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Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3)

Page 10

by Cassidy Summers

  He lets out a deflated sigh. “I admire your dedication,” he says. “I don’t understand it though.”

  “What’s there not to understand?” I ask.

  “Why you’re working so hard. You’ve already caught up to everyone else and surely you’ve done more than enough in your schoolwork to get a pass in all your classes.”

  “True,” I say. “I just want to be the best version of myself. It’s kind of something I’m doing for my dad,” I explain.

  “Oh, cool,” he says, completely not understanding why it is such a big deal, but I’m not about to explain it all to him.

  After what feels like the longest walk known to man, we make it back to my window and he steps in close to me. “I don’t know what’s holding you back,” he says. “But you should know, I really like you, Bianca, and I’m not going to give in just yet.”

  “Brax,” I sigh. “I’m sorry, I’m just not interested in you like that,” I say, feeling like the wicked witch of the west as his heart breaks in two before me.

  “I’m sorry to sound like a whiny kid but why not?” he asks.

  “Sorry, Brax,” I say, giving him a tight smile and dodging his question before slipping into my room. “Night. Thanks for walking me back,” I tell him. I close the window and pull the curtain just in case he wants to hang out by my window like a creeper.

  I quickly get dressed and flop down into bed, pulling the cover high around my neck, feeling terrible for not giving Brax any answers just now and leaving him with more questions than what he started with, but what am I going to say? ‘Sorry Brax, I can’t date you because I’m actually screwing the most popular guy in The Guard.’ Yeah right.

  I close my eyes, hating that my amazing night had to end on a sour note but the exhaustion is far too much for my body to fight and I fall into a much-needed sleep, dreaming about Rylan’s strong arms holding me.

  Chapter 14

  My alarm sounds on Thursday morning, waking me out of a perfect dream. A dream that had a little something to do with me, Rylan and a bed. I groan as I reach over to turn off my alarm and drag myself out of bed. I can’t wait until the whole school thing is over. I’ll be able to get up whenever I want, train whenever I want, see my boyfriend whenever I want. It’s going to be magical.

  I get dressed in my workout gear making sure to keep an eye on the time as Ben really hates it when I’m late, and unlike Rylan, he actually punishes me for it. 6:50 am. I better get going.

  I sit on the edge of my bed and quickly lace up my shoes before flying out the door.

  The fresh air of the morning hits me hard and I rush to the gym, not bothering with a jacket as I’ll just be taking it off in a moment. A shiver rushes through me and I wrap my arms around my body, desperately trying to cling onto my body heat.

  I push the gym door open with my ass and have a look around. Hmm, no Ben. The lights are on so he must be around here somewhere. I double-check the time and realize I’m still a few minutes early so I sit down and get started with my stretching.

  “Are you serious? You’re early for Ben’s sessions, but never mine?” A velvety, smug voice asks from behind me.

  I gasp as I whip my head around. It couldn’t be. He isn’t due back until the end of the week, but here he is, standing right before me looking sexy as hell. I fly to my feet and launch myself at him. He catches me with ease as he folds me into his arms. “Ben doesn’t let me get away with half the shit you do,” I grin into his hard chest.

  “Is that so?” Rylan asks, pulling back so he can look down at me with a grin of his own.

  “Mmhmm,” I say. “What are you doing here?”

  “You know that guy that was subbing for me?” he asks, then continues with my nod of confusion. “His wife went into labor late last night so I was released a few days early,” he explains.

  “Seriously?” I smile. “You’re back for good?”

  “I’m back for good,” he whispers as he lowers his face to mine and captures my lips in a passionate kiss.

  “I missed this,” I tell him after I reluctantly pull myself away from him.

  “I know but I’ll make it up to you tonight,” he promises with a sexy wink that has my knees threatening to drop out from under me. “For now, you need to show me what nonsense Ben has been filling your head with so I can fix it.”

  “Okay, but be warned, I’m probably about to kick your ass.”

