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Unbound Trilogy Boxset

Page 15

by Coopmans, Kathy

  My starving body craves his kisses. Every single one has a raw intensity filled with yearning exchanged in the mixture of our billowing breaths.

  “Let’s see if this fits.”

  I surrender myself as he places the helmet on my head, and positions me how he wants me. All the while, knowing I have protection from Logan, but there’s no one to save me from him.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “No matter what happens between you and Ellie, you better not go back to the life you no longer belong to.”

  I grit my teeth, wishing I could go back in time so I could have made Ellie mine. Life would have been an entirely different road — one with fewer bumps, and one that wasn’t leading me straight to hell.

  A smooth road like the one Ellie and I rode on last night. Hours we spent on my bike, our thoughts to ourselves. Freedom in the wind. Her heartbeat increasing against my back when we take a sharp turn, her warmth all around me.

  “Think I told you, I’m over that life, Gabe.”

  Gabriel Ricci took my brothers and me in after our parents died. He and his wife, Lena, God rest her soul, were close friends with my parents. The man is one loyal motherfucker and one of the few men I know who held true to his marriage vows by not cheating on his wife.

  They fought tooth and nail to keep our mother from fucking up after our father died. Had her in and out of rehab, they did everything they could, and still, it wasn’t enough to make her care.

  On top of that, they managed the business the best they could. They are the sole reason why it didn’t go in the red. And even though they hated that the three of us dug our heels in, they left the choice up to us and supported our decision.

  After the three of us moved in with them, that’s when we found out Gabe was mafia. The younger brother to Lazaro Ricci. The boss of The Italian-American crime family. Long story short. Lazaro and Gabe are the reason people don’t mess with my brothers and me. They know we are under their protection. But, just as stupid is as stupid does, Shadow crossed that line when he attacked Ellie. Lazaro was all in on paying whatever it costs to have someone yank out Shadow’s jugular while he did his time. Wish now like the night I killed the man who attacked Ellie; I would have taken him up, if I did, life would be a hell of a lot easier for me and a certain blue-eyed, black haired beauty.

  “I sure the fuck hope so. There isn’t anything better than a good woman standing by your side.”


  His words are a punch to the gut. Pretty sure he meant them to be.

  “It wasn’t hard to find Whitney. At the moment, she’s with Ramon Cadena in Paris. Word has it they’ll be heading to his summer home in Baton Rouge. I can’t get inside Ramon’s palace without talking to Lazaro, and I sure as shit ain’t flying across the ocean to get the bitch. Give me a few weeks, and we’ll have her out on her ass. Ramon cares more about having peace than he does about Whitney. He'd shoot her in the back of the head if I asked.”

  No wonder she hasn’t tried blackmailing me. Bitch is working her sloppy self on someone else like I thought. Someone with enough power to destroy me.

  A thousand warnings shout in my head. Cadena is the head of the Mexican Cartel. He might make his millions by dealing drugs, that doesn’t mean he can’t be persuaded to step on our toes, especially if he gets hold of the many names to bribe me with.

  This is why my brothers and I have men watching us all the time because every greedy man wants to rule the sex world. Those bloodthirsty assholes have no idea how to run a business as deep as ours, let alone treat the women who would work for them. Been down that road before, and it’s one of many reasons why I want Shadow dead.

  “Let’s hope you’re right.”

  “I give you my word I am. Ramon is an ally, not an enemy. Whitney fucked up. It’s the mistake we needed. With that said, I’m ruling Whitney out as a suspect. She hasn’t left Ramon’s place in weeks. I think we need to look in our neck of the world.”

  In spite of the shit going down, a smile tugs at my mouth. Gabe built a house across the street from Lane shortly after my niece was born to help out. He’s been on some long ass fishing trip in Canada for months. Left when I called him to inform him someone hurt Ellie. He was due back next week.

  “Does this mean you’re coming home?”

  “Yeah, son, I’m on my way.”

  Relief. It pummels through my system. I need him here to help with Seth.

  “Figured it wasn’t her, just had to be sure. Have this gut feeling it’s someone I least expect.”

