Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance

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Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance Page 2

by Bart Tracer

“Not even a little! I just didn’t know you liked it rough!”

  “Neither did I,” she admitted sheepishly, her hand dipping below the water to wash her girl parts. “I honestly don’t know why. Maybe it’s the setting, or the fact that we haven’t had sex for so long… but, just now, I didn’t want anything gentle. I needed it hard and fast.” She looked at me, her brown eyes slightly apprehensive, “You don’t think I’m a slut now, do you?”

  “Well if you are, then I am totally into it!” I chuckled. “Relax babe! I love you, and what just happened was awesome. Anytime you feel the need to be slutty again, just say the word! I’m ready and able to help you out with all your slut needs!” Puffing my chest up, I threw her a cheesy little salute that caused her to giggle.

  She stuck her tongue out at me, then glanced down at my crotch to discover that I was once again sporting a woody. “Yeah. Looks like you really are ready and able,” she giggled, “but we don’t have time for another round. Jake and Jessica will be here any minute. So you’ll just have to save that for later!”

  She got out of the water, bending over at the waist, legs straight as she laced up her hiking boots. Shit! She was killing me! Even after the fucking I had just given her, I was hard enough to cut glass. But I knew she was right. My roommate and his girl would be here soon, and we needed to make ourselves presentable. With a sigh, I exited the water and, not bothering to lace my boots, followed Molly up the hill toward the tent.

  Chapter 3

  Molly had just finished pulling her still-damp long hair into a ponytail when the sound of an approaching vehicle intruded upon the silence of our campsite. Without even looking, I knew it was Jake. Actually, I knew it was Jake’s dented, piece-of-shit old 4x4. In his words, it was “a classic”, but I’m pretty sure that’s some sort of redneck code for “ancient, rusty old jalopy”. Be that as it may, this particular vehicle had a very distinctive sound, a sort of chortling sputter, mixed with a mufflerless roar that left you with the distinct impression that it was trying to make up its mind whether it was going to explode or just seize up and stop running. Add to that the attendant cloud of bluish smoke that seemed to permanently envelop it, the questionable brakes, and the “original” interior and the vehicle was, well… distinctive!

  Jessica didn’t seem to mind Jake’s eccentric mode of transportation. For that matter, Jessica never seemed to mind any of Jake’s idiosyncrasies. She was devotedly, wholly, and irredeemably in love with Jake and, in her eyes, the man could do no wrong. For his part, Jake lit up like a lightbulb anytime he saw her. She was his sun, and everything in his life revolved around her. It was impossible not to smile when you saw them together, giggling and staring into each other’s eyes like lovesick kittens. And the amazing thing was that they had been together for years. It wasn’t just some “new relationship” thing. They were honestly just that into each other!

  Buttoning my shirt, I stepped out of the tent just in time to witness Jake’s truck coming to a screeching, reluctant stop next to mine. As usual, the two lovebirds were perched side by side on the old-fashioned bench seat of the pickup, Jake’s arm draped lazily across Jessica’s shoulders, her head nestled firmly against his chest. It would have been a disgusting sight, had they not been so damned cute.

  Before the engine had died, Jessica sprang out of the passenger door, smiling broadly at me as she hurried to find Molly. I couldn’t help but cast a furtive glance at her denim-clad ass as she sashayed by. Damn! Jessie sure was a looker! Waiving away the dust, I walked around the hood to the driver’s door just as Jake was getting out.

  “Hey Buddy!” he beamed, thrusting his hand out and shaking mine. “Long time, no see!”

  “Right! It’s been what, almost four hours now?”

  “And every minute an eternity!” he proclaimed solemnly, whipping off his baseball cap to clap it over his heart. We both burst out laughing. In addition to being my oldest friend, Jake was the biggest wiseass I had ever met, and I loved the guy like a brother.

  “How did your finals go? Did you manage to fail that Geography test you were so worried about?”

  “Who moi?” Jake feigned injury. “Hell no! Although I did have to wrack my brain to come up with the capital of Georgia. It is Savannah, right?”

  “Umm, I’m pretty sure it’s Atlanta.”

