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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  “Isaac and Joseph are down there now,” Jacob reported.

  “How’s Libby?” Presley wanted to know before she went upstairs.

  Avery answered. “She’s asleep on a couch in the next room. We can’t get her to return to the honeymoon suite, she just can’t stand it. Later, I’ll try to get her up to my room. She needs to be in a real bed.”

  “Okay,” she touched Zane on the shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “No, I’ll be up in a few minutes. I need to feed Rex.” He patted her hand. “There should be some things up there you need. I hope I didn’t forget anything.”

  What was he talking about? “You didn’t need to do . . .”

  “Oh yes, I did.” Zane ‘looked’ up at her, his beautiful brown eyes were tired but so kind. “And it was a pleasure.”

  She couldn’t resist, but pushed a lock of his hair off his forehead. “Don’t be long. You’ll do more good for Aron if you get some rest.” When he angled his head and kissed the inside of her wrist, her heart began to hammer in her chest. “I’ll be upstairs.” Presley rushed off, she didn’t trust herself to stay any longer, if she had – she would have kissed him right there in front of everyone.

  Making her way to the elevator, she looked out at the window and saw the crowd at the beach, the boats on the horizon and even a couple of helicopters flying overhead. How devastating to Libby and their family. She felt so sorry for them.

  “Are you getting on, Miss?” A man’s gruff voice brought her out of her fog.

  “Yes, thank you.” She stepped in and walked to the far corner. As normal for her, she kept her eyes on the floor.

  “That was bad about that fella from Texas, wasn’t it?”

  The man had a thick accent that she couldn’t place. “Yes, it was. Hopefully, we’ll find him; he’s a good man.” Presley looked up and him and smiled, thinking how nice it was that he had mentioned Aron with concern.

  “Damn, Girly, you ought to get something done about your mouth. You’d be okay looking if you’d get it fixed.”

  With a quick, but jerky, movement she covered her mouth. How stupid! For a while, she had forgotten how different she was. Her critic was still looking at her, so she tried to think of something to say. “I know, when I get a job with insurance, maybe I can get another operation.”

  He snorted, “I doubt that. Surgery like you need is usually classified as cosmetic, and that’s a shame because I’m sure looking at yourself makes you sick.”

  The elevator door opened and the man exited giving her a half, dismissive wave. Presley’s confidence plummeted, for a few hours she had let herself forget her reality. Sometimes she thought it would be easier if she wore a bag over her head or a hockey mask like one of those creepy Halloween movie characters. A veil might be an alternative, and at least that would look halfway normal. When she arrived at her floor, Presley exited and walked down the corridor still covering her mouth. As soon as she was able to punch the card in the door and hear the click of release, she pushed in, pulled it to and leaned against the door feeling dejected.

  Crossing her arms under her breasts, she tried to squeeze herself hard enough to squish the bad feelings out. It just wasn’t fair! More than anything, Presley wanted to be just a normal woman. Wiping the tears from her eyes before they splashed on her cheeks, she tried to settle her nerves. Zane would be up soon.

  As soon as she thought of Zane, Presley groaned. How stupid could she be? She didn’t have a problem. Libby and the McCoys had a problem. They had, conceivably, lost a loved one and she just had a cleft lip. Shame made her grow hot. Pushing away from the door, she stepped into the beautiful hotel room. One huge king-size bed drew her attention. She couldn’t believe she was sharing a room with Zane!

  Images of how he had lifted her up on his shoulders and kissed her in her most private place made her skin flush hotter than her shame had only moments before. Would he want to make love to her again? He had said yes. But – he might change his mind, or someone might enlighten him about what she really looked like. What had he called her? Kitten. Hope made her want to believe that Zane was genuinely attracted to her. But how could he be? He was attracted to whatever mental image of her he had conjured up by touching her face. Wishful thinking was what this was; he just wished she was pretty, and since he couldn’t dispute that fact with his own eyes, she was pretty, or at least she was in his mind.

