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Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3)

Page 18

by Cassidy Summers

  The crowd applauds when they see him standing before them and he has to wait for a minute, making hand gestures to get them to stop. “Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to be here tonight,” he says as if they actually had a choice in the matter. “It’s always such a pleasure to see you all united in the one community. Now, let’s not delay any further, I know many of you have traveled far and wide to be here tonight, so please, make welcome our leader, Brett Norrington.”

  The crowd cheers and applauds as Brett makes his way to the stage, smiling and nodding to people he recognizes. The applause finally finishes and Brett stands behind the podium, with confidence and grace, just like I know Rylan will.

  “Good evening my fellow members of The Guard. It is a pleasure to have you all join me,” he starts with a loud, proud voice. “I have always prided myself with the work I have achieved as Leader of The Guard which is why I must make this announcement.”

  He takes a deep breath before continuing with emotion radiating from his dark eyes. “Six months ago, my health began deteriorating and I feel that I am at a stage where, for the sake of The Guard, I must formally resign from my position as your leader.”

  Gasps are echoed throughout the field and everyone breaks into urgent and concerned whispers. Brett pauses on stage, letting the news of his health sink in before continuing. “Now if you would all quieten down,” he says. “I am sure you’re all wondering what is to happen,” he adds then gestures to someone in the front row.

  The person stands and I immediately realize he is pointing towards Rylan. He climbs the stairs of the stage and stands beside Brett as a united front.

  Jacinta glances towards me in question, but I don’t want to be distracted, I refuse to miss a single moment of this. “As our traditions and law states - a leader is to pass his legacy onto his son and if he bears no son, the members will vote in their next leader.”

  Brett takes a moment to look out over the crowd, knowing the biggest bomb to ever be dropped in Guard history is about to explode. “It has been assumed for a long time that the Norrington rein will cease with me and I have regrettably allowed these assumptions to continue.” He looks at Rylan who gives him a firm nod and Brett turns back to the audience, standing a little taller as he makes the announcement that he’s wanted to make for twenty-three years. “I hereby pass my leadership to my son, Rylan Neill.”

  A few things happen at once. The crowd goes nuts, gasping and whispering in absolute shock. Jacinta, Trey, and Daniel all immediately look to me for confirmation, however only Jacinta’s eyes look at me with complete and utter pain and betrayal for keeping such a huge secret. Phillip Cooper shoots to his feet in outrage as a few other men do the same, probably all the men who thought they had a chance at taking over the leadership, and lastly, Rylan’s eyes finally pinpoint me in the crowd and rest there as he waits for the shock to finally wear off.

  “Member of The Guard,” Brett says, introducing Rylan. “Rylan Neill.”

  Rylan steps behind the podium, looking just as confident as his father had. He rests his hands on either side of the podium, waiting for the crowd to calm down. “Thank you,” he says in that demanding voice of his. “As my father has mentioned, my name is Rylan Neill, and I officially accept the role of leader of The Guard,” he says. “Now, believe me when I say that I realize this has come as a shock to many of you. First finding out that your leader is unwell and resigning, to a surprise son who is carrying on the leadership.”

  “I’ll say,” Daniel murmurs beside me.

  “So, I will do everything humanly possible to help ease us all into this transition,” he says before launching into a spiel about how we’re going to make this work, making me extremely proud, watching him up there and leading his people. Half-an-hour later, Brett and Rylan give the audience a nod and swiftly disappear from the stage.

  “You knew about this the whole time and didn’t say anything?” Jacinta accuses suddenly standing beside me with hurt shining wildly in her eyes.

  “Yes,” I sigh. “I did, but it wasn’t my secret to tell. This is so much bigger than you and me,” I tell her.

  She lets out a pained sigh before stepping past me and disappearing into the crowd. Trey follows along, giving me a nasty look before also disappearing. “She’ll come around,” Daniel says with a tight smile, giving my shoulder a squeeze as he also gets up. “I’ll see you ‘round.”

