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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 21

by Jessica Ingro

  At the look of confusion on my face, she let loose an even cattier grin than she had earlier. “She doesn’t, does she? She doesn’t know that you sample my pussy all the time. Shit, it was just what? Five or six months ago that I fucked your brains out? I’m sure it won’t be the last time you get lonely and come looking.”

  “Fuck you!” Jay bellowed at her. “I’m through with this shit. I mean it, Monica. I’m through. Be prepared for a fight because I’m taking Jazzy.”

  “No!” Jazzy screamed with such distress that my heart instantly broke for her. “You can’t take me from my mommy!”

  “See?” Monica said triumphantly, knowing full well she could use this to her advantage. “Our daughter wants me, Jay. Not you. Maybe I’ll see to it that you lose some of your visitation.”

  “No!” Jazzy cried and dropped to the floor sobbing. “I love my daddy.”

  Jay looked ready to strangle his ex, so I raced over and picked Jazzy up off the floor.

  “I’m going to take her out front to wait for you to be done.”

  “Drop her!” Monica demanded. “She’s my daughter.”

  “We’ll be out front,” I repeated and decided to let Jay handle her. Jazzy needed out of that scene.

  I set her on my lap as I sat on the front steps. I gently rocked her and rubbed my hands soothingly over her back as she cried. Inside I could still hear the muffled sound of raised voices.

  It amazed me that Jazzy was so positive and happy when she grew up surrounded by this type of behavior. Not only that, but I couldn’t believe how nasty Monica was. Based on her sick obsession with needling me today, I had a feeling her recent behavior had everything to do with me and the fact that I was in Jay’s life. She probably thought that Jazzy would scare me away. Too bad for her, it backfired.

  Knowing that Jay still slept with her made my stomach churn. How in the hell he could want to put his dick inside that woman was beyond me. After the whole Nessy situation, this wasn’t sitting well. Did he really just need a warm, or in the case of Monica, cold body to make himself feel important? Or was it just as simple as him being a dog and willing to sleep with anyone offering themselves? I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  Jazzy had just settled and stopped crying when Jay came out of the house wiping what appeared to be lipstick from his mouth. Monica stormed out behind him looking even more fit to be tied than she previously had.

  “Let’s go,” she barked at Jazzy and grabbed her hand, pulling her from my lap.

  We watched in silence as she led the girl to her red Mercedes and took off.

  “Do I want to know?” I asked Jay. It was obvious her mouth had been on his.

  “Bitch thought she could turn hot and I’d forget about my warning.”

  “I see,” I stated even though that didn’t really tell me more than I had already guessed on my own.

  I dusted off my butt, walked back into the house and began picking up the breakfast dishes. A few minutes later, I felt Jay’s presence at my back. He pulled my hair over my shoulder and started kissing my neck down to my shoulder. I grabbed onto the edge of the sink and braced myself.

  “Sexotic Sunday?” He asked between kisses.

  “I’m not in the mood anymore.” And I wasn’t. Like at all. My libido was deflated. Almost nonexistent at this point between the earlier argument and then Monica.

  “What’s bothering you?” He asked with irritation in his voice. “Monica kissing me or my trip to New York?”

  “Both,” I answered honestly. “For one, I can’t quite figure out why you didn’t tell me about your plans when you were making them. And that just isn’t from a business perspective, but a personal one. I live with you. I sleep in your fucking bed. For two, I don’t like knowing you were kissing your ex-wife while I sat outside consoling your daughter. Makes me look a little pathetic.”

  “I told you she kissed me. Soon as she did, I stopped her. I can’t control everyone.”

  “Speaking of… you aren’t still sleeping with her are you?” I needed to address the lingering concern in my mind since Monica dropped that bombshell.

  “No. I haven’t slept with her since before I met you. And when I did, I told her it was going to be the last time. That bitch is toxic.”

  Not toxic enough to stick your dick in her before? I didn’t get it, but then again, I didn’t care to.

