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Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0)

Page 42

by Sable Hunter

  “Me too,” she agreed breathlessly.

  T scooped her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently before stripping his clothes off. Glory leaned up to take him in with her eyes. He was a giant of a man with a body of a god. His thick cock strutted proudly between his legs, standing almost straight up in the air. Her pussy clenched in on itself at the sight, hungry to be filled.

  Once he was finished with his own, T helped her out of her clothes and stood over the naked prize spread out before him on the bed. “I need you, Glory.” He lowered himself down, settling in between her legs. Glory’s legs came up, making room for him. T’s cock bumped against the dewy opening of her sex. “Can I come in?” he whispered in her ear.

  Reaching between them, Glory grasped his cock, stroking it a few times before positioning it to enter her. No words were needed. She belonged to him and T sank himself in slowly.

  Glory bit down on his neck. No matter how many times she’d made love with him, she never tired of that first invasion, that first burn as T guided all of himself inside of her.

  The pierce of his skin with her teeth spurred him on, that little bit of pain felt incredible and he began to move in and out of his woman with long, languid strokes.

  “I love you, Glory,” T whispered.

  His unexpected words were the tipping point and Glory exploded with an orgasm that shook her entire soul. He loved her? Tears formed in her eyes and she squeezed him as tightly as she could.

  The climax was muted, she hadn’t cried out in this tender moment, but T couldn’t have missed it if he’d tried. “Tell me you love me,” T said into her ear as he picked up his pace.

  Their lovemaking had been slow and sweet, but Glory needed to see his face. She tangled her fingers in T’s hair, pulling his head back so she could look deep into his eyes. “I love you more than anyone else on earth, more than I ever knew it was possible to love anyone.”

  This time it was her declaration that pushed T over the edge. He pumped his seed deep inside of her and the sensation of his release sent Glory flying into another orgasm.

  After sharing a tender kiss, T rolled off, concerned that he’d hurt his pregnant woman. “Come close,” he muttered, tugging her to lay on top of him, enjoying the bliss of what they’d shared.

  But the moment was broken by the wailing of the robot baby.

  “I told you that woman was evil,” T groaned.

  Glory stilled him when he rose to tend to the doll. “It’s my turn. You stay here.”

  T looked at her with love as Glory headed for the door. “We’re gonna be okay, aren’t we?”

  Glory stopped and looked back at him with a smile. “Of course, we are.” She couldn’t be certain it was true, but she knew she wanted it more than anything in the world.


  As the days passed, T tried his best to hold on to each one. Sometimes he felt like he was watching their lives at a distance, from some unseen vantage point. As time flew by, he felt as if the precious moments were slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

  Here it was, month four of Glory’s pregnancy and she was sitting in his lap, feeding him grapes, one after the other. “Are you sure having a bodyguard outside is necessary? I don’t like for you to have to spend your money. I think if someone came along, Harper and I could take them.”

  T-Rex shook his head. “Absolutely necessary. The only thing you and Harper need to take is naps, lots of naps.” After three weeks, the women and their guards had settled into a comfortable routine. Glory yawned. She was so cute, T had to smile.

  “I’ve taken too many naps. I feel like I’m sleeping my life away.”

  Even though she said the words lightly, they weighed heavily on T’s spirit. “I’m sure it’s good for you.” He brushed a lock of golden hair off her shoulder. “I have good news.”

  “You do?” Glory brightened, fingering one of the buttons of his shirt.

  “Through Revel’s friends, we’ve located a specialist who’s willing to take you on as a patient,” he said the words so evenly, even though they were monumental to him.

  “Great!” She framed his face and kissed him. “Who?”

  “Dr. Willow Saucier connected us to him. He seems to be the best. His name is Francisco Degas and he’s one of the premier cardiologists in the nation. He specializes in PAH and has helped several women in your situation deliver a baby successfully.”

  Glory could hear the hope in his voice. “When can we see him?”

  “We have an appointment next week.” He clasped her to him. “I really feel good about this, Glory.”