  What to do first? A shower would be so nice. Dang! She had forgotten to stop by the hotel gift or dress shop and pick up something to sleep in. This dress was much worse for wear. It was going to have to be rinsed and re-ironed. Oh well – not now. She’d just have to make do. Zane might need her later on. Walking into the dressing room, she stopped in shock.

  What in the world?

  Hanging in the closet was an array of clothes, women’s clothes. And there was a note lying on the dressing table.

  Ms. Love

  These clothes were delivered by request of Mr. Zane Saucier. If you need a different size or if there is any other problems, feel free to call ext. 2524. All charges have been taken care of.


  Island Fashions

  Presley didn’t know what to think. She began to examine garment after garment. What was here amazed her! There was some of everything – dresses, slacks, jacket, blouses, shorts – there was even a bathing suit. Some of the items were dressy and some were casual. “Oh my goodness!” There was even nightwear – sexy nightwear! Her jaw dropped – literally. What was she going to do? She couldn’t accept all of this!

  As soon as Zane arrived, she would have a talk with him. Somehow she knew that he didn’t anticipate her paying for the items, he would know she couldn’t. And that made it a little worse. Why was he giving her these things? Maybe she was just supposed to choose one or two outfits. Yea, that made more sense. Perhaps she could afford that much.

  The suite was amazing. Presley looked around and took note of all the amenities, but what she didn’t see was anything for Rex. Knowing how quickly they had departed, she called room service and had a couple of hamburger patties with cheese sent up and she also got a couple of sandwiches. Zane might be hungry. While she waited on the delivery, Presley made notes of everything they had accomplished today and some things that she thought Zane might need her to do later.

  A knock on the door alerted her that their food had arrived. Digging in her purse for a tip, she dealt with the server.

  “Now, I’ll take a quick shower.” Grabbing the pretty robe she had seen in the closet, Presley took off for the bath to quickly wash off. When Zane came up, she wanted to be ready.


  What a day! Zane should have been tired, but what waited for him in his hotel room gave him an untapped source of energy he hadn’t known he had. God, he was hard already! Remembering the taste of Presley’s sweet pussy, her whimpers of delight and the feel of her warm silky mouth caressing his cock had him ravenous with need. Damn, he couldn’t wait to touch her again! Opening the door to their room, he called out her name, “Presley, we’re here!” he had no desire to scare her.

  The water in the sink was running, his first thought was to join her in the bathroom, but he had to see to about getting Rex some food first. “Hell!” He ran into something! Feeling around, he tried to visualize the room. Normally, he didn’t have problems. On each door, the room number was in Braille and the concierge had taken time to go over the lay-out with him, but apparently he had been confused of his suite location because nothing was where it was supposed to be. It wasn’t a tragedy; it would just take him a few minutes to acclimate himself.

  “Zane?” A waft of sweet smelling woman and a blast of warmer air from the bathroom swept over his skin. “Are you alright?”

  “Yea, I just whacked my shin on the credenza or some such piece of furniture. I was briefed on the suite, but I think they confused my directions.” For some reason, he was a bit embarrassed. Huffing out a breath and ruffling his hair, h
e admitted that wasn’t true. He knew exactly why he was embarrassed, he wanted her to see him as an attractive, capable man – not a damn invalid. With regret, he felt the erection he had been sporting begin to dwindle.

  “I’m wondering around in the dark myself,” she flipped on a light. “From where you’re standing the bed is to your right, the dresser and TV is behind you, the bathroom is to your left and if you walk past the dresser, there is a sitting room and small kitchen father down where the couch is to your right and the wet bar is to your left.” A small delicate hand touched his arm. “You must be tired. Sit on the bed, its five feet ahead of you and I’ll get you a drink and take care of Rex. There’s a nightstand right by the bed.”

  Her matter of fact analysis and concern for him and his dog touched Zane.

  “I took the liberty of ordering room service for you and Rex. If it’s okay, I’ll serve both of you. Baby’s first,” her voice changed when she talked to the dog. Zane loved how she was with his lab.