  Revenge burns hot in the pit of my soul. Never in a million years did I think owning a sex club would come to this. Makes me want to toss in the towel and give it all away.

  “You need to listen to me, Logan. I watched you go through hell after what Shadow did to Ellie. You come clean, or you’ll never get to see the good side of life. Now, do you want me to find a way to pump Whitney full of lead before I fly home or do you want the honor?”

  With the last word drilling a hole in my head, I reach my destination. Guilt and a whole heap of conflicted emotions are churning in my gut like acid.

  Unhooking my phone from Bluetooth, I place it up to my ear as I park outside Ellie’s store and take a look around. The black and white Ebony & Ivory sign dangles under a striped awning of the same colors, the pink and white one sprawled across the entire front of a cupcake shop next door, a bright yellow neon awning for the coffee shop across the street, a blue one for the book store a few doors down. Her little corner of the world is colorful and lively. So much like her, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride. Like I had the right to be proud of how far Ellie has come as I take in her family store.

  I’ll be damned if I let some jealous, stark raving bitch come along and upturn Ellie’s life.

  Bitterness rips at my lungs. A denial I want to believe that if Ellie knew the secret I was keeping, she’d forgive me.

  “No. Shadow is the one I want. Whitney is yours or Rocco’s. Just get her back on the streets. I want her crawling to me before she dies. Glad to have you coming home, Gabe. We all missed you, especially Lexi.”

  I can hear the smile on his face. He loves that girl more than anything. Pretty sure he’s going to trip all over Ellie too.

  “And, Seth?” Worry trips through the line.

  “Needs help.” I’ve never seen Seth quite like this. He’s spiraling and fuck all if he listens.

  Frustrated as hell, I hang up, climb out of my car, hit the locks and with every step I take, my deceit suffocates me a little more, the walls inching closer in on me. Won’t be long until I am no longer able to breathe.

  Pushing open the door, I take a good look around the place. In one corner of the large room are two brightly colored overstuffed chairs, a vibrant pink couch, shelves lined with throw pillows on distressed wood shelving. Jewels in glassed-in showcases, clothes neatly hanging on the back wall.

  The place is an organized mess.

  Chaos, unlike me who likes everything neatly in place.

  The look of this place doesn’t surprise me a bit. Goes to show how opposites attract.

  Making my way a little farther into the room, instead of seeing the woman I’m dying to set my eyes on, I’m met by a woman with dreadlocks down to her waist, hipster style clothing, and a dirty look that would knock most men on their ass.

  Lucky for me, I’m not most men.

  Ellie told me to prepare myself for the wrath that might unfold. Not sure I’m ready because the woman’s glare should knock me dead. I get the feeling she’s a lot like Ellie, not afraid to bite her tongue. Makes me respect her more than I already do. Any person who takes someone and raises them as their own are people I regard highly.

  “I’m Logan Mitchell; you must be Renita?”

  I take the box she’s holding from her hands, place it on the counter and stand there waiting for the glaring woman to give me a piece of her mind.

  “I am. I’m going to warn you once. Don’t
hurt my girl. If you even think about bringing filth anywhere near her, I will make life hell for you. You might be new, but you tell her goodbye before you cheat. And God, the Devil, your people, not one of them will save you from me. I will die for Ellie. I will kill for Ellie. I expect you to get rid of Shadow, do you hear? My Ellie is a good person. She will give all she has. If I find out you pulled the wool over her eyes in any way, I don’t care how much money you have; I will ruin you in ways money can’t buy. If you’re any kind of man, you’ll stay true to your word. If you don’t, then you are just like Shadow. Now give me your hand so I can shake it properly.”

  My chest tightens. I feel her warning. I feel it everywhere inside of me, punching my lungs, stabbing my mind, tossing in my stomach.

  I honestly don’t think the repercussions, the possibility of the damage I could do to Ellie assaults me until right this minute, standing less than a foot in front of a woman about as tiny as a fairy giving me her threatening motherly advice.

