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Wolves Don't Cry

Page 6

by Nova Archer

  Tala had also thought Darryl was keeping information to himself. In fact, as soon as Darryl screeched for a lawyer she excused herself to make some phone calls. She was certain that Darryl was Samantha's Ecstasy dealer. She just needed to talk to her contacts in the narcotics division.

  When Jace had asked how she knew, she told him she could smell it on Darryl. Considering the circumstances, Jace thought that was the strangest comment she'd ever made. Now, if he had said something like that, it would've made sense. His sense of smell was considerably heightened. He could discern twenty separate odors at once. A human didn't have that ability.

  Tala was quickly becoming the most intriguing person Jace had ever met. She was guarded. A woman with secrets. But the cracks were starting to show in her walls, and he was attracted to what he could glimpse in between.

  The door to the conference room opened and Caine strode in, looking as polished and collected as ever. The only time he'd ever seen the vampire undone was the night Eve had been kidnapped from his house. It was in that moment, Jace truly understood how much Caine loved his human woman.

  Not once did Jace think he could like, let alone love, a human. But after meeting Tala and spending time with her, his resolve wasn't so steady and sure.

  "I'm going nuts in here, Chief."

  Caine sat on one of the chairs at the table and set his file folders down. "I know. It's absolutely ridiculous, the human bureaucracy, but we have to abide by it since we are on their turf, so to speak."

  "How are we doing anyway? Can we hold this guy as a suspect?"

  "We have nothing to go on. The white fibers we found around the vic's nose and mouth could be a match to the white terrycloth towels used at the gym, but then again they could have come from any white cotton towel." Caine rubbed a hand through his hair. "We don't even have enough to get a warrant for his house. We can hold him for a while booking him on assaulting Officer Channing, but his lawyer will have him out on bail soon. For someone who works at a low paying customer service job he sure does have a high-powered lawyer."

  "Damn." Foregoing a chair, Jace sat on the table.

  "Do you get something from this guy? Something everyone else can't see or smell?"

  "Tala thinks he’s the victim's drug dealer. She's checking in with some buddies at narcotics."

  "Tala thinks?" Caine lifted a brow. "Did she say what gave her that idea?"

  Jace looked down at the floor. He knew what he was about to say was going to sound strange to Caine. But for some reason he couldn't pinpoint, Jace trusted her instincts. "She said she smelled it on him."

  "Now that's odd. A human that can scent like a dog. What am I missing here, Jace?"

  "Nothing. She's different, is all. I believe it when she says it."

  Caine smiled then. Jace cursed under his breath. The last thing he needed was ridicule from a vampire.

  "Different? Really?"

  Jace jumped off the table and starting pacing the room again. "Look, just save it, okay. I'm wired and I need to run, or I need to mate. One of those two things better happen soon or I'm going to explode."

  Still smiling, Caine put up his hand, as if to ward off an attack. "I'll see what I can do about that run. But you have to do it quickly and quietly. Don't let anyone know I let you out."

  "Sounds like I'm your pet," Jace growled.

  Caine just arched his brow. It was his way of saying everything he needed to say without saying a word. He was so damn good at that, it was scary.

  "We don't need any more publicity on this case than there already is." Caine leaned back in his chair. "I can't even go out without being swarmed by the media."

  "It's your vamp allure. Your pretty boy looks were made for TV," Jace chuckled.

  "Yes, and thank goodness I have a reflection, or there'd be some freaked out San Antonians right about now."

  The conference door opened again, and Tala burst through, excitement lighting her face. She moved straight toward Jace completely unaware that Caine sat in the corner.

  "We got him," she said as she handed Jace a piece of paper. "I knew I knew him from somewhere. He wasn't arrested, but he was picked up last year for suspicion of dealing Ecstasy—blue pandas to be exact, at a local rave."

  "Good digging," Jace remarked.

