Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance

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Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance Page 3

by Bart Tracer

  When I won the next hand, Molly leaned in to Jessica, her lips just inches from her ear, her boobs mashing against her friend’s arm, and quietly whispered something to her. Jessica responded by giggling and nodding her head rapidly. Then, both girls stood up. Jessica reached behind her neck and gathered her hair, turning away from Molly, who reached for the clasp between her roommate’s shoulder blades and unhooked her bra. I nearly lost it in my pants!

  “Thank you,” Jessica said simply, skimming the floral lace bra from her shoulders and depositing it demonstrably on top of the growing heap of garments on the table. Topped by delicious-looking, dollar-sized pink nipples, Jessica’s breasts were much larger than Molly’s, full and heavy, sagging ever so slightly. Both girls then turned 180 degrees, and it was Jessica’s turn to help Molly with her clothing.

  I looked at Jake, who had just taken off his jeans, and saw that he was staring at our two girlfriends like a hungry tiger watching a deer. Unlike me, Jake was a boxer man, and the front of his shorts were tented obscenely by his obvious erection. He groaned loudly, eyes suddenly going wide, and I turned my attention back to the girls.

  Molly had bent forward, legs straight, with her hands now resting on her knees and her glorious ass thrust crazily out toward Jessica, who had a hand in the waistband of her friend’s panties on either side of her hips. Slowly, oh so slowly, Jessie peeled the tiny garment from my girlfriend’s round little butt and then worked it down her slim legs. Of all the naughty things I had ever seen on the internet, this was by far the most erotic sight I had ever seen.

  When Jessica reached her knees, Molly stood and placed a hand on the table to steady herself as she stepped out of her underwear. She was now totally nude, save the hiking boots she had stubbornly refused to remove! And God, did they make her look sexy! Their performance concluded, the two girls sat down once more, giggling and blushing.

  “Oh my God!” Jake breathed at my elbow.

  “I know!” I nodded, my mouth as dry as dust.

  When Molly won the next hand, Jessica demurely peeled her lace panties off beneath the table and dropped them before us with a grin. I stood and undid my belt, sliding my jeans to the ground and stepping out of them, leaving me in only socks and skivvies. Jake, taking a page from the girls, kept his socks on now and whisked off his boxers, giving them just the briefest glance at his bobbing erection before he sat down. I was somewhat relieved to see that he was about my size.

  “So…” Molly began, licking her lips and looking me straight in the eye, “what happens when someone doesn’t have any more clothes to lose?”

  Jake and I looked at each other. “Umm, actually, we never really got that far when we played,” he admitted.

  “Yeah,” I grinned sheepishly and gestured at my roommate, “his older brother came back and caught us at that point! He thumped us both on the heads and made us get dressed and then took us home.” I looked down at the table. For some crazy reason, I was suddenly sort of embarrassed that we weren’t the experienced studs our girlfriends seemed to have assumed. “So, we don’t really know what happens then.”

  “Well,” Jessica drawled with a grin, winking at Molly, “we’ve actually been doing some reading on the subject!”

  Reading? What the Hell was she talking about? What kind of reading? Once again, I could feel that there was something I just wasn’t getting here.

  “Yeah,” Molly nodded. “The girl in the apartment downstairs from us had a magazine. And it had all sorts of helpful advice for college couples. And one of the things it talked about was strip poker!”

  Magazine? Helpful advice? Now things were starting to make sense. They’d been sitting in their apartment reading some batty women’s magazine and gotten all kinds of weird ideas. That’s why they were acting so crazy! Though on further reflection, I had to admit that I was kinda enjoying the craziness so far!

  “And according to the article’” my girlfriend continued, “a person with no more clothing to lose has to perform a ‘favor’ for whoever wins the hand!”

  “What kind of ‘favor’?” Jake asked.

  “Well,” Jessica explained, “whatever the winner wants… I mean…”

  “Sex,” Molly blurted. “We’re talking about sex.”

  Stunned, neither Jake nor I said anything.

  “Unless you boys aren’t into that sort of thing…” Jessie teased, an enormous grin on her round little face.

  “You mean sex with our own girlfriends,” I tried, realizing too late how utterly stupid I sounded.

  “Not necessarily,” Molly shook her head. “It all depends on the cards!” She paused there, letting it sink in.