  Great. Now all my friends are pissed at me.

  With Rylan heading off to attend a private council meeting to discuss everything, I set off back to his place. I consider searching out mom and Millie, who I’m sure also have a million questions for me, but I just want to be alone. I can catch up with them tomorrow.

  I waste time with a long hot shower before I flop down into bed and sulk like the child I am. Jacinta is angry with me, Daniel was weird, and Trey, well I can deal with Trey.

  Sleep doesn’t come and I become frustrated, tossing and turning as my mind refuses to close off. I sit up out of bed and grab my phone, playing a few games to pass the time but it doesn’t help.

  Might as well snoop around. It’s not like I’ll get a better chance than this.

  I have a good look around his room and find nothing but hidden weapons, but at least I now know where they are, you know, just in case of an emergency.

  I venture out of his room and come by a closed door, I peek in and realize it’s just a spare bedroom. Boring. I continue on my journey passing the bathroom to the next closed door. I open it up and the first thing I see are stairs heading down into a basement. Hmmm, now this is interesting.

  I turn on the light and grin as I make it to the bottom of the stairs and find a fully equipped training room. Weights, a treadmill, training mats, even a punching bag. Of course, this is what Rylan Neill has in his basement. I should have known. Hell, if I had known, I would have been down here hours ago.

  I walk around and take everything in. This place is perfect. I find tape on a bench and do my best to wrap my hands which is actually quite difficult to do by myself. With that sorted, I step up to the punching bag and get to work. Yeah, this is exactly what I need to get my mind off Jacinta, off the Head Office attack, off the fey, and off my boyfriend becoming the leader of The Guard.

  I hammer into the punching bag, giving it everything I’ve got until my body is completely and utterly exhausted. My arms wrap around the bag and I lean my body against it, holding me up as I prepare for one last round.

  “You’re not engaging your core,” that familiar deep voice says from the top of the stairs, sending goosebumps all over my skin.

  A grin rips across my face as I turn back to him. “You know, you’re not my instructor anymore,” I say with a deathly sweet smile.

  “No, I’m not,” he grins as he makes his way down the stairs, his gold speckled eyes glistening with mirth. “But I am your leader now, so I guess I can still tell you what to do,” he says extremely smug.

  I can’t help but laugh as I shake my head. “You suck.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” he winks before indicating to the punching bag. “Jacinta still mad at you?” he asks, guessing my reasons for being down here.

  “Yup,” I say, popping the ‘P’.

  “Did the meeting make it worse?”


  He gives me a tight smile and nods but doesn’t respond, though I don’t expect him to, it’s not like there’s anything he can do to change it. Daniel was right, she’ll come around, she’s just a bit hurt. “How’d the council meeting go?” I ask, wanting to move on.

  “It was ridiculous. The council was divided. One side was thrilled to have me while the other side threw Guard Law books around trying to find a loophole, but it was obvious that many of them hoped to be in the running for the leadership,” he explains.

  “And did they find a loophole?” I ask.

  “Yeah, actually there were heaps,” he says. “The laws on leadership were written over four hund
red years ago and haven’t been updated, but the one rule that trumps the others is that it must be passed to the reining leader's son above all other candidates, so their attempts were shut down.”

  “Wow, anything else?” I ask.

  “No, not really. I have to do a DNA test, but that was a given, and as soon as the results come back, I’ll be sworn in.”

  “Wow,” I repeat, wide-eyed. “So, this is actually happening.”

  “Sure is,” he grunts.

  “You know,” I say stepping forward and looping my arms around his neck. “You were kind of sexy up there.”

  “Really?” he asks as his hands twine down my body and grab hold of my ass before hauling me up into his arms.

  I lock my legs around his waist. “Mmhmm,” I groan as his lips come down on mine. He walks us up the stairs and before I know it, he throws me down on his bed. Yeah, there are definitely advantages of living with Rylan Neill.

