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Wolves Don't Cry

Page 9

by Nova Archer

  The sound was deafening to Jace. His teeth were rattling from the vibrations. He touched Mannie's shoulder and pointed to the corner, where the DJ was still spinning his records. Mannie nodded and made his way across the floor.

  Jace followed him, motioning with his head for Tala to follow behind.

  As the three of them walked across the dance floor, some of the revelers finally took notice of Mannie's uniform and made a beeline toward the nearest exit. By the time they reached the DJ booth, most of the remaining partiers were making their way to the doors.

  When they approached the booth, the overweight white DJ had just finished shoving something into his pocket. Likely drugs. Fortunately for him, they weren't looking to bust him.

  Mannie nodded to him and showed him the picture of their suspect Darryl Rockland. "Do you know this guy?" He had to lean into the guy's ear to speak.

  Jace heard every word from where he was standing a couple feet away.

  The DJ shook his head, his blond dreadlocks nearly smacking him in the face. "No man. Never seen the dude."

  "Are you sure?" Mannie insisted, flashing the picture again.

  "Hey man, I'm not doing anything but having some fun. There's nothing going on here but a good time."

  Yeah right, Jace thought. He glanced around the room, looking for anything that would lead them further. From around a stack of floor speakers, Darryl Rockland bounced into view. The guy was laughing and chatting with a group of teenage boys. Jace watched as their suspect handed a small plastic bag to one of the boys, and the boy gave him a wad of money.

  And Bingo was his name-o.

  Tala must've seen him at the same time, because she tensed beside him. He glanced at her and saw her neck muscles quiver and her jaw twitch. She looked like an animal ready to pounce on her prey. Interesting.

  Jace smacked Mannie on the arm and nodded toward their suspect.

  The cop nodded, and the three of them moved from the DJ booth and toward Darryl. Fortunately, he hadn't noticed as they advanced on him. He was too involved with the trafficking of his Ecstasy to minors.

  But one of the teenage boys did notice them, and he nudged Darryl with his elbow then turned to make his own escape.

  Jace cursed under his breath as their suspect made them. Tensing up, he prepared for a chase. Within seconds, Darryl was running across the dance floor toward the back of the building.

  Without any hesitation, Jace was in hot pursuit. As he ran, he sensed Tala and Mannie behind him. Tala was a lot closer than he would've guessed. She was fast.

  Because of his head start and vicinity to the back of the building, Darryl pushed through the back exit door a few minutes ahead of Jace. It afforded him enough time to be rounding the corner of the alley and to toss something into the neighboring yard just as Jace managed to burst through the metal door. There was a heap of wooden crates off to the side stacked against the green chain-link fence and if not for his quick feet, he would've careered right into them.

  The door smashed open again and Tala came rushing through. She was not as lucky or as quick. The tower of crates toppled over as she barreled into them and the fence shoulder first.

  Skidding to a stop at the mouth of the alley, Jace considered racing back to help her. He was making his way back when he saw Tala's head pop up from the broken wood and her hand waving in the air.

  Mannie burst out of the back door and immediately aided Tala to her feet.

  "Go Jace! Don't let him get away!" she called.

  The spot of blood on her forehead made his pulse pound. He hated the sight of it marking her perfect skin. His blood boiled just imagining any amount of pain she endured.

  Good lord, he'd never felt this much concern for anyone before. Oh sure, he certainly didn't want anything to happen to Caine, Lyra, even Eve, or anyone else at the OCU, but he'd never hesitated when something needed to be done by the mere thought of them hurting. This was a new thing for him.

  The worry coursing through him for Tala was nearly staggering.

  "Is she alright, Mannie?"

  The cop nodded. "She's fine, just a couple of cuts."

  "Oh for cripe's sake Jace, you're losing our suspect!" she yelled.

  He could discern the frustration in her voice and he knew she was fine. That's all he needed to hear.

  "Okay, but I think he tossed something into the next lot. Check it out."