  Little does she know, hurting Ellie is the last thing I want to do. The problem is, I’m not quite sure how to stop it.

  “I don’t plan on it.”

  Damn lie.

  Fuck, how I wish the holy waters could cleanse them away. If it did, I wouldn’t be hurting Ellie at all because she wouldn’t have gone through what she did if I would have manned-up and introduced myself years ago.

  I swallow that shit down, demanding for the time being to purge what happened to Ellie out of my mind.

  “You better make sure it stays that way.”

  I doubt it, lady. Doubt Ellie will want a damn thing to do with me when I break her.

  And I will.

  I give her my hand as she asked. Have half a notion of bending down and kissing it. Letting her know how happy I am Ellie has her in her corner.

  “Hey, did the two of you meet? You weren’t too hard on him, were you?” Ellie’s voice is sure and solid coming out of lips painted bright red as she closes a door I’m assuming leads to her apartment and stops next to Renita, their gazes never wavering from one another.

  I’ve never seen such a wide assortment of emotions flash over someone’s features with such transparency as I do when Ellie reaches for Renita and hugs her. Pure adoration. It lights up both women’s entire faces. I didn’t think it was possible for Ellie to look anymore beautiful, but seemingly, I was wrong. She loves this woman — a mother and child bond.

  No bloodlines needed.

  Fuck me. I’m a dirty rotten prick.

  “He’s still standing, isn’t he?”

  “Renita,” Ellie scolds, then busts out laughing. It’s a beautiful sound even if it’s directed at me.

  Renita shrugs, pulling back and starts pulling clothes out of the box I just took from her.

  I nearly stagger and drop to my knees when Ellie flashes her beautiful face toward me. She is nothing like the women I’m used to being with — the ones who give themselves to me in hopes of getting more than a good fuck.

  Those sharp-like talons of theirs hoping to sink into my flesh, open up my coal colored heart as much as they try to pry open my wallet. I’d forgotten how good it felt to want something and not get it with a snap of my fingers.

  And, goddamn do I ever want all of her sweetness and the vinegar she possesses.

  Fuck, I need to feel her in my arms. Smell her honey scent and kiss the hell out of her. I hold back like I did when she was on the back of my bike a few nights ago, squeezing those legs around mine, her breasts rubbing against my back. I wanted to pull into some abandoned parking lot, strip her bare, release my cock and tell her to ride me.

  The woman is painfully gorgeous to look at. Christ Almighty, I want to keep her.

  “You look gorgeous.” And she does standing there in a pair of jeans, cowgirl boots and a light blue silk top that has to be tied at the neck by the way it slants inward, clings to her breasts, and exposes her elegant neck.

  Shit, it’s going to be hard not to stare at all that exposed flesh around those tits, even harder to get my hands to obey, and not undo the back, letting the silk fall and bear those coin-sized nipples to my vision.

  “It was nice to meet you, Logan. I’ll lock up; have a good time, sweetheart. I’ll be leaving for Rachelle’s after this. You call me anytime.” Renita says the last with a deadly glare in her eyes.

  “Okay. Take care of your sister and tell her she’s going to be fine.”

  Ellie had filled me in on Renita’s impromptu trip to Nashville to help her older sister get around. The woman was in a car accident and broke a leg and an arm.

  I’d offer help, but something tells me Renita wouldn’t take it.

  A memory betrays me with flashes of the way Ellie kissed me with those plump lips as she bends, kisses Renita and draws her in for another hug.

  The way she wrapped those arms around me letting herself open up and gave me her body. Me. A man who doesn’t deserve her.

  The woman owns natural beauty, all the while carrying a riveting erotic side to her that she’s unaware of. Ellie Wynn is an addiction no man would be able to cure.

  And, I’m the goddamn asshole who’s going to wilt her to nothing.

  I stand here repeating to myself that tonight isn’t about seduction; it’s about getting to know one another more. Finding out the things I don’t know about her, letting Ellie see another side of me I don’t allow people to see.

  “Ready?” she asks, staring up at me, those lips parting, and fuck me, this woman makes it damn easy to relax just by being in her space.

