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Dancer in the Shadows

Page 1

by Linda Wisdom


  Linda Wisdom


  Published by Joyride Books, PO Box 258, La Honda, CA 94020

  Copyright © 1980 by Linda Wisdom

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.

  ISBN: 978-1-937791-09-4

  Chapter One

  "Now that is a dress they won't forget at the party tonight." Shelly grinned at her friend. "You'll be able to hold your own with anyone there."

  Valerie Hunter studied her reflection in the floor-length bedroom mirror. Dark brown hair was swept away from her face and pinned up in loose curls, emphasizing her dark-lashed green eyes. The Grecian-style gown of cream-colored silk clung to her slender curves, and only a minimum of makeup was necessary to accent her fresh beauty.

  "It's the first party I've been to in years," she murmured, picking up a bottle of perfume.

  "Mommy! Mommy!" A small boy ran into the room, skidding on his heels and looking up at Valerie with awe. "Oh, Mommy, you look so pretty," he whispered. "Sexy." His grin held pure adoration.

  Her mouth curved into a smile at the sight of the little boy. "Sexy?" Her voice was teasing. "And where did you learn that word, Michael, my love?"

  "At school," he replied artlessly. "Mary Davis says I'm sexy."

  Shelly's short blonde curls danced as her head shook in amusement. She and Valerie exchanged knowing looks. "He's his father's son, Val," Shelly said quietly.

  Valerie felt a pang as she thought of Sean. Why did thoughts of him invade her mind just when she felt she was getting over him? Yet, how could she forget him when all she had to do was look down at Michael? The small boy's hair was brown, with the same golden highlights, and his baby face showed signs of Sean's rugged features, although his eyes were the same green shade as hers.

  Even after four years, she would still lie awake nights remembering the feel of Sean's possessive mouth on hers. His arms holding her against his lean, hard body as he whispered love words in his husky voice. His demand for an immediate response to his lovemaking—which she had gladly given. Her heart would still pound madly whenever she saw the back of a man's head with sun-kissed brown hair and the same broad build. She took a deep breath to banish the thoughts that could so easily drive her mad.

  "What necklace are you going to wear?" Shelly's voice broke through her reflective thoughts.

  "I'm not sure yet," she replied, rummaging through her jewelry chest. Her fingers stilled as they encountered a cold, hard stone. Trembling, she drew out a thin gold chain with a jade pendant hanging from it.

  "Matches those cat's eyes of yours." Sean's voice spoke clearly in her mind as if he were standing next to her with his fingers caressing her bare shoulder.

  Before she could lose her nerve, Valerie quickly clasped the pendant around her neck, the tear-shaped drop nestling in the discreet hollow between her breasts.

  "That must be Craig for you," Shelly said, cocking her head at the sound of the doorbell. She quickly rose to her feet. "I'll get it."

  Valerie picked up her evening bag and bent down to drop a kiss on the small boy's forehead. "You'll be good for Shelly tonight, won't you?" she smiled fondly at her son. "Don't forget to pick up all your toys before you go to bed."

  She walked out to the living room, a smile of welcome on her face. "Hello, Craig."

  His eyes roved slowly over her slim figure. "Very lovely," he murmured. "No one will be able to match you, Val."

  Shelly grimaced behind Craig's back. Her dislike of Valerie's boss was no secret between the two friends. "Well, the two of you have a good time," she said brightly.

  Craig's hand on Valerie's arm was possessive as he escorted her out of the apartment. "No wonder that boy is such a handful," he muttered, a dark look marring his blond good looks. "She isn't exactly the best influence, you know."

  "Shelly loves Michael just as much as if he were her own, Craig," Valerie said sharply. "He's nothing more than a normal boy. They're all active at this age."

  "He needs a man around twenty-four hours a day," he persisted. "You know I'd be only too happy to handle a divorce for you if you would just give me the particulars—your husband's name, where he can be reached. You wouldn't even have to see him."

  "I would prefer to handle it my way," she said tightly. "And if you continue in this vein, I would rather go back home than to the party."

  One glance at her grim face told him she meant it, so he deftly changed the subject.

  The country club was well known for its select membership, and the ornate plantation-style clubhouse always seemed to Val to embody this attitude. "I always feel as if I'm here on a pass," she said wryly as they walked up to the large double doors.