  “Fine.” I had to admit that made me feel a little better. “And New York?”

  “I didn’t think about it. I knew I wanted you to go. I just assumed you would. I haven’t had to really think about including someone else in a while, so forgive me for not doing things your way. I’m over this attitude. I don’t need bitchy. I got rid of bitchy when I divorced her ass.”

  “Whatever. Let’s just forget about it. I’m going to go take a shower.” I made to walk around him, but he stopped me with his body.

  “I’m coming with you and changing your mind about our Sunday plans. You can’t promise a man you’re going to suck and swallow and then renege.”

  Despite myself, I laughed. How could I not? This morning was pretty ridiculous, and I didn’t really want our Sunday plans to be ruined. I hated fighting. Worse than that though, I hated holding a grudge.

  “Then hurry up. My back needs to be washed. Along with a few other areas.” I dipped my hand down the front of his loose shorts. When I hit gold, I wrapped my fingers around it and felt him starting to harden in my hand. “Besides, I need to lick my plate.”

  Within seconds, I was up and over Jay’s shoulder. Sexotic Sunday commenced!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You almost ready?”

  I looked in the mirror, and my eyes connected with Jay standing in the bathroom door. He wore his Yankees cap, a blue polo shirt and jeans. Regardless of the shirt he wore, he still exuded the edginess that never failed to get me hot and bothered.

  “Almost.” I uncapped my mascara and ran a coat over my lashes. “I’m nervous.”

  He came up behind me and grasped my waist. His front fitted to my back making me feel safe and calmed my nerves a bit.

  “Don’t be. I’ll handle Annabelle. You just go say goodbye to your father.”

  “Right.” I nodded my agreement and my throat threatened to close thanks to the thought of this probably being the very last time I would see him. Jeff had called a few days ago to let me know that hospice had been called in and they didn’t expect him to last much longer.

  When Jay found me crying on the floor in my office, he made plans for us to stop on our way to the airport so I could see him. I was appreciative for the effort on his part and for his boys who were coming along. It didn’t help to alleviate my concerns about seeing that viper. Or potentially running into my traitor of a cousin.

  Reports from Jay’s “guy” and Jeff’s investigator were getting a little more promising than what we had previously been receiving. We had just paid for them to take a trip to Maine where they had located a few people from Annabelle’s past.

  Jay didn’t elaborate too much on what kind of information they possessed. He said that he didn’t want me getting my hopes up until we knew for sure what we were dealing with. It made me love him even more knowing he wanted to shoulder that burden for me. Regardless though I was still crossing my fingers and saying my prayers they found something. Especially now, because Jeff caught wind she was attempting to have my father’s will changed a few weeks back. My plan was to contest the will if she succeeded in doing so.

  Only time would tell in all aspects of this whole sad affair.

  Jay’s hands traveled up my sides and around towards the front where he gripped my rib cage just under my breasts. Such a tease, not going any higher. Some things would never change.

  “Want me to help you relax? I have a few remedies up my sleeve that I think would serve you well.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a disappointed sigh. “We don’t have time. I want to be able to spend as much time with him as I can to
day. If we start fooling around, I’ll feel guilty later.”

  Turning in his embrace, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You aren’t upset are you?” I asked with a pouty voice. I knew that voice drove him crazy. In a good way, of course.

  He growled and grabbed my ass, hefting me up so that I had no choice but to wrap my jean-clad legs around his waist. His mouth took mine possessively as he backed me into the wall. I hit it with a thud, but didn’t care as he continued to make love to me with his mouth.

  I broke away and stared at him as I panted and attempted to regulate my breathing. “Even though this is taking my mind off my dad, it isn’t helping our time constraints.”

  “It’s your fault. You know better than to use that voice on me unless you want me to bend you over and shove my dick inside you so hard that you feel me in the back of your throat.”

  I shivered thinking about the time I found out just how hard he could in fact fuck me from behind after I used that voice. Why do you think I used it as often as I could?

