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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 33

by Jessica Ingro

  Then, there was the big shot executive of a major television network that I found handcuffed to his bed with whip marks all over his body. Turns out he paid a Dominatrix to punish him and bring out his submissive side. How cliché is it to want to reenact Fifty Shades… Seriously? Apparently, when he refused to pay her bill, she decided to teach him a lesson by leaving him locked up. That was a three a.m. phone call I wish had gone to voicemail.

  I was quite disappointed and a little embarrassed for him when I released him from his confines and got a good look at his package. I realize when aroused a man’s penis expands, but his penis was so small, I’m not sure it would effectively be able to penetrate anything. Poor guy…

  There was also the client who had such a crush on me. He was delusional enough to think that if I walked in on him masturbating, I would be propelled to join him. So not going to happen. Especially since he was as hairy as a gorilla. It totally creeped me out. There was nothing remotely sexy about watching him yank on his dick or begging me to take over.

  Then of course, there’s the prime Manhattan realtor who insists on fresh lilies every week, regardless of the season. Or the plastic surgeon who thought I could actually get corn on the cob in December. Or the actor who likes me to find him young blondes to whet his appetite after he finishes his Broadway show each night. And I do mean barely legal blondes.

  Don’t think that just because I’m giving you these intimate details into other people’s lives, that their secrets aren’t safe with me. I’m known for my professionalism and anonymity, which is why you’ll never – and I mean, never – find out the names of the people I just spoke about. If you did, then I wouldn’t be the ultimate in indulgences and cleaning up messes.

  These examples aren’t even the worst of the bunch. I could spend hours telling you scary, funny, dirty and beyond unbelievable stories. Maya loves it when we have “storytime.” Before she started working for me part time, we used to sit in front of the fireplace with a bottle of wine every Sunday night, and I would entertain her. Now, we entertain each other with tales of sex, drugs and insanity.

  By the second day of living together at NYU, Maya and I became inseparable. She is the yin to my yang in every sense. With her dark, brown hair and green eyes, she is the epitome of the girl next door. But don’t let the sweet face fool you. Maya is fierce, loyal, and has quite a dirty side.

  Maya is outspoken and extremely social, which is why she tried her hand at acting. She got a few random commercials, but never caught a big break. When her roommate after college moved out, she decided it was time to look for alternate ways to supplement her modest income, so she came to work for me on the side. She handles my less high-maintenance and lower-profile clients. Thanks to her, I’ve been able to take on a few more clients, which is perfect since I send money home to my mom now that my dad has passed on. I felt compelled to take care of her since she can’t work anymore because of a bad back.

  And all that brings me here standing in Grant Morgan’s multi-million dollar apartment in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. What I wouldn’t give to live in that place. It is palatial in terms of what an apartment generally looks like in New York City. At roughly four thousand square feet, it has four bedrooms, including a master bedroom, five bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, and a wrap around deck. The views of the Manhattan skyline are to die for and can be seen from almost every room courtesy of the floor to ceiling windows.

  As is customary on my first day on the job, I might have snooped a little to find out a bit more about our Mr. Morgan. It’s all in the name of providing superb service of course.

  I’ve learned that he likes to wear Calvin Klein boxer briefs. I imagined they were nice and tight on his gorgeous tush. Don’t judge… One of my tasks is doing his laundry. It was necessary and legitimate research.

  I also found his bulk package of condoms – size extra-large. I’m trying not to think about that one. Must stay professional.

  And I’ve learned that his apartment might be immaculate, but his bedroom seems to be where he spends the most time and thus has the most mess in it.

  There aren’t many personal items in the house. I did find one picture of two young boys and a young girl on a beach. Other than that… nothing. The place is sterile. Beautiful, yet void of any personality. I hope that isn’t a reflection of the man.

  After finishing my note, I did a final sweep through the apartment, admiring the beauty of it before heading down to the street to catch a cab. For as much as I’d have loved to stay and admire the scenery a little longer, a lady’s work is never done.