  Chapter 25

  Just as we expected, the DNA test comes back with a positive match, confirming Brett Norrington is, in fact, Rylan’s father.

  Which puts me here, in the grand ballroom where a service has been set up. A huge stage stands at the front of the room with chairs set up on the left-hand side which is occupied by the full council while two chairs are placed on the right where Rylan and Brett sit patiently waiting for the show to get started.

  Many of the people who had flown in the other day for the announcement have now gone, including mom and Mille which leaves the important Members of The Guard, all the senior students who are still here waiting for their assignments, and anyone who lives in the community, though the event will be filmed for all to see later on.

  The Guard’s anthem begins playing and out of habit we all rise to our feet and sing our song with pride. Once that formality is over, we are seated and High Council Member, Alistair, makes his way to the podium. “I would like to formally welcome you to this grand occasion where we come together as one to swear in our new Leader, Rylan Neill.” The room falls into applause at his name and my vision cuts across the stage to find his eyes already on mine, sending a message that there’s nothing more he hates than ridiculous events like this.

  “Regrettably, the time has come where we must say goodbye to our reining leader, Brett Norrington and move on to our new tomorrow,” Alistair turns to Brett. “Brett, our children have organized a tribute to you for all that you have done as our reining leader,” he says before introducing a bunch of kids to the stage who sing an awful, out of tune song that has me cringing, then one by one, walk over to shake his and Rylan’s hands, making the time tick by incredibly slow.

  I look across the audience and notice Jacinta staring back with a longing look on her face, she quickly turns away with wide eyes, like a child who’s just been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been doing. I smirk knowing that she still loves me but is just too stubborn to give in. We have never gone this long without talking and it’s driving me insane. You know, apart from when I spent those few months at Head Office. On the bright side, I’m getting a lot of training done, though I’m sure Nora and Daniel are getting annoyed with me turning up at their door to hang out, but annoying them is like an added bonus.

  My eyes flick back to the stage when the kids make their exit to find Brett making his way to the podium. “Thank you for the marvelous song, it was fantastic,” he lies sending the kids off with a wave and keeping their spirits high and positive as any great leader should. “I would like to thank you all for coming today. It means a great deal to me to see you all here showing your support,” he lets out a deep breath. “It is with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye to my position as your leader, however, my health has put me in a position where I am unfit to successfully execute my role and therefore must relinquish my leadership.”

  The crowd begins to murmur, but I don’t know why, it’s not like this is a surprise or anything, it’s been the topic of discussion for the last few days. Brett tells them all to shut up and gets on with his speech. “As many of you would know, this is Rylan Neill,” he says, indicating with an outstretched hand towards Rylan who gives a firm nod. “He is my son and my successor who has not lightly accepted to take on the role as your new leader. Many of you would know him from his achievements and role within the Front Lines and more recently as an instructor at one of our fine academy’s just as many of you would know him from his courageous leadership during our recent battle. Please rise as we welcome my son, Rylan Neill.”

  As one, we get to our feet and the applause begins. People call out and cheer for Rylan as a huge grin spreads wide across my face. I glance back at Jacinta to see her giving me a warm smile. No matter what’s going on between us, our petty little fight isn’t going to have an effect on this moment.

  Pride swirls within me as I watch Rylan get to his feet and make his way towards Brett, nodding his gratitude to the crowd. “Thank you,” he says to the crowd. “Please be seated.”

  He waits patiently for the audience to find their seats and calm down before addressing them. “I am not one for speeches so I will keep this short,” he says with a smile, making a few girls throughout the room swoon at his rugged good looks. “It is an honor to stand before you today with your support as your new leader,” he starts with confidence, absolutely owning the stage. “Now, I’m only human which means I am more than likely to make some mistakes. So, I ask for your patience and understanding during this time, but I promise you this, I will do anything and everything within my power to lead you in the right direction and ensure the best for our people,” he declares. “As Brett mentioned earlier, I am known for my work on the Front Lines, which is where I intend to stay, fighting for our cause side by side with our men and women, protecting humanity from our supernatural enemies.”