  “Thanks, I appreciate what you’re doing.” He found the table, took off his watch and laid it and his wallet on it.

  “It’s my job.”

  “No, it’s not,” he countered. “Are you being nice to me because you think it’s your duty?”

  To his surprise, she laughed. “Now, you sound like me. I’m being nice to you because I like you. How could a sexy hunk like yourself doubt his own appeal?”

  Zane perked up, “You think I’m a sexy hunk?”

  She didn’t say anything for a moment and he could hear her putting ice in a glass and pouring something that bubbled and fizzed. When she walked up to him, he was super aware of her every movement. “You know I do. Didn’t I prove that yesterday? Hold out your hand.”

  Presley was sort of taken aback by her own brazenness, but she was so hoping they could pick up where they left off. When he carefully took the glass of soda from her and sat it on the table with one hand, he used the other to quickly capture her wrist. “Yesterday was amazing and while I am worried for my friend, I need to celebrate the fact that I’m alive with you.”

  Gently he pulled her between his legs. His plan was to kiss her right on the heart or as close as he could manage without seeing his target. But to his delight, his lips found warm, bare, soft woman. My God! He had just buried his face in Presley’s luscious cleavage. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You’re naked.”

  “I have on my robe, it’s just undone.” Ah! She closed her eyes and bit her lips as he licked a path between her breasts. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”

  Zane chuckled. “I noticed.”

  His legs tightened around hers, effectively trapping her between his thighs. Zane pushed her robe off her shoulders and she helped him drag it down her arms. All of that effort, and his lips never left her flesh. When his disrobing task was complete, he plumped both of her tits and pushed them together and he made himself at home kissing the valley and the upper swells. His thumbs were driving her mad, rubbing her nipples and all she could do was cradle his head and kiss his hair. “That feels so good, it makes me weak-kneed.”

  “God, I love kissing you. It’s like being sat down to a feast after years of fasting.” Zane was lost in the pleasure, his face – lips, nose, cheeks – rubbed against the silk of her skin. And the pleasure of touching her body was over-whelming; he knew how she looked now as well as if he could see her with his eyes. Presley Love was beautiful and for now – she was all his.

  She wanted him. Presley wanted Zane to make love to her more than anything. Surely, he knew. Should she say something? “If you want to,” oh, lord – she was nervous. She tried again. “If it’s not too much trouble,” darn, her tongue was tied in a knot.

  Zane had never been more turned on. He ran his hands all over her body, memorizing its contours and tracing her curves. There were so many places he wanted to lick and learn – “What do you want, Doll?” He knew what he wanted. God, her back was smooth and her ass was divine. Gliding his hands over the soft swell of her hips, he felt his cock rising to the occasion. What if she wanted him to stop? God! There was no way he would survive that. “Don’t you like my touch?” The wait was killing him, but he wanted to make sure she was aroused. He dipped two fingers between her thighs and she bucked against him. God, she was wet. He spread the slick cream all around her soft pussy. “Do you want me to lick this little clit again?”

  “I love your touch.” She kneaded his shoulders, aware of his strength and power. Gathering her courage, she just said it. “I want you to make love to me so much. Will you do that? I mean not just kissing, would you. . .” that was as far as she could go.

  With utter joy, Zane laughed. “You are so precious. I was trying to take it slow and woo you.”

  “Consider me wooed.” Presley squealed with delight when he picked her up by the waist and flipped her over on the bed.

  “Take your robe off,” he tore his clothes off, popping a couple of buttons in the process. “Damn, I ordered you clothes and forgot mine.” He’d have to remedy that – later.

  “We’ve got to talk about that when I can think straight,” she panted, entranced by his ripped body and – oh, lord – engorged cock. Should she tell him she was a virgin? Surely, he realized that no man had ever - - - - umph!

  “There you are!” he had bounced up in the bed next to her. Presley smiled; he acted like he was so happy to be with her. His boyish excitement thrilled her. In a way, she was making him happy.

  “You are the sexiest man I’ve ever met,” she blurted out as he moved over her. She felt so small and delicate and feminine next to him.

