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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 3

by Jessica Ingro

  Chapter Three


  The door to the club opened and I turned to see Jayson walking through with two other men. They weren’t the same ones from last night. Thank God.

  Even though my mind knew he was a jerk, my body didn’t. My breath shuddered, and my heart rate picked up. It couldn’t be a coincidence that he was here again so soon.

  I tried to go about my business and focus on my tables, but I could feel the heat of his stare, and my anxiety grew exponentially with each minute that passed. Unable to wait any longer, and cursing myself the whole way, I walked over to his table and propped my drink tray on my hip.

  “Two nights in a row?” I cocked my head to the side. “You must really like to watch strippers.”

  His friends started laughing and exchanging glances. Jayson just grinned at me. “What’s not to like?”

  “Oh, there’s plenty to like. I’m just surprised you’re that hard up, Jayson.”

  That made his friends laugh even harder. He gave them both a glare and leaned forward in his seat, motioning me to come closer. I leaned in and he whispered, “Keep giving me sass and I’ll show you how hard I am.”

  I struggled to swallow as he leaned back, watching me closely. My cheeks were flushed and I needed a change of panties thanks to how wet that statement made me. My mouth opened and then closed. My mind came up empty with a witty comeback. All my body knew was that it wanted to verify for itself exactly how hard he was.

  He gave me a cocky grin, clearly loving the fact that he made me speechless.

  “Call me, Jay,” he insisted when I still had no response. “And these fools here are Jerome and Mike.”

  I turned to his friends who were now avidly watching me. I lamely introduced myself and wondered why I came over here. I felt like an idiot standing in front of them.

  “I better get back to work.” I motioned over towards my section of tables. “Enjoy the show boys.”

  I only made it a few steps before Jay called my name. I turned back and lifted an eyebrow, waiting.

  “What time you off tonight?”

  I bit my lip to contain my smile. “Two.”

  “Want to do breakfast?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry I don’t get involved with anyone that comes in here.”

  With that, I turned and went back to work. That didn’t mean I wasn’t tuned into everything about him and his friends though. I watched Pam bring them each a glass of Crown Royal. I spied out of the corner of my eye that while his friends stayed engaged with the show on the stage, Jay barely paid attention. Instead, he watched me the whole time. His gazes went from heated looks to hard, predatory stares whenever I talked to another club patron. It made me feel safe. Like he was protecting me again.

  When it was time to take my break, I was feeling a little brave and a lot turned on, so I pulled up a chair to where they were sitting, propped my elbows on the table and put my face in my hands. “What’s up, boys?”

  They all gave me the same shit eating grins. All three of them were handsome. Jerome and Mike weren’t as cute as Jay, but they were still lookers. Jerome had cornrows in his hair and was tall and lean. Mike was shorter and stockier than Jerome, with short hair like Jay’s.

  “Just enjoying the entertainment, sweetheart,” Jerome said with a bit of a southern drawl.


  “You on break?” Jay asked.

  “Yes. I thought I’d come over and say hi, seeing as how I seem to be your main source of entertainment tonight. Besides, if I went to the lounge in the back I’d be tempted to fall asleep.” I propped my feet up on the chair in between Jay and me. They were throbbing tonight from working three nights straight.

  “Didn’t sleep good? Did your man keep you up last night?” Jerome inquired.

  “No. No man. I had to get up and do laundry after drinking a little too much last night. I’ll sleep in tomorrow.”

  “Do you sleep naked?” Mike spoke for the first time.

  Deciding to play their game instead of act like the uptight prude they expected me to be, I leaned forward and said in a low voice. “As a matter of fact, I do. I like the way the cool fabric rubs against my body.”

  Jay started coughing. “I never thought I would be jealous of sheets. This conversation is giving me visions that make me want to be the one rubbing against that body.”

  I laughed it off, even though that was the last thing I wanted to do, since images of me straddling his lap were overriding rational thought.

  “You guys are bad,” I teased.

  “But bad can be good. And I’m all kinds of good, sweetheart,” Jerome teased back.

  “I bet you are.”

  I felt my shoe slide off and strong fingers began to rub my foot. I bit back a groan when those fingers instantly found the spot that was throbbing the most. I looked up to see Jay watching me while he worked my foot. It felt sensual, and everything else faded away, like we were the only two people in that moment. What should have been awkward was anything but.

  “Wow,” I whispered. “That feels amazing.”

  “Imagine how amazing it would feel with you beneath me,” he whispered back.

  The sound of Mike snickering shattered the moment, forcing me to pull my foot back. Once my shoe was securely in place, I stood up and made to leave. As much as I wanted to lose myself in him, I knew I was out of my depth. “I better get back to work. I’ll see you guys around.”

  I made it to the alcove where the drink trays were stored and pressed my back against the wall. If Jay had flirted with me like that last night, I would have totally taken him up on the offer of finding out how amazing being with him would feel. Now that I knew his reputation, I wasn’t too keen on jumping into those waters. Eventually my traitorous body would get on board with my logic. I was sure of it. I shook my head as images of us together infiltrated my lust-rattled brain again. Yeah, sure.