  “Not possible, Bianca,” he says coolly. “I’ve done nothing for the past three months, but train.”

  “I can see that,” I comment as my eyes greedily travel down his body, noticing how his chest looks a little bigger and the hard lines of his abs, visible against the white shirt that wraps around his body, seem impossibly sharper.

  I practically drool as I take him in, dreaming of reaching out and touching him, though I know nothing has changed. He’s still the same man he was before I left and our training rules are still in place. Training is serious and there’s no time for fooling around, but the second this session is over, I’m coming for him.

  “You done yet?” he asks with a raised eyebrow as he watches me blatantly check him out.

  “Nope,” I smile, giving his chest one more longing look, wondering how much trouble I’d get in if I asked to see the back. My eyes travel up to his and I pull myself together. “What’s the plan?”

  “Just sparring today. I want to see where you’re up to,” he says. “Finish stretching and we’ll get started.”

  “K,” I grin, ecstatic to have him back.

  I drop back down to the floor and continue with my stretching like a good little girl, but the thoughts flying around inside my head certainly aren’t good. I rush through my stretching routine just so I can get started on sparring and be close to him once again, to feel the heat of his skin under my fingers.

  He narrows his eyes at me and gives me one of those boyish smirks that drives women insane. Knowing exactly what I’m up to as not once in the time he has known me have I ever been stingy on my stretching.

  I step up before him and get straight into position. His gold speckled eyes sparkle back at me in excitement. “Come on, Miss Moore,” he grins as he raises his arms. “Show me what I’ve been missing.”

  “With pleasure.”

  I update him on every little thing that has happened while he’s been away and somehow manage to remain completely focused on his movements. I skip over Daniel’s party, but naturally, he already knows, though I don’t know why I’m surprised, he always seems to know when I’m up to no good.

  Rylan strikes out and something about it feels different, his strike is slower, less powerful and I know for a fact that he’s holding back. Afraid he will hurt me or maybe he thinks I’m not ready or strong enough yet. I don’t know, but it doesn’t sit well with me.

  I quit chatting and push myself harder. I’ve been working my ass off for the past month. I know I’m not where I was before I left, but I’m getting close and if Rylan is saying he has improved his own training over the last few months, then I need to know exactly what I’m up against. Exactly just how high the bar has been set.

  “Quit holding back,” I tell him.

  “You’re not ready,” he says.

  “I can handle it. I need to get better and that’s not going to happen if you’re holding back,” I grunt as I kick my leg out, which, of course, he easily blocks.

  He lets out a pained groan and I realize I was right; he doesn’t want to hurt me. He’s torn between helping me improve and my safety. “Fine,” he says. “But if you even lose focus for just one second, you’re done for the day,” he warns.

  I nod my head and concentrate on reading his body and predicting his next move. When he said all he’s done for the past few months is train, he wasn’t kidding. He’s become an even more lethal version of his old self and if I wasn’t struggling so hard, trying to keep up with him, I’d say it’s downright sexy.

  I keep up with him for a little while, but my body easily
tires which he picks up on straight away. “Your fitness is lacking,” he tells me as he strikes out again, as casual as ever like we’re not in the middle of an exhausting workout.

  “I know,” I say, ducking under his fist.

  Looking almost disappointed he steps back and lowers his hands. “Take a break,” he tells me.

  I just stand there, not moving as the exhaustion from the past month begins to overwhelm me. “No,” I say through a sharp lump in my throat. “I need to keep going. I need to be better.”

  My traitorous body defies me and surrenders itself to tears as embarrassment completely takes over me. How is it this incredible man is always around when I need to break down? Or maybe it’s just this man has what it takes to bring me to my knees.

  Rylan launches himself forward and wraps me in his strong arms. “How much classwork have you caught up on?” he asks as those familiar butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach at his touch.

  “Nearly all of it,” I mumble into his chest.

  He curses and pushes me back by my shoulders. “What you need is to give yourself a break. You’re going to end up sick in bed for another week if you don’t slow down,” he warns. “I’m assuming you’ve been working out on weekends too?”

