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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 8

by Jessica Ingro

  “Yeah, he hits it when he feels the need. Not quite sure why. I can say though that Nessy thinks he’s hers. She honestly believes he’s going to settle with her once he sows his wild oats.” She shook her head. “She’s crazy.”

  “I see.” And I did. Trigger was right. Kim was right. I was fucked because this whole time, I thought we were building something. Something that in my heart of hearts knew would be beautiful.

  I downed my drink and rustled up another at the bar. I sucked back a healthy amount and refilled it again.

  Why the hell was I here? Was I just some project he was taking on? Help the poor, rich girl who’s down on her luck? Give her a job and threaten her enemies? All the while I’m going to mess with her head because I’m a sick bastard? Ugh, I wanted to go home.

  I placed the bottle of Jack back on the bar and was about to head for a quieter area so that I could call Kim for a ride, when two arms caged me in. Dark hands rested on the counter on either side of my body. I looked over my shoulder to see Jay standing behind me.

  “Been looking for you.”

  “You couldn’t have been looking too hard, seeing as how Nessy has been your priority thus far tonight.”

  “Are you fucking shitting me?” I felt a strange energy radiating from him. It seemed dark and dangerous. However, I chose to ignore it and forged on.

  “No, I’m not shitting you,” I snapped at him.

  “Glad to see you’re showing your true colors now.”

  My back straightened and I turned around to drill my finger into his chest. “What the fuck does that mean? Why am I even here? You’ve ignored me all day. I don’t care if you want to be with her, just don’t string me along and leave me here all by myself.”

  His hand cupped my neck and he brought his face closer to mine. His voice still held agitation, but also a softness that was at odds with the first emotion. “I was meeting with my lawyer earlier to get him on the case with your stepmother. Then I needed to deal with a few things at the office. Nessy got here at the same time I did. And I left that bitch as soon as I could and I went looking for you.”

  “Really?” I breathed. Relief swept in and replaced the anger and resentment I was previously feeling. Did that make me stupid? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was I was immensely satisfied with the fact that he chose me over her.

  “Really. If you were anyone else, T, I’d be sending you packing. Be glad I think you’re adorable and can’t get the taste of you off my tongue.”

  “You shouldn’t call women bitches,” I scolded him.

  “Someone women are bitches, T,” he reminded me of a sad fact. “Now if you’re done with your tiff, let’s go have some fun.”

  Making the split decision to leave that one alone for now, I gave him a wonky grin and nodded eagerly. I wanted to have fun with him. I loved spending time with him regardless of what we were doing.

  “Totally fucking nutty.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me out to the core of the party.

  For the next several hours we drank, we ate, we laughed and we played games like beer pong. I had never had so much fun in my life. Not even when I was away at college.

  And we never saw Nessy again. I have no idea if she was still there, lurking around—because in my mind, she was that pathetic—or if she left when she saw us together. Either way I didn’t really care.

  By the end of the night, or what I assumed was the end of the night because we had been drinking for hours and hours, Jay and I were laying on a two-person lounger by the pool. I felt mellow and relaxed. Maybe too relaxed because my stomach growled really loudly. I placed my hand over it and giggled.

  “Yo, Trey,” Jay called out and some guy I had met briefly earlier headed our way. “Go to Taco Bell and get a couple boxes of tacos. Some hard and some soft.”

  My giggles turned into a full out belly laugh thinking of hard and soft penises in the box instead of tacos. And hard penises in soft tacos. Maybe I had too much to drink.

  “I could have just eaten whatever’s still over there,” I noted after Trey scurried away to do Jay’s bidding.

  “I know. Wanted tacos though.”

  “Do you always get what you want?” I turned my head to face him, and suddenly I wasn’t just talking about food anymore. His eyes bore into mine with an intensity I had never seen from him before. He licked his lips, and his eyes dropped down to my mouth. I felt tingles of awareness creeping through me.

