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Page 18

by Todd Gregory

  We existed outside of time, outside of everything.

  All there was, all that mattered, was the two of us.

  And I was aware we were floating again, up into the air above the bed, but I didn’t care, didn’t question it. All that mattered was the intensity of my fucking him, and I wanted to go on fucking him forever. I never wanted to take my cock out of him. I never wanted this incredible feeling to end. I just wanted to fuck and fuck and fuck, never leave this room, never leave his side. His ass felt like velvet and silk and satin as I slid in and out of it faster and deeper and faster, and he was tensing and trembling. He couldn’t stop and that increased the friction on my cock and I could feel it was going to be soon as my balls tightened and ached and that rumbling feeling began to gather inside of me and I saw his shooting out of him, raining down on his chest and stomach, some shots going over his head, others landing on his face and his hair, and it was so beautiful, so intense and erotic that I felt his entire body relax as I let out a cry and my entire body went stiff as my cock released inside of him.

  And we fell back out of the air, landing on the bed, gasping and shaking and trembling.

  I leaned down and pressed my lips to his.


  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” Nico asked.

  I didn’t know how long we’d lain there together, sated. The sounds of the piano still floated up from downstairs, and I’d been more than content to continue lying there, my right arm around him while his head rested on my chest.

  The moment the words left his mouth, the all-too-familiar pang shot agony through me. How had he known before I did?

  What exactly was he? He said he was more than a witch, and while I didn’t know exactly what all a witch could do, I was more than willing to believe his claim.

  “Lorenzo and I have some sport planned for later this evening, you know,” he whispered, “and you’ll be able to drink your fill then. But if you need something to get you by until then”—he pressed his wrist to my mouth—“by all means have some of my blood.” He smiled at me. “They never tell you how arousing it is when a vampire feeds from you. It was almost better than sex.” His hair fell forward into his face, and he brushed it back again. “But sex with you was better than any I’d ever had before. I don’t want you to ever leave here.”

  I could see the blue veins in his forearms, pulsing with each heartbeat. I could smell his sweet blood through his skin. I stopped myself just when I was about to sink my teeth through his skin.

  “What are you?” I asked him as I stroked his golden curls. “You’re more than human; that’s for sure. The only other witch I’ve known was Sebastian, and he didn’t . . .” I hesitated for a moment. “He wasn’t like you, Nico. You’re different somehow.”

  “Does it really matter?” he asked, pulling his wrist away from my mouth and letting it gently graze my cock, which rested, spent and exhausted, over my balls. “But you’re wrong—we are witches.” He kissed my chest again. “The witch blood has run powerfully in my family for hundreds of years.” He waved his hand around the room. “All of this—this house, this property, all of our wealth—is a result of our witch blood.”

  “Okay,” I replied. “I believe you.” I nuzzled my lips against his warm neck and smelled the sweet blood coursing through his jugular vein.

  “The most powerful witches come in pairs—as Sebastian well knew, even if his brother rejected his heritage,” he murmured.

  I could feel the vibration of his voice through the skin of his neck.

  “Yet, Lorenzo said that Sebastian had been your master,” I said, ignoring the next pang of hunger inside of me. The blood scent was rising from him, sweet and pungent. But I also remembered the feeling of power his blood had given me—how it had made me strong enough to break the bonds that had held me in my prison in the outbuilding. “If you and Lorenzo are so powerful, how was it that Sebastian was your master?”

  “Sebastian was a natural leader,” Nico replied, starting to tease the head of my cock with his thumb and forefinger again. “Neither Lorenzo nor I felt any need to be the witchmaster. And it’s often better if the witchmaster isn’t the most powerful—power corrupts, you know, and the last thing anyone needs is the most powerful to be also the most corrupt.”

  “Did you not know what his plan was?” I asked, closing my eyes and feeling my cock beginning to grow again. “You know what he wanted me for?”