  “How much will it cost?”

  Glory always worried about others before she worried about herself. Her question didn’t surprise him, but it did lead right into a topic he’d been wanting to bring up. “We don’t have to worry about the cost, if…”

  “What? If what? You know I don’t have any money.”

  T shifted her to one side, then got down on his knees in front of her. “If you’ll marry me.” He took her hand in his, turning it over and kissing the palm. “Glory Bee Hudson, will you be my wife?”

  Glory stared at the man in front of her, trying to make sure she’d heard him right.

  To T’s surprise, she tugged her hand away and stood up, walking completely across the room. “Glory, honey?”

  Glory clasped a hand to her throat. Marrying this man would be the fulfillment of every dream she could ever have. He’d told her he loved her – in bed – in the heat of the moment. But did he want to marry her for love? Or because he felt responsible for her. “You don’t have to do this,” she whispered, staring out the window toward Bayou Teche.

  T rose and went to her. “I don’t have to what? Marry the woman I love?”

  Glory trembled, turning to him. “You love me, you really love me?”

  Sweeping her up in his arms, T cradled her close. “Yes, I love you. More than anything.” He kissed the side of her face. “You’ve changed my world, Glory. I want to be a good man for you.”

  “You are a good man, you’re the very best.” Glory clasped him around the neck. “I want to marry you, I just didn’t want you to offer just so I could live.”

  T shut his eyes. She was breaking his heart. “I would do anything for you. Give everything I have. But marrying you is no sacrifice.”

  “I’ll be covered on your insurance policy.” The words were said against his shoulder.

  “Just a happy coincidence,” he assured her. “There are many, many more reasons that I want to marry you.”

  “Like what?”

  T chuckled. “Like you’re my other half. I won’t survive without you.”

  “Sounds like a good reason to me.” Glory inhaled deeply. Her nose was pressed against the clean cotton of his shirt and his scent filled her senses. “You smell so good.”

  “What do I smell like?” he murmured as he held her tight.

  “Home. You smell like home to me.”

  T closed his eyes and let out a relieved breath. With one hand, he held her steady, the other rubbing her back. “You need to calm down, sweetheart. Your heart is beating like a scared rabbit.”

  Letting a small giggle pass her lips, she surprised him yet again. “I can’t help it, you’re just so sexy. I get excited.” Raising her head, she rubbed her cheek across his jaw. “I just want to eat you up.”

  When he felt her small teeth connect with the skin of his neck, T almost dropped her. “What are you doing, Glory Bee?”

  “Celebrating my engagement.” Sliding her hands up his chest, she entwined them around his neck. “Kiss me, T-Rex.”

  “Gladly.” Layering his lips to hers, he let them glide back and forth, teasing her to open for him. When she did, he traced the tender seam. “Give me that tongue, girl.”

  She whimpered happily, running the very tip of her tongue over his upper lip.

  “Tease,” he growled, claiming her mouth in short, sweet kisses.

sp; “Take me to bed, T. Please. I need you so.”

  T knew there was nothing she could ask for that he wouldn’t turn the world upside to give her. Anything. Just because she asked him for it.

  Except endanger her further.

  Letting her sweet body slide down until her feet hit the floor, he sighed. “I think we need to talk to the doctor first, before we make love again. Okay?”

  Glory pooched her mouth out. There was no mistaking he wanted her, she could feel him hard and throbbing between them. “Okay. Can we move up the appointment?”

  A laugh burst from T. “I wish. But if we can’t fool around, there is a couple of other things we can do.”

  “What’s that?” Glory sighed. “I’m not sure anything else could be as good.”

  “I bet I can think of something.” He tilted up her chin with one finger so he could gaze into her eyes. “How about if we go buy an engagement ring and get married? Could that be as good?”

  Her smile was instantaneous. “Not quite, but it’ll do in a pinch.”

  “I’ll show you a pinch,” he playfully grabbed at her, until she trapped him in a hard hug.