  “Usually,” he said in low, husky voice. “Lately what I really want has been out of my reach.”

  I took in a shaky breath and exhaled slowly. We were getting into dangerous territory. If I chose to continue this conversation, I wasn’t sure I was ready for the ramifications of it.

  Taking my silence as a cue, Jay went back to looking up at the sky. I was oddly disappointed, but pushed that aside for the time being.

  We watched the stars and talked to a few people that came by until Trey returned with the food. By that point of the night, most of the partygoers had left, although there were still quite a few people milling about. Some were swimming, some were playing drinking games, some were smoking weed, and there were a few that I had a sneaking suspicion were going at it on the other side of the pool.

  I sat up and took the wrapper of food that Jay handed me. I eyed it unsure of whether or not I wanted to attempt this. Mexican food and beer weren’t exactly the best things to mix in one’s stomach.

  “What?” Jay asked around a mouth full of taco.

  “I’ve never actually had Taco Bell before,” I admitted.

  I looked over to see his mouth now gaping. Even with food in it, it was still attractive. I could have nibbled and tasted it just as it was. Yes, I was definitely drunk.

  “Well, today is your lucky day, baby.” He motioned towards the taco with his head.

  I unwrapped it and decided what the hell. I took a big bite and moaned while I chewed.

  “So good,” I said with a mouth full of food.

  “Here. Eat another. And try some sauce.” He handed me a little orange packet.

  “How cool is this? It has sayings on it!” I opened the packet and squeezed it onto my taco. “What does yours say?”

  He flipped it over and held it up for me. It said, “Why say no when you could say yes?”

  I swallowed my food, and my eyes darted to his. Our earlier conversation was still very present in our minds, and I could tell Jay was thinking what I was thinking. Why say no to what he was offering, when I could say yes and live a little?

  “Jay,” I whispered and leaned towards him slightly.

  “Say it, baby.”

  I swallowed hard and felt the pulsing grow between my legs. Was I going to do it? Could I say the words that we both needed to hear?

  “Fuck me.” No sooner did the words leave my mouth, then he was on me. My back to the lounger, his body pinned me down as his mouth devoured me.

  Our hands were everywhere. Our mouths were everywhere. I was near to bursting with how badly I needed him inside me.

  He lifted my skirt until it was around my waist. My hands undid his belt at the same time he worked his button and zipper. As soon as he was freed, I widened my legs and he fell between them.

  Next thing I knew he pulled my underwear to the side and he was slamming into me.

  “Yes!” I shouted with abandon. This was what I wanted. What I needed from him.

  The lounger creaked as Jay fucked me hard and fast. We both panted and moaned as we sought out our releases. Within minutes, my mouth opened on a silent moan as I came around him. He thrust into me again and then quickly pulled out and fisted his cock as he came on the patio next to us.

  We both righted our clothes and collapsed onto the lounger next to one another. Tired from the booze, the food in my belly and the O I just had, I snuggled into Jay’s arms and fell dead asleep.

  I was in such a deep sleep that I didn’t wake when he cleaned up his mess on the patio, or carried me to his bed, or even w
hen he stripped me down to my underwear. If I had, I would have seen the tender way he looked at me as he kissed me softly goodnight. And I would have known that even though he said he didn’t, he did in fact want to give me more.

  Chapter Nine

  I woke up on my stomach and groaned. A warm and heavy object lay across my naked back.

  Naked back?

  Lifting my head, I turned it and saw Jay’s beautiful face laying on the pillow next to me. His long lashes swept his cheekbones, and his face looked so peaceful as he slept. I fought the urge to run my finger lightly over the features of his face. His lips looked so soft, beckoning for my tongue to run along their seam.

  Like a slow replay, our activities of the previous night came back to me. The copious amounts of Jack Daniels I consumed, mixed with the Tequila shooters Trigger gave me, followed by the sex I had with Jay in the middle of the pool area with other people still populating the area.