  “Time out!” I said, making the universal “T” gesture with my hands. “My roommate and I need to talk for a minute.”

  “Fine,” Molly replied. “We’ll just stroll over and warm ourselves by the campfire. After all, we don’t have much on!”

  With that, she hopped up and held out her hand to Jessica, helping her to her feet. Making no effort to cover themselves, they started toward the fire as though being naked like this were an everyday occurrence. Jake and I stared at their undulating butts, rippling seductively as they walked away from us; Jessica’s full and round, Molly’s tight and muscular. The contrast was positively mesmerizing and for just a minute, neither of us spoke. Finally, I shook my head and slapped Jake on the arm.

  “So…,” I started, “what do you think?”

  “Shit, man! I don’t know! I mean, I don’t want to cause any problems with you and Molly! And I damn sure don’t want to get my ass in a wringer with Jessica, but…” He stopped, looking at me nervously, his tongue touching his lips. “It’s just… well…”

  “Jake, Man, we’ve known each other for how many years? And in that time, you don’t think I’ve ever noticed the fact that you’re always checking out my girlfriend’s ass anytime she bends over? I’m not gonna get mad! Hell, it’s not like I’ve ever been able to ignore Jessie’s big tits! Just say what’s on your mind, Dude.”

  He looked at me for a second, thinking. Then, he shrugged, “I guess I’m okay with it.” He paused and cast a nervous glance at the two naked females silhouetted by the flickering glow of the campfire. “You know I’m not after your girl, right? I mean, not to keep!” We both chuckled. “But, damn is she sexy, dude! I think we should see just how far they’re willing to take this! And I’d actually trust you not to try and steal her from me.”

  “So, if things get out of hand, you’re cool with it? I mean, you’re not going to freak out and try to kill me if your girlfriend touches my wiener?”

  “Nah,” he chuckled, “I’m pretty sure I can handle it. Honestly…” his voice got quiet and once more he cast a furtive glance at the girls standing nude in front of the fire, “I’ve always sort of had this secret desire to watch Jessie with someone else! Just as long as you’re okay with me palming that sweet little ass of Molly’s!”

  The clearest image of Jake’s big hand on my girlfriend’s ass shot through my brain, causing me to groan softly. A shudder ran down my spine and my cock jumped in my pants. I don’t know what turned me on more at that moment, the thought of bedding Jake’s curvaceous girlfriend or the thought of him giving it to mine. I couldn’t remember ever having been so aroused. And I knew one thing for certain: I really wasn’t that interested in playing any more cards that night!

  “So, what about the card game?” I asked Jake.

  “Fuck that!” he laughed. “I say we get down to business!”

  “You take mine, I take yours?”

  “That’s kinda what I’m thinking!”

  “Deal!” I said, sticking out my hand to him.

  “Deal!” parroted Jake, wringing my hand firmly. Then, suddenly, he seemed to remember something. “Oh and Mike? Jessie’s on the pill. You know, just in case…”

  “Right. Molly, too, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Okay, then! I guess this is really going to happen. Well, then… I gu
ess… good luck, buddy!”

  “You, too!” I grinned. “Now, we just have to convince the girls!” I couldn’t believe I was giving my roommate permission to get freaky with my girlfriend. Hell, I’d done more than that! I’d just wished him luck! And the strange thing was, I meant it!

  “I don’t think they’re going to need much convincing. I can’t remember the last time I saw Jessie so turned on!”

  With that, we got up from the bench and walked toward the campfire to join the girls. Jake looked frankly ridiculous, wearing nothing but his silly socks, his boner sticking out in front of him like a beacon as he walked. Not that I looked all that sophisticated with my tighty whities struggling to conceal my very prominent bulge. The two nude girls saw us coming and, giggling to each other, walked to greet us, Molly coming to me and Jessica going to Jake.

  “So,” Molly asked, wrapping her slender arms around my neck as her pert breasts flattened against my chest, “what’s the verdict? You boys going to keep playing?”

  “Nah,” I shrugged, “we’re kinda tired of playing.”

  Chapter 6

  “Oh,” Molly stuttered, obviously surprised by my answer. I could see the disappointment in her big brown eyes. “I just thought…”

  “We’re saying ‘no’ to the cards,” I explained with a grin, “not to the sex part!”