  Jake winked at me, “Actually, since this was Eurasian Geography, I’m pretty sure it’s Tbilisi!” He cackled loudly at his own cleverness, and I had to admit: it was kinda funny!

  “How about Jessica? Everything go okay on her end?”

  “No, Mike. Not really…” His tone turned suddenly serious.

  Concerned, I asked, “You mean…”

  “That’s right,” he cut me off before I could finish, “She’s making me wait for sex until tonight!” With that he once more burst into hysterical laughter.

  “You fucker!” I scolded, unable to keep from laughing myself. “You had me scared there for a minute. If Jessica flunks out, God knows how I would put up with you!”

  “Yeah,” Jake wiped the tears of mirth from his eyes. “I’m pretty sure you’d be lousy at handjobs, too!”

  That was the end of any pretense at conversation. We both laughed so hard we had to sit down. Once we had recovered sufficiently, I gave him a hand setting up their tent next to ours. Once the final stake was hammered in, we headed toward Molly’s and my tent in search of the girls.

  We could hear them giggling and whispering through the fabric as we got closer. It was difficult to make out individual words, but I thought I heard one of them say “ask them” and “naked”. When I ducked through the opening, they both jumped as though they’d been caught doing something they shouldn’t.

  “What are you two up to?” I asked with a grin.

  “Nothing!” Molly and Jessica blurted simultaneously. They both looked at each other, blushing bright red, and then doubled over giggling.

  Now, I really was curious. Something was up. That much was clear, but knowing my girlfriend like I did, I knew I would just have to wait to see what it was. A look at Jake still standing outside told me he was thinking the same thing. Meeting my eyes, he shrugged and said, “So, who’s hungry?”

  “ME!” the girls both sang out in unison.

  “Whoa! Whoa!” Jake snorted. “In that case, why don’t you two quit your scheming and get your skinny butts out here and help me get the fire started!”

  “Watch it, Mister!” Molly hooted, shooting Jake a look that would have been much more intimidating had she not been grinning from ear to ear.

  “My butt’s not really skinny, is it?” Jessica teased, shaking her hips playfully as she squeezed past me.

  I chuckled to myself and then followed the girls out into the sunlight, stopping to rezip the tent before I joined them.

  Chapter 4

  It wasn’t until after dinner that the girls finally gave us some inkling of what it was they had been whispering about. With our bellies full and each of us with a beer in hand, Jake and I were leaned back, staring into the fire, the very picture of relaxation. Jake had just tipped his head back, eyes half-closed, and taken a big swig of beer when Jessica spoke.

  “So…um… have you guys ever played strip poker?”

  Jake nearly choked to death. No, seriously! He almost died! Beer spewed out of his mouth and nose at the same time, all but extinguishing the campfire, and he started coughing like he’d swallowed a fistful of June bugs.

  “Heimlich! Heimlich!” the girls chanted, giggling.

  “Ack!...Aaah…*cough* NO!... Ack!” Jake stumbled to his feet, trying to stop coughing. “No! I swear… *cough* …if he tried to… hug me, I’ll deck him!”

  Finally, he regained his composure somewhat. Then he turned around to look at his girlfriend and said, “Could you repeat that, Baby?”

  “I just wanted to know if you had ever played strip poker before.”

  Jake and I looked at each other, unsure how to proceed. He and I had indeed been involved in a
card game of that sort while we were still in high school. Jake’s older brother had taken us to a frat party one time and, before we knew it, we wound up in a game of strip poker with a couple of older girls; a game that had ended with us sitting in our underwear across from two totally naked sorority girls with absolutely magnificent tits, the first either of us had ever seen. It had been before we met our girlfriends, so it wasn’t like we had cheated on them or anything. The thing was, we had both sworn a solemn oath never to tell our girlfriends about that night. After all, women can be notoriously funny about things like that. So the question was, were we busted or was this just a random question?

  If it was random and we told on ourselves, the chances were that the girls would give us the opportunity to be celibate for the rest of the trip. If, on the other hand, they already knew and we lied to them, we would be in the deepest trouble imaginable; royally screwed, and not in a good way! What to do? What to do?!

  In the end, I cracked first. “Um, yeah. Back in high school, there was this one time…”

  “Way before we knew you two!” Jake came in with the assist.