  She smiled at him, and it was the first honest look he'd seen from her. It brightened her face and her eyes. Jace found he couldn't tear his gaze away from her. In that one moment, she was enchanting.

  Breaking the spell, he cleared his throat and asked, "How's your side?"

  She twisted back and forth. "I'm okay. At first I thought that kick broke something, but it's just a surface wound. Nothing major."

  Jace nodded wanting to offer her more, but he was acutely aware of Caine watching them. He knew the vampire was looking for something to hold over his head. And him mooning over Tala would be just that certain something Caine would use.

  "Great work, Officer Channing," Caine finally spoke from behind her.

  Tala flinched and swiveled around. "Oh, I didn't realize anyone else was in here."

  "You couldn't smell me?"

  She glanced at Jace. She could see the embarrassment on her face. He had a sudden urge to hug her and soothe away the hurt.

  "No. How could I?"

  Caine threw up his hands. "Well, there goes my theory that you're really a lycan in disguise."

  If he hadn't been looking so close, Jace would never have seen the shift in her eyes as Caine spoke. He swore he saw them glow for one second. A green so bright he couldn't even describe it. It had nearly taken his breath away. But then it was gone, and Tala was turning away from him and walking toward the door.

  "I just thought you'd want to know. I have a few hours off so I'll be out of the lab for a while." She glanced at Caine then looked back at Jace. She was wringing her hands, Jace noticed. Nerves were surging through her like wild fire.

  "I'll see you later." Without another word, she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Standing, Caine moved toward Jace. He took the piece of paper Tala had given him and tucked it into his file folder. "I'll give this to Hector. I'm hoping it'll be enough to get a warrant for the guy's house." He patted Jace on the shoulder. "Don't look so surprised."


  "I never thought it would ever happen to me, either. Now, look at me." He held up his left hand and wiggled his ring finger. "I'm married to a woman I worship. A human woman with more guts and strength than any Otherworlder I know."

  Shaking his head, Jace moved away from Caine and sat back onto the table. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Chief. But I'm happy for you."

  Caine continued to stare. Jace knew the vampire was trying to figure him out. Trying to sense his feelings. Over the years, Jace had learned to control them around Caine. He hated being an open book to anyone. Even to the one man who was the closest thing he had to a best friend.

  After a few more minutes, Caine smiled and grabbed the handle on the door. "I'll see what I can do about that run."

  Jace kept Caine's gaze. "Hurry. I don't know how long I can hold it in."

  After Caine left Jace glanced down at his hands. He had them fisted tight. Unfurling his fingers, he saw the indentations his growing nails made in his palms. He was barely holding on. He wished Tala would come back. Being around her calmed him.

  Just like a lycan mate would.

  Running his hands over his face and into his hair, Jace shook his head. He was in deep trouble if he was thinking of her in that way. Nothing good could come of it. Lycans and humans did not mix. Not well anyway. Like vinegar and baking soda. Explosive and messy.

  He would shift, go for a run and expend all the pent up adrenaline and frustration he had stored inside. Then he would come back with a fresh and empty mind, completely devoid of all unprofessional thoughts about Officer Tala Channing. At least, that's what he was hoping for.


  An hour later, Jace was running
through tall green grass, and around rangy fir trees, the moon cascading her enchanting light over his lithe wolf form.

  The moon was his demanding mistress. When she called he came. He had to. It was as simple as that.

  The intoxicating smell of the night sent a shudder through his body. Damp grass and dirt brought a fresh tang to the medley of scents he discerned around him. It had rained a day earlier finally bringing an end to the stifling heat of the Texas summer.

  Jace loved autumn, especially when he got a chance to shift into wolf form and go running. And because it was nearing a full moon the urge to do so fluttered through him constantly. Like an itch that would not stop even when scratched. Only changing forms and expending that pent up energy by racing over the hills and through the grass brought relief to that kind of agony. That and mating.

  But he knew, even in wolf form, he wasn't getting any of that any time soon.