  “Thank you, T. You’ve given my life meaning. I don’t even want to imagine never meeting you. Thank you for loving me.”

  T wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck. “You’ve made me so happy. If it takes me my whole life, I’ll tell you all the reasons that I love you, each and every one.”


  “Do you, Glory Hudson, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?”

  “I do! Yes, please,” Glory exclaimed, holding the bouquet of purple flowers T had bought her so tight that she almost broke the stems in two.

  T felt his chest swell with pride. She looked so pretty and the least little thing seemed to make her happy. He’d bought her a small ring, not that he couldn’t have afforded a bigger diamond, but T had let Glory pick it out and the one she chose was delicate and feminine – like her. They’d also splurged on something for her to wear. Like the ring, the dress was simple. Just a knee-length, off-white sheathe with a short matching jacket. At least he’d been able to keep her out of those cowboy boots she loved so well. Today, her small feet were encased in a pair of cream slippers with tiny bows on top. T thought she looked like a dream.

  “Do you, Rex Allen Beaumont, Jr., take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?”

  “I do.”

  Revel patted him on the back and Glory gave him a dazzling smile.

  At the JP’s direction, Glory passed her bouquet to Harper and T placed the ring on her finger. “I love it,” she whispered. “I wish I had something for you.”

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  T gathered her close, but before he kissed her, he whispered in her ear. “You’ve given me the best gift of all.”

  “What is that?”

  He kissed her tenderly. “You.” Then, T kissed her again. “Glory Bee Beaumont.”

  Glory laughed. “That sounds funny. I like it.”

  “You’d better.”

  After the ceremony, Revel and Harper offered to treat them to a steak dinner at a nice restaurant on the banks of the Teche near New Iberia. T graciously turned them down. “No, thank you. I have a surprise for Glory.”

  “Well, okay. I can understand you two wanting to be alone,” Harper said, taking Revel’s arm as they walked toward their car. “Weddings are beautiful, but the honeymoon is the best part.”

  “Thank you for eloping with us.” Glory gave them both a hug.

  T wrapped his arm around her and steered Glory a little farther down the street to where he was parked. “Are you ready, Mrs. Beaumont?”

  “Of course, I’m always ready.” She walked beside him, still clutching her bouquet of purple wildflowers. “We’ll go on a honeymoon someday, won’t we?”

  “Who said we have to wait to go on a honeymoon? That’s where we’re going now.” As he helped her into his truck, he told her the plan. “Since we need to see Dr. Degas on Monday anyway, I thought we’d go a day early and spend some time in New Orleans.” He’d never really taken her on an honest-to-God date and he intended to make up for lost time. “I have a whole itinerary planned out. A romantic getaway.”

  Glory was thrilled. “Thank you. How about Buford and Thomas?”

  “Revel and Harper are picking them up on the way home.”

  “Not that I don’t enjoy Harper’s company, but don’t you think whoever was messing around the property has gone on about their business by now?”

  As T-Rex cranked his truck and put it into gear, he considered how much to say. “Humor me, sweetheart. Just a little longer, okay? Revel talked to the sheriff and they’re going to set up a little sting operation while we’re gone. Lay a little bait out and see if someone takes it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  T didn’t intend to lie to Glory, except by omission. Even though the young deputies hadn’t seen anyone, he’d found new evidence that someone had been prowling around his house at night. This time they’d hadn’t left an altar or a strategically placed garden tool, their actions were much more dangerous. Whoever was trying to send him a message, he’d gotten it loud and clear. When he’d gotten in his truck Thursday morning, he’d gotten no farther than the end of the dirt road before he’d felt something rub up against his foot. T had kicked out, thinking something had rolled out from underneath the seat. When he did, he’d heard a hissing and felt something thump against his boot. Having lived in the swamp his whole life, T knew exactly what it was. He’d whipped off on the side of the road and sprang out, just in time to see a big cottonmouth water moccasin strike out at him.