  Chapter Two

  The White Rabbit

  Dropping my bags on the floor, I flopped back on my couch unceremoniously and closed my eyes. This afternoon was a doozy. After I left Grant Morgan’s apartment, I headed over to Mr. Rosencrest’s house. I needed to bring his aging father’s seemingly vintage car to get a tune-up. Carrying the grocery bags for delivery to my next client, I loaded up the car and got in, adjusting the seat. I turned the key, and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing.

  After pounding my head against the steering wheel a few times, I sucked it up and called a tow truck. Seeing as how we live in New York City, of course the wait was outrageous. Without any other choice, I waited. And waited. And then waited some more.

  While waiting, one of my higher maintenance clients decided she needed ten new pairs of silk thigh-highs, pronto. She didn’t want to wait. She didn’t want to hear about how I was stranded with another client’s car. All she wanted was her new stockings.

  Such is the day in the life of me.

  After waiting for a tow truck for almost three hours and running around to three different stores to find the right silk stockings, I couldn’t wait to get home and prop my feet up on the table and down a glass of wine.

  “Knock, knock,” Maya shouted from the doorway to my apartment.

  “Hey,” I called back as I watched her walk through the room.

  My apartment is cozy. It is by no means large and spacious. It does, however, have a fireplace, which is an amenity you didn’t usually find in the city. There are lots of eastern facing windows, which means lots of early sunshine to get me going in the morning. I had the place decorated with warm, rich tones. Family photos and knickknacks were scattered throughout the space, while the walls are covered with paintings that I picked up at a steal from an artist friend of mine.

  My white couch faces the fireplace and overflows with accent pillows that are soft and feel luxurious. I figured if I didn’t have the money for fancy furniture, I could at least accessorize with more expensive pieces. Hence, the extremely expensive Egyptian cotton sheets on my bed.

  Perpendicular to the couch is a plush white chair. Its back draped with an Indian scarf that Collette bought me when she was in the Middle East. In between the couch and the fireplace is a dark-stained, square teak coffee table that I found at a flea market. It is sturdy and looked gorgeous. It is one of my favorite pieces in the room.

  On the left side of the fireplace is the doorway to my bedroom. The living room opens up to the kitchen, just big enough for a small table. Off to the side of the kitchen is the door to the bathroom, complete with a claw foot tub.

  “Get your lazy ass up. We’re going out tonight,” Maya informed me with a kick to my foot.

  “You couldn’t get me off this couch if you paid me,” I grumbled in response. She had to be smoking crack if she wanted me to move. I could sleep for days with how exhausted I felt.

  Maya gave me an exasperated look and said, “I don’t care if I have to drag you by your hair. We haven’t been out in forever and I talked to Tina earlier. We have VIP tickets for the White Rabbit. You can’t turn that down. Besides, we haven’t seen them in a while and are due to catch up. It will be fun. Which I know is something you have forgotten how to have, but I swear to God, tonight. You. Will. Have. Fun.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed. Maya was as tenacious as a pit bull if she really wa
nted something. Arguing with her wasn’t going to do me any good. I knew this, but still I wanted to throw a temper tantrum like a little girl. Why couldn’t I just stay in? Why did I have to do something just because she wanted me to? Granted, it had been a long time since I actually got dressed up and went out.

  “Remember that cute outfit we bought a few months back? The teal-colored one? You were just complaining you haven’t had a chance to wear it. Tonight is that chance.”

  “Fine. But next time I don’t want to go out, I don’t want to hear shit from you. Not one single word,” I threatened even though I knew that was never going to happen.

  “Yay!” She squealed and jumped up to run into my room. “Get in the shower, pronto. I’ll lay out your wardrobe.”

  Pulling myself together, I stalked off to the bathroom and prepared for a night out filled with booze, dancing and great friends. A small smile played on my lips. Tired or not, I knew it was going to be amazing.

  * * *

  Entering the club, the bass pounded, vibrating through me, straight down to my toes. I felt my body moving of its own accord to the beat of the music. Going out tonight was a good idea. I’m glad that Maya talked me into it. I really needed the release after working so hard this week.