  “So, how come you never asked us to play?” Molly demanded, hands on her hips. This was unexpected. I tried to read her face, but I honestly couldn’t tell if she was really mad or not. As I squinted at her, I could hear my ears buzzing with adrenaline as I weighed the pros and cons of all the possible answers to her question.

  “Ummm,” I offered, profoundly. I looked to Jake for help, but he had that “deer in the headlights” look about him. Mouth and eyes wide open, he looked like a man who was about to bolt off into the darkness any second.

  “Yeah!” Jessica now joined the assault. “What’s the big idea? Aren’t we pretty enough for you guys?!”

  Oh Hell! Oh no! We were so screwed! I didn’t know what to do! Jake was no help at all. Shit, I wouldn’t have been surprised at that point if he had just lain down next to the fire pit and played dead! It was up to me to save us both!

  “Uuuh… sure you two are pretty!” I squeaked. “You’re both pr…pr… gorgeous! Aint that right, Jake?!” Come on, dammit! Get your head in the game, Jake! Help me!

  “Uh-huh,” he agreed. “Verrry beautifully gorgeous… and pretty!” Silly bastard! Hell, after on beer, there was no way in hell he was drunk! Why was he acting like such an idiot?!

  “Then how come you never asked us to play strip poker?” pouted Jessica.

  Once again, Molly was right on her heels. “So, you’re saying you played it with some cheap floozies you didn’t even know, but you won’t play it with us?!”

  “N… no, Baby!” I said. “Of course, we’d play with you! We just didn’t think you’d want to do that sort of thing!” I still couldn’t catch up with what was happening here. Why were the girls suddenly so interested in strip poker?

  “Rrrright!” my idiot roommate/best friend chimed, warming to his subject. “We’d be happy to play strip poker, anywhere, anytime! Hell, we’ll play right now!”

  “You’re on!” the girls shouted together, sounding like a single voice.

  Chapter 5

  To my utter bafflement, a deck of cards seemed to appear from nowhere and, as I watched my girlfriend shuffle them like a Vegas dealer, I realized we had somehow been duped. But I was still too worked up and fuzzy to understand exactly how. Feeling like I was constantly one step behind, I decided to concentrate on the cards until I could figure things out.

  Jake and I sat down at the picnic table across from the girls. As Molly dealt, Jessica placed a single hissing gas lantern in the center of the concrete slab that formed the top of the long table, its warm glow adding to the flickering illumination of the campfire beside us.

  “All right,” I said, licking my lips and casting a sidelong glance toward Jake, “Here we go!”

  Jessica won the first hand with two pairs, Jacks and deuces. Slapping our cards down on the table, Jake and I both took our shirts off. Naturally, we felt it necessary to flex for the ladies, turning back and forth, to the accompaniment of their catcalls. In truth, we were both well built. Both lean and trim, I had a couple of inches on Jake in height, but he was more muscular, with thick pecs and biceps and deeply sculpted abs.

  Once our little show was finished, we then turned expectantly toward Molly. To our surprise, she too reached down to grasp the hem of her shirt. With her eyes locked on mine, she smiled sweetly and slowly peeled her shirt off, revealing a plain cotton bra that neatly held her perfectly formed B-cup breasts.

  God, she looked beautiful! When I looked at Jake, he was blatantly staring at my girlfriend’s chest, mouth open. I knew I should be irritated, but somehow, I didn’t mind. Hell, she was gorgeous, and a little looking never hurt anyone. Besides, if I was lucky, I just might get a peek at Jessica’s tits tonight!

  Against the odds, I caught an out for an inside straight draw on the next hand, easily beating everyone else. At this point, I was practically salivating at the thought of Jessica taking her top off, but after a bit of shimmying, she tossed her denim shorts onto the table with a shy grin. I was a little disappointed at not getting to see her chest, but the knowledge that she was now pantless made it hard to dwell on it. Jake pulled off a boot and started to sit back down.

  “Wait a minute!” Molly cried as she placed her own shorts on the pile of clothing. “Shoes and socks count as a single piece of clothing! Isn’t that right, Jessie?”

  “Yup! That’s why it’s called a ‘pair of shoes’!”