  Once again, thoughts of Tala raced through his mind. The images were so vivid he swore he could smell her even now.

  He took a tentative step out of the thick clump of trees and into the clearing, lifting his nose to scent the air. The spicy odor of female rolled into his flaring nostrils.


  She was here in the park, close by.

  The snap of a twig had him slinking back into the shadows of the trees. He scanned the area waiting for the source of the sound to reveal itself.

  When Tala stepped into the clearing, Jace's whole body quivered with excitement. A powerful desire he didn't realize he harbored for her filled him. As a man his head interfered with most of his emotions, but as an animal, it was pure-straight from the gut.

  Enthralled, he watched as she took a few steps into the clearing, with her head lifted to the sky and the moon. Beams of pale light played over her face and he could see how she moved just slightly back and forth as if absorbing the night luminance. It was something he did every time the moon was out.

  Why was she here? Of all the places in San Antonio, why did she come here to a park? It was certainly close to the lab. Well, the closest to the lab anyway. Still a twenty minute drive. Maybe she lived nearby.

  Whatever the reason, Jace couldn't deny his attraction to her. Not here, not now. The way she looked in the moonlight was irresistible. He quivered with the need to go to her.

  With her head still titled up, Tala unbuttoned her jacket. She separated the two halves and looked as if she was offering herself up to the moon.

  Unable to resist any longer, Jace took a step forward. A twig snapped under the weight of his paw and Tala turned toward him.

  She met his gaze dead on. He knew she spotted him among the trees by the way her shoulders hunched and her knees bent as if to flee. From the way she reacted and the subtle change in her smell, he knew she recognized him as no simple wild wolf.

  Need and hunger surged through him. Fear scented the air. Along with that he smelled excitement. His and hers, mixing together into a delicious medley. He took another hesitant step into the clearing. He could barely contain himself.

  Just don't run. Just don't run.

  Turning on her heel, Tala ran back into the trees she'd just come out of.

  Without thought and only a feral need to chase, Jace ran after her. The hunt was on.

  She was fast, but not nearly as quick as he was. It had been foolish of her to think she could outrun him. Wolves were great sprinters, and amazing hunters. If she had read up on lycan behavior, she'd know that lycans hunted for two reasons: to eat and to mate.

  She had to know he wasn't chasing her for a late night snack.

  As she bounded through the trees a few steps ahead of him, her scent tickled his nose. Fear, excitement, adrenaline. Three of his favorite things. Fear and adrenaline were expected. It was the smell of excitement that piqued his curiosity. She was obviously not as indifferent to him as he first thought. But why now, while he was a wolf did her excitement rage through?

  He kept his gait easy instead of overtaking her. He wanted the game to continue. It was more enjoyable when it lasted longer. Anticipation upped his desire that much more. When he finally did take her down, it would be worth every extra minute of the prolonged chase.

  But when he saw her climb the embankment to the road, a small economy car waiting there, he knew he didn't have any more time to play.

  He put on the brakes and stopped just at the beginning of the rise. Pacing back and forth in the tall grass, he watched his quarry escape.

  The car beeped indicating the locks disengaging just as Tala neared the front door and gripped the handle. Fumbling with the door, she finally managed to yank it open and jump into the vehicle. She hit her head on the roof and he saw her close the door on her foot. She opened the door again, yanked her foot in and slammed the door shut again.

  He winced knowing she was going to feel that later when her adrenaline stopped racing through her system.

  As she started the car, she stared out the passenger window at him. A look of confusion furrowed her brow and narrowed her eyes. He imagined she was trying to figure out why in hell he had chased her, and why she had liked it so much.

  Because there was no mistaking the scent of female musk in the air. He inhaled it, reveling in the way it made his body tighten. But he'd get no release. Not now, probably not ever.

  Her smell, her essence was now ingrained in his mind and in his body. There'd be no relief from it until he mated with her. But as things were between them, and with the situation between their races, and the case at hand, Jace knew that would never happen.

