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by April Lust

  A red flush covered my cheeks and I slammed my hand against the table. “That’s not fair,” I replied hotly. “You don’t know what it’s like! You don’t know what it’s like to meet someone and like them so much!” There was a silence. Mom looked at me and suddenly, I felt like an idiot. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I know that was uncalled for.”

  “And untrue,” Mom said. She reached out and patted Daddy’s hand. He didn’t look up from his morning paper. “But really, Angel, you must promise you won’t see him again. He’s not good for you. He doesn’t understand what we’re like.”

  Frowning, I stabbed my fork into my eggs benedict and left it there, standing upright. “Dad,” I said suddenly. “Can I see my new friend Trey today?”

  Daddy looked up at me with interest. “Ask your mother, dear,” he said in a mild voice.

  Mom’s face twisted itself into an ugly grin. “You should go upstairs and check if your gown fits,” Mom said in a smooth voice. “In case we need to have Lucy come and make any last-minute alterations. She’s already coming for me as I need her to let the hem out on my gown.”

  I stormed upstairs, feeling angry. As I yanked open my closet and found the beautiful dress, I wasn’t filled with the same sense of excitement I’d always felt before when I looked at it. It was still as gorgeous as ever, but I didn’t like what it represented. Why did Mom have to be such a snob? She didn’t know anything about Trey. For that matter, neither did I. All I knew is that he went to Centerville High.

  “Unless he dropped out,” I mumbled. Feeling horrified, I gazed at myself in the mirror. “Stop it, Angel,” I ordered sternly. “You’re not your mother. You don’t have to be your mother if you don’t want to.” The idea was unsettling. My whole life I’d spent wanting to turn into Mom. Now, I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t like how easily she’d dismissed someone I liked as much as I did. “This is ridiculous,” I muttered. “You don’t even know him. Just forget about him. There’ll be lots of guys tonight at the yacht club.”

  I closed my eyes as I stepped out of my yoga pants and into the gown. The white silk clung to my skin and emphasized my curves. I already had C cup breasts, and this gown made them look even bigger. I looked at myself and blushed. I’d never really thought I was pretty, but this gown could have made anyone beautiful.

  There was a slight tapping sound against my window. I jumped in fright, then walked over and peered out. I didn’t see anyone. But then, right in front of my face, there was another rapping sound. It was much louder than before and I shrieked and leapt backwards.

  “Oh my god. Trey!” Running back over to the window, I threw the sash open and pulled up the glass.

  Trey was standing in the yard below with a cocky smile on his face. “I told you I wanted to see you again,” he called loudly. “Now how about that dinner?”

  That morning was the beginning of the most important relationship with a man I’d ever had. I started sneaking out to see Trey all the time. I went to the gala with Mom that evening, but the whole time, I was thinking about Trey. I was swooning over him like no one I’ve ever met, and it felt amazing. Every time he touched me, I got butterflies.

  On my eighteenth birthday, Trey picked me up outside. I’d snuck out again. Mom and Daddy had thrown me a surprise birthday party with all of my old friends and some relatives. I’d been excited and touched, but it hadn’t been as much fun as I thought it would be. All my friends wanted to do was talk about shopping. It was like they had no interest in the real world whatsoever. And I was dying to tell them all about Trey, but I knew I couldn’t. Mom had taken to eavesdropping whenever I was on the phone — Trey and I always had to arrange our meetings before we said goodbye. It made me nervous. What would happen if he didn’t show the next time? What would I do? But when I realized that he was taking the same risks with me every time, I didn’t mind. Even then, I knew I loved him.

  When I slipped into the passenger seat of Trey’s old T-bird, the air between us felt different. Everything was charged, more intense than it had been. He put his hand on my knee and I moaned softly as he trailed his fingers up my bare thigh. Normally, when Trey and I were fooling around, I’d put a stop to it when I started getting so turned on that I didn’t think I could push him away. But now, tonight, I wanted him more than ever. I spread my legs in the car seat and guided his fingers to my crotch. The fabric of my panties was soaked and I blushed hotly as Trey ran his fingers over the small, hard bead of pleasure between my legs.