  I cringe and don’t answer, but I don’t need to, he already knows the truth. “Shit, Bianca,” he groans as he pulls me back into his arms and lets me dry my tears on his shirt. “We’re finished for this morning, go back to your room and sleep it off until training this afternoon. I’ll give you a pass for your morning classes,” he says into my ear.

  “I can’t. I’ll get behind in classwork again.”

  “You can and you will,” he says. “Now go.”

  I look up into his eyes not ready to leave him just yet, but he’s right. I’ve been working my ass off and not giving my body a moment to catch up. I reach up onto my tippy toes and gently place a feather-soft kiss on his stubbled jawline, my heart melting as his eyes soften. “Go,” he whispers.

  I head over to the door, glancing back for one last lingering look and reminding myself that it’s real. He’s finally back and my world can completely go back to normal.

  Chapter 15

  I rush off to Combat Training and push through the big double doors, pleased to find, apart from Rylan and Ben, I’m the first one here.

  My heart beats a little faster the second his eyes land on mine and that familiar smile crosses his face. God, I’ll never get enough of that. Ben clears his throat in the distance and my eyes snap across the room to his. Shit, I need to be more careful.

  “Bet you’re glad that lover boy is back,” Ben teases, making Rylan’s eyes widen in shock, clearly having no clue that Ben has known about us all along. I may as well have a little fun with this.

  “Oh, yeah,” I agree, turning my eyes back on Rylan and fluttering my eyelashes while a dreamy look crosses my face. I let out a lovesick sigh just to get the point across.

  Rylan’s eyes grow hard as he shoots me a scolding look which makes a wicked grin strike across my face. Rylan turns back to Ben looking as if his whole world is about to come crashing down as he prepares to explain himself.

  “Relax,” I laugh. “Apparently Ben has known about us the whole time,” I tell him while keeping one eye trained on the door, making sure no one is about to walk in on our sensitive conversation.

  “What?” he says, snapping his eyes back to mine and questioning my sanity.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much how I reacted,” I comment.

  “Oh, please,” Ben scoffs, stepping forward towards Rylan and clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Anyone who can’t see that you’re madly in love with this girl is stupid,” he says as Rylan hesitantly nods along. “Quit freaking out on me, man. We’re good here. You’ve remained professional and haven’t shown favoritism in any way. So, as long as that remains the case, then I’ve got no problem with it.”

  “Thanks,” Rylan says, turning back to me with relief in his eyes, dropping his voice to a low grumbly tone. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “Hey, I got bombarded with it, so I figured it’s only fair that you did too.”

  He rolls his eyes, but his smart ass comment is cut off when the door flies open with Trey and Daniel sauntering in. Daniel groans a little too loudly when he sees Rylan and I have to choke down a laugh as Rylan shoots him a lethal stare.

  I can practically hear Daniel swallowing in fear and cursing under his breath while Trey breaks out in laughter beside him. After everything we’ve been through together, you’d think these two would get along a little better, but no, it’s never going to happen.

  “You got released?” I ask Daniel as he comes in closer and pulls me into a tight hug.

  “Sure did,” he says, lifting me off my feet and placing me back on the ground. “Where have you been all day?” he asks with suggestively raised eyebrows, curiously flicking his eyes between me and Rylan.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter. I’ve been in bed. Alone,” I tell him. “Now, don’t change the topic. What’s going on with you? Are you allowed to train again?”

  “Yep,” he announces, popping the ‘p’. “All good, though I’m sure it’s still going to hurt if I get nailed in the stomach,” he explains.

  “I’m sure it would,” I laugh.

  “Daniel,” Rylan calls, raising his hand and gesturing for Daniel to go and join him. Daniel gives me a funny look before taking off at a light jog and chatting with Rylan, though I assume, from the way Daniel is lifting his shirt and pointing out all his injuries, they’re discussing what he can and cannot do.

