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Unbound Trilogy Boxset

Page 54

by Coopmans, Kathy

  I press a finger inside, stroking her gently, while my tongue plunges inside, licking, sucking, and taking control of her body. My dick gets even harder when she slides her fingers down her stomach, one of her thumbs pressing on her clit.

  “Goddamn,” I shout, that lesson long forgotten.

  Then my tongue goes back for more. My lips, face, and chin are dripping with her desire.

  “I’m coming,” she screams, thumb circling her nub, pussy tightening around my fingers — thighs pressing against my head. I grab her ass and bury my face as far as I can go, her back arches, hair whispering across my hands.

  I have never witnessed anything as erotic as Ellie when she comes. Nothing more beautiful, more fulfilling.

  I’m unraveling. Undone. Untwisted.

  My cock is so fucking hard he’s ready to explode. I need to be inside of her badly.

  “Going to flip us over.” Hiking up, I do just that, nearly coming when I lay her down, and she spreads her legs.


  “I have always thought you were hot as hell. Right now, you are a steaming temptress stretched out like that, legs spread wide, pussy swollen and ready for me.”

  She doesn’t speak. She pants. She squirms. She sits up, unties my trunks, pulls them down, and takes hold of my cock.

  I clench my fists to stop myself from stopping her when she circles my length and sweeps her thumb over the tip. I damn near blow my load when she leans in and pulls me into the hot well of her mouth.

  “My God, Ellie, your lips wrapped around my dick like that feels so good,” I praise her through gritted teeth.

  Curling my fingers into her hair, I fight with everything in me not to slam my cock to the back of her throat.

  My eyes roll to the back of my head. And all I can do is stand there and let her please me. And Christ does she ever. The wet warmth of her mouth as she deep throats. The force of her tongue as she licks the underside of my cock is what I love more than anything.

  “Ellie, not coming inside your mouth this time, lay back and spread for me.” I don’t wait for her; I can’t.

  She complies, but the second I settle in between her legs, I go right back to kissing her hard and deep.

  She protests with a whimper when I pull away. Her closed eyes pop open when she feels the tip of my cock at her entrance.

  Palming an ass cheek, I push my hardness into her, needing relief. Fuck, she’s so wet. She gasps into my mouth. I swallow it; pure bliss hits me like a freight train knowing she’s enjoying tasting herself.

  The wicked woman turns me on all the more when her teeth scrape lightly over my tongue, and she sucks it into her mouth. Her lips leave mine, trailing to my ear. She nibbles the lobe, breathing heavy while her nails score down my back. My face goes to her neck, sucking on the pulse point that drives me out of my mind.

  “I love you,” she declares. Those expressive, potent words come to rest in my chest.

  “Damn right, you do.” My forehead drops to hers as I push a little more into her, and pause. God, she feels incredible.

  “Feel this connection, Ellie. It’s forever,” I whisper, bracing my hands at the sides of her head, and sink all the way inside. I pull out, tenderly push back in a few times, soaking in the warmth of her as muscles they clench with her upward-moving hips.

  “I’ve never felt anything this incredible in my life.”

  Then I’m moving greedily inside her. Those long, shapely legs are wrapping around my ass to hold me close. The sounds of skin against skin joining, take over my movements with a desire deprived to hear them. I maintain my strokes, long and deep. Slow and powerful. I’ll spend the rest of our lives showing her just how much she means to me, how deeply inside of me she is.

  Bone deep.

  My cock pulses and throbs; her pussy tightens and squeezes. I light up when she whispers my name. The low, blissful sound escaping her mouth the same time I recite hers sends me over the edge. My orgasm is tightening my balls and pouring inside of her.

  Marry me, sits on the edge of my tongue. It doesn’t come out, but it will sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The branches on the large oak trees sway across the rolling grounds of the beautifully maintained cemetery as I pull through the gate. It’s strange that less than a mile away in each direction, all you see is palm trees lining the streets and there’s not a one here.

  Grabbing my coffee and the flowers, I climb out of the truck and follow the familiar path. My flip-flops smack against the asphalt. I’m anxious. Eager even to get to my destination. Usually when I come here, I’m dragging my feet, and my spirit is about as low as it can get.

  Not today. Today I’m excited to talk to a man about another man.

  “Hi, Dad.” I kneel in front of his headstone, I set my coffee off to the side and run the tips of my fingers across his name. A man who was taken from me much too soon. The same as my mother. “At least Elizabeth did something right by placing you in a beautiful place to rest.” It saddens me he isn’t next to my mom, but as my mother said in her letter, don’t worry about things I have no control over.

  “I brought you some bluebonnets. It looks like the dirt in the pot needs changing. I’ll do it next time.” I dig my way through the dirt, place the flowers in the pot and pack the soil around them. They won’t last long this way, but it’s the thought that both he and Mom have the state flower they loved so much next to them. “There you go.”

  Shaking the dirt from my hands and laughing when I realize I forgot to grab something to clean my hands, I shrug, grab the hem of my t-shirt and wipe them off. I lean back and stretch out my legs, tilt my head back, and let the sun warm my face. I miss the sweltering Texas heat. Quite honestly, I miss a lot of things about this area of Texas.