  “I wanna go somewhere,” I said in a hoarse voice.

  Trey looked at me with a sexy lopsided grin on his tanned face. “Well, babe, we have plans to go to dinner.” He was looking nicer than I’d ever seen him. He’d borrowed a suit and tie from someone and even though the shirt was too big for his skinny frame, he looked so handsome that I wanted to wrap my arms around him. “I saved up for a really nice dinner,” he said softly. “I want to treat you like the princess you are.”

  I blushed. “I just want you. That’s all. Nothing else matters to me.”

  Trey licked his dry lips and nodded. Suddenly, I knew he was as nervous as I felt. He took his hand away from my thigh and shifted the car into a higher gear. We shot through the black night, into the winding hills. I’d always loved living in the South, but there was something almost ominous about a summer night. I closed my eyes and rolled down the window, letting the cool, humid air blow over my face and through my long tangles of red hair. Nervously, I reached out and put my hand on Trey’s leg. He groaned softly as I trailed my fingers up his jeans. There was a huge bulge between his legs and when I ran my hand over it, he grunted loudly with pleasure. The nerves in my body felt like they were on fire as I tentatively rubbed at his erection.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours, Trey pulled over. He stepped out of the car and motioned for me to follow him. After grabbing a bundle from the trunk, Trey laced his fingers with mine and led me into the woods.

  “Are you scared?” Trey’s voice was growly and quiet.

  I shook my head even though part of me was. But I wasn’t afraid of the woods. I was afraid of losing Trey. I was going to college in a few months and I had no idea how we’d be able to part from each other. As much as I would have loved to change the future, I knew I couldn’t drop out of school before I’d even started. And there was no way Trey would be accepted. The application deadline had been months ago. He hadn’t even graduated high school — he’d dropped out and was working towards his GED. A shudder of anxiety went through me as I thought about losing him.

  “I’m not scared,” I said softly. “Are you?”

  Trey turned and took me in his arms. He dropped the bundle on the ground and I saw it was a cloth bag with a blanket stuffed inside. As he stroked my bare back with his strong hands, I shuddered and sighed. “I’m never scared with I’m with you,” he whispered softly into my ear.

  A chill of lust ran through my body and I grabbed him and pulled him close, pressing my body against his. I wanted him more than anything, but if I didn’t act fast, I’d lose my resolve.

  Trey crouched down and pulled the blanket out of the bag. He tossed it up in the air then spread it on the ground. “I have this for emergencies,” he explained. “I promise; I didn’t plan this.”

  “I know,” I said. “I’m sorry about dinner. I just wanted to be alone with you.”

  We lay down on the blanket and rolled towards each other. Underneath us, the ground was wet and cold. I shivered as Trey pulled me close. For a moment, we stayed like that. It was almost platonic. But then, as I began to warm up, Trey leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. They were salty and warm and I shivered with pleasure as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

  “Trey,” I moaned. “That feels so good.”

  He stroked my arms and slipped his hands under the hem of my dress. At first, I jumped when he touched my bare skin. But after a few seconds, I felt like I couldn’t have possibly survived without his touch before. It was incredible;
it was necessary. I needed him.

  “I need you, Angel,” Trey whispered hotly into my ear. The feel of his breath against my sensitive flesh was too much. He climbed on top of me, covering me with his body.

  The weight of his muscular bulk pressed against my limbs was delicious. I slipped my hands up his shirt and gently dragged my nails down his back. As he moaned, I ground my hips against the bulge between his legs. My heart was beating a million times per minute and my breath was coming in hoarse pants as Trey lowered his head to mine and kissed me passionately. We were locked together like puzzle pieces, like we were made for each other. I loved the taste and the feel of him pressed against me. It was so intimate, so desperate, I could practically sense how urgent he felt about taking me and making me his.

