news. “So, are you sitting down?” I asked him.

  “No, should I be?” Nathan asked.


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