  "You belong here just as much as any of them," Craig told her.

  Inside, the men, handsome in their dinner jackets, and the women, resplendent in their expensive gowns and jewels, made a magnificent picture.

  "A friend of mine from school is supposed to be here. I want you to meet him." Craig's eyes scanned the dance floor and the surrounding area. He slipped his arm around her waist in a possessive gesture. "Just as long as you remember who brought you, that is. Let's dance."

  He led her out to the dance floor and took her in his arms. As they danced to the dreamy music, Valerie could feel a prickling sensation along the nape of her neck as if she were being observed. She glanced around, but saw nothing that could cause the feeling of unease.

  "Hey, remember me?" Craig laughingly reminded her. "I'm that guy you're supposed to be madly in love with."

  She laughed easily, causing the men around her to eye her with interest. After their dance, Craig got their drinks before they joined a group of his friends in lively conversation. Then Craig straightened as he spied someone across the room.

  "Come on, darling. I see him now."

  Valerie allowed herself to be led by one hand, keeping her wineglass in the other. The warm smile on her face froze as she saw the man Craig was approaching. Tall and disturbing in a white dinner jacket, the man stood near the open French windows. The bright lights shone on his brown hair, highlighting the sun-bleached strands that lay carelessly above his darkly tanned forehead. The expression on his face was openly cynical, the dark brown eyes almost black in their coldness. A voluptuous black-haired woman in her early thirties, dressed in a red strapless gown of clinging silk, hung onto his arm, seeming very much a part of him.

  Valerie gripped her wineglass tightly, trembling as his eyes rested on her pinned-up hair with amusement. Automatically, she lifted her hand to her hair in a defensive gesture.

  "Sean, glad to see you again," Craig greeted the man, bringing a reluctant and pale Valerie forward. "Val, this is Sean Hunter; Sean, Valerie Hunter, my secretary. Seems you two share the same name, but that better be all you share. Valerie's a very important part of my life."

  "Craig!" She blushed hotly at his words.

  "Miss Hunter." The cold voice sent shivers along her spine.

  "Mrs. Hunter," she corrected stiffly.

  ''Running around with married women now, are you, Craig?" Sean drawled lazily as he cocked an eyebrow at the other man.

  "Not exactly," he laughed.

  "As it seems we've been forgotten, I'm Felicia Everest." The dark-haired woman smiled coolly at Valerie, and Valerie noticed the wide gold band on the other woman's hand.

  "Mrs. Hunter, would you care to dance?"

  Valerie's head snapped upward at the icy tones. "I don't know," she said faintl
y, knowing that the last thing she wanted was to have him touch her.

  Ignoring her protest, he clasped her wrist with a steel hand, leading her to the dance floor. Valerie groaned inwardly as the band began to play a softly sensuous love song. She shrank away from him as she felt his muscular thighs burn through the thin material of her dress. Her nose detected the faint aroma of a woodsy cologne mixed with cigarettes and his clean male smell, bringing back so many painful memories.

  "You've done quite well for yourself, Mrs. Hunter." Sean's icy voice flayed her already bruised nerves. His fingers dug cruelly into her waist, but she didn't show her pain by so much as a flickering eyelid.

  Valerie kept her eyes on the front of his ruffled shirt, her body moving sinuously with his as they had done years before. When the music stopped, he checked her retreat by gripping her wrist tightly. "Thank you for the dance, Mrs. Hunter," he said coldly, his features devoid of expression. "I'm sure we'll meet again." The tone held a threat, causing her to back away in fright as he released her arm.

  Holding back the violent tears that threatened to fall, Valerie fled through the open doors, not stopping until she reached a far dark corner of the garden. Breathing deeply, she stared unseeingly ahead in order to calm her frazzled nerves. A few moments later, she turned as she heard footsteps behind her. Before she could speak, a pair of hands grabbed her arms in a rough grip as her mouth was imprisoned by a pair of lips ruthlessly parting hers. She struggled in the embrace, tears streaming down her face as her mouth was bruised by punishing kisses.