  The White Rabbit is the premier club in that part of Manhattan. Luckily, I knew the wife of the owner, Nik. Otherwise, we probably would have been stuck in line with hundreds of other people looking to have a good time.

  I walked into the main room of the club, where booths ran along the sides of the room. The retro black and white tiled dance floor sat four or five steps below the bar. Bodies writhed against each other in perfect unison, beckoning you to join them in their debauchery, as the deejay spun old school hip-hop beats.

  We greeted Asian Alice controlling the entrance to the VIP area and made a beeline to the bar for a Cosmo. The thing about the White Rabbit that made it so unique, and in demand was the fact that it played up the Alice in Wonderland theme – from the whimsical, swirling paint lining the walls and the framed pieces of artwork to the big bronzed Cheshire Cat statue by the bar. The waitresses even wore short light blue and white pinafore dresses with puffy sleeves, thigh-high white lace stockings with garters and white Mary Jane shoes with four-inch heels. Their look was capped off with long, blonde wigs with a light blue bow. It was quirky and very adult Disney.

  Taking a sip of my drink, Maya and I joined Nik’s wife Tina, and her friends Nat, Mimi and Lola at their table.

  Tina owns Safira Boutique across the street. I met her when I was shopping for one of my clients. Her merchandise is top of the line, and a must have for many in the city. The girls all work for her at the boutique. Nat is married to the head security guy, Ghost. Nik and Ghost, along with their other friends are so damn hot they could make you melt with just a look. I swear it should be illegal for that many hot guys to be friends. They threaten a girl’s sanity whenever they are together.

  “Oh my God! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you!” I hugged the girls, trying to think back to how long it had been since we’d all hung out.

  Tina rubbed her swollen belly when she sat back down, taking me by surprise. I had no idea she was pregnant.

  “This is yours and Nik’s first child, right?” I asked while sipping my Cosmo.

  “Oh sweetie, they aren’t mine.” Smiling, she reached over to pat my hand.

  Mimi and Lola couldn’t quite hide their chuckles while Nat looked at Tina like she hung the moon. And stars. And everything in between.

  I met Maya’s gaze and lifted my eyebrow. Not hers? What? I think I missed a step somewhere.

  “Not yours?” I asked, bemused.

  Nat surprised me when she lifted a hand to hold Tina’s belly. So much love and affection was written on her face. She glanced over to me and explained, “I can’t have kids. Tina already has two little princesses. And these little peanuts are mine.” Tina coughed. Nat rolled her eyes. “Well, mine and Asher’s of course.” She looked over at me and winked. “But they’re gonna be like their mama. If they’re like their daddy, I’ve got problems.”

  “That is so wonderful! So, you and Nik have little girls. And Nat and Ghost are having twins! I feel like I’ve missed everything!”

  Lola smiled sweetly. “I know, right? These guys don’t mess around. Tina’s vagina is a freakin’ clown car!”

  Mimi bit her lip to hold in her laughter. Turning to take in Tina’s miffed expression, she lost her battle and howled with laughter. Lola, looking a little embarrassed, tried to soothe a sulky Tina. “I’m sure it’s a nice clown car! Nik can’t seem to get enough of your clown car. It’s a golden clown car!”

  Nat bunched up her face. “Ewww.”

  Mimi laughed harder.

  Tina glared at Lola. “Would you stop calling my lady bits a clown car? It’s bad enough I look like a whale right now.”

  Nat wrapped an arm around Tina and pulled her close, resting her head on Tina’s shoulder. “You’re the most beautiful whale I’ve ever seen.”

  And although Tina tried to look upset, she scowled with a radiant smile in place. She really did look gorgeous. Pregnancy was good to her.

  “I happen to like clown cars,” I chimed in hoping to make Tina feel better. Maya spit out her drink, while the rest of the girls choked on their laughter.

  “What?” I asked, not sure what was so damn funny.