  “My apologies, but we better get going. Let me down.”

  He kissed me briefly and let me down. I grabbed my cosmetics case and went into the bedroom to finish packing. Suitcase zipped, I slipped my shoes on and followed Jay downstairs as he towed my bags.

  Jerome was downstairs waiting to take us to my father’s house and then the airport. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, which earned him a hard glare from Jay, and then we were off.

  The whole way out to the ranch my stomach had butterflies. I barely even heard Jay and Jerome talking up front. I couldn’t focus on anything other than my nerves. As we parked in front of the house, I took a few deep, calming breaths and got out in time to see Zeke, Mike and Killer pull up behind us.

  Greta opened the door and pulled me into a tight hug. Tears started streaming down her face. I was immediately concerned that I was too late.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Miss Victoria. Your father isn’t good. He needs you.”

  My heart picked back up into my chest from where it had fallen into my stomach. He was still alive.

  “Where’s Annabelle?” I looked around, but I couldn’t see any signs that she was there.

  “She’s out shopping with that disgraceful man. Your cousin. You go up quickly. I’ll help keep watch for her.”

  “Thank you.” I took one last look at Jay, who gave me a small, half grin to let me know all was okay, then I ran up the stairs to my father’s room.

  Inside was still as dark as I remembered it from the last time I had been able to visit. He looked even smaller in the bed if that was possible.

  A young nurse excused herself and left the room to give us some privacy.

  My father’s breathing was extremely shallow and raspy. It was heartbreaking to see him so fragile and so close to heaven.

  I sat down on the bed next to him and reached out to gently stroke his hair. Inching closer I stretched out on the bed and curled into his prone body. Overwhelming grief took over knowing this would most likely be the last time I’d ever get to do this with him. This was the man who taught me how to count, to fish and to ride a bike, among many other things. He was the man who taught me what it was to love and showed me so often how special I was.

  He was also the man who broke when my mother died. She was his soul mate, and he had told me that when she left, she took an important part of him with her. I couldn’t blame him for the years I didn’t have him the way I wanted. His grief was so heavy. I knew he did the best he could. I knew this because I had grieved right alongside him.

  “I love you,” I said, hoping he could hear me. “I love you so much, daddy.”

  “Love.” The word was so low that I barely heard him. I sat up and looked down on him, but his eyes were still closed.

  For a brief moment, I thought I had imagined hearing him speak, but then he did it again.

  “Want. See. Brenda.” Each word was followed by a long pause and spoken so faintly I could hardly hear what it was.

  Pain pierced my heart when he said he wanted to see my mom. He really had taken a turn for the worse. There was no denying it, regardless of how hard I wished that some miracle would sweep in and make everything better.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. You’ll see Mom soon. Just rest.”

  I kissed his cheek and laid my head back down on the pillow next to him. I wrapped my arm around his middle. I stayed that way for a long time. Trying to put my life into my father. Knowing it was futile, but trying just the same.

  It’s so unfair to have to say goodbye to someone before you’re ready. To have to watch as they fade away. To see the life seep out of them.

  I wanted to scream and cry. I wanted to throw things so that someone might make the pain go away.

  The rational side of me knew that it didn’t make sense. So, for yet another time in my life, I was going to have to be strong and deal with what life was throwing my way.

  * * *


  The boys bullshitted while my head was upstairs with Tori. This shit had to be hard on her. I had never lost a family member, but I had buried a few good friends over the years thanks to life on the streets. I knew how bad it could cut you.

  Part of me wanted to be up there with her to absorb some of her pain, but I knew I was needed down here.

  “Oh dear!” Greta cried out and raced towards the front door.

  I looked out the window and saw Annabelle and Rich walking up the front steps. Shit was about to go down.

  “Yo,” I called out to the guys and pointed towards the door with two fingers.

  We all got up and headed into the foyer, so we could head them off before they went upstairs and disturbed T’s time with her dad.