  I groaned again and felt bile rising in my throat. How could I have let that happen? It was so out of character for me. I had never had sex in public before. I never even considered it. It had to be the alcohol stripping all my inhibitions and the fact that Jay talked a good game.

  My head fell back to my pillow and I replayed our pool lounge interlude. For as wrong as my head said it was, I had to admit there was something erotic about doing it where others may or may not have been watching. In my defense, I was a little too in the moment to know if they were or not.

  A major part of me was disappointed in the sex though. I did have my O moment, which was saying something, but I felt like it lacked all of the finesse that I expected from Jay. All the moves that he constantly teased about having. Our coupling had been hot and fast. There was no build up. No foreplay. He didn’t make me come out of my skin like I thought he would.

  Maybe I had just built up our first time in my head so much that it was inevitable for me to feel like it fell short. Or maybe he just doesn’t have the skills he alluded to having these last few weeks.

  I felt the bed shift as Jay moved and my body went rock solid. I wasn’t ready to deal with the morning-after fallout. His lips grazed my shoulder, and I fought the immediate shiver that followed. His lips began descending down over my back, and I panicked.

  “We can’t do this,” I said with more haughtiness in my voice than I was aiming for.

  He stilled his motions, and his body came up over mine. His bare chest felt good against my back. Skin on skin was definitely my favorite way to be with him.

  “Why not,” he said softly in my ear. His hand shifted my hair so that he could kiss me on the sensitive spot behind my ear. Then I felt his tongue lightly touch me there and I knew if I didn’t put a stop to this soon, that we’d make the same mistake again.

  “Because there was no heat between us.”

  I felt him laugh against my neck. What the hell did he find so funny?

  “What?” I snapped.

  “No heat? Baby, were you there last night? We might as well have set the place on fire there was so much heat.”

  “How drunk were you?” I asked skeptically.

  “I could ask you the same thing. Did you not come all over my cock? ‘Cause it sure as hell felt like you did.”

  “Well of course I did. It’s rather easy to give me an orgasm. So there… My point is, one minute we were kissing and the next we were coming. It was over before I knew it began.”

  His body shook again as he laughed in my ear. His tongue traced a path along the outer shell once he finally stopped laughing. I couldn’t hide the shiver that delivered to my body.

  “Last night we were drunk, T. The sexual tension between us had been building since we first met. That’s why it was over before we knew it began. If it wasn’t hot, then neither of us would have gotten off so quickly. Though, must say I’m pleased to know you can come easy, baby. Now it looks like I’m going to have to show you some more heat so this time you don’t forget.”

  My protest died on my lips when his mouth went back to where it left off on my back. As he shifted lower, he pulled the sheet down over my body. His teeth nipped the skin of my butt where my underwear didn’t cover, right before they grasped the white lace and drew it down over my cheeks. His hands took over what his teeth started and pulled them the rest of the way down my legs.

  I was already so unbelievably turned on by that move, that I lost all conscious thought and focused on what he was doing to me instead.

  His hands drifted lightly up my inner thighs at the same time his mouth moved over my naked ass. I felt his fingers dip between my legs and rub along my now wet, and growing wetter by the minute, folds. My legs opened a little wider, craving more contact.

  My arms went up over my head and pressed into the headboard for leverage so I could push down on his fingers working deep inside me.

  “Roll over, baby.”

  Wanting more from him, I did as he asked. The whole time, his fingers were still inside me and the swiveling motion made me moan. When I settled on my back, his fingers began moving again and his head descended towards my breast. I squeezed my eyes shut when his tongue traced my nipple right before his mouth closed over it and sucked hard. My back arched and my hips ground down on his fingers.

  He worked both breasts with his mouth. Taking turns with each and leaving me begging for more. Whenever I thought I was going to come, he instinctively pulled away and cupped my mound. It was sheer madness how wild he was driving me. There was no longer any doubt in my mind that he was able to set me afire.