  No matter how much he wanted it.

  As she sped away in her car, Jace turned around and padded back into the trees to return to his pile of clothing and vehicle waiting for him on the other side of the park. He'd come out here to burn off his frustration and need, but found as he trotted across the clearing basking in the moonlight that he trembled with even more.

  TALA DROVE HOME AS fast as she could, even blowing through the stop sign at the four way intersection near her house. Once she parked haphazardly in the driveway, she tore open the vehicle door and raced into her house. Slamming the door behind her, she locked it, even engaging the deadbolt.

  Only then, did she relax a little and lean against the door taking in deep measured breaths.

  Even her slow breathing couldn't stop her body from quivering all over. Her teeth chattered from the intensity of her shivers. Adrenaline surged through her like quicksilver. She'd never been this pumped up before. Not chasing bad guys, not running, not ever.

  Why had she run? She knew he would chase her. His animal hunger would not have been able to help itself from pursuing her like prey. Had she wanted him to? To put her carnal surrender in his hands, giving him the final choice?

  Still shuttering from the adrenaline rush, Tala pushed away from the door and wandered into her bedroom. She stripped off her clothes, went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Hot water rushed out of the nozzle and hit her dead on. Closing her eyes, she let the gush of scalding liquid pour over her head and down her face.

  Maybe she could sear the hunger from her mind and her body.

  She hadn’t fully realized how much she burned for Jace until she spotted him in his enthralling wolf form among the trees. The moment she had seen the animal crouched in the foliage, she knew it was Jace and not a wolf she needed to fear. It was the way he had looked at her, cautious yet curious, that had tipped her off.

  He was breathtakingly beautiful. The silky luster of his dark brown coat gleamed in the moonlight. His eyes glowed like night stars. She had wanted to run her hands over his fur to feel the hard muscles underneath.

  Biting down on her lip, she tried to push the thoughts from her mind. It was sick to think of it. He was an animal and she was human. So what, if the man inside made her heart thump and her stomach clench with desire. He was not the same as her; they were worlds, species even, apart.

  Shutting off the water, Tala stepped out of the stall, gra
bbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around her body. She still shook. She decided to attribute it to the difference in temperatures from the hot shower to the cool room.

  But when pain ripped up her legs forcing her to her knees, Tala knew it was more than that. Her body was reacting to Jace more than she ever thought possible.

  Grapping hold of the counter, she pulled herself to her feet and yanked open the medicine cabinet. She scrambled though the other bottles and lotions searching for her plastic bottle. She found it in the corner, twisted off the cap and held it up over her head. Opening her eyes wide, she dripped the liquid into them. One drop, then two. Three. Four. She kept dripping until the shaking in her hands forced the bottle from her hand and it dropped into the sink.

  Clamping her eyes shut against the agony, Tala collapsed to the tile and curled into a ball. Her eyes felt like they were melting. Maybe they were. Maybe she had used too much this time. With the urge to suppress herself, she may have wounded her eyes beyond repair.

  A scorching pain razed over her as if burning her to the ground. She wanted to throw up from the agony of it, but she knew it wouldn't be that easy to find relief. Her penance was to suffer. And suffer she would for the rest of her days.

  Because she knew there was only one way she'd ever find release. But to do so would be to damn her for an eternity.

  Tala shook and quaked until finally, sweet mercy found her, and she fell asleep.

  She dreamed of running. Of the moon. And of a wolf.


  The thundering of a heartbeat pulsed in her ears. She could hear the rush of blood streaming through veins. The smell of grass, dirt and male wafted to her nose. She inhaled deeply, reveling in its delicious bouquet. Shaking her head, shivers radiated from the end of her nose to the tip of her tail.

  Tala was in the park again. This time she was the wolf.

  And she wasn't alone.

  Jace was there, in his ethereal beast form, standing in the clearing of the park, waiting for her to come out of the trees. Waiting for her to come to him.


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