  Awareness sparks between us, swear the smile lighting up Ellie’s face is due to her seeing the bright embers fall to the floor. Kind of hard to miss.


  Red-hot smoking flames burn brighter than they did yesterday when I rubbed her upper thigh while leaving the city behind. I had half a notion of disappearing.

  “The question is, are you ready?” I challenge, watching the wonder of where we’re going build across her brow.

  We bid Renita goodbye, and I take hold of Ellie’s hand, guiding her across the street and helping her into my Mercedes and lifting my chin at my detail as I round the back before climbing into the driver’s seat.

  “To answer your question, I’m ready for this date. Not quite sure if I’m ready for a man like you, Logan Mitchell. Are you worth the risk, worth the breaking of my heart to get to the core of yours?”

  Jesus Christ, I wish I was worthy.

  I clench my hands around the steering wheel, pulling onto the street before my idea of proving anything to her is overridden by the thoughts of her sitting on my face.

  Her words hang in the air as we zip through the streets. I’m unsafe to the honesty this woman has. Know it so deep that responding to her would open that can holding one giant lie I’d never be able to set right. The fact I was willing to ruin this date and spill it at her feet shows just how much of an asshole I am.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place, I promise my intentions are pure. Dinner and watching the sunset surrounded by the trees and you.”

  Up until Gabe called, my plans weren’t wholesome; I intended on having her in some way. Mouth wrapped around my dick with my tongue buried in between her thighs was the first thing that came to mind. Now, I just want to talk to her.

  “Really? That field and the view is my favorite part of your estate. My dad used to call me his bonnet. We used to have a field full of Texas bluebonnets. He died in an oil rig explosion. I lost my mother a few years earlier. I have a feeling you know this already.”

  Sadness drips from her voice. Of course, I know about her parents. More about her father’s death than her mother’s, the endearment part is a bit shocking. Although for me it’s another unique quality about Ellie.

  “Yes. There is plenty I don’t know,” I tell her, hoping to reassure any doubt.

  My eyes move to those distracting plump lips. I’ve kissed as many women as I’ve fucked. Always part of the seduct
ion. This woman though, I could devour her mouth and kiss her for hours without it leading anywhere. It seems ever since meeting Ellie, everything inside of me wants to change.

  The ride to my place is made up of mostly talking on her part. I ask questions, and she answers. Her face lights up when she answers my question about her relationship with Renita and how they came about opening the store. The three of them thought it was ideal because they’d spent a lot of time shopping in consignment stores. How her and Norah’s college business degrees would help, and with Renita’s sense of style, it was the right decision and the best one they’ve made.

  “Renita sounds like a good woman.”

  “She is. I don’t know where I’d be today without her or Norah.”

  A spear of fury stabs me like a dull blade — the need to protect this woman all the more. The need to hunt and maim and mutilate whoever hired someone to hurt her is so strong I have to talk myself down by the time we made it to my estate and stepped inside my home.

  “You need to decorate, Logan,” Ellie whispers from beside me. Her tone indicating an explanation as to why my house is empty.

  “I know. I’ve owned this place for years and haven’t done much except my bedroom and office. Feel free to share ideas.” Truth. I have owned it for years. Lie. I rarely stay here. It was much more convenient to stay at the apartment above the club.

  “Really? Something tells me my taste is quite different from yours.”

  “Try me.” Needing to stop this conversation before shit gets too heavy. I take hold of Ellie’s hand and head toward the kitchen, grab the picnic basket I packed up, and by the time we make it down the path of trees into the clearing the previous owner set up with a picnic table, fire pit, and chairs, I figure we have about a half hour before the sun sets.

  Watching Ellie’s reaction to the sun going down when she was here the night of my party was what captured my attention before it went in the gutter after seeing her standing in a sexy short dress. Those legs bare. I wanted to drop to my knees, lick them and spread them wide. And when she turned her back to avoid me, the blood drained from my face to my dick. All I wanted was to run the tip of my finger down her spine and grab hold of her tight ass.


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