Book Read Free

In Her Image

Page 23

by Adam Croft

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  Any book has a much bigger team behind it than many people imagine, and this one was no different. My thanks, therefore, go to many people, some of whom I’ve remembered to name here.

  The first thing you likely saw was the cover, and for that I have to thank James Ryan, who’s designed my last few book covers and has done a sterling job.

  Enormous thanks go to Lucy Hayward for her eagle editing eye and her honesty and clarity in letting me know what I’ve done wrong and how to fix it.

  To my advance reading team, who offered their advice and spotted the remaining errors (I hope).

  To Louise (LJ) Ross, Jay Stringer and Mark Dawson for their encouragement, friendship and words of advice that helped me to make a series of decisions about this book and many more. To the other fellow authors who made excellent sounding boards around the same time, thank you also. You know who you are and, hopefully, why I’ve omitted your names here.

  To Joanne, my wife, who is always my first reader and does her very best not to laugh when I kill off a character in one chapter, then have him sitting in the pub three chapters later.

  To Laura Dalton for casting her eye over an early draft, helping me ensure that Alice’s decisions were sound and logical.

  To Bob Daws for his encouragement and input, including his excellent work on adapting HER LAST TOMORROW for television. Watch this space for more on that... Thanks must also go to Will Peterson at Independent Talent for his encouragement on this front.

  To Mark Lefebvre, Shayna Krishnasamy and Taylor Kaisaris at Kobo; Isabella Steel, Ami Greko, Kristen Freethy and Jessica Hanak at Apple iBooks; Julie Braunschweiger at Barnes & Noble; and Andrew Rosenheim at Amazon, for their advice, expertise and hard work in helping to get my books to sale and promote them afterwards. I’m excited to be able to once again offer all my future full-length books across all digital platforms, as well as paperback and audio.

  To Diane Capri, Fleur Camacho, Jenna Bennett, Seeley James, Helen Hanson and Rebecca Cantrell for their advice and assistance in crafting the sales blurb for the book.

  To all of the members of my VIP Club. Although there are now tens of thousands of you, every single one of you plays a huge part in making each of my books a success.

  And to anyone else, if I’ve forgotten to mention you here, don’t blame me; blame my four-week-old son for the sleep deprivation.




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