  I’d never gone this far with a boy. Even with Trey, we usually just parked in his car and made out until I felt guilty about being out for too long. But now I didn’t even think about stopping. As his fingers dipped into the waistband of my panties and tugged, I arched my back and let him slide the cotton bikini panties down my legs. Without them, I felt naked, exposed. Trey sighed softly and stroked his finger up the crease between my leg and my body. I giggled nervously.

  “Are you okay?” He pulled his hand away and looked at me with concern. “Angel, are you all right?” He looked worried.

  I blinked and nodded. “I’m just nervous,” I whispered, blushing hotly.

  Trey nodded. He leaned down and planted a gentle, soft kiss on my lips. Pleasure flared through my body and my crotch was pulsing with lust. “Don’t be nervous,” he replied. He brushed my hair away from my sweaty forehead. “I promise everything will be okay. We’ll go as slow as you want, okay?”

  I nodded and swallowed in a big gulp. Trey lowered his head to my chest. With surprisingly nimble fingers, he undid the snaps at the front of my dress. My heart was thumping as he pulled the fabric away from my body, exposing my breasts. In the moonlight, my skin glowed white.

  Trey looked into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful, Angel,” he said softly. “I love you.”

  The words were stuck in my throat but I managed to reply, “I love you, too.”

  Trey smiled and lowered his head to my breasts. I moaned in pleasure as he stuck out his tongue and licked my nipples until they were painfully stiff. The feeling of my wet skin in the nighttime air was incredibly arousing and before long, I was barely aware of Trey moving over me. He tugged my dress over my head and then I was naked underneath his body. With surprising speed, he tugged his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. He was so beautiful I couldn’t stand it. His chest was well-muscled for his age and I gasped as I saw a tattoo snaking around his shoulder and taking up one of his glorious pectoral muscles. I’d seen it before, but this close, it was beautiful. Trey wriggled out of his jeans and tossed them to the side. When he was clad only in briefs, he crawled between my legs and nuzzled my bare belly.

  Moaning softly, I arched my hips up to meet his body. His chest pressed against my crotch and I cried out with pleasure as he licked slow, torturous circles around my belly button. It felt so good that I wanted to scream and explode. I never imagined I’d be naked with a man like Trey, taking the time to explore each other’s bodies on a blanket in the woods.

  He slipped his hand between my legs. “I want to touch you,” he said in a hoarse voice. I could tell his heart was beating just as fast as mine, and his blue eyes looked black in the darkness.

  I nodded nervously. Seconds later, Trey’s fingers stroked over my labia. I cried out and shuddered with pleasure as he slipped a finger inside of me and wriggled it around.

  “I want you,” I cried loudly. “Now!”

  Trey pulled down his boxers. His cock sprang free and I gasped at the sight of it. He was huge and thick and there was no way that was going to fit inside me! I could barely use a tampon!

  “You’re big,” I managed to croak.

  Trey grinned with a hint of self-consciousness. He crawled down my body until he was staring right at my exposed crotch. I blushed a bright hot red. “I promise you’ll be ready before I slip inside,” Trey said softly.

  Before I could think about what he was doing, he leaned forward and gently licked at my wet, swollen labia. It felt so good that I shrieked and arched my back high into the air. Trey grabbed my ass and pulled me close, burying his face between my legs. He licked and sucked at my clit until I was moaning loudly and grinding my hips against his face. His mouth felt so good. My lower belly was starting to clench every few seconds and a weird, warm feeling was coming over my limbs. I tangled my hands in Trey’s brown hair and moaned his name softly.

  He got to his hands and knees. When his warm mouth left my crotch, I cried out, but soon, a new feeling came over me. Trey nudged at my labia with the tip of his hard cock and I spread my legs instinctively. He reached down and laced his fingers with mine, looking deeply into my life.