  Tina squeezed my knee and threw me a serious expression. “You just said you like my vagina, honey.” It was my turn to choke on my drink. Did I really just say that?

  Tina chuckled, “Not that I’m complaining. It’s nice to know someone who isn’t Nik appreciates my lady bits.”

  “Well, maybe I do like a little muff every now and then,” I huffed indignantly. My face started to burn with embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I had just said that.

  Nat scoffed, “Oh, please. You are as straight-laced as they come, woman. You need to let down your hair and stir up the vanilla. You don’t have to go from vanilla to chocolate right away. You can just add some chocolate chips here and there.” Her face turned dreamy. “You wouldn’t believe the pleasure in chocolate chip.”

  Mimi cocked a brow my way. “Vanilla’s lame.”

  Lola grinned, “Totally lame. You need your ass spanked, babe. Be a bad girl. They love it.” She winked. “You’ll love it too. I swear.”

  Tina sipped her drink. Looking down into her glass with a furrowed brow, she mumbled, “I like vanilla.”

  “There isn’t anything wrong with vanilla sex. Christian Grey even said so,” I defended the fact that everyone seemed to think I was such a prude. I might not talk about my sexual exploits, but they were fulfilling enough. I had an orgasm… most of the time. Whatever.

  “Who is that hottie talking to your husband?” Maya asked Tina, her gaze fixated over my shoulder.

  Curious, I turned and locked eyes with the most delectable, dark haired man that I had ever seen. I never would have thought it possible, but the pictures had done him no justice whatsoever. His jaw was square, his cheekbones high, his eyes piercing, his hair short on the sides, but longer and wavy on top, and his suit should have looked out of place, but on him it was anything but.

  “Oh, that’s Grant Morgan. He’s Nik’s lawyer.”

  I vaguely registered the girls talking behind me about the man holding my gaze. A shiver worked up my spine the longer he stared. I felt as if he was stripping me with just his eyes. I felt bared to him and at his mercy. My thighs started to tremble, and my palms were sweating. The effect he was having on me was out of this world. I’d never felt this way before, especially about someone I didn’t even know. He made me feel aware of every single thing about myself.

  “Earth to Elizabeth! Come in Elizabeth!” Maya chided from her seat across from me.

  “What?” I asked distractedly, not wanting to break my gaze from the man who was slowly beginning to own me. How could he possibly be having a conversation with Nik right now, while
all my systems were shutting down?

  “Seriously! You are practically drooling over him! And he’s staring right at you! You should go talk to him!”

  “No.” I shook my head and turned to face Maya, breaking the spell he was weaving over me. “He’s a client. Besides, I’ve heard the stories. He rarely goes back for seconds. I’m not in the market to become a notch on his fancy bedpost.”

  I downed my drink and signaled the waitress for another. I was definitely going to need alcohol to forget about all the thoughts that seeing Grant was putting in my head.

  “You’re too rigid, girl. You need to loosen up a little,” Mimi said, backing up Maya’s typical diatribe.

  “See! I’m not the only one who thinks so,” Maya joined in, making me roll my eyes. I was so over this conversation. Seemed a subject change was in order.

  “So, Nat, did you guys pick out names yet?”

  Nat leaned back with a sigh. “We haven’t. We’re stuck. Ash seems to think we’re going to have two boys. I’m pretty damn sure it’s going to be two girls, what with my family having all girls. We can’t decide. Not until we find out the babies’ genders.” She smirked, “But I’ve got some pretty good names in my head. And in my head is where they’ll stay until they’re born.”

  Mimi piped up, “It’s a boy and a girl.”

  Everyone turned to look at her, stunned by the determination in her voice.

  Suddenly looking uncomfortable, Mimi added with a shrug. “Just a feeling. Whatever.”

  While the girls chatted away, Tina leaned closer to me and whispered, “I know it’s none of my business, but I just wanted to let you know that Grant is a really good guy.” The look of disbelief clear on my face, she added with a grin, “When you get to know him, that is.”


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