  “Look at this,” he said, glancing down at my cock. He looked back into my eyes. “Sebastian wanted your vampire blood. He thought with his power and your blood he could become a god.” He rolled his big green eyes. “Sebastian could be really stupid at times. Like that would ever be allowed. He’d have been destroyed in either case.”

  “But your brother said that I needed to be sacrificed to free Sebastian and allow him to rest in peace. Does that mean you and your twin plan to kill me?”

  “My brother has always been a fool.” Nico turned, placing both hands on my chest and resting his chin on his hands so that he could look me in the eye. “Almost as big a fool as Sebastian. They were lovers, you know—Lorenzo and Sebastian. Often my brother and I share our lovers, but we didn’t share Sebastian.” He sat up. “And now he claims Sebastian’s soul can’t move on until you die.”

  “And you don’t believe that?”

  “Even when we were children, he was a fool. He’s stronger than I—the dark is always stronger than the light—but the light is always smarter than the dark. That is why the light always wins in the end.” His eyes flashed at me. “I am a witch—just as Sebastian was, and as his foolish brother is, no matter how much he tries to deny who he is, his heritage. But witches come in all different shapes and sizes and styles. We all have our own powers. Some of us can command the winds and raise storms. Others can cast spells or command animals and insects. Some, like Sebastian, are incredibly strong while others are remarkably weak. If the bloodline is weakened by intermarriage with nonwitches”—he shrugged and brushed a lock of curly hair from his face—“then the power is weakened. It used to be forbidden for witches to marry nonwitches just for that very reason.” He laughed. “But the heart wants what the heart wants. Don’t you find that to be so?” A dark look crossed his face. “So, at the time of the great scattering, the rules were relaxed and in many cases the bloodlines were diluted. But not in our family. Never in our family. In our family, witch married witch.”

  “The great scattering?” I stared at him. “What do you mean by that?”

  “It happened so long ago, no one is sure if it really happened or if it was just a legend, but there have been many other, smaller scatterings.” He dismissed my question with a flick of his wrist. “But in our family, the bloodline has never been diluted. The Narcisse? It has been diluted—Sebastian and his brother are the most powerful Narcisse to come along in many a generation.”

  “But you said that he wasn’t as powerful—”

  “If his brother hadn’t been a fool, the Narcisse would be the most powerful twin witches in centuries—but the brother was a fool.” He smiled at me, his eyes twinkling. “Do you understand now?”

  I didn’t, and said so. “I don’t understand what you want with me, though. If you don’t want to kill me—”

  “I don’t want to kill you—Lorenzo does.” His eyes widened. “It would be such a waste of a beautiful vampire.” He lowered his head and kissed my chest again. “So, yes, you are our prisoner. I wish it weren’t so, but maybe once Lorenzo realizes how foolish he’s being about this whole Sebastian thing . . . It’s more about revenge, I think, than anything else. I hope you’ll want to stay here with me.”

  “So, I’m nothing but a prisoner?” I touched his lips with the fingers of my left hand. “After what we just did, you can say that to me?”

  I didn’t trust him in the least, and I certainly didn’t trust his brother. But if I was going to be their prisoner, I’d rather be in the mansion than in that dreadful building I’d been
in before escaping. I hated playing a game with him, but I wanted to live. I didn’t want to die here in this place. So, I was going to do whatever I had to do in order to survive until I could escape. If it meant earning his trust, then I would do whatever was necessary to do so.

  His blood, though, had made me stronger and I didn’t understand how or why that was possible. It didn’t make any sense. But then, there was so much I didn’t know. Maybe vampires were forbidden from drinking the blood of witches, but for some reason Nico hadn’t had a problem with giving me his blood. He’d offered me more—and I was hungry. That didn’t make sense either.