  “Mmmmh! Sounds good to me,” Jessica squealed, pressing her soft body against Jake. “Guess we’ll see you guys in the morning!”

  “Not so fast, Sweetie,” Jake stopped her, planting a quick kiss on her cheek before turning his head toward us. “A minute ago, you two were more than willing to take a chance on winding up fooling around with each other’s boyfriends.”

  “Which got us thinking,” I remarked, looking straight into my girlfriend’s eyes, “maybe it would be interesting to sort of trade for tonight.”

  “Trade?” Molly asked, biting her lip as her eyes nervously darted to the other couple. “You mean…”

  “Why not?” Jake smiled. “After all, we’re all friends here! And there’s no one around to gossip about it.” He gestured toward the empty darkness around us.

  Jessica and Molly looked at each other for a long moment, then looked at us. “I guess they kind of have a point,” Jessica admitted. “We were planning on being a little naughty tonight!”

  “And you’d both be okay with it?” Molly asked. “You won’t hate us in the morning and call us worthless sluts?”

  “Never, Baby!” I put my hands around her waist and drew her to me. “Just have fun and go with it.” I kissed her then, long and passionately, kneading her firm little butt with my hand. When I finally came up for air, I took her by the hand and led her to where Jake and Jessica were making out beside the fire.

  Jake saw us and broke their kiss, grinning at me. Jessica took a hesitant step toward me, looking back over her shoulder at Jake. “Go on, Baby,” he urged her, “it’ll be hot!”

  I felt Molly’s fingers slip through mine as Jessica reached me, pressing her giant tits against my chest, and planting a kiss on my lips. Her kiss was so different from that of my girlfriend, her lips fuller and more yielding. It was an exhilarating, intensely erotic kiss, trembling and nervous, yet passionately needy. I felt dizzy. Dizzy and very erect!

  When she pulled her beautiful lips from mine, she was panting, her crystal blue eyes looking deeply into mine. I caught a glimpse over her shoulder of Molly’s shapely butt disappearing into Jake’s tent. He turned to us and, beaming broadly, gave me a thumbs-up before following her, the flap zipping noisily shut behind them in the still night air. For just a second, I stared at the tent where my girlfriend was going to fuck my best friend, my thoughts racing. Then, I turned my attention to the beautiful Jessica once more.

  “Should we go to my tent?” I offered, smiling.

  “Actually,” she whispered quietly, looking at her shyly feet, “if you don’t mind, I think it would be kinda fun to do it out here under the stars.” With that, she turned her face skyward, causing me to look up as well, taking in the vast inky expanse of the heavens, sprinkled with billions of twinkling little lights.

  “That sounds like a great idea!” I admitted. “Just let me get a sleeping bag, so you don’t have to lie on the grass!”

  “My! What a gentleman,” Jessie smiled warmly.

  It took me all of fifteen seconds to run to the tent, snatch up my sleeping bag and be back at her side. Taking her by the hand, I led her to a patch of clear ground next to the tent into which Jake and Molly had just disappeared, about twenty feet from the campfire and, unzipping the sleeping bag, I spread it out flat to form a blanket for us.

  Satisfied with my handiwork, I turned to look at Jessica, stopping for the first time to admire her wonderful body. Molly and I had been together for years now and neither of us had been with anyone else since we met. In fact, Jake’s girlfriend was the first girl other than Molly that I had seen naked in a good long time. Now that I had the chance, I took the opportunity to really study Jessica.

  With shoulder-length blonde hair and a bubbly, infectious smile, Jessica had the body of a sex kitten. Voluptuous and curvy, with wide hips and large breasts, it was so different from Molly’s, softer and fuller, and very feminine. Her legs, though shorter than my girlfriend’s, were shapely and beautiful, looking dreadfully cute in the little hiking boots she still wore. Her round butt was fascinating, broad and well-rounded, but without even a hint of sag. A small triangle of light-colored, sparse pubic hair extended enticingly upwards from between her thighs. Her flat, smooth belly was topped by a pair of large, heavy breasts, that looked enormous compared to those of my own girlfriend. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She looked absolutely delicious.

  “God, Jessie! You’re stunning!”

  “Mike,” she said quietly, feeling self-conscious under my unrelenting gaze, “I’ve… I’ve never really been with anyone but Jake before.”