  I stood in front of the stairs leading to the second floor with my arms crossed and a gun tucked into my waistband. Even though I made a conscious effort to stay away from the filth that surrounded me growing up, I wasn’t averse to protecting the people I cared about. I’d learned a thing or two over the years, and I’d happily practice them today if need be. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” Annabelle shrieked from the doorway. T’s dumbass cousin went to block her with his body. What a misled allegiance that was.

  “Yeah, I want to know why you think you can just barge in here whenever you feel like it. This is private property. If you don’t leave we’re going to call the cops.”

  “Go for it,” I invited. “I’ll remind you though that you didn’t do it before. And it’s probably for the best you don’t do it now either.”

  I was actually surprised her cousin hadn’t called the cops after the fact. I thought for sure he’d be stupid enough to go there once he felt like we weren’t a threat any longer.

  Annabelle’s face twisted into a sneer. “Maybe I don’t care what you think. That bitch doesn’t deserve to be here. This is my house and I am the one who decides who can come inside.”

  “He’s dying,” Killer said in disbelief. Even the most coldhearted son of a bitch knew that this was fucked up.

  “You think I don’t know that? It can’t come soon enough! Every day this place reeks more and more of death!” She screamed back at him.

  Shit, this bitch was totally fuckin’ whacked.

  “Do you hear yourself? There’s a man lying upstairs preparing to take his last breath. And with him is his daughter. His flesh and blood. You think you can stand there and make judgments about who should be with him in his final hours? I should shoot you now.” I drew out my gun and pointed it right between her eyes. Her eyes widened, and she gulped loudly.

  “This is insane!” Rich shouted. “You’re nothing but thugs. All of you! Do you really think Tori is going to keep you around?”

  The guys all laughed at his description of us. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and lowered my gun, tucking it back into the waistband of my pants. So narrow minded.

  “I have a feeling I’ll be around for a while.�
� I crossed my arms again.

  “Sure, as long as you’re giving her money and keeping her in the lifestyle she’s used to. Once she doesn’t need you anymore, she’ll move on. You’re just a phase to her. A way to live wild and reckless,” Rich continued to needle me.

  Internally, I winced at the suggestion that I was just a phase, but outwardly I didn’t even allow the muscle in my jaw to tick. I didn’t want to give Rich the satisfaction. When I didn’t answer him, he went on with his rant.

  “Tori decided to go slumming when she hooked up with you. If you compared yourself to her exes you’d know that.”

  “Her ex-fiancé was a banker and his parents owned the country club. You’re nothing like him. He was refined and cultured. And his clothes actually fit,” Annabelle chimed in.

  At the mention of her ex, I clenched my fists tighter under my armpits. This wasn’t the first time I had heard about him. It was the first time I was getting any real information though. Tori had conveniently forgotten to tell me anything about him or their time together. Now I knew why. Because I was the exact opposite of him.

  Maybe she was just slumming after all.

  “I think it’s best you shut your mouth. ‘Cause see I’m gettin’ the sudden urge to see if my gun fits inside it.” Zeke took a menacing step towards the couple, and I fought back laughter at the way they started to cower. Seems they were all full of bluster, but no action to back it up.

  “Black and white doesn’t mix,” Annabelle yelled sounding hysterical. “There I said it. You don’t go together and she’s going to realize it one day and leave you high and dry.”

  “Do it, Zeke.” The words were barely out of my mouth before I heard his gun cocking.

  “You’re going to regret this,” Rich warned. Apparently, he didn’t have any common sense whatsoever.

  “Way I see it is, you’re going to regret hitchin’ yourself to this crazy bitch. The intel I got is seriously fucked up. Isn’t that right, Suzy?”

  “Now you’re just making shit up. Who the fuck is Suzy?” Rich demanded to know. My focus was on Annabelle though and the fact that her face drained of color faster than I’d have thought possible. Seemed we were on to something here.


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