  “I love you, Angel,” Trey said softly. With his free hand, he steadied himself against my hip and pushed.

  At first, the pain was blinding and white-hot. I cried out and tried to push him away but Trey was stronger and in a few seconds, I felt him slide inside. The pain began to melt into something warm, something that engulfed my whole body. I looked into Trey’s eyes and a feeling of love that I’d never experienced before washed over me. I was completely hypnotized; I was his. I forgot about the cold, wet ground under our bodies, I forgot about perverts who could be lurking in the woods. All of that went out the window, and suddenly the only other person in my universe was Trey.

  “Are you okay? Does that hurt?” Trey’s voice was soft and concerned.

  I nodded, too afraid to speak. Gently, he laid his body down against mine. Warmth and electricity jumped from his skin to my body and I shivered. Trey kept his warm blue eyes locked on mine and he started to slowly pump his hips back and forth. At first, it hurt and I cried out as pain radiated through my body. But soon enough, the warm feeling returned. Before I knew what I was doing, I was spreading my legs and wrapping them around Trey’s muscular frame. Perspiration was beading on my forehead and, as he pressed his face against mine, I felt love flowing between our bodies like an aura that covered and protected us. There was a warm, tingly feeling growing in my lower belly and when I started to thrust my body along with Trey’s, the pleasure increased. My muscles were sore almost instantly, but I couldn’t help it, it felt too amazing. As we moved together in a sensual rhythm, Trey gasped softly and bucked against me, harder than before. The pleasure coiled tightly in my belly like a spring and I was gasping and crying out and beating my fists against Trey’s shoulders as the feeling exploded in me. It felt like my body was pulsing deliciously all over, and I couldn’t control it. By the time the feeling passed, I was crying and shaking underneath his body. Trey continued thrusting in and out and the pleasurable sensations were still pulsing through my body. As he came, he cried out and slammed against mine.

  When it was over, Trey collapsed on top of me. His body was sweaty and warm and I could feel his heart pounding through his chest.

  “We did it,” I said nervously into Trey’s ear.

  He propped himself up on his elbows and covered my face with kisses. “You’re amazing, Angel,” he said softly. “I love you so much.”

  We cuddled there on the blanket until I started to get cold.

  Finally, he let out a deep sigh. “I wish I didn’t have to take you home, baby,” he said softly, stroking a rough finger down my face. “I wish we could stay here.”

  “Me too,” I said softly. I felt like I wanted to cry. I hated the idea of being alone that night more than anything. I just wanted to be with Trey. As I pouted, I felt anger coming over me. Why shouldn’t I spend the night with my boyfriend if I wanted to? I was eighteen, after all. That made me an adult. I knew Mom and Daddy would be pissed, but they couldn’t stop me. I was finally making my own decisions, and I decided I wanted to stay with Trey. “Hey, I don’t have to go home. I’
m eighteen, right? That makes me an adult.”

  Trey sighed. “Angel, I know your parents hate me. Do you really want to give them another reason to stay mad? I was hoping I could smooth things over with them before you went away to college. I don’t want to hide our relationship any longer. We’re adults; we don’t have to do this.”

  Panic rose in my body. It was breaking my heart that Trey wanted to make amends with my parents. It made me realize how sweet and caring he really was. But no matter how well he meant, I knew it wouldn’t work. There was no way Mom and Daddy would warm up to Trey, no matter how hard he worked. They were always going to hate him because he was a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

  “That’s right,” I said firmly. The night air was cool and damp against my exposed, sweaty skin and I sat up, wrapping the blanket around me. Trey got to his feet and started to dress as I searched for my discarded panties and clothes.

  “What’s that?” Trey gave me a look. “What do you mean?”

  “You said you didn’t want to hide anymore,” I replied as I pulled my panties on. “So we don’t. We’re adults. We can be together. And I want to start by spending tonight in your arms.”


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