  “I think I love the heat because you did. There were some evenings when the air was so thick you could barely breathe. It didn’t bother you a bit; you’d come home after working all day and tell me and Mom that you’ve been inside in a stuffy office. She would laugh and tell you we could do whatever you wanted. You would answer and say, nope, it’s up to bluebonnet. It didn’t matter to you as long as we were outside and together.”

  I smile so wide it hurts. I did the same thing when I sat down on the green grass to talk to my mom too. It’s a miracle in itself that I could speak out loud to my parents, let alone crack a smile when I never could before. That’s what love does to a person. It makes you smile.

  “I will always miss you and Mom. Please forgive me for taking this long. I’ve got so much to tell you, so much to share, I don’t know where to begin. I’ve already visited with Mom and told her everything. I hope the two of you are happy up there. I’m okay now, Dad. Better than okay. I’m deliriously happy.”

  A strange half-cry, half-laugh escapes my mouth, I want to cry because my dad isn’t here to call me his bluebonnet or to fill my life with jokes I never understood. I want to laugh because; I remember as clear as the sky is blue how I scowled one day when he came home from work, and I told him I got married. Of course, it was an imaginary wedding where Norah and I pretended to marry one another.

  That particular day it was my turn to play the groom. Norah and I switched roles whenever we’d play marriage. One day after my mother had had enough of me wearing her wedding dress, she took Norah and me into their bedroom and gave us one of Dad’s older suits and four of her dresses. Those dresses were in one of the boxes. I was so happy to have something of hers; I didn’t notice until I sorted them.

  “Do you remember what you said to me that day? I do. You said, ‘I don’t know who you are, sir. You appear to be about the same height as my daughter, you kind of sound like her too. But whoever you are, you don’t belong to me. You see, my daughter, she’s a princess with long black hair and these big blue eyes that melt my heart whenever she laughs. She isn’t allowed to date until she’s thirty either. Have you seen my little girl?’”

  I laugh, recalling
how he started running around the house hollering my name.

  I laughed really hard that day. So hard, I fell to the floor in a fit of giggles and laughing tears.

  “Then you squatted down, tipped up my chin and said, ‘Oh, thank God. There she is — my pretty little girl. One of these days you’ll make a beautiful bride just like your mother was. Although, I’m not sure there’s a man out there who’s good enough for my daughter. If there is, he’ll move to the end of the earth to make you happy. Until then, I’m the only man you are supposed to love, young lady. Now come here, bluebonnet, and give your dad some love.’ Then you picked me up and tickled me.”

  I had no idea what he meant about moving to the end of the earth. I didn’t want to move anywhere. I loved Galveston. Loved how it didn’t take long to get to Houston. The big city I would call it.

  I get it all now. That deep-seeded love that before you know what’s happening, it takes root and grows into something beautiful.

  Logan and I might have started backward as we talked about before. We’ve progressed forward, grew quickly and as much as I’m going to miss Renita and Norah, it’s time for me to spread my wings and live.

  “Anyway, I met someone; his name is Logan. You were wrong, Dad. There is a man good enough for me.” I tell him everything there is about Logan, leaving out all the ugly details of both our lives that led us to where we are today. “I’m doing something out of the ordinary for me, Dad. I’m going to move here and live with Logan. Hasty or not, it feels so damn right.” I lift my knees and rest my chin on my hands.

  “I have your guns and Mom’s wedding dress, lots of her clothes too. And he bought me our house.” I don’t tell him about the letter. That’s between my mother and me, although I can’t help but wonder if she told him about it.

  I bring him up-to-date about Renita and Norah. I tell him how I’m going to miss them and everyone else, and an hour later, I get to my feet. “I’ll be back in a week or so, Dad.”

  As I make my way to the truck, I swear I hear my father say, “You were never lost princess, you were just waiting for the right man to find you.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Twirling the ring in my hand, I take turns between admiring the beauty of it and watching Ellie stand knee-deep in the water.

  Shortly after she returned home from visiting her parents, we took off so she could show me some of her favorite places between here and Houston. I found out that just like she hasn’t seen snow, she’s never been to a pro football game. That conversation led into how big of a fan her father was. I scored us two tickets to the season opener while she ran into a candy store to buy an assortment of old-fashioned candy for Lexi.

  Earlier when I caught her reaction when we stepped onto the pier and how her face lit up when she started telling me stories about the many times she went there, and how she couldn’t wait to bring Lexi, I knew for sure this is the place for Ellie to be. Knowing Ellie as I do, I see why she loves the area. It makes you feel like a kid. Carefree. Until today, the only other time I felt that way was before my dad died.

  Funny how we don’t think about the things we’re missing out of life until it’s right there smack in front of your face.

  Out of greed, revenge and a habit that wore me down, I missed out on what life is all about.

  Living, learning, loving, and laughing.

  Pretty sure I’m going to settle into it just fine. That is if I can find the courage buried beneath the nerves that are trying to wrap around my throat to do the one thing that will assure the incredible woman who turned my life around is mine for life.