  “Please,” I pleaded. I felt like I was going to come right out of my skin. He had taken me to the edge too many times to count, and I desperately needed a release.

  “I thought you wanted heat,” he murmured around my breast.

  “I want you to fuck me. Now.” My voice was breathless, but the demand was still there.

  His tongue curled around my nipple and he shook his head in a negative gesture.

  “Please,” I tried again when his finger curled and found my G-spot. Oh good heavens he was one of the few men who knew where it was. Hallelujah!

  “Not until I’ve tasted you.” He lifted from his place at my chest and settled himself between my legs. He drew my knees back to open me up to him. I should have been embarrassed by the intimacy of it, but all I could think was that I needed him there. Like yesterday.

  At the first sweep of his tongue, I bit my lip. At the second sweep of his tongue, I moaned. At the third sweep of his tongue, I whimpered.

  His fingers began fucking me in earnest. His tongue made circles that had me seeing stars. It began building. A deep pull low in my belly that grew and grew. My legs started to tremble and the mewls and cries coming from my mouth got louder and louder.

  When he applied suction to my clit, I exploded. My stomach muscles tensed, pulling my upper body up off the bed. My knees locked around his head. My pussy clenched over and over again.

  I opened my eyes to see him hanging over the side of the bed and digging in his jeans pocket on the floor. He produced a condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it down his impressive length.

  “On your knees, chest to the bed,” he directed me. I instantly complied, wanting this next step more than my next breath.

  His hands drifted over my skin, making me squirm with need. I felt the head of his penis rubbing along my clit, right before he positioned himself and drove into me. My head flew back and my fingers gripped the sheets on either side of my head.

  “Such a sweet cunt, Tori. You feel that heat?”

  I whimpered my agreement as he worked my body over. His movements were fast, hard and hungry. This was no quick fuck. It went on for a long time. And once again, my O was building like a huge tidal wave of pleasure.

  “Oh shit! I’m coming,” I shouted as it hit me.

  Jay’s thrusts accelerated until he was growling my name and coming inside me.

  He dropped to his back beside me and I rolled to mine. We both stare
d at the ceiling panting and sweating in post coital bliss.

  “Told you we’d be hot together,” he announced with a definite smugness in the tone of his voice.

  “Yeah, but for how long?” I muttered, needing to get that off my chest. I was already having real feelings for him. Sleeping together would only amplify that. Now that I had connected with him on the most intimate level, I knew casual was no longer a possibility.

  “I don’t think that kind of chemistry is going to die out anytime soon, T.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I meant how long are you going to want me around, Jay? I’m not the kind of girl who’s any good with casual. I need more.”

  He rolled on his side to face me. My head turned to see that he looked surprised by my question. That was never a good sign. Apparently the default setting for anyone with a dick was to think with it. Clearly that’s what Jay had been doing.

  “I don’t do relationships, baby. I might play with you more than once if you got something I like, but I won’t get chained down by any one woman. Been there, done that and definitely don’t want to do it again.”

  “I’m not looking to chain you down. I’m not even looking for hearts and flowers. I am looking for more than a few great fucks, though.”

  He rolled onto his back again and stared at the ceiling. His hands scrubbed down his face in frustration. “Is this where you force me to make a commitment I’m not ready for?”

  His words felt like a swift kick in the gut. I couldn’t believe he really thought I’d do that to him. I was glad he couldn’t see the hurt that had to be written all over my face.

  “No, it’s not. It’s where I say we can’t sleep together anymore. Some people are better off as friends. Looks like that’s the case with us. This is good,” I said more to myself than to him. “If I’m going to work for you, keeping things platonic is good.”

  Faster than I thought possible, he rolled out of bed and headed towards the attached bathroom. Even though I felt like shit knowing I was nothing more than a warm body in his bed, I still had to admire the view of his tight, perfectly shaped ass since it was probably the last time I would see it bare.


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