  She was suddenly released and the figure disappeared silently into the darkness. Fighting the rising nausea, Valerie stumbled to a side door near the powder room. Relieved to find it empty, she dropped to a pink velvet stool before the large lighted mirror, letting the tears flow unchecked. When she felt calmer, she repaired her eye makeup and lipstick before venturing outside. She held her breath as she looked around for Sean and felt relieved not to see him anywhere.

  "There you are." Craig approached her, a warm smile on his face. "I've been looking for you."

  "I—uh—I wanted to repair my makeup," she replied weakly.

  "Do you feel all right? You look pale." He appeared concerned.

  "No, I'm fine."

  Valerie managed to get through the evening with an artificial smile on her strained face, and she drank more wine than was good for her. She was grateful when Craig suggested leaving.

  "I told you the party would be fun," he told her, not noticing her strained features. "I'm glad you were able to meet Sean. He's a great person."

  No, he isn't a great person! Valerie's nerves screamed out. He's cruel and unfeeling!

  When they reached the apartment house, she pleaded a headache, slipping out of the car and leaving behind a disappointed Craig.

  "I'll see you Monday, Craig." She smiled, desiring only the solitude of her room.

  Once inside the apartment, Valerie's face reflected the pain she felt. Moving quietly, she stopped first in the small room where her son slept. She carefully arranged the covers over his shoulders before tiptoeing out.

  Valerie was grateful that Shelly was already asleep so she wouldn't have to endure any questions about the party. Once inside the bedroom they shared, she slipped off her dress, letting it fall to the floor in a careless heap. Reaching behind her neck, she was dismayed to find her jade pendant missing. She looked around the floor and, not seeing it, decided that the slender chain must have snapped during the struggle. She felt tears pricking at the back of her eyes.

  She quickly pulled the pins out of her hair before she crawled into bed. Curled into a tight ball, she fought the mounting tears as her mind wandered back to that time four years before...that time when Sean Hunter entered her life.

  At twenty, all Valerie's thoughts were for her upcoming audition at the ballet school. She had no time to look around beautiful San Francisco. When she wasn't practicing at the school, she was relaxing on the beach with her friend Shelly and the four other girls they shared a house with.

  She had her life all planned out for her—until the night of the barbecue on the beach. Enjoying a late-night swim, one of the boys, Ron, had too much to drink and became friendlier than Valerie wanted. A tall, dark figure had interrupted Ron's attentions, sending him away and then walking Val back to her friends.

  How could she forget that first time she had seen him? The firelight illuminated a bronzed face, and a slightly crooked nose, as if it had been broken at some time. The angular cheekbones led to a frankly sensual mouth with a hint of cruelty. His firm jaw completed a no-nonsense face. Not handsome, but arresting. A man no woman could ever forget—or want to. His tall, lean build was emphasized by a dark shirt covering a powerful chest. His dark slacks molded to his muscular thighs and lean hips. With one thumb hooked through a belt loop, he had the appearance of a lithe jungle animal. She judged him to be in his early thirties and over six feet tall. She could still remember how the expression in his dark eyes had caused her legs to tremble. Even with her innocence, Valerie knew he would be a man to change her life—even though she didn't know his name.

  Valerie's thoughts were of the mysterious man the day she auditioned for the academy. Her parents had been killed in an automobile accident six months before and would not know that their dreams for their only daughter were at last being realized. When her name was called, she licked suddenly dry lips and approached the center of the rehearsal hall.

  The toes of one foot rested against the heel of the other in the classic fifth position. The soft strains of a valse from The Sleeping Beauty drifted through the air. Unconsciously, a face came to her mind and she was dancing for him. Her turns were as graceful as if she danced on air. Her hair gleamed in the light. Her face was flushed, as if he were watching her now. What was he, then? A ruthless duke sitting in a large, carved wooden chair watching one of his chattels dance for him?

  Haunted by a man she had seen only once, Valerie was still in a daze when she left the academy. Outside, she was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight and rummaged in her purse for her sunglasses. Walking down the stone steps, she didn't see the tall, imposing figure on the sidewalk.

  "Taxi, lady?" A lazy drawl brought her head up to face a pair of dark brown eyes. He was leaning back against the hood of an expensive, low-slung sports car, his long legs crossed in front of him.

  "How—how did you know I was here?" A feeling of giddy excitement rose inside her at the sight of her rescuer.