  Why was the hunger not being sated the way it usually was? I’d drunk from the stripper and yet had been hungry again the next day. I didn’t know how long I’d been unconscious and bound to that slab, but Nico had fed me more than enough blood to last me for at least a day or two—yet I was hungry again. I wasn’t certain if I should drink more of Nico’s blood until I knew for certain what effect it was having on me.

  Sebastian had wanted my vampire-infected blood to increase his own power—perhaps it worked in reverse as well? If a vampire drank the blood of a witch . . . It was so infuriating being so ignorant of everything! I muffled a cry as the hunger twisted my bowels into another brutal cramp.

  He pressed his wrist against my lips immediately. “Drink from me, my love.”

  I sank my teeth into his wrist again, and this time he cried out. The cry soon turned into a moan as his blood washed into my mouth and I drank, closing my lips around the torn flesh and sucking, drawing blood from him faster than his heart could pump it.

  It crossed my mind that I could completely drain him before he realized what was happening, and then I could escape.

  As I drank, he continued to moan, and he moved his body on top of mine, rubbing his hardening cock against mine as I kept lapping up his sweet-tasting blood. He was so besotted with the pleasure of my feeding he wouldn’t realize I was taking too much until it was far too late to do anything about it, but how much blood did he have? As I drank, my mouth continued to fill almost as fast as I could gulp the sweet, sticky elixir down.

  And sure enough, my veins began to flame again with strength and power as every nerve in my body sprang to alertness and sensitivity. I felt alive, strong, and powerful, like I could fly, like I could tear this house down brick by brick with my bare hands, tear Nico and Lorenzo both limb from limb without the slightest bit of effort.

  I felt like a god, as though the world were mine for the taking, and the power was so intoxicating. I was getting drunk on his blood, drunk on the power it was giving me. My muscles longed to be flexed, put to use, and tested. It felt like my muscles were growing, getting bigger. I made a fist with my left hand and saw the veins bulging in my forearm and over the biceps. The muscles did look larger than they had been, my chest felt like the muscles had expanded some, and even my cock was bigger than it had been. I felt invincible.

  He gently pushed my head away, and my tongue darted out, licking up the last of his blood before the wounds closed and healed. “You feel the power of my blood, don’t you?” His eyes glittered, and the stone around his neck began to glow brighter again.

  “What is it doing to me, Nico?” I whispered, grabbing him by both wrists and flipping him onto his back. I straddled him, pinning him down on the satin sheets, and leaned down so that my face was close to his. “What is your blood turning me into? Will a vampire who drinks the blood of a witch become a god as well?”

  His pupils were expanding. “Why would I create a god if I couldn’t control him?” he whispered, his right arm slipping out of my grasp. He held up the green stone, which was glowing. “Imagine . . .”

  “What is this jewel?” I asked, reaching for the pendant.

  He pushed my hand away. “Don’t touch it!”

  “This is how I was taken prisoner, kidnapped off the street,” I replied, still staring at it. “The boy on Dauphine Street—that wasn’t you or Lorenzo. Who was the boy? How did he do it?”

  “He’s a novitiate in our coven, one of us,” Nico replied, a smug look on his face. “You saw how many of us there are—the entire coven gathered here tonight for a celebration.”

  “To celebrate my death and Sebastian’s release?” I replied, angry.

  His face darkened. “Please stop. Let me go, please.” “It isn’t just your death we intend to celebrate,” a voice said from the doorway behind us.

  I turned my head and watched Lorenzo strut into the room. He walked with the swagger of a supremely confident man who was getting exactly what he wanted. It made me want to kill him, frankly.

  He shut the door behind him and removed his shirt as he approached the bed. “Did you honestly think you could escape from your shackles and I wouldn’t know about it immediately? Do you think I am that stupid, foolish?” he asked as he stood next to the bed.

  “Sebastian was overconfident,” I replied, rolling off Nico onto my back and watching Lorenzo as he dropped the white silk shirt to the floor.