  Without any more hesitation, Jace turned back around and raced out of the alley to track Darryl. Little did their suspect know that this was exactly what Jace was born to do. Lifting his nose in the air, Jace had Darryl's scent in seconds.

  It was hunting time.


  Tala breathed a sigh of relief when she finally saw Jace disappear around the corner of the alley. For a second, she thought he was going let their only suspect get away just because she had done something careless and embarrassing.

  The fact that his concern warmed her in all the right places was inconsequential.

  Brushing off the dirt and splinters of wood from her pants, she let Mannie inspect the cuts on her head and arm. She wanted to tell him that they were nothing, that she felt little to no pain and they would likely be gone in a couple of days. She'd always been a quick healer.

  Too quick for some people. She could hear her mother's voice. Always keep the bandage on longer. You don't want people asking questions.

  Tala swatted Mannie's hand away when he started probing her other arm. "I'm fine."

  He held up his hands and backed away. "Just trying to help."

  "I know, but I don't need it."

  "I'm going to go radio dispatch and let them know our suspect is on the run and investigator Jericho is in pursuit." Mannie grabbed the handle to the back door. "You'll be okay to search for the dump, won't you? I don't think there are any more little crates to jump out at you over there." His little smirk told her he was making fun at her expense.

  "Ha, ha. Make yourself useful and grab Jace's evidence kit when you come back."

  "What makes you think I'm coming back?" he scoffed.

  She gestured to him with her finger. A gesture that told him exactly what he could do with that comment.

  Laughing, Mannie disappeared back into the brick building.

  Now that he was gone, Tala could concentrate on tracking down the item that their suspect had dumped. She was good at finding things. And there was no one around that would inquire on how she did it. She could get down on all fours and sniff out the trail if she wanted. She wouldn't of course. She had a little more dignity then that.

  Glancing at the fence separating the alley from the barren lot next door, Tala couldn't find an immediate opening. She'd have to jump it if she wanted to start her search. Or she could walk down the alley to the street and go around. But what if she missed something? What if Darryl tossed more than one thing? She opted for jumping the fence.

  Once over, she immediately started searching the ground. Sweeping from right to left as she walked, Tala eyed every little piece of trash and debris that was scattered all over the barren concrete lot. She toed over every rock and empty soda can she came across.

  After walking half way across the lot, Tala finally noticed the gathering shadows cast by the morning light around her. She had been so intent on searching for evidence of drugs that she didn't notice she wasn't alone any longer.

  Raising her head, she saw several youths standing around her. By the looks of the four males and one female, Tala didn't think they had come over to help her out. Lifting her nose, she smelled the sickly scent of fear and realized it was her own.

  "What are you doing here, sugar?" The biggest male asked, the gold on his wrist glinting in the sun.

  Tala eyed the group and noticed gang colors. She wasn't familiar with which one they belonged to, but by the way they were all standing and eyeing each other they were looking for trouble. Even though she was armed, a young female cop alone was a perfect mark to make a name and rank in gang

  "I'm doing my job. So I suggest if you don't want any trouble, you best be moving away and allow me to do it." Glancing quickly over her shoulder, she noticed that one of the male youths had stepped in behind her out of her peripheral. Putting her hand on the butt of her gun, she took a step to the side trying to outmaneuver them.

  She didn't want to draw her weapon. In the few years she'd been a cop, she'd hadn't had to. She knew cops that went their whole careers without pulling a gun. She wanted to be one of them. She didn't want to be in a situation where she'd need to, especially against a bunch of kids.

  "What's the matter, Miss Piggy, feeling a little scared?"

  Fear was needling its way through her system. But that wasn't what was worrying her. Fear was natural, especially in a situation like this. It was the growing excitement and anticipation of something more coursing its way over her body that concerned her. It didn't seem like a normal response.

  Unsnapping the strap on her holster, Tala wrapped her hand around her butt of her weapon. "I will not ask you again to step away from the scene and go about your business."