  "I saw you go in earlier and I was curious to see what made a little girl run so fast," he replied smoothly, taking the tote bag out of her nerveless fingers. "Right now, you don't look as if you've had any food today."

  "I overslept this morning," Valerie said breathlessly. Had he stayed here for the past three hours just to see her? Yet, he didn't seem to be the type of man to wait for any woman.

  "Then you have no excuse for turning down my lunch invitation." He opened the car door, assisting her into the passenger's seat.

  "I—but I don't know you," she protested weakly, her skin tingling from his brief touch. "I don't even know your name."

  After he slid behind the steering wheel, he half-turned in the seat, dark eyes with gold flecks turned to her flushed face. "Sean Hunter, at your service, ma'am." He inclined his head formally. "Now, as to you, my water sprite, what may I call you?"

  "Valerie Rhodes," she whispered, still under his spell.

  "Well, Valerie Rhodes, I hope you like seafood."

  The afternoon was a magical one for Valerie. Over a seafood lunch at a famous restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf, she learned that Sean Hunter was an army engineer stationed at the Presidio and evidently traveled a great deal. Her twenty years were nothing compared to his thirty-two as they discussed her hopes to be admitted to the ballet school and her plans for the future. After a delicious lunch, they walked around the wharf and visited the familiar sights of the waterfront area.

  "What would you say to Ghirardell
i Square?" Sean asked suddenly. He noted her hesitancy. "Or do you have someone waiting for you?" His tone meant someone male. She was unaware of the change in his manner as he watched conflicting expressions cross her face.

  "No, I just thought there must be someone else you'd rather be with than me." Her low voice indicated her confusion. Why would he want to spend the day with her? She certainly couldn't be the type of girl he was used to spending his time with.

  He suddenly gripped her chin, forcing her eyes up to meet his own dark ones. "Cat eyes, if I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't be here," Sean murmured, his warm breath caressing her face.

  Valerie held her breath, thinking he was going to kiss her. She felt disappointed when he removed his hand, saying abruptly, "I suggest we get back to the car and head for Ghirardelli Square."

  Near the large, popular tourist attraction, known for the making of chocolate candy and now a center full of shops of every description, Sean pulled into an underground parking lot where they left the car.

  Valerie's eyes grew huge looking around at the various articles displayed in store windows. In one jewelry shop, she lingered over a jade teardrop pendant edged in delicate gold filigree. The amount written on the small white tag told her, though, that it was far beyond her means.

  When the late afternoon sun set behind the mountains, the evening's cool air suggested it was time for dinner. Sean steered her toward a nearby Italian restaurant with a warm and homey atmosphere.

  Valerie relaxed during the large meal of minestrone soup and veal parmigiana accompanied by a bottle of red wine. When they left the restaurant to return to the car, her face was becomingly flushed from the wine.

  The parking lot was cool and she shivered slightly while waiting for Sean to unlock the car. Noticing her action, he reached inside, grabbed a dark brown suede jacket, and settled it around her shoulders. His hands stayed momentarily on her shoulders before sliding slowly down her arms to go around her waist under the jacket. Keeping his eyes on her upturned face, ethereal in the dim light, he gently pulled her unresisting form toward him. He leaned back against the car, keeping his arms around her. Valerie stared mesmerized at his descending mouth as it settled warmly and lightly on her lips. The touch was softly sensual, wreaking havoc with her senses. Feeling her response, he expertly parted her lips, exploring the sweetness within. Her arms crept up over his chest to his shoulders, winding around his neck, her fingers raking through his crisp hair. His woodsy aftershave mixed with his male scent to assault her senses, causing her body to tremble. Sean's lips trailed along her jawline to the sensitive cord in her neck, nibbling gently. Valerie's hand crept down, unconsciously unbuttoning several buttons of his shirt, letting her fingers seek the warmth of his body. Sean's expert caresses were awakening new emotions inside her. Suddenly he pressed the side of her face against his chest. She could hear the erratic heartbeat under her ear, matching her own racing pulse. Sean's hands lifted, deftly pulling the pins out of her hair, letting it tumble free past her shoulders. His fingers raked the silky tresses before cupping her nape, raising her face to his. A lean, brown forefinger traced her lips, swollen from his passionate kisses.


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