  Three hours later, I was clocked out and heading towards the door when a familiar face came into my line of view. I looked around, but didn’t see Jerome or Mike. It was just Jay waiting by the exit. He held his arm out as I got closer, so I threaded mine through it and we walked outside.

  “I thought you guys left,” I said as we walked through the door and towards my car.

  “The others did. I waited for you. I don’t like the idea of you walking out here by yourself this late at night. Your boss should really consider having you girls escorted out by a bouncer.”

  I had the same thought that my first night there, but it was generally pretty quiet outside and if someone else was off shift at the same time, we’d walk out together. It was still very sweet of him to care enough to wait around.

  “Thanks for that.” I stopped at the side of my car and pulled my arm out from his. Neither of us said anything for a minute, and I began to get nervous since he’d jumbled my thoughts so thoroughly, I didn’t know what to say and that was so unlike me.

  “You know I’m going to get you to go out for breakfast one of these nights,” he finally spoke.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Oh, trust me it will happen. I can tell these things.”

  “I bet. You look like a highly sought after fortune teller.” I giggled and extracted my keys from my purse. “In the meantime, I’ll enjoy keeping you on your toes.”

  He opened the door for me, but I didn’t get in right away. He was so close I could smell his masculine scent, and it made me lightheaded imagining that smell all over me.

  Jay moved in and kissed my cheek. His mouth lingered longer than necessary. His breath caressed my cheek and made me shiver. “I look forward to it, baby. Hope you sleep well,” he breathed against my skin.

  “You too,” I whispered.

  My breath shuddered when he ran his nose tenderly alongside mine before stepping back and motioning me to get in the car. I woodenly got inside. Door closed and car started, I pulled out and looked back to see him watching me just like the night before.

nbsp; * * *

  I just wanted this night to be over. I had worked eight days in a row and still had another one to go before my day off. Maybe asking for extra hours wasn’t the smartest decision.

  “Tori!” Barked Pete from the other end of the bar. “Go home! You look like hell on your feet. It’s slow tonight anyways. Pam can handle the customers we have.”

  I glanced around the place and had to agree. There were only a handful of tables that were filled. I took stock of each ache in my body from my head to my toes and there were so many of them, I chose not to argue.

  “Thanks, Pete. I could use a break.”

  He gave me a serious look before speaking. “You got heart, girl. I wasn’t sure of it when you first walked into my office. I’m glad you proved me wrong.”

  I felt my throat close up at his words. It meant more to me than I would have thought for someone to believe in me. I wasn’t just a pretty face spending Daddy’s money. I could handle anything that was thrown at me. It felt good to know he saw something else in me, something I was only beginning to learn myself.

  “Thank you,” I choked out and blinked away the tears gathering behind my eyes. I walked around the bar and wrapped my arms around him. He was taken aback at first by my show of affection, but quickly recovered and engulfed me in his cuddly arms. I just knew he would be a good snuggler.

  “Now get out of here.” He cleared his throat and sent me away.

  In the backroom, I grabbed my purse and the cardigan I brought since the air was a little colder today and headed out. I tried not to think about how disappointed I was that Jay hadn’t come in tonight. Like clockwork, he has shown up every night since the first night we had met. By day four, I had to admit I was completely smitten with him.

  Each night he watched me instead of the entertainment. Sometimes he was with Jerome and Mike, and sometimes he was by himself. But without a doubt, every time I saw him he asked me what time I got off and if I’d go to breakfast. I’d politely tell him I don’t get involved with patrons of Lace. We’d smile at the each other and then he’d walk me to my car at the end of the night.

  He never progressed further than light touches and kisses on my cheek. And while I appreciated it, I had to admit my libido was in overdrive imagining what it would be like to have him take my lips in a passionate kiss. Run his hands over my body. Slide deep inside me.

  Yeah, I needed to get laid in a bad way.

  I even found myself staring at his hands, thinking how beautiful they were. They were the perfect measure of a man. His fingers were long and deft. There were strong veins running along the back of each one. And I just knew right down to my very core they would feel fantastic gliding along my skin.

  I was just about to open the door to leave, when someone grabbed my arm and made me shriek in fear. The man holding me was tall and dark, almost menacing in his looks.

  “You Tori?” He asked in a deep rumbly voice.

  I nodded and tried to pull my arm from his grip, but he held on tight.

  “Jay said I’m to walk you to your car.” He shifted and began pulling me through the door. I tightened my grip on my purse as he dragged me across the parking lot.

  “Where is Jay?” I called out to his back.

  “He had something come up. He asked me to watch out for you tonight.”

  Well, hell, this guy could have been a little less scary about it. I didn’t dwell on that, though, since my insides melted over how sweet it was for Jay to care enough to send someone for me. Not that I really needed it, but any girl would find his thoughtfulness flattering.

  I had to admit I was bummed I wouldn’t see him at all tonight. He had given me a CD last night to listen to and I was excited to share my thoughts with him. The CD had both songs that he had released and ones he collaborated on. I could honestly say he was a talented individual and had gained a new fan in me.