  Jake looked at me, and I shrugged indifferently. With Molly down to her bra and panties, I really wasn’t worried about whether or not he was suffering an unfair indignity by having to remove both shoes. Grumbling, he pulled off the other boot, sitting down next to me again.

  Then suddenly, the spark of a thought burned its way through my overstressed brain. Shoes! Molly was still wearing her shoes! So, for that matter, was Jessica. Well, that didn’t make any sense! Why in the world were they taking off their shorts and tops, when they could just as easily have chosen to take off their hiking boots?

  Maybe it shouldn’t have been such a surprise. After all, the girls were new to this: strip poker virgins. Heck, they probably just hadn’t thought of giving up their shoes first. But, on second thought, that really didn’t seem like something my bright, straight-A, Milton-reading girlfriend would overlook, unless… unless… Naaah! I shook my head, trying to dismiss the idea. There was no way! Or was there? My eyes darted back and forth between the two girls, my theory now rapidly crystalizing into a conviction. Were they purposely getting naked? Maybe, these two wanted us to see them!

  As the next hand was dealt, I pondered the very distinct possibility that my girlfriend and her curvy roommate were intentionally trying to show us their titties. It seemed so out of character for them. No way, I told myself. They’d stop the game once both girls were down to their underwear. Again, I felt like I was missing something, left out of the loop.

  I had a pair of sevens, so I discarded two, hoping to better my hand, but I drew two more worthless cards. Damn! Jake laid down two pair and I had already started to congratulate him when Molly slapped her hand down.

  “Not so fast, boys!” she grinned. “Read ‘em and weep!”

  Shit! Molly had a full house. She stuck her tongue out at us and laughed, delighted with herself. But no sooner had she begun to taunt us than Jessica showed her cards.

  “What’s it called when all the cards have the same little picture in the corner?” she asked naively, batting her big blue eyes. Then, she couldn’t keep a straight face anymore and burst out laughing. “Ha! Take that! Let’s have ‘em.”

  Jake looked at me and rolled his eyes as he stripped off his socks, leaving him with just his jeans and underwear. I knelt down and undid my laces, pulling my hiking boots off. While I was down there, I couldn’t help but steal a quick look at the girls, sitting side by side in their panties, their beautiful legs both still oddly sporting pairs of leather hiking boots. When I straig
htened back up to put mine on the table, I found myself face-to-face with my girlfriends beautiful tits, now free of their cotton bra. I dropped my boots.

  “Wha..?” I said suavely, my cock growing two sizes in my pants.

  “Rules are rules, Sweetie!” she shrugged, causing her boobs to bounce delectably.

  I whipped my head to the right to see how Jake and Jessica were taking all this. Jessica was biting her lip, a cute little grin on her face, while Jake gaped unabashedly at my girl’s chest. I couldn’t believe this was happening. When I turned back to look at Molly, she arched an eyebrow and smiled at me, before nonchalantly shuffling and dealing another hand.

  Jake finally caught a break, laying down a full house that none of us could even touch. “Ha ha! Suck it!”

  “Not yet, Babe,” Jessica shot back with a wink that caused Jake to blush. This, too, was entirely out of character. Jake and I had talked enough for me to know that Jessie was no virgin, but I had never heard her talk this openly about sex.

  Like Molly, she chose not to remove her boots. Her hands slid down her trim waist to grab the edge of her t-shirt and she quickly tugged it up over her head. Her pendulous breasts popped free, bobbing heavily in the black lacy bra that struggled to contain them. I’d always found Jessica pretty, but the more I saw of her, the more attractive I found her!

  Looking at them side by side, I realized for the first time just how different the two women really were. Both of them were pretty in their own way. Hell, they were gorgeous! But where Molly was tall, lean, and athletic with smallish, firm breasts and jet-black, straight hair that fell down her muscular back to just kiss the top of her amazing ass, Jessica was short and curvy, with curly, shoulder-length blonde hair and breasts that were the size of grapefruits and hips that swelled delightfully outwards from a trim little waist, giving her the classic hourglass figure of a 1950s pinup model. As I surveyed the tasty smorgasbord of feminine flesh on the other side of the table, I couldn’t remember ever having been so damned hard!


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