  Brax shows up with a few other guys and comes to stand with me and Trey as we wait for the rest of the class to show up. “Woah,” Brax says, looking at Rylan in awe. “Is that him?”

  “Uhh, by him, I’m assuming you mean Rylan?” Trey asks as he follows Brax’s line of sight.

  “Yeah,” he says with wide eyes. “I can’t wait to see him in action.”

  “Trust me,” I say with a wicked gleam in my eye. “There is nothing better on this earth than seeing Rylan Neill in action,” I say with a grin as Trey rolls his eyes at me, knowing I’m not referring to anything combat-related.

  “I bet,” Brax says, completely missing the joke and throwing his arm over my shoulder. “So, you want to partner with me today? I can show you a few new things,” he says with a sleazy grin.

  “Sorry, I already promised Trey I’d pair with him. After all, Trey needs some real competition,” I grin as Trey goes along with it.

  “You keep shooting me down, Bianca, but I just keep coming back. One day, you’re not going to be able to resist,” he says with a flirty wink. “And when that day comes, I’m going to blow your mind, baby.”

  “Are we going to have a problem here?” Rylan’s booming voice echoes throughout the room. Brax instantly drops his arm off my shoulder and quickly looks around before realizing that Rylan’s lethal stare is focused on him. He stands a little taller and visibly swallows beside me in fear. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was shaking.

  “Ah, n-n-no, sir,” he stutters out, making me squeeze my lips together, desperately trying to prevent the grin that’s threatening to tear my face in two.

  “What are you doing here?” Rylan orders in that asshole instructor voice that everyone in this room, apart from me, has come to fear.

  “I’m Braxton Willis, sir. The new transfer,” he explains.

  Rylan very slowly looks him up and down making the poor kid nearly wet his pants in anxiety. “Right, Braxton Willis, seeing as though Daniel is on light work today. You’ll be paired with me.” Oh, geez. Brax doesn’t stand a chance. I guess this is what you get for flirting with a man’s woman, though it’s not like Brax actually knew what he was getting himself into.

  “Shit,” Brax breathes before realizing he said that out loud. “Shit, sorry. I mean, okay. Fuck,” he cringes

  “Get on with it,” Rylan calls to the rest of us while keeping his eyes narrowe
d on Brax. “You’ve got two months to make something of yourselves,” he adds before turning and heading towards Ben, who stands in the corner of the room fiddling with some weapons. I watch Rylan’s retreating form and from the angle I’m standing, I see his cheeks lifting in a very amused smirk. God, it’s good to have him back.

  “Shit. Hate to be you right now,” Trey laughs at a white-faced Brax, before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. “Let’s go, woman. I’ve got your ass to kick.”


  “You’re not going to the library?” Jacinta asks as I push my way into our room after Combat Training.

  “No,” I say. “Rylan’s making me take a break so I don’t exhaust myself.”

  “Rylan’s back?” she asks in shock. “And you’re just telling me now?”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry. You were gone when I got back from training this morning,” I explain as I trudge across our room and throw my bag down.

  “Right…” she says with curious eyes as she darts into the bathroom. “And I’m guessing that’s where you were during lunch?” she calls through the door.

  “God, you and Daniel really are related,” I laugh as I recall the conversation I had with Daniel before training. “But no. I was in bed. Sleeping,” I tell her then go on to describe training and my interesting morning.

  I strip out of my sweaty training clothes and wait patiently for Jacinta to finish in the bathroom before jumping in a quick shower.

  I get dressed and walk down to the junior campus with Jacinta to get Millie, though this time we don’t kidnap her in such a dramatic way. I’m absolutely starving after missing lunch so we stop by the cafeteria before heading out to the back field to relax in the sun and waste away our afternoon.

  We spend hours talking and laughing as Millie fills us in on all her adventures with Robbie and I must admit, the guy is starting to grow on me, especially after the story she told about the last date they went on, not that they can really go far, but at least he puts an effort in for her, though who wouldn’t? She is an amazing girl.


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