  “That’s okay, Jessie,” I said to her, taking her hand. “It’s normal to be nervous when you’re with somebody new. But that’s what this is about, isn’t it? Trying something new?” She nodded at me, smiling sweetly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” I reassured her.

  “Not too gentle, though.” She wrinkled her cute little nose, a devilish grin suddenly coming across her cute face. “I kinda like being held down and fucked!”

  “God, you’re bad!” I chuckled, rising onto my knees before her. I leaned forward, putting both hands on her waist and gently kissing her smooth, soft tummy above the sparse patch of downy hair that covered her mound. Jessica sighed, running her fingers through my closely cropped hair. I kissed my way down her body as she stood, knees trembling. My hands wrapped around her, cupping her full buttocks and pulling her forwards as my mouth moved through her wispy hair, nibbling and kissing, seeking the treasure beneath.

  Jessica gasped loudly as my rough tongue found her moist slit, her hands instinctively clutching the back of my head and pushing me downwards as her legs parted slightly, allowing me in. I licked her lightly, teasing her, tasting her in the flickering light cast by the dying fire. She moaned soulfully, her pelvis hunching up at me ever so slightly, urging me to lick her harder.

  Pulling back, I guided her down onto the blanket with me. I kissed her delicious lips, my hands kneading her large breasts as she moaned into my mouth. Then, once again, I began my descent toward her downy little pussy, kissing my way down her sensuous body, pausing briefly to suck on first one nipple and then the other.

  Her hands once more urged me lower, pushing me downward as she spread her legs wide. When I once again began to lick her, Jessica whimpered with excitement, thrusting her pelvis up to meet my onslaught. “Oh yes!” she cried, her head thrashing from side to side. As I lashed at her hard clit, my ears heard a familiar moan come from the tent behind me. My girlfriend Molly was apparently enjoying Jake’s efforts as well! I felt my already-iron-hard cock twitch with excitement at the thought of them together.

sp; “Oh fuck!” Molly’s voice cut through the darkness like a dagger. “Oh, just like that!”

  The sound of the other couple seemed to spur me on, and I now ate Jessie’s pussy with abandon, running my tongue over her damp opening in broad, hard licks before moving up to flick rapidly at her protruding clit. She bucked wildly under me, causing me to hold on to her thighs to maintain contact. I was merciless, driving my tongue into her, bringing her ever closer. She quaked and trembled, squeaking adorably as I worked on her. Then, without warning, she stiffened, digging her heels into the sleeping bag and lifting her butt off the ground as she came violently.

  I planted careful kisses all around her weeping slit, my hands stroking her sides as she slowly calmed back down, her orgasm subsiding. Then, I kissed my way playfully up her body, once again stopping to maul her wonderful tits, before standing to pull off my underwear. Jessica sat up to assist me, tucking her hiking boots under her round ass as she knelt and tugged my underwear down to my knees. My erection popped free, inches from her face, causing her to jerk her head back to keep from getting poked in the eye. Giggling, she reached for me with both hands, pulling me forward to plant a kiss on the sensitive head. Cocking her head to the side, she smiled happily up at me, “This is going to be fun!” Then, she took me into her warm mouth.

  Molly had always seemed to enjoy giving me blowjobs, but Jessica proved to be an absolute cockhound, whose skill was matched only by her enthusiasm. Her gorgeous full lips enveloped my hard shaft like tiny, moist pillows, caressing my sensitive manhood as she bobbed rapidly on me, causing me to gasp aloud. As my hands found the back of her head, she surprised me by suddenly lunging forward, taking my entire length to the root. Oh, my God! Try as she might, my cute girlfriend had never been able to deepthroat me, but Jessica did it like it was an everyday occurrence! She ground her lips against my pubic bone, humming around my cock. Both hands slid up the sides of my torso, coming around to lightly brush my nipples. Then, she drew her fingernails slowly down my pecs and along my abs, with just enough pressure to raise goosebumps on my skin, all the while massaging the underside of my dick with her tongue. Withdrawing, she kissed and licked me on all sides, nipping at my tender skin. Ducking down, she captured one of my testicles in her wet mouth, sucking on it as her little hand jacked me furiously. As my knees began to shake, she let my nut pop out of her mouth and once again moved up to slash at the head with her scalding hot tongue. Holy shit! I had to get this girl off my cock or I wasn’t going to get a chance to fuck her!


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