  Zane dipped his head and ate at her lips; she framed his face and opened her mouth to his tongue. She loved how it felt to have him half on top of her. He had reclined beside her, one arm up by her pillow, his body halfway covering her. “You are exquisite,” he groaned as he massaged her left breast.

  “Don’t say that,” she admonished, not being able to handle the irony.

  “I’ll say it till you believe it.”

  She arched toward him as he soothed her belly, rubbing over the top of her mound, pushing her legs apart.

  “Oh, Jesus!” she gasped as he two fingers inside of her. Presley felt herself clamp down on him. “It feels so good.” Lifting her hips, she spread her legs farther and pushed up against his hand.

  She was more than ready and his control was nonexistent. Zane shook with desire; it had been a damn eternity since he had really made love with a woman. He didn’t count those two cold, clinical encounters. Going to his knees, he moved between her legs, making sure her knees were bent. “Since you’re on the pill, do you want me to use a condom?” He didn’t want to, but it was lady’s choice.

  “No,” she wanted him, as close as she could get him. “I’d rather feel you, if that’s okay.”

  “Damn, yes,” he ran his hands down her thighs – smooth, creamy, lovely woman – ever inch of her. Placing one hand on her mound, he moved in close and taking his cock, he rubbed the head through her dainty slit. “Velvet, softest velvet.”

  Presley watched his long, dark lashes drift down over his eyes. His jaw tightened, and he hissed his pleasure.

  “You don’t have to wait,” she coaxed him.

  “Patience,” he whispered. “I have fantasies, you know.”

  “Oh, my God,” Presley gasped. Zane smiled. She liked that. He was tapping the head of his cock on her clit – and she liked it. The woman didn’t realize that a lot of the pleasure he derived was in giving her pleasure. More than anything, he wanted her lost in the pleasure of his loving, craving his touch, and the release only he could give her.

  Every part of Presley ached. For the first time in her life, Presley felt wanton and sexy. “Don’t make me wait anymore, please?” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was so sexy – his shoulders were massive, his pecs were mouthwatering and his abs were pure corrugated muscle. A flush of heat had reddened his cheeks and when he licked his lower lip, she trembled. �
�Zane!” she moaned.

  “You want me, don’t you?” he drug that luscious cock head up and down her slit. His eyes were glazed with lust. Presley wished he could feel more for her than lust, but she knew she had no right to want more, but it didn’t keep her from dreaming about it.

  “Yes,” she managed to answer. “I’ve never. . .” she started to warn him, but she didn’t get the chance.

  He put the wide head of his cock into her tender opening and pushed.

  Sweet Mother of God! The wet, hot haven of her body welcomed him; it enveloped him in the sweetest of embraces. God, she was tight. He had to work his way in, sharp little jabs – drilling – a sweet fight for the tiniest distance. Zane leaned over her, letting his hips do the work as he took his pleasure. A white heat of ecstasy swept up his body from his grateful cock and he pushed a little deeper, needing to seat himself completely within her.

  Presley grabbed his wrists; she couldn’t help but let her fingernails sink in the tiniest bit. She was so full! And she wanted it – but God, it hurt! But she didn’t want him to know because he might stop. And if he stopped, he might never start again.

  Zane thrilled at the bite of her nails. “Are you going to be a little wild-cat, Presley?”

  She heard his voice, but despite every good intention- Presley winced, pulling back.

  Through the haze of bliss, Zane felt two things – a barrier give away and the woman whose body he was enjoying flinch. “Hell! I’m, sorry.” He froze and began to pull out.

  “No!” Presley exclaimed. “Don’t. Keep going.”

  Shit! Why hadn’t she said something? And then he realized she had, the whole time. She had told him over and over again that she was innocent – untouched – unsure. “I’m so sorry, Baby.” He bent to kiss her tenderly. “I’ll make it good for you.”

  “It is good.” She kissed his neck. “I’ll be okay, now. You’re just so big.” The last two words were enunciated very carefully, making Zane chuckle.


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