  That started a round of snickers through the group. The leader, swiped at his nose, and smirked. "Woman, this is our business."

  Tala drew her weapon and pointed it at the leader. "I will give you two minutes to comply with my request, or I will arrest all of you for obstruction of justice."

  Another round of snickers rippled through the group.

  The leader took a step toward her. She could see he was high on something. His face was passive, cold, unfeeling. His eyes were wide, the pupils dilated. He had to be pumped up on PCP or worse to make him act like he had a death wish. No sane person would keep antagonizing an armed police officer.

  "Oh, that's a big gun, pig. But I bet you want something even bigger to play with." He grabbed his groin with his hand and wriggled his tongue at her.

  The punk was starting to make her angry. And the scent of his arrogance and youth was tickling the sensitive endings in her nose. Thoughts of how much fun it would be to chase him across the parking lot filled her mind. Images of him down on the ground cowering beneath her as she tore at his flesh with her teeth made her shiver. Saliva actually pooled in her mouth.

  Her hands started to shake. The gun wavered up and down. "Please," she pleaded. "Please go away. You have no idea what you're dealing with here."

  "Hey, Tommy, I think she's going to cry," the youth to her immediate right said to the leader.

  Tommy took another step toward her. The barrel of her gun only a foot away from his chest. "Are you going to cry, little piggy?"

  There was a ringing in Tala's ears. The punk's voice sounded much too loud in her head. Wincing, she tried to shake the sound from her mind. Her head felt like it was going to split open from the pressure.

  Damn it! Something was wrong with her. There was a hunger inside her that she'd never experienced before. It ripped at her insides like claws shredding paper. A need to chase, a need to hunt. She wanted nothing more than to bring Tommy down like an animal, like her prey.

  "Oh God, please don't," she pleaded.

  Tommy laughed. "Get on your knees bitch, and maybe I'll let you go."

  "Let's just do it, Tommy and get out of here," the only girl said.

  He glanced around at the others then nodded.

  Lifting their arms, the group of youths threw rocks at Tala. Big chunky rocks flew through the air and pelted her in the head, arms and legs. One right after another came hurtling toward her. They must've picked them and piled them into their pockets before they had even advanced on her.

  Instinctively she raised her arms to protect her head. But one sneaky apricot-sized stone smacked her in the cheek. Pain rippled through her, and she knew she'd been cut. She could feel the trickle of blood over her skin.

  Something burst inside her. Something large and hungry tore free.

  "You better run," she growled, with a voice so low she hardly recognized it as her own.

  Faster than she could ever imagine, Tala holstered her weapon and struck out at Tommy, the leader. The bottom of her foot connected with the top of his kneecap. She held back a little because she didn't want to snap his bone. Although she had been tempted. And the temptation tasted like ambrosia on her tongue.

  Howling in pain, he dropped to the ground. She stood over him and sneered. "I told you to run."

  Someone hit her in the back of the head. Pain ripped through her. She collapsed to a knee, her vision swimming in and out. Blood dribbled down her forehead and into her eyes.

  Wiping at her face, Tala's vision faded then came back, but everything was stained red as if she was looking through a crimson lens. Was it from the blood or something else peering out from her eyes?


  Livid that he lost their only suspect, Jace ran back around the corner and into the alley behind the old art building where he had started. He couldn't believe he lost the guy's trail. Darryl Rockland was one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

  If Jace hadn't of used those precious moments to make sure Tala hadn't hurt herself when she tumbled into those wooden crates, he would've caught the suspect.

  Damn his fool heart.

  As he moved down the lane, a strong scent of blood wafted to his nose. Lifting his head, he took a deep breath. It was close.

  A sudden growl of rage echoed across the lot triggering his hair to stand on end and his hackles to rise.


  Turning his head, Jace caught sight of something that tore the air from his lungs.

  In seconds, Jace cleared the fence and raced toward the grisly scene. She was there, but not as he had left her.