  “Can you give him a message for me?” I asked with one foot in my car door. The still unnamed man stopped his retreat and waited for me to continue. “Tell him ‘The Struggle’ was by far my favorite song on that CD.”

  I could see something working behind his eyes before he nodded and continued to walk to a giant black SUV parked across the lot.

  Exhausted, I got in my car and headed home. There would always be tomorrow to feed my Jay fix.

  * * *

  A hand settled on my hip, a masculine scent filled my nose, and a soft voice whispered, “The Struggle?” in my ear.


  I bit my lip and turned my head. His face was only a hair’s breadth away from mine and I couldn’t believe how much more beautiful he was with hardly any space between us. So masculine and utterly breathtaking. His eyelashes were long and thick. His lips so very full and inviting. I desperately wanted to lean in the fraction of an inch it would take to feel them on mine.

  “Yes,” I replied breathlessly. “It was moving.”

  His grip on my hip tightened, and I watched as his eyes flared. “What time do you get off?”


  “Have breakfast with me.” His breath was minty, leaving a tingle as it glided against my skin.


  He blinked in surprise. “Okay? You’ve been telling me no for a week now and suddenly you’re doing an about face?”

  I nodded and licked my lips. God, he was so close. He must put off extra pheromones or something just to mess with me. Every time we got close like this, I lost all reason. Maybe I just needed to sleep with him and get it out of my system.

  His lips lightly grazed mine, but before I could demand more contact he stepped away and let go of me.

  “Get back to work. I’ll be back before two.”

  “Okay.” I wobbled on my feet slightly when I watched him walk away and out the front door.

  Shit, I was in so much trouble.

  Chapter Four

  Jay held open the door to his Cadillac Escalade and helped me into the truck. I had just spent the last fifteen minutes in the bathroom of Lace doing an emergency touch up of my makeup and hair. I also changed out of my Lace tank top into a flowy top with ruffles around the sleeves that was a little more appropriate to be wearing in public, but left on my black shorts and high-heels. Thank goodness I had the extra shirt in my car.

  Now I was getting into Jay’s truck and heading to a diner that he said had the best food I’d ever taste. I wasn’t entirely sure what made me change my mind about going to breakfast with him. Maybe it was the look into his inner psyche that his music gave me. Or maybe it was just the way he fucked with my head when he was so close. Either way, I had no idea what I was doing going to breakfast with him. I knew we’d never go anywhere. He was a player and only wanted sex. I was lost and looking for something to help me through my difficult times. We were doomed from the start, and I only saw heartache in my future if I let this go further.

  There was just something about him though that made me want to spend time with him. I enjoyed his flirting and the way it made me feel. I enjoyed being his sole focus whenever he was around. And I loved the way he could make me laugh.

  Wrap it all up in a beautiful package, and I was far too drawn to him for my own good. But damn it, I was going to go with it and just enjoy myself. I had enough to worry about without adding to it.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Jay broke our silence. The only noise was coming from the sound of the tires on the road and music playing lowly in the background.

  He looked over at me, and I shrugged in answer. He and I had spent quite a bit of time together over the last week whenever he came into the club and walked me to my car, and it was rare that I lacked anything to say. Why was I so tongue-tied and nervous?

  He chuckled under his breath and shook his head. “I would have never pictured you shy like this. It’s cute.”

  “Sorry. Long night.” I felt the need to apologize for some odd reason.

  “No sweat, baby. I kinda like you quiet and docile. Makes it more exciting when y
our claws come out.” He chuckled again, and I smiled at him.

  Realizing being shy was getting me nowhere, I decided to go for broke. “Play your cards right and I’ll show you what my claws feel like dragging down your back,” I said as seductively as I could.

  He raised his eyebrows as his head twisted in my direction. His eyes were heated and showed a hunger that made me flush all over. Lust had transformed his normally beautiful face into something far more magnificent. I could only imagine what it would be like to have him looking down on me like that as he was moving inside me. “Is breakfast a requirement? ‘Cause, we can head back to my place right now, T.”

  Yes, please, my inner slut screamed.

  “T?” I asked instead of climbing in his lap and getting things started.

  “Yeah, T. It fits you.”

  I gave him an astonished look. “All I can picture is Mr. T with his Mohawk and gold chains. I’m not sure that fits me at all, Jay. And if you subject me to that, I’m going to have to come up with an epic name for you.”

  We pulled into a parking spot in front of the diner. He shut the truck off and turned to me with his arm propped on the steering wheel.

  “If you want you can call me your king when I’m fucking the shit out of you.” His lips twitched, and I knew he was teasing me.

  Thank God because calling him king wasn’t about to happen. Like ever.

  “You’re an ass, not a king,” I said as I stepped out of the truck.

  He bumped my shoulder as we walked into the restaurant. “I thought you liked my ass.”

  I smacked said ass before grabbing a handful of it. Damn it was tight. “I’ve seen better.”

  “I feel so violated!” He joked before he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me an affectionate squeeze. I leaned into him and enjoyed how hard his body was. Hard and warm and so very nice against mine.


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