  He reached down and pinched my left nipple. “Or that you could rut with my brother and I wouldn’t be aware of it?” He laughed, a low chuckle that was more of a growl than anything else. He undid the clasp of his white velvet pants, and they slid down his muscled thighs. His cock wasn’t quite as long as his brother’s, and it was darker, almost purplish, and much thicker. His legs weren’t smooth like his brother’s, but like his chest, they were dusted with curly, wiry black hairs. His muscles were also thicker, and he grasped his cock with his right hand. A little drop oozed out from the slit.

  In spite of myself, I felt a strong attraction to him, and my cock was thickening again. I almost could hear Rachel’s voice again, mocking me and calling me a whore. I pushed her out of my mind and met his eyes.

  “Don’t you want to touch it?” he whispered, leaning against the side of the bed so it was closer to me, within my reach. “Don’t you want to know if I can take you to the same heights of pleasure that my beautiful blond brother did? Or higher?” His tongue darted over his thick lips. “Because, as in all things, I am superior to my brother as a lover.”

  I could not take my eyes away from his and was aware that the green stone around his neck was also glowing. I sensed rather than saw Nico climbing out of the bed on the other side. I could hear his footsteps as he walked over to the French doors, and the click as he pushed them open.

  “You were so beautiful when you were bound that I wanted to fuck you right then and there. Oh, yes,” he said when I flinched, “didn’t he explain to you that we are the two halves of the whole? I am the dark; he is the light. I am the top; he is the bottom.” He reached down and took his cock into his hands. “You want me inside of you, just as you wanted to be inside of him, don’t you?”

  And God help me, I did. I wanted him on top of me, his cock inside of me.

  My asshole twitched with desire.

  “You are such a whore,” Rachel’s voice echoed inside my head, exasperated.

  I dismissed her. “If all you’re going to do is bitch at me and not rescue me, then go to hell and shut the fuck up.”

  “You need rescuing from a good fuck, Cord?” Her voice mocked me. “Since when? I can read your thoughts, remember ? You want him inside of you, don’t you, you disgusting pig.”

  “Rescue me or shut the fuck up.”

  He climbed onto the bed and stood over me on all fours—his knees inside of my legs, his hands on either side of my head. His long, luxuriant dark hair glinted chestnut in the chandelier’s light and hung on either side of his head down toward me. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

  He tasted succulent and rich, sweet yet an entirely different kind of sweet from his brother. His lips worked against mine as he lowered his pelvis down on top of me, and I felt his thickness pressing against my now-hard cock. Nico had been warm, but Lorenzo radiated heat like a fire, and his skin burned against mine as he took my tongue inside his mouth.

sp; His kisses are the opposite of Nico’s, I thought crazily. They truly are yin and yang.

  “That’s right, two halves of a whole, bound together,” he breathed against my ear, “and as you fucked him so hard, I will fuck you even harder.” His teeth closed on my earlobe, pulling on it slightly. It felt incredible, and I wanted him to bite me harder.

  What is happening to me? I thought crazily as his teeth kept chewing lightly on my ear, as I arched my back and pressed my crotch up against his, my legs coming up and closing around his waist, locking tightly and pulling him down harder against me.

  It’s not like I’d ever objected to sex, but when had I turned into such a pig?

  Rachel was right. But then desire pushed everything else out of my mind, and I wanted more.

  His tongue ran from my ear along my jawline, and I shuddered, barely able to stand how good it felt. The pleasure was so intense it almost hurt; it was almost more than I could stand. I wanted him to stop, but I also didn’t want him to stop. Ever. I wanted him to mount me, make me his little bitch, his little whore. I wanted him to shove that thick monster inside of me, to rip me in half, to make me scream and beg and whine and grunt like a pig. I wanted him on top of me. I wanted him to take me from behind and slap me, pull my hair, claw me until my vampire blood was spilling. I wanted his teeth to tear at my ear, gnaw on my lips, bite my nipples until they ached, and then I wanted him to put all of his fingers inside of me.


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