  He had known there was something different about her. Her smell had been too strong, too enticing. He had reacted to her on a very basic level. An animal level. Now he knew. Deep down inside, she had hidden her secret self. Her true self. Her lycan self.

  But by the state she was in, it was obvious that she had never shifted before.

  The agony swimming in her eyes as he approached nearly sent him reeling. He could just imagine the pain she was enduring. The pain subsided once a lycan fully shifted either way, but to be stuck in between must've been nearly unbearable.

  She was crouched low next to a young man's body, her hands pressing him to the ground and her glowing green eyes shifting back and forth nervously. The boy was sobbing, but seemed unhurt. So far, anyway. A few bruises here and there. By the look on Tala's face she was certainly considering harming him.

  Blood leaked from various wounds on Tala's face, arms and torso. Her clothes were crimson and her hands streaked red. The blood smelled like her own. She had been attacked and was acting out. She was in a rage. All young lycans suffered through it when it was their first time.

  Thankfully, he saw that her lips were unstained. She had not tasted the blood. At least, he hoped she hadn't. It proved more difficult to come back to human form once a lycan had a taste for the kill.

  He neared her, his hands out to his sides in a submissive manner. "Tala, I can help you."

  She growled low in her throat and hunched her shoulders.

  "Let me touch you. I can help you force it back."

  She shifted her weight to her back feet, preparing to leap forward. The long talons poking through the tattered remains of her boots clicked on the cement as she moved.

  Jace stopped moving and kept her gaze. Before, he had talked down one of the young pups in his pack during his first night from breaking a vampire's neck. He could do this. It was no different.

  Except he hadn't been falling in love with that young pup.

  "This is your fault." She winced as she spoke through elongated teeth and protruding jaw. "I was doing okay before you came."

  Jace could just imagine the agony tearing over her. "I want to help, Tala. Please let me."

  "You can't," she grunted then leapt forward over the youth's shivering body. She hit the ground on all fours and started running.
  He couldn't let her go. Not like this, not in the state she was in. He feared she would hurt more people and herself. He couldn't live with that. Swiveling around, he leapt and made a grab for her.

  He managed to snag her around the waist and they both came crashing down to the hard cement. Tala ended up underneath him. The moment she landed on her back, she started to struggle and fight her way out of his hold.

  Jace tried to keep her still, but her new talons were sharp and vicious. After a few well-placed swipes at his neck and chest, he had to let go. Any more injuries like that and he'd bleed to death no matter how fast he healed.

  Slick with his blood, Tala slid out of his arms, turned and ran. He let her go for now. He'd track her after he called for an ambulance for the teenager bleeding on the ground. He wondered what he had done to force the beast from Tala. Because he knew she was too wound up, had too tight a grip on her animal for it to come out for no reason. She had had it so locked up that he hadn't been able to smell it in her.

  Taking out his cell phone, Jace called 911. "I need an ambulance at 222 Dawson Street. There's been an animal attack. Please hurry."

  He slid the phone into his pants pocket then quickly crouched down next to the young man. He grabbed onto Jace's arm and started to babble. "Oh thank God, you showed up, man. She...that bitch was going to kill me."

  "Nah, she wouldn't have killed you man. Just ripped your guts open." Jace smoothed a hand over the guy's head. "I wonder what you were doing here though."

  "Nothing. We weren't doing nothing, I swear."

  "We?" Jace glanced around the lot.

  "We just wanted to see what she was doing. This is our lot and we were just protecting our turf."

  Nodding, Jace understood now. He took in the guy's clothes and the expensive jewelry he was wearing. Gang paraphernalia. "Yeah, I'll bet you were." Running his hand along the boy's neck, Jace found the pressure point he needed and pressed down. "Listen to me. You and your friends were attacked by an animal." The boy's eyes starting rolling in his head. He was close to losing consciousness, just the way Jace wanted him to. "You don't know what it was. But that's what happened." Another second ticked by and the boy was out cold.


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