  My smile grows, right along with those damn nerves that are now stealing the breath from my lungs as I take her in. All Ellie’s doing is standing there, the breeze from the ocean whipping those locks around and I can feel her peace from here.

  I’ve been waiting for this moment all day to be alone on the beach with her, had this whole speech of how she’s changed me, unmanned me in a way that no other woman could do. Not that watching her finally re-visit the one place she’d been dying to go to was a hardship, far from it. But watching her then and watching her now has me not only losing the words but also acknowledging how short life truly is. How my father was right when he said someday I’d want children. How he wanted me happy, and I could do whatever I wanted to do.

  I knew I was in love with Ellie, right here is when I realize how much. Instead of thinking about it I’m going to tell her if I can get my nerves to calm the hell down so I can ask the most important question I will ever ask in my life.

  The waves pick up, crashing against the shore, but it’s Ellie’s words from last night when she said she wanted to live here with me that I hear.

  It’s the hitch of her breath when I’m near, the way she’s adjusted to being here as if she’s never left. That smile on her face that gets me every damn time she flashes it my way, the way she trusts me, loves me regardless of the things I’ve done, and so much more, I’d sit here long into the night telling myself that placing this ring on her finger is right.

  I take in a deep breath and try swallowing my nerves with it. All the little bastards do is stir my stomach.

  I had a purpose in life, a plan for years to open a business of my own. I knew I’d somehow find a way to set it in motion, and now I had a reason. One I never thought I’d get the chance to have.

  Ellie Mae Wynn is my reason, and regardless if we’ve only known one another for a few months, she needs to be my wife.

  My cock jerks as she jumps back to avoid a wave, her ass jutting out as she bends over and squeals out a laugh. All I can do is smile; the woman has been laughing like that all day. I’ve found it’s one of my favorite things about Ellie. It’s short-lived when another wave has her losing balance, and she falls on her ass.

  “Well shit, I forgot how those suckers could sneak up on you.”

  “Just like you did on me, serves you right.” I laugh. It’s loud and feels so damn good coming out of me.

  When her head shoots my direction, and the wind lifts her hair, for a single moment, I lose the tightness from my nerves in my chest. It all comes rushing back when Ellie brings her left hand up, pushes her wet hair out of her eyes, and captures me in the depths of her bright blues.

  Goner. A sucker for a woman I’ll spend the rest of my life bowing at her feet. That thought has me internally shaking my head, tugging at the corners of my mouth.

  How funny it is that I thought I’d get Ellie to bow at my feet when one defiant word out of her mouth, I knew it would be the other way around.

  That profound connection sizzles and snaps — her drawing me in with just a simple look, telling me I have someone who loves me for the man I am and not what I can give her causes every part of me to come alive.

  “You have it all wrong, mister. You snuck up on me.”

  More laughter pours out of me — free and unbound — gratitude with every heave of my chest.

  “You think that’s funny, do you? I’ll show you funny? I’ll show you just how sneaky I can be.” There’s a devious smirk on her face when she gets to her feet.

  “What are you going to do? Toss me into the water? You might be a tough woman; you aren’t that tough, baby.”

  “Nope. I have something else on my mind; you’ll have to wait and see.”

  My heart threatens to jump out of my chest with how lucky I am.

  Placing the ring on my pinky, I get lost in the sway of her hips, her nipples showing through her drenched shirt as she makes her way toward me, her smile reaching to her mischief-filled eyes.

  Damn, she is something else — my reason, my life, along with the best choice I’ve ever made. A decision that made several significant changes in both our lives.


  For minutes, I sit while she stands dripping wet in front of me, loving how her smile increases and heat flares in her eyes while she roams my face. My bare chest. My arms.

  I’m getting har
der by the second.

  My plan about pushing onto my knees, taking hold of her hand and asking her to marry me the right way blows sky high when she swipes her tongue seductively across her bottom lip. It soars over the ocean when her eyes land on my crotch. Her dark lashes fluttering. Once she bites the corner of her mouth, I lose my ever-loving mind.

  Momentarily, the sneaky little vixen has tied my tongue.

  “Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll take you into the house and rattle the windows harder than the night we met. There won’t be anything funny about it, Ellie. I will fuck you until you scream.”

  A sharp breath escapes Ellie’s mouth. Her eyes go wide, and her hands rest on her hips before a throaty laugh makes my dick strain against my zipper releases from that sassy little mouth. It also has me relishing in how happy she truly is. It radiates off her like a beam of light to the soul. It’s as bewitching as the way she looks at me with so much love that I won’t ever tire of it.

  Her eyes are sincere, but they are also blazing with desire.

  Straight pin-up version of sex is what she is. Earth-shattering sex. A little rough with a whole lot of meaning.

  Torture. Jesus. H. Christ.

  Damn, the way she’s looking at me like she wants to rip my clothes off and straddle me has me leaning back and stretching out my legs.

  “I don’t think so; you can make me scream right here. I thought you wanted to have sex in the ocean?”

  Well, fuck me. Not only has this sudden turn snuck up on me. Ellie has beaten me at being the master of seduction. Both turn me on like an uncivilized savage.


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