  Son-of-a-bitch! He’d gotten a hoe out of the back and hauled the snake out. T hadn’t killed it, it wasn’t the serpents fault some fool had tried to use it as a weapon. But just the idea of something like that happening to Glory made his blood run cold. The snake hadn’t been their only calling card, a small burlap doll had been left on the seat with pins strategically positioned in parts of his body. While T had a healthy respect for voodoo and the supernatural, he figured the idiots trying to jerk him around used the trappings more for show. The main reason he felt that way was that all the stuff he’d found on the altar – the candles, the statues, the dolls – had all come from a tourist shop. They weren’t authentic and T could spot authentic, he’d been around the real thing enough to know. So, he and Revel put their heads together and decided to use this time that he and Glory would be gone to try and draw them out.

  The bait they’d chosen to use was simple – game cameras, an open house, and an alarm system. They clearly wanted to do T and his property some damage. Well, this was their chance.

  “Nothing fancy. We set up some cameras to see if anyone comes around.”

  “I hope they catch them. I want everything settled and safe before the baby’s born”.

  “So do I,” he agreed.

  When they arrived in New Orleans, T took them to a beautiful boutique hotel in the Garden District, The Green House Inn on Magazine Street. Glory was in awe when they were shown up to a beautiful suite on the third floor. “Is this the honeymoon suite?” she whispered.

  “Close enough, I’d say,” he agreed as they scoped out the king size bed and the gorgeous bathroom.

  “There’s a pool and a hot tub in the courtyard,” the attendant told them. “Enjoy.”

  Glory sighed. “I wish we could talk to the doctor today.”

  “Don’t worry,” he kissed her. “I bet I can make you feel good.”

  Glory shivered. “I’m sure you can, but I want it to be mutual.” He shushed her with a kiss. “Come on, let’s enjoy the city.” Taking her by the hand, he led Glory out of the hotel and off on an adventure.

  Before the day was over, they rode the streetcar, walked along St. Charles Avenue beneath the grand canopy of oaks, took in the Audubon to see the white tigers, and enjoyed ice cream at the Creole Creamery. Rounding out the eve
ning, they strolled next to the grand Mississippi on a scenic strip of waterfront behind the zoo.

  “Before we go home, can we stop by to see Lily and Gene?”

  “Sure, we can.” He just hoped the doctor gave them good news and they’d feel like visiting.

  When they arrived back at the Inn, T suggested they relax in the pool downstairs. “I don’t have a suit,” Glory protested.

  “Oh, yes, you do.” He took out a purple two piece from a small pocket in his bag.

  “I’m not sure it’s going to fit.”

  “I bet it does, try it on.”

  Ducking into the bathroom, she began to take off her clothes when the door opened. “Hey!”

  “Hey, Mrs. Beaumont, get your pretty self out here. Watching you change clothes is one of the perks of this union.”

  Glory blushed, but she didn’t argue, pulling on the two piece which fastened by bows on each hip and each shoulder. Frankly, she enjoyed watching him watch her. “Does my baby bump look odd?”

  At four months, there was a gentle swell that T found adorable. “I think you’re beautiful.”

  His words and the look on T’s face convinced Glory to keep the modest bikini on. Grabbing the matching wrap, she was ready to go. “How about you? You’re still dressed.”

  Giving her a wink, T stripped while Glory enjoyed the show. “I married one sexy man,” she sighed happily as he pulled on a pair of navy blue trunks. “We might not have sex tonight, but I do plan on getting my hands on that cock.”

  T-Rex groaned. “Now, I’ll have to go down the elevator with an erection.” Luckily, no one was around and they were able to enter the tropical courtyard and sink into the warm water of the pool.

  “Oh, this feels good,” Glory cooed as she instantly gravitated to his arms. “I’m so happy, T-Rex. Are you happy?”

  “I am.” He palmed her ass and moved her over into his lap, straddling him. Just the feel of her sweet body, so petite, yet so trusting of him. He could do anything he wanted to her and she would willingly give him anything he asked. The responsibility of her trust overwhelmed him.


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