  The crowd jumps to their feet and cheers for their new leader as I watch him in wonder. What a man! How the hell did I get so lucky?

  Brett brings the room back to silence as he reaches under the podium and brings out a bible, asking Rylan to place his hand upon it. Rylan does as instructed as Brett looks out to the crowd and gets on with the process of swearing him in. “Before we get started, does anyone object to or have any reason to believe that Rylan Neill would make an unfit Leader?”

  The room is silent for a few anxious seconds which makes my stomach turn in nervousness even though there would be no one who would possibly have a reason to object. Rylan is an amazing man and an even better leader.

  Brett gives the audience a grateful nod and opens his mouth to speak when a small voice from the back of the room calls out. “Wait.” Gasps are echoed from all around and I spin in my chair to see who the hell would be objecting. My mouth hangs open in shock. Miss Layton?

  “I object,” she declares.

  I flick my head back to Rylan and Brett, resisting the urge to get up and throat punch her. How dare she? Brett raises his chin towards Miss Layton while Rylan’s brows furrow in confusion, clearly having no idea what is going on either.

  “Your name?” Brett requests.

  Her eyes nervously flick between the men before landing back on Brett. “Penelope Layton, sir.”

  “Okay, Penelope. Please share with the congregation why you believe Rylan would make an unfit leader.”

  She takes a deep, shaky breath. “I’m sorry,” she says directly to Rylan before getting started with whatever accusation she has. “I work at the same academy in which Rylan was an instructor, and over the space of the last twelve months, I have come to know Rylan and you are right, he would make a great, strong leader, however,” she says, cringing as her eyes meet Rylan’s. “It has become apparent that Rylan was sexually involved with a student, one Miss Bianca Moore.”

  Daniel latches onto my hand for support as Rylan’s eyes flick to mine while once again, the room fills with gasps. I stare back at him, wide-eyed. What the hell do we do? The secret is out. I mean, a few people knew, but most who have seen us since assume that we have o
nly just gotten together. Shit.

  “Quiet, please,” Brett’s loud, domineering voice demands over the crowd, making them instantly fall into a deadly silence. He turns to Rylan whose eyes are still locked on mine. “Rylan, in accordance with our laws, you are now given the opportunity to explain yourself, and if the council and congregation deem your response worthy, then we will continue.”

  Rylan’s eyes look at me with a question buried deep inside. I give him a firm nod. He needs to do this, no matter the trouble it might lead to. He steps forward, facing the audience front on. “Penelope is correct. I am involved with Bianca Moore, who was in fact, my student,” he admits, pausing for the crowd to stop their whispers. “I fell in love with Bianca the moment I met her and that’s not something that will change anytime soon. Our relationship remained strictly professional until Bianca was over the age of eighteen, out of respect for The Guard and the Academy, we kept our distance. It is only recently that we have officially become a couple,” he states to the crowd then turns his gaze on me. “And just to make my intentions perfectly clear. One day, when Bianca is ready, I will be putting a ring on her finger and making her my wife.”

  My mouth drops open in absolute shock. Did he just? No…

  The room is in chaos around me and I feel the stares of not only Rylan but a room full of people. My friends, I’ve known my whole life, staring at us in shock, people giving smug expression as if they might have known all along, and of course, there are a few scowls of jealousy coming from other women, particularly Miss Layton.

  People start calling out to me, but I sit in silence, ignoring every last one of them as Brett and Rylan are ushered away into a side room with the council. My leg bounces in anxiety as I wait for that door to open again. Daniel’s grip on my hand tightens and I realize that I am freaking out. I could get in big trouble for this, but Rylan, he would lose everything. We could possibly get thrown out, but at least we could still be together, it would just be in the human world.


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